Awakening (The Vampire Destiny Series Book #3) (16 page)

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Authors: Alexandra Anthony

Tags: #Erotica

BOOK: Awakening (The Vampire Destiny Series Book #3)
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"It is difficult to recall, however I do recall it being a gift from Ragnarr," he murmured.  His eyes never left the sword.  "How is it possible that you know what I cannot remember?"

I was just as confused as Stefan.  The memories seemed to appear in my mind with no coercion.  "I don't know, Stefan."

He extended a shaky hand to me, his anxious mind silently pleading for me to come to him.  He was unsettled, shaken and he needed our physical connection.  Crossing the room, I sank into his lap.  His hand stroked up and down my back as I nestled against him.  He buried his nose in my hair, breathing in deep, ragged breaths.  I felt his mood start to calm, his mind becoming less frantic as he methodically stroked my skin.

As his panic lessened, his cheek came to rest against the top of my head.  Rubbing circles over his heart, the sun from the window made tiny prisms from my ring dance across his chest.

"We have another matter to address," Stefan murmured against my ear.

As he’d been calming himself, I'd been slowly relaxing, enjoying the comfort of his touch.  Even the caress of his hand was unleashing a warmth that was spreading through me.  I was considering throwing him on the desk so I could straddle him to prevent him from talking.  "Ugh," I groaned, frowning.  "Will it involve conversation?"

I began nipping along his throat and he tipped his head back in allowance of my tender bites.  He curled his lip back in a beautiful smirk, the worry vanishing from his handsome face.


"Then no," I denied matter-of-factly, stretching to peck the cleft in his chin.  "No deal."

"It is important," he gently scolded and leaned into my mouth, enjoying my little bites and licks.

"This is more important.  We've talked enough," I countered.  I alternated between kissing and nibbling across his stumbled jaw line, dragging my teeth over it lovingly.

"You will be the death of me," he begrudgingly replied.  He hugged me closer, our bodies molding together.

"Never," I retorted, kissing the corner of his mouth.  "I won't allow it."

"You enthrall me.  Completely captivate me."  He caught my face in his massive hands and dragged me out of his throat.  Back in control, he swooped in and launched his own offense, kissing and biting my lips in return.

Melting against him, I relaxed my lips against his willing mouth, enjoying the gentle persistence of his kiss.  Much too soon for my liking he drew away.

"I am serious. We need to talk," Stefan whispered.  I could tell by his tone he was resigned to tell me what he felt I needed to know.

Dread washed over me.  Stefan never passed an opportunity to fool around to talk.  "It must be important.  What's going on?"

"There is a journal."

"A journal?"  I repeated, confused.  "What are you talking about?"

He released me from his embrace, standing and motioning for me to sit in his vacated desk chair.  I sat and watched as he leaned against the edge of the desk, his long, muscular arms crossing under his chest.  His blue eyes turned into icy glaciers, his lips set in a thin line.

"Nigel was able to obtain this text from the archives."  He grabbed a leather bound book from the book shelf. The pages were yellowed and appeared brittle even closed. He strummed his fingers against the front of the cover.  "Again, he put his life at risk for you.  You bring that instinct out in many of our kind."

Wide-eyed, I looked between Stefan and the book.  "Have you read it?  Do I want to know what's inside?"

"Most of it.  You and your brother may be the only two of your kind left.  At least that are documented,"  Stefan said hesitantly.  He raised a blond eyebrow and drew in an unnecessary breath.

"The only two left?  Are you implying there were others like us?"  I’d never given any thought that I might have other siblings besides Nikolaus.  Stefan’s explanation sounded ominous.

"This text documents possible siblings you may have had.  It was long before your father met Armes, dating back as early as the 1800's.  He had many other offspring.  They did not fare well."

"What are you saying, Stefan?"

He leveled his steely stare at me, his eyes unwavering.  "From my understanding of his writing, he was attempting to create a super breed of hybrids.  When they lacked any special talent, they were used for experimentation purposes."

My stomach heaved.  I broke out into a cold sweat, my vision going cloudy.  Light pricked behind my eyelids as I listened to his words, letting them slowly sink into my disbelieving mind.

"There's more, isn't there?  Tell me everything."

He crouched down in front of me.  His strong hands gripped my thighs and he gave them a reassuring squeeze.  "He wanted to see what kind of torture they could withstand.  According to his note taking, it was impressive."

Struggling to breathe, I concentrated on attempting to comprehend his words.  My mouth didn't want to cooperate with my brain.  "But they were killed?"

He nodded sadly, glancing down at the old book.  "Yes."

"He spared Nikolaus and me.  Why?"

His eyes closed for the briefest of moments before opening to drown me in contemplative blue.  His emotions spiked at my question and his thoughts turned deadly.  "I can only assume, vackra.  Perhaps your talent spared you."

"I was only a baby.  How could he have known?" I queried, sitting up straighter in the chair.  "What happened to the other women he impregnated?"

"They were killed after giving birth.  They no longer served a viable purpose so they were disposed of."

Good god.  I’d thought Kian was twisted before, but he always managed to take being evil to a whole new level.  He continued to make me despise him more with each passing day.

"How many?"  I was barely able to strangle the words out.

