Babies for Nikki (19 page)

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Authors: Lynnette Bernard

Tags: #Romance

BOOK: Babies for Nikki
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“Well, good morning to you, too, Miss Tammy,” Martha greeted her granddaughter, laughing and kissing her cheek soundly. “Would you like some breakfast?”

“Do you have some bananas?” Tammy asked her grandmother so seriously, Nikki couldn’t keep the smile from her face.

“Yes, I do,” Martha answered immediately. “Would you like a banana?”

“Yes, Gramma, and oatmeal, too,” Tammy answered enthusiastically.

“What about you, Julia?” Martha turned to her daughter-in-law, smiling at the beautiful image of the adorable woman standing patiently beside the counter, rubbing her pregnant belly soothingly.

“I can always eat,” Julia answered, laughing. She turned toward Nikki and winked playfully.

Nikki smiled and sat back in her stool to look at Julia. Her beauty in her pregnancy made Nikki smile. How she wished she could be as lucky as Julia and find herself carrying a baby. The hateful words of her ex played through her head, and her mother’s scorn echoed through her body, reminding her that she was not a worthy candidate for motherhood.

Before she could get swallowed up in her thoughts, the sliding glass door opened again and Jace and Jackson entered, followed closely by Butler and Alexander. Nikki’s eyes caught theirs immediately, and she felt their warmth rushing through her.

The men moved toward her immediately, leaning down to kiss her cheek lightly before turning to flank Martha so they could kiss Tammy soundly. Nikki smiled at the adorable giggles that escaped Tammy and knew that what she was witnessing was a common occurrence. The little girl reached up and grabbed both men’s hair in her little fists and tried to tug them away from her.

“Ewww, sloppy kisses, Unca Alex!” she protested, through her giggles. “Unca Butler, stop!” she squealed.

“I don’t think so, cub,” Butler told her quickly, kissing her cheek once again.

Alex laughed and kissed his niece one more time before turning to face Nikki. “Morning, Mom,” he said quietly, never taking his eyes off Nikki. “Morning, Julia.”

Nikki barely heard the women respond to Alex, so mesmerized by the golden glow that flashed in his eyes as he looked at her. She knew she had to be blushing deeply as his intense stare made heat fill her body.

“Who’s that?” Tammy’s sweet voice drew her attention.

The young child was looking at her curiously. It would be interesting to see how that question would be answered and who would answer it.

“My name is Nikki,” she answered before anyone else could be put on the spot. After all, how did you explain to a small child who she was and the relationship she had within the family when she didn’t really understand it herself?

“She belongs to us,” Alex told his niece calmly, his voice firm and proud.

“Yes. She does,” Butler added softly, smiling gently at her.

“Does she belong to me, too?” Tammy asked excitedly.

“Yes, cub, she belongs to you, too,” Butler told her, smiling at Nikki and winking.

Tammy extended her arms out to Nikki, expecting to be taken. Nikki reached out without hesitation and found herself with a bundle of warm, loving child in her arms. Leaning in to cuddle the child against her, she breathed in the scent of her hair and smiled at the wonderful smell of youth that only babies and young children could have. She smelled of happiness, trust, and love.

Tammy giggled against Nikki’s chest and hugged her tightly with her little arms. “Do you want bananas and oatmeal, too, Nikki?” she asked sweetly.

“Sure, honey,” Nikki answered happily.

Tammy smiled a million dollar smile and reached up to touch Nikki’s cheek with her little hand. “You have pretty blue eyes,” she told her with sincerity that could only be expressed by an innocent child.

“Thank you,” Nikki answered quickly, smiling down at the adorable girl. “I think you have beautiful, soft brown eyes.”

Tammy smiled and giggled, but her giggle cut off quickly. “You have a boo boo,” she said worriedly, reaching up to touch the bruise that was already beginning to heal at Nikki’s temple. “Tell your wolf to heal your boo boo,” she told Nikki sternly.

Nikki laughed. It was surreal that this child knew of the magic of shifters that Nikki had only recently been allowed to know. “I don’t have a wolf, honey,” she explained softly, reaching up one hand to gently pet the child’s soft hair.

“You don’t?” Tammy asked in surprise.

