Blossoms of Love (10 page)

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Authors: Juanita Jane Foshee

BOOK: Blossoms of Love
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The time came for Lamont to re-enlist. He decided not to. He bought a motorcycle and went home for a few days. Mr. and Mrs. Ellman were living at home alone now. Of course Johnny, Berry, and Leon were living just a few miles away. Paul was an intern now. Allen was in college. He did win the scholarship. Lamont told them he wanted to make a trip before he started helping his Father and for his Father to keep the hired help until he returned.

It was April when Lamont started on his trip. He would ride a day or two then he would get a job and work until he earned enough money to buy his gas and food for a few days. It was the last of May when he rode into Mobile. While he was gassing up he decided to call David.

The phone rang six times. No one answered. As he rode out of Mobile he came within six miles of the Agar estate. He pulled off the side of the road. He was trying to decide if he should go by to see them. It had been a year and a half since he had seen any of them. Finally he decided not to go.

As he rode away, he found himself thinking of Natalie. The further he got away, the more he thought of Natalie. Twice he almost turned back. He just crossed the George state line by nightfall. He ate a hamburger and looked for a place to sleep. He found a park, pulled out his sleeping bag, and unrolled it. As he lay under the stars, again his thoughts went to Natalie. He remembered her beautiful body, how sweet and responsive she was. He tried to get his mind off her, closing his eyes. Sleep wouldn’t come. Even though she wasn’t with him, just thinking of her made his passion rise so much he had to give himself relief. He zipped his pants, rolled up the sleeping bag, and decided to move on. Two days later he was in Florida. He spent a week there on the beach. It wasn’t hard to find a girl there. He slept with a different one every night.

Lamont didn’t know what was happening to him. Lately, even though he got satisfaction from women, they disgusted him. He drove up the east coast on Highway 1. When he got to North Carolina, he decided to go home. He was tired of traveling.

In Lincoln, Illinois, he stopped at a restaurant for coffee. The radio was on. The news was mostly about a tornado striking near Mobile. What caught Lamont’s attention was the announcer saying three houses were demolished. The homes belonged to Mr. and Mrs. David Agar, son of James Agar, who is a leading businessman in Mobile. Lamont didn’t wait to hear any more of the details. He went to the phone booth and called Natalie’s number. Della answered, “Yes, the Agar residence.” Lamont asked, “Della I just heard the news. This is Monty.” Della said, “Oh Monty please come. Dave is in the hospital. The doctor said he was be alright but, Sharon was killed and she was seven months pregnant.” Lamont breathed, “Oh no.” Della said, “David needs you more than he’s ever needed anyone right now. Can you come?” Lamont replied, “I’ll be there just as soon as I can. I’m in Illinois.”

The only time Lamont stopped was to get gas and eat twice. He ran into a lot of rain but he kept on going.

When he got to the Agar house, he looked terrible. He had a beard, he was dirty and tired. When Della opened the door she didn’t recognize him. Lamont said, “Della it’s me. Monty.” She opened the door wider, “Monty, I didn’t know you. Come on in. You look tired.” She had always seen Lamont clean and dressed neatly. Lamont asked, “How is Dave?” Della said, “Physically alright. The doctor said he can leave the hospital the last of the week. Monty, maybe you can help Dave. You know you’ve always been like brothers. He really loved Sharon. They were so happy, looking forward when the baby was born. She and the baby will be buried tomorrow.” Lamont said, “I’ll do what I can. I need to get cleaned up.” Della said, “You know where to go. We call it your room. I’ll fix you some lunch.”

Within an hour he came into the kitchen looking neat and handsome as always. He told Della, “I borrowed some of Dave’s clothes. All I had with me was jeans and tee-shirts.” Della said, “That’s fine. Dave ever took all of his clothes when they moved into their new house.” As Lamont ate he asked, “Where’s Natalie?” Della answered, “She’s in Europe.” Lamont repeated, “Europe?” Della said, “She’s been over there almost seven months. She got a job with a design company, you know fashion. She designs clothes. She did so well her boss took her with him. They are supposed to be there a year. After you left, she worked a few weeks on her old job. Mrs. Jordan gave her this job. Mrs. Jordan is her boss.” Lamont said, “Good. I’m glad Natalie has found what she’s been searching for.” Della said, “You’ll see her. She’s flying back. She’ll be here for Sharon’s funeral.” Lamont asked, “What time will she get here?” Della answered, “Tonight. Her plane arrives at eleven fifteen.” Lamont said, “I’ll meet her.” Della said, “I’ll tell Porter. He took Mr. and Mrs. Agar to see Dave. I know he will be glad. He hates driving at night.” Della took a set of keys from a drawer. She said, “Take Natalie’s car.”