Solemnly, his fingertips traced the curve of my cheek.  "How many of what, vackra?"

"Women...children.  Both?"  I needed to know the truth, even though I knew I wouldn't like it.

"Between 30-40 women and children.  Kian was vague with his record keeping in the beginning.  After the 1820's his journaling improved vastly."

Neither of us spoke. Not only was my mind trying to process the information Stefan had provided me with, and I was struggling to keep my anger at bay.  My eyes slid closed, inhaling and exhaling deep breaths.  Feeling marginally stronger, I opened my eyes.

"Is this the worst of what's inside of it?"  I bored holes in the worn book.  I wanted to rip it apart, page by page.  That wouldn't accomplish anything except destroy evidence of his misdeeds.

This might be the very evidence we might need down the road.

"No.  He was quite detailed with his descriptions," Stefan advised.  He pushed the journal away.  "I had each page copied.  I must return this to Nigel before it is missed."

His long hands massaged my thighs, his blue eyes searching my face.  I could sense his concern for me in the magical blood that coursed through me, his influence making us almost one entity.  We shared everything: body, soul, heart and blood.

Sliding off the chair, I fell into his waiting arms.  He'd anticipated my need for him and his long, strong arms snaked around me, pulling me against his chest as we sat on the floor in his office.  His hand stroked through my hair, a deep, calming hum rumbling in his chest.  It was soothing, comforting me to the point where I'd almost slipped into a meditative state.  I let myself sink into it, knowing Stefan would be there to hold me yet again.

Secure in his tender embrace, I lost track of time.  Enveloped in his arms, I felt safe.  His earthy, woody scent wrapped around me, as soothing as his physical touch.  I'd never be alone, not as long as this man was at my side.

"I will never leave you.  We are together for an eternity."
  His mental voice was soft and reassuring.  His love spilled out into our shared connection.  My heart swelled, and I pushed my love back to him.  I felt him inhale sharply, his hold on me tightening.  He stilled, his thoughts racing.

"What did you do?"

"Nothing.  I just thought about how much I love you," I stammered into his chest.

Relinquishing his grip, he held me back by my shoulders.  His eyes penetrated mine and the sudden severity of his beautiful face frightened me.  He had that unguarded expression again, round eyes, slack lips.  I'd managed to unhinge him in some way, to shock him to the point of making him feel helpless, weak...he was comparing it feeling human.

"I felt it. I could feel your love. It was staggering." His voice was quiet. "I have not felt a presence like that since my human life.  You have once again astounded me."

The sound of the locks sliding open on the front door interrupted us.  Lukas and Anna's voices spilled out into the apartment, breaking the solitude of our moment.  They were bickering about something, Anna's loud voice easily overpowering Lukas.  The sound became almost deafening as they approached Stefan's office, quickly silencing as they entered the room and took in our place on the floor.  They looked bewildered as they took in our embrace.

"Do I even want to know why you're on the floor?" Lukas asked.  He rolled his eyes skyward and sighed dramatically.

"Lukas!" Anna hissed, elbowing him sharply.  She shook her head at him in exasperation, slapping him in the back of the head.  “You need to learn that there’s a time to shut up.  This is one of them.”

I glanced at them both.  With their dark hair and pale skin, they could almost pass as siblings.  In the short amount of time since Anna’s change, they’d argued enough to be brother and sister.

"It's just weird, Anna.  We have to deal with an eternity of this mushy shit," Lukas whined.  "If they aren't putting dents in the walls they're doing this weird shit."

Focusing on Lukas, I concentrated on him for a moment.  I wanted to see if Lukas could be influenced by my emotions as well.  I flooded him with calm, wrapping tranquility around him like a blanket.  His shoulders suddenly sagged, his lips relaxing from his typical purse into a sweet smile.

It had worked as efficiently as my shield to immobilize him.

"Lukas?" Stefan questioned.  He immediately noticed the change in his behavior.  His gaze shifted between us, his mouth gaping.  "Josephine?"

I nodded in assent.  Stefan continued to stare at me with a combination of fear, adoration and pride flashing across his handsome face.  I withdrew my influence and Lukas was visibly shaken as he regained his former prissiness.

Lukas pointed an accusatory finger at me.  His eyes were furious as he glared at me.  "First you froze me and now you’ve influenced me.  I find neither funny and you need to stop fucking with me, Josie.  What the hell are you anyway?"

Grinning widely, I didn't move from Stefan's lap. "That's the million dollar question."

“Enough,"  Stefan spoke harshly.  "Anna and Lukas, we will meet you in the living room.  We have many things to discuss."

They both lowered their eyes to the floor in submission, slightly inclining their heads and filing out of the room silently.  We were left alone, still wrapped up in each other’s arms.

"We need to explain what has transpired and what will happen next," he murmured against my ear.  "They need to know our plans."

"What exactly are our plans?" I hugged him tightly to me, snaking my arms under his shirt.  My fingers slid over the satin of his skin and the hard muscles of his back.  He shivered under the touch of my hands on his body, moaning in soft timbres.

"When you touch me like this I do not think rationally.  Now I am contemplating just walking away.  I would love to leave the vampire world behind us, at least for a little while."  He sounded wistful, his lightly accented voice a whisper in my ear as I held him in my arms.

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