Babies for Nikki (26 page)

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Authors: Lynnette Bernard

Tags: #Romance

BOOK: Babies for Nikki
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Nikki moaned as Alex slipped carefully from her body and settled beside her, drawing her into his embrace. She leaned into his warmth, looking at him before leaning forward to kiss the bite mark she had made over his left nipple then settling on her back and sighing.

“I don’t know if I can do that,” she told them both honestly. “Won’t that hurt?”

She turned to face Butler as he positioned his body over hers and settled between her legs. She could feel the hardness of his cock as it lay between them, nudging her pubic bone as it pressed against her.

“Baby, we’ll make sure your body is ready for us,” Butler promised her, looking down at her with such honest intensity she knew he would be true to his word. “We would never hurt you.”

Alex kissed her temple and nuzzled against her ear. “We want to join with you, Nikki. We need to be inside of you at the same time so your body can accept our seed together in order to make the changes necessary to your body so we can have a future together.”

Nikki looked from Alex to Butler, her brows furrowed in thought. “Please don’t be mad at me that I need time to think about it, okay?”

Butler smiled down at her, reaching up to brush aside the worry from her brow. “Don’t worry about anything, sweetness,” he assured her. “We’ll give you all the time you need.”

Nikki smiled up at him then turned to see Alex looking at her intently. “Are you okay, Alex?” she asked worriedly.

Alex nodded slowly. “I’ll give you all the time you need, Nikki,” he promised. “Just promise me you’ll understand that my wolf is demanding you, and I have no desire to deny him. I need you.”

Nikki smiled shyly. She was always uncomfortable with any compliments that anyone ever gave her, and Alex just gave her the mother of all compliments. Turning to face Butler, she saw the feral expression he had for her, and her heart raced at the raw desire he showed her.

“We both need you, Nikki,” Butler told her softly. “You’re the woman who is destined to be ours. You’re all that we’ve ever wanted and could have ever dared to hope for. We’ll spend the rest of our lives showing you how special you are to us.”

Nikki reached up and palmed the side of Butler’s face, caressing it gently before reaching forward to thread her fingers through the thick silkiness of his hair. She smiled when he closed his eyes and purred.

“You sound like a contented cat,” she teased, smiling up at him when his eyes flew open at her words.

“I am
a cat,” he told her immediately, his voice gruff with exasperation.

Nikki laughed out loud, such joy escaping her that Butler couldn’t help but smile, too. Hearing Alex chuckle beside them, he turned and scowled at his best friend.

“Shut up, Alex,” he warned him.

“It’s okay, kitty,” Alex teased him, reaching out to pet his hair gently.

Butler growled in aggravation and swatted Alex’s hand away. “Do I need to teach you a lesson in how to treat your elders?” Butler looked at Alex with promise of retribution.

“Oh, please!” Alex snorted. “You’re only two months older than I am.”

Nikki’s soft laughter stopped them from continuing. Butler looked down at her and melted at the pure joy that was evident on her face. He looked at Alex briefly, seeing the happiness that filled his friend, and he knew such total contentment, and he reveled in it. He felt the rightness of the bond. Their triad would be filled with comfort, laughter, and love.

“I enjoy you both so much,” Nikki told them, drawing both men’s attention back to her.

They leaned into the softness of her hands as she reached out to cradle both their faces. The instant connection all three of them felt sent a surge of warmth through their bodies. Even though Nikki didn’t truly understand the growing bond, both men recognized the magic of it immediately. They could feel the soft ribbons of their souls reaching out to entwine tightly and knew at that moment that everything would soon be as it should be. She would be theirs, and, very soon, their lives would be forever altered. Once their mating occurred, their future would be set. And it would be a future of joy with this amazing woman.

Butler leaned forward and kissed her smiling lips tenderly. He smiled at the moan of need that immediately escaped her. When she wound her arms around him and gently stroked his back, he intensified the kiss. With every moment of the kiss, his possession of her was stated, and he was rewarded with her instant acceptance of his ownership.

“I need you, Nikki.” His voice was deep and powerful. It was obvious he was struggling with his wolf. “Please, Mate,” he whispered.

Nikki had no desire to deny him. Reaching between them, she took hold of his fully engorged shaft and guided it to her body, unable to prevent the sounds of desire that escaped her as the head of his cock breached her body, and he slid home in one smooth glide.

He paused until her body adjusted to his length and girth before moving. When he saw her relax beneath him, he began a steady rhythm, pulling out until only the last inch of his shaft remained inside her before plunging back into the warmth and wetness of her welcoming body.

Her internal muscles squeezed his cock deliciously, and he soon found himself lost in the rhythm of their mating. When he felt her hands at his hips pulling him toward her, wanting him deeper, he lost all control. His hips snapped of their own accord, and he leaned down to clamp his mouth around her shoulder.

He didn’t know how he was able to control himself, but he was glad he did. He would not claim her until she made her decision to become theirs forever. Instead, he contented himself with a love bite that would prove to each of them that she belonged to them. He saw that Alex was pulling up the same mark on the other side of her neck, and his wolf howled in pleasure. He tipped back just slightly, pegging the spot inside their mate that would give her the ultimate pleasure with each inward thrust and outward pull, and was rewarded when Nikki cried out her release, finally allowing himself to reach for his own.

He spilled his seed into her in a constant pulsing of release—the intense pleasure almost making him lose consciousness. He couldn’t imagine how much better it was going to be once their mating had been completed, and they could take her together. He looked forward to the mating knot locking the three of them together as the ribbons of their souls permanently entwined, joining them together forever.