When Lamont got to the hospital, he met Mr. and Mrs. Agar coming out of David’s room. They were surprised and happy to see him. Mrs. Agar asked Lamont, “Please help him Monty.” Lamont put his arm around her, “I’ll do all I can.” Mr. Agar said, “He needs you Monty.”

They went down the hall. Lamont slowly opened the door to David’s room. David had his eyes closed. There were minor bruises on his face and his left arm was in a cast. If David heard Lamont come in, he didn’t open his eyes. Lamont went over to the bed, “Hello bud.” David opened his yes, “Monty. I knew you’d be here as soon as you heard.” Lamont said, “Yes, I got here just as soon as my cycle would bring me.” David said with tears in his eyes and a quiver in his voice, “You know Sharon is dead?” Lamont answered softly, “Yes. That’s rough buddy.” David said, “I loved her Monty. I really and truly loved her. We were so damn happy. When she learned she was pregnant she was so happy she cried tears of joy. We both wanted that baby.” His voice broke, “I’ve lost them both. How in the hell can I go on? There’s nothing left.”

Lamont pulled a chair beside the bed and sat down, “Dave I know I can’t begin to know how you feel. I don’t think anyone can. I’m not going to tell you anything except this. You’ve got to go on, make another life for yourself. Think of it this way, for two years you’ve had love, fulfillment, and happiness. Not many people find this if they live to be a hundred.” David said, “I can’t live on memories.” Lamont said, “You can and you will. I want you to go home with me.” David just looked at him. Lamont continued, “I’m taking over Dad’s ranch. Dad can’t handle it now, his health won’t let him. I’m gonna need help.” David said, “Monty you know I don’t know a damn thing about ranches.” Lamont grinned, “What the hell does that matter? I don’t know a hell of a lot myself. We’ll be busy. That’s what you need right now. When we’re not working we can go fishing and hunting. I’ll stay here until you can make the trip.” David thought a minute, “Maybe you’re right. I can’t stay here. Not now. Okay Monty. I’ll give it a whirl.” Lamont said, “Good. I’m gonna work your ass off.” David’s eyes clouded with sorrow, “Sharon’s funeral is tomorrow. If Doc Winters doesn’t let me out of here in the morning, I’m going anyway. I’m going to my wife’s funeral and no one is going to stop me.” Lamont said, “He’s gonna release you the last of the week anyway. I think he’ll let you go.”

Lamont got up. I’ve got to meet Natalie at the airport in about four and a half hours. I didn’t realize I’d been here so long. I thought I would go by the funeral home for a while.” David said, “I’m glad you are. Thanks Monty for being my friend.” Lamont looked down at David, “I feel the same way old buddy.” When he got to the door, he looked back, “See you tomorrow.”

There were a lot of people at the funeral home. The only family there right now was Mr. Agar, Dora, Ralph, and their daughter. Lamont looked at Sharon. She looked very pretty. Her swollen body with the unborn child, made Lamont choke up. He wondered why all this had to happen to such a happy couple.

Lamont got to the airport about twenty minutes before the plane was due. He sat down on a bench near the gate. He wondered if Natalie had changed. Was she still the sweet, innocent little girl? These questions entered his mind. Then it crossed his mind that he was really anxious to see her. Another question entered his mind. Had he fallen in love and not realized it before? No. Hell no. Not me. He thought to himself, “It’s just because I remember her lovely body and how sweet she was. Monty Ellman get this damn silly idea out of your head. It’s because you saw Sharon. Or maybe it’s because you haven’t had sex in nearly two weeks. You’ll know when you fall in love.”

His thoughts were disturbed by the plane coming in. He walked over to the gate. Natalie was the next to the last one to get off the plane. As she came down the steps from the plane, Lamont thought, “She looks the same, but a bit more like a real lady.” She was dressed in very expensive clothes and her hair was done up on her head which made her look taller. She didn’t see Lamont as she came through the gate. He called, “Natalie.” She looked around. When she saw him, her face lit up, “Monty. I wasn’t expecting you to meet me.” He reached out and took her in his arms, “Hello Nat.” She smiled, “Hi darling.” He kissed her tenderly. Then he took her arms, “We’ll go pick up your bags.” She asked, “How is Dave?” Lamont answered, “He’s in a bad way right now but I think he’ll be alright.” Natalie said, “I’ve been so worried about him. I know how much in love he and Sharon were. And the baby. They had so many plans.” Lamont said, “What Dave needs now is change. I’m taking him home with me.”

They got her luggage and Lamont carried it to the car.” When he lifted the trunk to put the luggage in he said, “Della gave me the keys to your car.” Natalie said, “You know I don’t care for you driving it.”

