Blossoms of Love (9 page)

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Authors: Juanita Jane Foshee

BOOK: Blossoms of Love
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David said as they rode to the church, “If you hadn’t been with me today, I’d never have made it.” Lamont said, “Sure you would. You just think of tonight.” David grinned, “Yea, tonight.”

As they stood at the altar, the music began to play. Then he saw Sharon walking down the aisle with her father. David whispered to Lamont, “It’s worth the trouble. Damn she’s pretty.” Lamont’s eyes went from Sharon to Natalie walking behind her. Natalie was so cute in her pale blue dress and wide-brim hat. Suddenly he knew she wasn’t a kid anymore. She was a grown woman and a very lonely one.

As David and Sharon repeated their vows, Lamont kept looking at Natalie standing by the bride. She felt him looking at her, so she glanced at him. She thought, “He’s looking at me as if he’s never seen me before.” When her eyes met his, he winked at her. Lamont handed David the rings. A prayer followed. Then the preacher pronounced them husband and wife. David lifted Sharon’s veil and kissed her. Then everyone gathered around them. Lamont kissed the bride, grabbed Natalie’s hand saying, “Come on. Let’s go to the basement where the food is.”

The cake was large and beautiful. Pink champagne was at both ends of the table in cut-glass punch bowls. While David and Sharon were cutting the cake, Lamont and two more of David’s friends slipped outside and decorated the car.

It was six-thirty before David and Sharon left for their honeymoon. As they raced down the church steps, everyone threw rice. Then Sharon turned and threw her bouquet. A girl who worked with Sharon caught it. Lamont looked around and saw Natalie standing near the church door. He went over to her, “How bout you and I ducking out.” She smiled, “Okay by me.” She took his arm and they walked toward the car. She asked, “Where are we going?” He answered, “Some nice quiet place where we can talk.”

They found a nice restaurant that wasn’t crowded. After they ordered, Lamont kept looking at Natalie. She asked, “Why are you looking at me like that?” He said, “You’ve become a very lovely woman.” She smiled, “I told you I wasn’t a kid any more.”

They ate, laughed, and talked until almost midnight. As they walked to the car holding hands, Natalie said, “I’m real proud of you tonight Monty Ellman.” He looked puzzled, “Yea? What have I done so great?” He opened the car front door for her. When he got in the car she said, “You didn’t get drunk tonight. This is the first time I’ve ever been out with you that you didn’t drink a lot.” He said as he started the car, “I cut that out a while back. There’s no future in getting stoned. All you get is a bad hangover and usually if you make love, you can’t even remember all about it.” She said, “You’ve changed a lot too.” Lamont replied, “I guess maybe I’m beginning to grow up.” He parked the car in the carport

When they got upstairs and stopped in front of her bedroom door, she turned to him, “You know I like you better this way.” He looked down at her. She asked, “Why did you look at me so much at the wedding?” Lamont answered, “I suddenly realized you weren’t just Dave’s little sister anymore. I like what I see Nat.” She put her arms around his neck. Very slowly he put his mouth on hers. He kissed her with a sweetness she’d never known before. When the kiss was over, she wanted him to kiss her again but she wouldn’t push him. He said, “Goodnight baby.” Natalie said, “You really do care for me Monty.” He said, “Don’t push me Nat.” She replied, “I’m not pushing you but why don’t you admit you’re interested?” He explained, “There’s a big difference in being interested and really caring.” She smiled, “I know, but being interested is a beginning. That’s all I ask darling.” She kissed him on the cheek, “Just a beginning because I wouldn’t wait for you forever. So far I’ve been loosing but now I do have hope. You see darling, I have no choice. I’ll never love anyone else.”

Lamont said, “I don’t like this kind of talk. Look, I’m only here two more days, let’s live it up. No more serious talk. Agree?” She said, “Alright I agree. But no matter what you say or do, that won’t change my love for you. Nothing will.” He chuckled, “Natalie you sure are hard to convince you’re wrong.” He winked at her, “See you later.”