Another vision of the three of them sitting inside their future home raced through his mind’s eye. Nikki sat between them on a very large, soft couch, and her belly was swollen with their cubs. The beauty of the vision filled Butler’s heart with longing. Leaning forward, he took her lips in an intense kiss. The need and desire to make that vision their reality made him give in to his need to command her acceptance of his dominance. Her soft surrender beneath him appeased his wolf and soothed his soul.

Pulling back slightly, he leaned against her cheek. Breathing deeply against the side of her neck, he kissed the tender spot he had just marked, and felt a sense of satisfaction at seeing it on her soft skin. Nikki’s sigh of contentment eased his soul, and he leaned back to look down at her, pleased to see the vision before him of their contented and well-loved woman. When her beautiful blue eyes turned their attention on him, he couldn’t stop the pounding of his heart at her gentle expression of love. She may not admit it to herself just yet, but the way she looked at both him and Alex gave her feelings away. She loved them already. Just as they already loved her.

Pulling slowly from her body, he smiled at her moan of loss. He would happily fill her again. Hell, he would love it if he was inside her constantly. Gently pulling away from her and settling beside her, he kissed her cheek tenderly and breathed in her scent. Running his hand soothingly down her body, he settled against her belly, smiling when he found Alex’s hand already there, lovingly petting her. He knew his triad partner wished for the same thing he did. It would only be a matter of time before Nikki realized that their future was fated, and their cubs would soon be growing safely within her womb.

Alex’s contented smile made happiness rush through Butler. He looked at him lazily, knowing Alex had shared the vision and knew it to be a reality of their future. Alex nodded briefly then leaned against Nikki’s left side, wrapping his arms around her and pulling her closer against the warmth of his body.

Butler mirrored his movements against Nikki’s right side. They had her sandwiched between them, wrapped in their embrace, keeping her warm against the slight chill they knew she was feeling as her sweat-slicked body cooled despite the warmth of the day.

“Closer,” Nikki whispered as the men settled against her.

They complied eagerly, nearly covering her completely. The total joy they felt at her naked body beneath theirs pacified both the wolf and the man in each of them. As they drifted off to sleep, their smiles of contentment whispered across their faces. They knew no more perfect way to sleep—their mate content and happy beneath them, their seed filling her body, and their hearts beating as one as their bond grew stronger.

Nikki wrapped her hands possessively around the men’s arms as they held her tightly between them. She felt safe, protected, and loved. Closing her eyes, she settled contentedly between them and refused to think about anything more than how happy she was at that moment. She would not question or refuse the love that they offered her. She was determined to push aside the fear that was trying to worm its way into her mind.

For once, she would not be ruled by her fears. For the first time in her life, she didn’t have to be strong and protect anyone else. She could relax and feel the strength that these men offered her without reservation. She hoped with everything in her that they wanted nothing from her except her love.

Despite only knowing them a few days, she had to admit to herself that she was more than halfway there. Laurie had told her that it was the way of fated mates. The feelings would come fast and strong. And they had. There was no denying it.

She sighed contentedly as the men moved against her as if they could feel what she was feeling. Maybe they were. The reality of the bonding was definitely scary. The fact that she could feel what they were feeling was a bit overwhelming but, at the same time, made her feel more confident and eased her worries when she felt their happiness whenever they were with her. She felt their concerns, their insecurities, and their needs. But mostly she felt their true contentment with her.

The flashes of visions that they shared with her were the most frightening for her, though. She had seen the vision of her sitting between them as they held and touched her belly. It filled her with happiness to see how they tenderly caressed her, enjoying and loving her pregnancy. It was as if she could feel the baby she was carrying growing within her body. How could it be that the vision felt so real? How could she feel that innocent life moving inside of her? Was she that far gone in her mind that she was able to project her own secret desires into the vision?

The vision of the birth of her babies had been even stronger. The reality of it had been so intense, she didn’t have the strength to deny its realness. As much as she tried to push aside the strangeness of what she had seen and felt, she couldn’t.

Drew and Carter were right. These visions were gifted by a higher power, and she wasn’t going to question them anymore. She was going to open her heart to them and hope that these wonderful visions were guiding her to a future that was filled with infinite possibilities of happiness and love. A future with Butler and Alex.

Butler moved against her, kissing her neck lightly before biting down possessively on her shoulder. “Sleep, Mate,” he whispered against her neck. “Our cubs need their mother to rest.”

Nikki froze. “What did you say, Butler?” she barely whispered.

Alex moved against her, holding her tighter as his hand covered her belly possessively. “You’re beautiful pregnant, Mate,” he whispered sleepily.

“She is,” Butler agreed, kissing her temple lightly.

Their words filled her with raw emotion. She wished more than anything else in the world that what they had seen truly was their future. She just hoped she could live up to their perception of her.

Chapter 10


Nikki roused slowly, disoriented for a moment. Opening her eyes, she saw the sun was nearly setting, and she knew they had slept for at least an hour. Turning to either side of her, she couldn’t prevent the feeling of complete contentment that came over her as she saw Alex and Butler sleeping peacefully beside her, their arms wrapped around her possessively, their bodies nearly covering hers completely.

The memory of their lovemaking made her smile. She realized that she was blushing at the total lack of embarrassment she had at their physical joining outside for anyone to see if they chose to happen by. The warm trickle of fluid that was escaping her body and pooling to the comforter below her had her moving slowly to try to ease herself out of the men’s embrace so she could go and wash up in the lake.

“Where are you going?” Alex asked her, tightening his arms around her, preventing her from moving away.

Nikki looked at him and saw his silver eyes heavy with sleep looking at her. His contented smile made her blush deepen.

“Why are you blushing, sweetness?” Butler’s voice rasped beside her.

“I…I…” Nikki stammered.

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