“No, honey,” Nikki told her quietly, suddenly feeling very much the outsider in this group of unique people.

Alex and Butler both stepped forward and sandwiched Nikki between them, squeezing together and surrounding her with their bodies just as Nikki always seemed to desire. It was only when they were lying tightly against her throughout the night that she actually settled and relaxed totally. They knew that their mate craved the closeness, and they were more than willing to accommodate her.

“Our Nikki is human, Tammy,” Alex told her, smiling as the child looked up at him with eyes that were wide with wonder.

Our Nikki?
Nikki looked at Alex briefly, her face flushing a soft pink immediately. What could she say to that?

Tammy looked at Nikki worriedly. Reaching up, she took hold of Nikki’s face and pulled her down so she could place a kiss on the bruise at her temple. “My kiss will make your boo boo better,” she said firmly.

Nikki’s emotions nearly choked her at the sweet words of this child. “Thank you, honey,” she whispered, leaning against both men as the child’s kindness overwhelmed her.

“Welcome,” Tammy answered quickly, the situation immediately forgotten as she squirmed from Nikki’s arms and ran to Jace and Jackson as they sat at the large wooden kitchen table.

Tammy pulled herself up onto Jace’s lap and kissed his cheek quickly. “Are you sad, Unca Jace?” she asked innocently.

Jace closed his eyes briefly then opened them and looked down at her. “I miss Laurie, cub,” he answered honestly.

“Where did she go?” Tammy asked him, voicing the million dollar question that was in all of their minds.

“We don’t know, darlin’,” Jackson answered quietly, leaning forward to kiss her cheek.

Nikki stepped forward, leaving the warmth of Alex and Butler’s bodies reluctantly. “It had to be because of her kids,” she told Jace and Jackson firmly. “Laurie would never just leave without telling me—or you two now, I guess.” Both men looked at Nikki with such incredible desolation in their eyes that she felt their pain deep within her chest. “Her kids are the only reason Laurie would ever leave so quickly.” At the immediate expression of pain that filled both men’s eyes, she knew she had to do something to help them. “Laurie really cares about you both very much. She told me.”

“She told me, too, Alpha,” Julia spoke up, stepping toward the table and reaching out to take Tammy from Jace’s lap and settle her on her hip. “I agree with Nikki. Laurie must have had an emergency that couldn’t wait. I would imagine it could only be about her children.”

“I want to play with Laurie’s kids,” Tammy spoke up, drawing all their attention back to the little imp. “I want to play with your kids, too, Nikki,” she said with childlike innocence.

“I don’t have any kids, Tammy,” she told her quietly. “But if I did, you would be the best playmate ever.” She tried very hard to not allow her sadness to show. It wasn’t anyone’s fault that she didn’t have kids. It was her own fault, as her mother kept reminding her.

“Mommy has a baby in her belly,” Tammy told her, unaware of the turmoil she was causing.

“I can see that,” Nikki told her, smiling at the little girl.

“I like to touch Mommy’s belly and feel him moving. Mommy says my baby brother is very strong, and I’m going to be the big sister.” Tammy smiled at Nikki and reached out to her, expecting Nikki to take her hand.

Nikki offered her hand immediately, squeezing the small child’s hand gently before bringing it up to her mouth and kissing it gently. “I bet you’re going to be the best big sister ever,” she told her, smiling at the instant grin that appeared on Tammy’s face.

“Do you want to touch Mommy’s belly, Nikki?” Tammy asked her sweetly. “Mommy won’t mind.”

Nikki looked at Julia slowly, unsure what to do. At Julia’s nod, she allowed Tammy to take her hand and place it on her mother’s growing baby bump. The moment Nikki’s hand made contact with Julia’s belly, the baby moved and kicked strongly. Nikki gasped in surprise and couldn’t resist pressing her hand against Julia’s belly, smiling at the precious life within Julia.

“Wow,” she whispered, looking up into Julia’s smiling face. “That’s amazing.”

“It is,” Julia agreed, laughing. “It’s not so amazing when I’m trying to sleep, though. You’ll see when you’re pregnant.”

