Blossoms of Love (8 page)

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Authors: Juanita Jane Foshee

BOOK: Blossoms of Love
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A few days later, Natalie went to David’s room looking for the new records he’d bought. She saw the letter from Lamont on his dresser. She picked it up but laid it back down. The letter was private. She found the records she was looking for. She walked to the door, looked back at the letter. Lamont had been gone almost four months. Of course, she had not gotten a letter or even a postcard. She thought, “What was Monty doing, how was he? David wouldn’t care if I read the letter.” She went back to the letter and opened it. She cried as the read the short letter, then she looked at the picture. She hated the way Barbara was clinging to Lamont. She cried softly, “Oh Monty. You wouldn’t sleep with me. She’s not as pretty as I am. She’s not even pretty. Why?” She put the letter and picture in the envelope.

All evening she played the records. Lamont was in her thoughts. She came to a decision. From now on, she was going to live a wild and carefree life. She was going to put Lamont out of her mind and her life.

Natalie began dating more men and often came home from her date more than satisfied because in her mind, she was getting even with Lamont. But she wasn’t interested in anyone.

As the weeks passed and Lamont continued to date Barbara, she knew now that she was in love with him. Her father was very fond of him.

Lamont seldom thought of Natalie, but on her twenty-second birthday he sent her a beautiful jewelry box. It played a lovely, Japanese song. Natalie received the present the day before her birthday. She was even more surprised when he called her on her birthday. She was so excited she could hardly talk, “Where re you Monty?” He chuckled, “I’m still in Japan. I just wanted to wish you a happy birthday.” Natalie said, “Oh Monty, it’s wonderful to hear your voice.” He asked, “How are you doing kiddo?” She answered, “Just fine. I’ve got a job. It keeps me busy. Monty thanks so much for the present. I love it and I’ll listen to the song every night before I go to sleep.” Lamont said, “I thought you would like it. When I saw it, I thought of you.” She asked, “When will you be coming home?” He answered, “Not for a long time yet. As far as I know now I’ll be here another two years.” She replied, “Oh Monty, that’s such a long time.” He laughed, “It will pass before long.” Lamont cleared his throat, “How is everyone? How’s Dave?” She said, “We are all fine. Dave and Sharon are engaged. They haven’t set a wedding date yet.” Lamont chuckled, “My old buddy getting married? I can’t believe it. You tell him to let me know when they set a date and I think I could be there if he let’s me know several weeks ahead.” Natalie continued, “Mother and Dad are like always. Dora is expecting her first baby.” Natalie laughed, “Ralph had to buy her a fur mink before she would let him get her pregnant. She doesn’t even like kids but I guess Ralph was willing to do anything because he wants a child so bad.”

Natalie could hear music and voices in the background but she didn’t ask about it. Lamont said, “Well honey, I better come to a halt. Again, happy birthday.” She said, “Monty, please don’t fall in love while you’re there and get married to a Japanese girl.” She could hear him laughing, “I promise you I won’t. So long sugar. Take care.” Then she heard the phone click. He was gone. The old longing for Lamont was back. She opened the jewelry box and the music began playing. She laid across her bed and closed her eyes. In her minds eyes, she could see Lamont’s beautiful face.

Lamont called from Barbara’s house. When he put the receiver down she asked, “Is she pretty?” Lamont said, “Yes, she is very pretty.” Barbara replied, “She must be very important in your life. That phone call cost you a lot.”

Lamont drank a little of the gin she had fixed for him, “Yes, she is a very dear friend and her brother is my best friend. Their house is my second home.” He winked at Barbara, “Now come on honey, let’s enjoy this party your father is giving.” He put his arm around her and they went into the other room where the crowd of people was.

As they danced, Barbara snuggled closer to him. When the music stopped Lamont asked, “Do you think we could slip away for a while?” She answered, “I think so. The party will last for hours yet.” She kissed him on the cheek, “I’ll tell Dad we’re going for a drive.” He waited at the door for her. They went to a hotel where no one knew them. Lamont liked her body. She had a very nice figure and she sure did know how to satisfy him. As she undressed, Lamont looked at her body, “Honey you’ve got beautiful breasts.” She smiled, “I’m glad something is beautiful about me.” He reached and pulled her in his arms, “Hey stop putting yourself down. You’re plenty okay in my book.” She put her arms around his neck and pushed her body to his, “As long as you like me, I’m satisfied.” Their lovemaking was sweet and fulfilling.