She watched him disappear into his room. Inside her room she wished so much Lamont would love her. She wanted his kisses, and yes, his body but she knew she couldn’t push him anymore or she would surely loose him. She smiled to herself as she undressed thinking.” He did kiss me differently. It wasn’t a wild, sexy kiss or a kiss of friendship—it was a kiss that only a special feeling of love could leave such sweetness. As she rested her head on the soft satin pillow she thought, “Oh yes Monty Ellman. You do care for me. You just don’t realize it yet. Then she remembered Sharon telling her a long time ago, “I love that brother of yours and he loves me. He just doesn’t realize it yet. One of these days, he’ll marry me. I’ve just got to be patient.” Natalie breathed to herself, “Be patient.”

Christmas day was almost like a spring day. Natalie got Della to pack a picnic lunch for her and Lamont. She was sure this picnic would turn out better than the other one they had. They decided to go to the same place. On their way Lamont laughed, “Imagine going on a picnic on Christmas day. At home it’s cold and at least ten inches of snow.” Natalie said, “Well it’s unusually warm today.”

Natalie wore the same dress she wore to the wedding because Lamont said she looked so pretty. As they ate Natalie asked, “What time are you leaving tomorrow?” He answered, “Very early. You won’t be up.” She asked, “When will you be back?” He said, “Honey I don’t know. I’m stationed in San Diego. Would you believe I’m an instructor?” She asked, “Then you’ll be there all the time?” He answered, “Yes, but I think I’ll get out when my times’ up. I don’t like my job.” She asked, “What do you plan to do?” He gave a long sigh, “Hell I don’t know. I really don’t plan anything. Plans are made to break. I guess I’ll go back home. Dad is getting old and has a heart condition. He really needs me. Ranching is in my blood. I wouldn’t be satisfied doing anything else.” She suggested, “Why don’t you come here?” He said, “No way. I like it here but not to live here for the rest of my life.” Lamont said, “When I was seventeen I hated the ranch. Or I thought I did. I didn’t think I would ever want to go back there to live. Now I find myself thinking about home often.” She said, “Tell me about your Montana.” Lamont looked at her, “Are you really interested?” Natalie smiled, “Yes, very interested. I’d like to meet your parents.” Lamont began, “Montana has mountains that touch the sky. The top of them are jagged and have snow on them year around. The summers are hot and dry; the winters are very cold and have lots of snow. In the summertime you can fish and hunt in the wintertime. It’s a beautiful state. Out there you’re not crowded. There’s a lot of space to live in.” Natalie said, “Sound like a marvelous place. Tell me about your Mother.” Lamont leaned against a tree, “Well, she’s no older than Mrs. Agar but she looks much older. Mom has worked hard. Before enough of us got old enough to help Dad, she worked out on the range beside Dad.” Lamont grinned, “Mom can right a horse or shoot a gun as good as Dad or any of us boys can. Dad is several years older than Mom. He’s always worked hard, never had anything much, except a lot of love, plenty to eat, and a house which he and Mom built when they settled out here. The house is just a big two-story, white framed building. Nothing fancy, just big. It couldn’t be fancy with six boys living in it.” Natalie asked, “Six boys, no girls?” Lamont laughed, “A sister would never have made it.” Natalie said, “I bet all of you had a lot of fun growing up.” Lamont said, “Yes, we had fun and we had lots of fights too. We’d fight each other and then fight for one another.” Natalie asked, “Would you tell me about your brothers?” Lamont said, “Johnny is the oldest. He’s more like Dad than any of us. He looks like him and is stubborn. He’s married and has a little girl. I was the second, then Berry. He’s married and owns half a big ranch. Leon is married. He works for an insurance company. Paul is the smart one in the family. He’s studying to be a doctor. Allen is the baby. He’s the biggest one of us. He finishes high school this spring. I’m sure he’ll go to college on a football scholarship.” Natalie said, “You have a great family.”

Suddenly it began to rain. They got soaking wet before they could get to the car. It rained the rest of the day and got much cooler.