Nikki removed her hand quickly and took a step back, unable to say a word. Her chest hurt, and she was having difficulty breathing as emotions flooded her. Panic began to settle in as she flashed back to another time and another place.

If it weren’t for your money, Nikki, I never would have married you.
Her ex-husband’s voice echoed through her head, causing her to remember exactly what he felt she was good for.

Turning away from Julia, she found herself facing Jace and Jackson. They were silent as they looked at her, but she knew they had to have seen the panic on her face. She turned away from them quickly, cursing herself when she looked directly into Alex’s and Butler’s eyes. She saw their concern and knew she had to excuse herself before she had to explain herself to them all—something she was not willing to do. She needed some space.

Looking around the kitchen, she said a silent prayer of thanks as each of the people there returned to their routine, allowing her the courtesy of privacy so she would not be made to feel uncomfortable.

Julia turned to reach for a pan and the ingredients to help make oatmeal, Tammy happily helping by holding the items in her little arms. Martha reached forward to kiss her granddaughter quickly then turned to remove the pan with the cooking bacon from the burner. Just as she reached to cover the sizzling strips, the oil bubbled and spit out over the top of the pan, landing on her right hand. She dropped the pan back onto the stove and clutched her hand to her chest, hissing lightly at the immediate pain.

Nikki was by her side immediately. Turning on the cold water in the sink, she took Martha’s injured hand in hers and pushed it under the cool stream. Martha leaned into her shoulder, closing her eyes as she allowed Nikki to take care of her.

“Thank you,” Martha whispered as Nikki gathered her within her embrace and supported her while she continued to hold her hand under the cold water.

Nikki nodded and squeezed Martha’s shoulder lightly. “Can you shift so you can heal this or should we go find the doctor?” Nikki asked her quietly so Tammy wouldn’t be upset by the injury her grandmother had sustained.

Martha’s soft silver gray eyes looked at her with obvious thanks. Nikki smiled at her softly. How could she not fall under the spell of this older woman’s genuine sweetness? Her eyes were so like Alex’s. Nikki couldn’t help but feel drawn to her kindness just as she was drawn to Alex’s kindness.

“How about if we go see Doc just to be sure,” Martha suggested, looking at Nikki briefly before turning and nodding slightly at Tammy.

Nikki nodded and reached out to take one of the deep plastic bowls from the counter to fill it halfway with cool water. Taking Martha’s hand in hers, she gently immersed it into the water. Martha held the bowl tightly against her body as Nikki turned her to lead her from the kitchen.

Alex went to the sliding glass door immediately. “Are you all right, Mom?” he asked softly as he pulled open the sliding door.

“I’m fine, Alex,” Martha reassured him quickly. “Even though all of you have no hesitation about being naked, I’m not about to strip down and shift in front of everyone. I’ll bring Nikki to Doc’s office so she can talk to him. I’m sure she has lots of questions for him just as Laurie did. Then I’ll go home and take care of this,” she told him, indicating her hand.

Alex nodded with relief and stepped back to allow the women to leave the kitchen. He watched them silently as they walked away, aware that Butler had come up behind him to stand by his side.

“Our mate is not only a warrior,” Butler told him softly. “She’s a healer as well.”

Alex nodded and smiled at the sight of their mate walking away with his mother held gently in her embrace. “Makes you almost want to get hurt just so she’ll take care of us.”

Butler laughed and stepped out onto the deck. “In a twisted sort of way, I agree with you,” he told his friend. “But I’d much rather take care of her.”

Alex followed him outside then reached out and touched Butler’s arm, stopping him before he could walk more than three feet from the bottom step of the deck. Butler turned, his face happy and relaxed as he looked at him.

A vision of Nikki lying in their bed, in the throes of childbirth, flashed through their minds. She was holding both Butler’s and Alex’s hands and they were holding her legs as she bore down with all her might.


A scream escaped Nikki as their baby was pushed from her body into Doc’s waiting hands. She panted quickly, trying to take short, even breaths to calm herself and control the urge to push again.

“You have a beautiful little girl, Nikki,” Doc told her softly, turning to hand the baby to his triad partner, who waited with a sterile blanket to wrap the newborn in. “Get ready with another blanket, Carter. The next baby will be coming pretty quickly.”

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