Babies for Nikki (23 page)

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Authors: Lynnette Bernard

Tags: #Romance

BOOK: Babies for Nikki
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Holy shit! Twins!

Chapter 9


“They’re coming!” Mia called out quickly as she slid open the sliding glass door that led from the ranch home. She ran out onto the deck and took her place beside her brother Dean as he and Mitchell stood to the right of the door with their hands loaded with confetti.

Nikki smiled broadly as she watched the excitement of the two teenagers as they waited for their mom to come outside. She had never seen them so happy or so carefree in their lives. Despite their father’s recent attack on all of them, both kids were able to see only the good in their futures.

Laurie stepped through the open doorway, smiling happily as everyone yelled surprise. Confetti flew, pack members cheered, and Nikki found her own eyes filling with tears of happiness as she saw Laurie’s two mates embrace her lovingly and kiss her cheeks lightly. Nikki knew Laurie had never had such a wonderful birthday surprise in her entire life. Nikki wiped at her eyes and stepped forward, reaching out to hug Laurie to her tightly.

“Happy Birthday and congratulations, little mother,” she whispered in Laurie’s ear.

Laurie laughed, hugging Nikki tightly. “I can’t believe it, Nikki,” she whispered. “I should be scared, but I’m not. I’m so happy. And Jace and Jackson are as proud as they can be at what they’ve accomplished!”

Nikki laughed out loud and eased back to look down at her best friend. “Typical men!” she said, laughing. “I’m looking forward to being an aunt again.”

Laurie kissed her cheek quickly before Jace wrapped his arms around her waist and pulled her back against him. Nikki watched them silently as Jace covered Laurie’s belly with his large hand and caressed her tenderly.

“Come with me, Mate,” he told her quietly. “We have to announce our pregnancy to the pack.”

Our pregnancy?
Nikki mouthed silently, smiling as Laurie rolled her eyes.

Jackson came over and took Laurie’s hand in his, bringing it up to his lips to gently kiss her knuckles. “Come on, baby,” he said quietly. “Our pack is waiting to welcome our little one.”

Laurie smiled at Nikki, unable to speak, overwhelmed by emotion at the thought of their baby being welcomed so lovingly by all these wonderful members of Jace’s pack. She walked with both men to the edge of the deck and stood silently between them as they prepared to announce the upcoming birth of their baby.

The pack members were spread out before them, each enjoying their own little family group on individual blankets. Nikki found both of her hands taken by Alex and Butler as they stood beside her. They squeezed her hands gently, wrapping their arms around her waist as they held her tightly between them. Jace made the announcement and the pack members swarmed forward to congratulate the ruling triad. The noise of happiness and congratulations that erupted from the group was both surprising and overwhelming.

Nikki turned to look up at Butler, smiling and laughing. “I’m so happy for them.”

Butler nodded and leaned forward to kiss her gently. “We are, too, sweetness,” he whispered. “Their cub will be an important part of our family.”

Nikki nodded, relieved, knowing that Laurie would finally be surrounded by loving, caring people who would always be there to help.
It’s about damn time! Holy hell, life is certainly crazy!

There was a flurry of movement as pack members helped display the mammoth amount of food in a buffet style setup on the deck. Nikki tried to step forward to help but found herself being held back by both Alex and Butler.

“Let the others take care of things, Nikki,” Butler told her softly.

“But I want to help,” Nikki protested.

“Let us take care of you,” Alex spoke up, turning her to face him. “You always help everyone else. Let us spoil you for a change.”

Nikki started to deny Alex’s words, but his fingertips on her lips made her melt beneath his tenderness.

“No, sweetheart,” he whispered softly. “You deserve some pampering.”

She looked at the two men before her, unable to speak. She couldn’t believe how her life had made such a complete turnaround. It actually made her afraid. Things just never went this well for her. She was waiting for the proverbial other shoe to drop.

“I’ll get us some food,” Butler offered, leaning forward to kiss her lightly before walking away and stepping up onto the deck.