As they rode home Natalie said, “Poor Sharon. They were so happy and so much in love. I just don’t understand why God let this happen.” Lamont said, “We’re not supposed to understand. That is God’s work and we aren’t supposed to question it.” Natalie looked at him, “I’ve never heard you talk religion before.” Lamont said, “I believe in God and a life after death. Don’t you?” Natalie answered, “I don’t know. I never thought about it.” Lamont said, “I learned about God in Sunday School and church. I use to go every Sunday. Didn’t you?” Natalie said, “Once or twice with my cousin.” Lamont remarked, “I hear you’re a successful designer.” Natalie smiled, “I guess I am. I really like my work.” Lamont replied, “I told you you’d find what you’re looking for.” She glanced at him, “I found what I wanted a long time ago. Since I couldn’t have it, I’ve made my work second choice. When you can’t have the thing you want most in life you settle for second best—and be satisfied. I guess that’s when you finally grow up.”

He parked the car in front of the house. Natalie said, “Leave the bags. I’ll get Porter to bring them in the morning.”

The next morning David called Lamont to come to the hospital to get him. He talked the doctor into releasing him. There was a large crowd at the funeral. David surprised everyone, he seemed mentally better. The family knew Lamont had helped him but Lamont knew David was hurting bad.

Lamont sold his motorcycle so he could have money until he and David could go home. David had to wait until the cast was taken off his arm.

At dinner she announced, “I’m sorry I have to leave so soon but I just have to leave tomorrow evening.” Lamont looked across the table at her. He hadn’t expected her to leave so soon. Suddenly, he knew he didn’t want her to go back.

Almost everyone went to bed early because they had been up late for several nights. Della began turning the lights out. Lamont and Natalie walked up the steps together, like they had so many times. They stopped in the hall. Natalie said, “Thanks Monty for helping Dave. No one else could have done it.” Lamont said, “That’s what friends are for.” Lamont put his arms loosely around her shoulders, “You’ve changed.” She replied, “Yes I guess I have. I finally grew up. I’m not a silly, love sick girl you once knew.” Lamont remarked, “I think I like the other girl best.” Their eyes met. Suddenly tears came into her eyes, “I was beginning to live without you—and now—“ He pulled her closer to him and said softly, “I don’t want you to live without me.” She looked up at him. His eyes looked into her, “I think I love you Nat.” She couldn’t believe what he had said. She had never seen him so serious and sweet. She asked, “Will you say that again?” He repeated, “I think I love you. I’ve got to be sure. I know I’ve never felt this way before. How am I gonna know if you leave?” She kissed him, “Oh Monty. I didn’t think I’d ever hear you say that.” He smiled, “I’ve never said it before.” He kissed her again. This time the kiss kindled the fire they once knew existed inside of them. He said, “I’ve got to know for sure Nat. Just be patient with me.” She rejoiced, “Oh darling I can be very patient. Oh Monty, Monty I love you.” He asked, “How much longer will you be in Europe?” She answered, “Six more months. I wish I hadn’t signed that contract now.” Lamont said, “Dave should be alright by then. I should have the ranch in fairly good condition. Would you live in Montana?” She answered, “Yes. I don’t care. Just as long as I’m with you.” Lamont asked, “Do you have to leave tomorrow?” She thought for a second, “I could stay until Sunday.” Lamont grinned, “Good. That’s four days away.” He hugged her to him, “You can cancel your reservations tomorrow. Let’s go somewhere. We’ll dance all night.” Natalie laughed, “Let’s go.”

They went downstairs and saw Della locking the front door. Natalie said, “Della, we’re going out.” Della said, “It’s eleven thirty!” Natalie took Lamont’s hand, “Who cares? We may dance all night.” Della shook her head, “This young generation.” Natalie and Lamont just laughed. Then Natalie said, “Monty and I have a lot to celebrate.” Della looked at them, “Oh?” Natalie said, “We’re in love.” Della first looked at Natalie, then Monty, “I’ve been knowing that for a long time.” Natalie and Lamont looked at each other. Della continued, “I’ll say this to you Monty. I ain’t never seen anyone fight so hard against it.” Lamont laughed, “I guess you know me better than I know myself.” Della smiled, “I’m glad. It’s just wonderful to see young people in love.”

When they were outside he grabbed her and kissed her with a wild passion. She sighed, “Oh Monty. When you kiss me like that-“ His eyes met hers. They were thinking the same thing. He asked her softly, “Still want to dance?” Natalie giggled, “We can go to Daddy’s cabin on the beach. It’s locked but I know how to get in.” He agreed, “Lead me to it baby.”

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