As they dressed she asked, “Monty do I mean anything to you?” He was putting on his pants, “Sure, you’re my girl aren’t you?” She looked at him, “Monty, I’ve fallen in love with you.” Lamont put his shirt on, “Look Barb, let’s don’t spoil what we have by getting serious.” She said as she pulled her panties up, “We’ve been dating each other for over a year now.” Lamont said, “I know and we’ve had great fun, haven’t we?” Barbara complained, “Yes, we have. But there comes a time when you want more out of life than fun.” Lamont remarked, “That time hasn’t come for met yet.” She saw that she was beginning to annoy him. She combed her hair, “Okay darling. I’m happy just the way we are.”

Months passed and Lamont began to get restless. He was tired of living in Japan. Barbara could see he was getting bored. A week later, to Lamont’s surprise, he was transferred to the states. When Barbara learned of his orders, she cried. She went to the airport with him. He had to wait about twenty minutes on the Navy plane. He wanted to catch it because it was going straight to the states. They sat down on the platform to wait. It was ten thirty at night. Lamont had had a few rum and cokes. He was quiet. Barbara said, “I’ll never see you again Monty.” Lamont put his arm around her, “Never is a long time, honey,” She asked, “Would you write, just to keep in touch?” He answered, “Sure I’ll keep in touch.” She put her hands on his shoulder, “I’m going to be lost Monty.” She kissed his hand, “For two years we’ve been together so much.” He teased, “You’ll find another bed fellow.” She playfully hit him, “I don’t want anyone else.” She became serious again, “Won’t you miss me, just a little?” He answered, “Sure I’ll miss you.” She knew he was just being nice to her.

The plane taxied up the runway. Lamont got up, “Well honey, this is it.” She put her arms around his neck, “I love you Monty.” He kissed her, “You’re sweet kid and you're wonderful in bed. I’ll miss you, especially at night.” He patted her on the behind as he walked away. She yelled, “Say the word Monty and I’ll go with you.” He yelled back, “You can’t. This is a Navy plane.” She said, “I could follow.” He smiled, “Honey we’ve had our fling. We both know that.” The pilot in the Navy plane yelled to Lamont, “Hurry up sailor, we’re running late.”

Barbara watched Lamont board the plane. He had hardly vanished inside when it began to taxi down the runway. She watched the plane until it had passed over and was out of sight.

Lamont talked to the pilot. They learned they were both from Montana and the same age.

It was early morning when he set foot in the United States. He caught a bus and arrived in San Diego a few hours before scheduled. He learned he would be permanently stationed in the states. He was to be an instructor of electronics. Lamont didn’t like that very much. He joined the Navy to see the world and there was a lot of the world he hadn’t seen yet. He thought, “Well, orders are orders. I’ve got a year and a half left. If I don’t like the job, I won’t re-enlist when the time comes.”

In two weeks Lamont found an apartment. He didn’t like living on the ship.

Thanksgiving came and he went home for a few days. As he walked up the road and saw the big, white-framed house, he realized how homesick he was. It had been such a long time since he’d been home. Everyone was so glad to see him. They made him feel like a king. He was there only one day when Johnny and his wife, Ellen, were blessed with a baby girl. Berry was married and lived sixty miles away. His father-in-law gave them half of his big ranch for a wedding present. Johnny lived in town. He worked in his father-in-law’s hardware store. Leon was getting married Christmas week. He worked for an insurance company. Paul was in college, studying to be a doctor. Allen was a senior in high school and a football star. He was the only one who looked like Lamont, except he was larger and taller. Allen was hoping to win a college scholarship.

The last Sunday Lamont was home, everyone was there. Paul even got to come. When Paul was ready to go back to school, Lamont said as he handed him a check, “This should help you some.” Paul looked at the check, then he looked at his older brother, “This is for four hundred dollars.” Lamont grinned, “Maybe it will help a little.” Paul said, “I hate to take this but it sure will help. I’ve got two jobs at school but I don’t make a lot. It’s rough working and studying. Thanks Monty. One of these days, I’ll pay you back.” Lamont said, “You don’t owe me anything. What the hell do I need the money for?” Paul said, “I will pay you back. It may be ten years but I won’t forget.” Lamont smiled, “Okay little brother, if that’s the way you want.”

Then Lamont turned to Allen and handed him a check. Allen grinned, “Two hundred dollars! Is this for me?” Lamont teased, “Your name is Allen Ellman isn’t it? I may not make it back for your graduation this spring.” Allen said, “Wow! Thanks Monty.”