Nikki watched him walk away, admiring the strength of his body as he took the steps two at a time. She turned to face Alex, blushing hotly as she realized he had caught her admiring Butler.

“Don’t be embarrassed, darlin’,” he whispered against her neck. “I hope you look at me like that when I walk up there to help. Go have a seat on our blanket and relax. We’ll be right back.”

He kissed her lips lightly then walked away from her. She smiled as she did her share of ogling of his delicious backside as well. When he turned and winked at her, she covered her face with her hands as embarrassment rushed through her. His happy laughter soothed her somewhat, and she turned to walk to the blanket that Butler had set out just moments before.

She sat down on it slowly and turned to watch the group of people who milled around the deck. She saw the way the members of the pack deferred to both Alex and Butler as they walked over to the table laden with food, and realized that both men were very reserved and formal around the pack. She reasoned that they had to be because of their position as enforcers. Despite the fact that they were respected and well liked, her heart ached for her men when she realized that the very nature of their job kept them isolated from the others.

Movement to the right of the deck drew her out of her thoughts. She saw Laurie’s son Dean helping his new friend and triad partner Mitchell carry a five gallon container of cold sweet tea toward the tables. Mitchell balanced the container on the deck railing as Dean cleared a space for it on the largest table.

She couldn’t help but smile at the way both Mia and Dean had accepted their new lives within Jace’s pack. Dean especially impressed her. He had always been a good kid with a great sense of humor, but his immediate friendship with Mitchell made her proud. Mitchell’s abuse at the hand of his previous alpha and pack members had called to the protective nature in Dean. When it was found out that he was also Mitchell’s triad partner, Dean had accepted the revelation and the impact it would have on his future with a shared mate with an openness that astounded her.

She smiled as she saw Alex heading back toward her with two plates piled high with potato salad, barbeque ribs, and chips. He stepped down off the deck, hesitating and looking back at Butler as he followed him down the deck stairs. The movement above him at the deck railing caught her eye and words refused to form as she saw the container of sweet tea teeter precariously before it fell from Mitchell’s grip to overturn and completely soak Alex as it fell to the ground.

Alex growled and turned to look over his shoulder, seeing a shocked Mitchell looking down at him.

“Pup!” The anger in Alex’s voice was evident.

“I’m sorry, Alex,” Mitchell stammered immediately.

The silence was deafening as every member of the pack watched in horror as their toughest enforcer growled in anger. Carter and Drew were beside Mitchell immediately, as was Dean. Butler stood on the steps of the deck, frozen in shock.

Then Nikki laughed.

All eyes turned on her as she dissolved into peals of near hysterics, holding her side from the force of it. Only Butler had the nerve to smile, seeing the humor in the situation immediately.

“Do you think this is funny, Nikki?” Alex asked her, his voice deep with anger. He calmly turned and placed the soaked plates of food on the edge of the deck before turning back to face her silently.

Nikki tried to stop her laughter, but it was no use. “No. I don’t think it’s funny,” she finally choked out. “I think it’s hilarious!”

Alex tried really hard not to lose control, but seeing Nikki laughing so hard, he couldn’t help the smile that tugged at his lips. He was determined not to give in to the urge to smile, but Nikki’s enjoyment was infectious.

Nikki rose from the blanket and made her way over to him. Butler matched her every move until he was by her side. His deep chuckles of controlled laughter joined hers, and she couldn’t help the joy and giggles that bubbled up inside of her to be released in an embarrassingly uncontrollable display. Looking at both men, she couldn’t have cared less that others heard and saw her happiness. At that moment, she realized that these men had given her so much joy in such a short time. She couldn’t remember ever being so happy in her entire life.

Alex lowered his head slightly and rested his chin atop her head, purring contentedly as Nikki’s arm encircled his waist and pulled him gently against her body. She did the same to Butler and smiled as his contented purrs joined Alex’s. They really were such big kitty cats. The thought drew another round of giggles from her.