As Lamont was upstairs packing his clothes, his mother came into the room, “Need any help son?” He answered, “No thanks Mom. I’m use to throwing a few things in a bag.” She sat down on the side of the bed, “Your Father and I wish you could stay longer.” He said, “I do too Mom. I’m stationed in San Diego now so I’ll be able to come home more often.” Dorothy said, “That was a very nice thing you did for Paul and Allen today. Paul is having a hard time trying to make ends meet at school.” Lamont replied, “I know. That’s why I gave him the check. Paul is the smart one of us and he needs the chance to be a doctor.” He finished packing, “I know you and Dad don’t have the money to help him.” He put his arm around his mother, “I want you to buy you some new clothes with some of the money I send you and Dad.” She smiled, “We don’t use much of the money you send. We’re putting it in the bank for you.” Lamont said, “I want you and Dad to use that money.” She kissed him, “We will if we need it. Your Father hasn’t been feeling too well here lately.” Lamont looked concerned, “Dad is getting too old to work this ranch alone. Before I leave, I’ll talk to him about hiring someone to help him. When my time is up in the Navy, I’m thinking about getting out and coming home to help Dad.” His mother rejoiced, “Oh Monty I hope you do.” Tears were in her eyes, “Your Father was hoping one of you boys would be interested in the ranch.” Lamont said, “It will be two years yet.” Dorothy asked, “Will you tell your Father your plans? It will make him so happy.” Lamont said, “Yes I’ll tell him.”

Since Lamont wasn’t leaving until morning, he helped his Father feed the stock in the stable. His Father promised to hire someone to help him. Mrs. Ellman was right, when Lamont told him of his plans, Mr. Ellman put his arm around Lamont’s shoulder and said, “I’m glad. I always knew you would be the one to take over the ranch.” Lamont explained, “I don’t want to take the ranch over Dad. I just want to help you.” John Ellman said, “I know that, but one of these days you will. Berry is the only one besides you who’s interested in the ranch business and he has a good size spread of his own. You see son, you're the only one left.” Lamont said, “We’ll see Dad..” Lamont left the next morning.

Two weeks before Christmas, David called Lamont, “Hey buddy. Can you make it here by the twenty-third? I finally decided to tie the knot with Sharon. I want you to be my best man. Lamont glanced at a calendar on his desk, “Sure I can be there.” David said, “That’s just great. When you get here, we’ll get caught up on our talking.” Lamont laughed, “You won’t have time for talking.” David laughed aloud, “Maybe I can squeeze at least one talk. So long buddy, see you then.” Lamont laughed as he put the receiver on the hook.

Lamont arrived at the airport late afternoon on the twenty-second. He was looking for Porter when he saw Natalie. She hadn’t changed any in almost three years. She still looked like a sixteen year old teenager. She waved and hurried towards him. He grinned, “Hello kitten.” She said, “Hi Monty. You look more mature, but you’re still beautiful.” He laughed, “Men can’t be beautiful, only women.” She argued, “I disagree because you are beautiful.” He leaned over and kissed her tenderly.

On their way home Natalie said, “The wedding is at four-thirty Christmas Eve. Oh, and the wedding is old fashioned. Isn’t that wild? Even the bride will be dressed the way they used to dress. I think it’s a kooky idea. That’s Sharon for you, anything to be different. Dave already has your suit.” Lamont sighed, “I still can’t believe Dave is getting married.” It’s taken Sharon almost three years to talk him into it.”

Everyone greeted Lamont as if he were one of the family. David was so glad to see Lamont; he kept on shaking his hand, “Monty it’s been too damn long.” Lamont agreed, “Sure has. It’s been nearly three years.” David stood away from Lamont, “Look at this guy will you? He’s a big wig in the Navy now.” Lamont laughed, “I just make more money.”

They had rehearsal that night and went to a night club to eat; compliments of Mr. Agar. The next day, Lamont and David had a little time together. They talked about the future, the present, and ended up talking about the fun they’d had together.

Christmas Eve came too soon for David. He was so nervous he could hardly eat breakfast. Lamont stayed with him, trying to keep him calm. Natalie went to be with Sharon and help her dress. Finally, the time came to go to the church. David said as he tied his shoes, “I’ll be damn glad when this is over.” Lamont said, “I think if I ever get hitched, I’ll just go get it done in a matter of maybe ten minutes.” David said, “If it had been left up to me, that’s exactly what I would have done.”

When they were ready to go to the church, David asked, “You do have the ring don’t you?” Lamont answered, “Yes, I’ve got the ring. Now stop worrying before your blood pressure goes sky high.”

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