Butler leaned forward and kissed her cheek lightly. Resting his head against her shoulder and slowly licking the mark on her shoulder he had made during their lovemaking, he growled his possession. She leaned against him, relaxed and content.

“I haven’t laughed so hard in such a long time,” she whispered softly against his chest, knowing Alex could hear every word. “Thank you both for bringing such fun into my life.”

“You’ve done that for us and more, sweetness,” Butler whispered, leaning back slightly so that both he and Alex looked down on their mate.

Nikki’s immediate smile was their reward. The warmth of feeling that radiated from her filled their souls with happiness. Even through the delicate bond that was growing with each passing moment, both men could feel her joy and couldn’t be more pleased.

Nikki stepped back slightly, looking at Butler and winking before turning to face Alex. The sweet tea was dripping down his face and had totally drenched the shirt he was wearing. Despite the way his hair was plastered to his face, she sighed at the sight of him. She couldn’t stop the sudden rush of need that pulsed through her.

She reached up to unbutton his shirt, pausing slightly to admire the way the maroon material flattered his coloring. An appreciative sound left her lips as she parted the material and the muscles of his chest and stomach were revealed. She ran her hand over him lightly before she stepped back slightly and held onto his forearms. Desire slammed through her as her hands settled on the bulging muscles there. She was immediately thankful that Alex had taken the time to roll up his sleeves to his elbows, treating her to the view of the strength of his arms and the feeling of his warm skin under her hands. She caressed him gently as she leaned forward and kissed his naked chest. She peppered light kisses across his chest until she reached the place just above his heart where she had bit him not so long ago. Kissing the spot tenderly, she extended her tongue and slowly licked up the sweet tea from his skin. The innocent yet seductive move pulled a growl of pleasure from him, and she couldn’t help but smile against the hard warmth of his body. She pulled back just slightly so she could look up at him.

“Now you taste as sweet on the outside as you are on the inside,” she told him seriously, leaning up to kiss his chin lightly, unable to prevent more giggles from escaping her. “I guess I’m going to have to lick every inch of you to get you clean,” she whispered against his neck as her arms encircled his waist, not caring that she soaked the pastel pink sundress she was wearing in the process.

Alex dropped the dishes of food and reached down to grab Nikki by her waist and hoist her over his shoulder. She squealed in surprise and reached out to grab the waistband of his jeans and belt to steady herself. Butler was by their side immediately, laughing and placing his arms around her to pin her legs to Alex’s chest, successfully smoothing down her dress so the rest of the pack didn’t get a free show.

Nikki couldn’t even get angry. The happy growls emanating from Alex made her smile. When she heard his laughter, she felt such intense happiness that he was not upset by the incident that she nearly cried with relief.

“Alex!” she shrieked as he started to walk away from the ranch home.

“Quiet, Mate,” he told her, slapping her bottom lightly as he led them away from the crowd of pack members who were laughing at their display of affection and fun. “I’m taking you away from here so you can commence with the licking you just promised me,” he told her quietly, unable to keep the laughter from escaping him at her immediate growl of need. He loved that she was displaying the possessive nature of a she-wolf.

“We have a place we’d like to show you, Nikki,” Alex told her. “It’s a really beautiful place on pack land that’s very special to Butler and me. When we get there, you can lick me all you want. I know I can speak for Butler when I say we intend to do the same to you.”

“You’ve got that right,” Butler spoke up, his laughter quieting at the thought of the two of them showing her the area on pack land that would serve as their future home. A home that she would help them fill with laughter and love.

Butler stepped back, picking up the blanket that had been spread out for them and throwing it over his shoulder. He smiled at his triad partner. The happiness that Alex was experiencing gave him more joy than he could ever have imagined. Happiness looked good on Alex. It was about damn time it was a part of his life. Emotions filled Butler’s chest at the feeling of peace and contentment that Alex exuded. He could feel the tendrils of their mating bond strengthening as a ribbon of pure white surrounded their hearts and souls and tightened the connection between the three of them just a little bit more.

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