Upstairs in the hall, Lamont took Natalie’s hands in his, “This is goodbye for a while honey. You won’t be up when I leave in the morning.” Natalie said, “Monty, I’ve been thinking. I could quit my job here and go with you to San Diego. I’m sure I could get a job there. I’d like to get away from here for a while anyway.” Lamont quickly said, “No Nat. You’re a nice girl and I want you to stay with me. If you went with me, sooner or later we’d end up in bed.” She said, “Monty, I’m not a child. I wouldn’t go to bed with you if I didn’t want to.” Lamont argued, “Nat, you’ve always been protected here at home. It would be different there. You wouldn’t be happy a week after you got there. I wouldn’t want you turning into a dope addict, an alcoholic, or even a prostitute.” She said, “Oh Monty don’t be silly.” She put her arms around his neck, “I’d be happy as long as I was with you.” He said, “I couldn’t be with you very much. You belong right here. I want you to stay here.” His arms tightened around her. She clung to him and whispered, “Monty I need you. I need your love.” He lifted her face up to his, “I need you too baby.” His mouth went down on hers. Their kiss was wild and fiery. Natalie said softly, “Don’t fight it Monty. We were born for each other.” Lamont said, “I just got through saying I wanted you to stay sweet and untouched.” She said, “I know what you said. You want me and I want you. Don’t you think it’s silly for us to fight it. I love you and I think you love me.” He picked her up in his arms, “Are you sure there will be no regrets?” She whispered, “I’m sure.”

He carried her to his bedroom. He gently laid her on the bed. He lay down beside her, pulled her into his arms, and kissed her with a passion she never knew existed. Then she felt his fingers unfastening her dress, then her bra. When he touched the tops of her breasts and trailed to the pink nipples, she felt a wonderful sensation she’d never felt before. She wasn’t ashamed at all when he got her completely undressed. His eyes absorbed her nude body. He liked what he saw. When he was undressed, she wasn’t ashamed to see he was very well equipped. She was so full of love and desire, all she wanted was the joy of him – giving to him. He was very sweet and tender with her. She responded beautifully for her first time. Natalie was the first virgin Lamont had ever had.

Afterwards they lay naked. Lamont said, “It was great honey.” Natalie clung to him, “Oh Monty, it was more beautiful than I dreamed of. I’ve never been loved so much.” He kissed her, “You’ve got a lovely body.” She whispered, “I’m yours now . All of me belongs to you.” He said, “You better go to your room now.” She was disappointed, “I want to stay with you all night.” He rose up in bed and lit a cigarette, “Look Nat, I’ve never regretted taking a woman before. I always said if she didn’t want to she wouldn’t. I’ve never forced a woman.” Natalie asked, “Monty are you saying you regret us making love?” Lamont said bluntly, “Yes I do.” She looked away, tears forming in her eyes, “Oh Monty, it was so beautiful and you said I was great.” With his hand he turned her face to his until their eyes met, “You were great. You were wonderful. That’s not the reason. I’ve never met anyone I thought was better than me. You are kitten.” She started to say something. He said, “Hear me out Nat. I’ve taken something from you that I’m not entitled to. I made love to you because I needed a woman, not because I love you. Natalie, I don’t know what love is. I’m not ready to find out but this I do know. I respect and admire you. You’re the sweetest person I’ve ever known and if you ever need me in any way just let me know.” Natalie asked, “Are you saying this is goodbye—for keeps?” Lamont answered, “It’s the only way honey. We could never be together again without making love. You know that as well as I do. I’m not asking you to forget tonight—you won’t—just like I won’t. But look around, there’s someone out in this world just for you. Someone just as honest as faithful as you.” He kissed her on the tip of her nose, “I feel honored that you are willing to wait for me. We could never be happy. After the new wore off we’d both be miserable. I’d be unfaithful, you’d hate me. It just seems better for us to go our separate ways.” Natalie cried, “Monty you just can’t walk out of my life like this.” Lamont got out of bed, wrapped a towel around his middle, lit another cigarette, “I’m sorry, but I’m doing you a favor.”

She got out of bed, dressed, and when she got to the door she turned facing him, “That was a nice speech and at first you were very convincing. But darling, that doesn’t stop me from loving you. No matter what you say or do, or how much you fight it, I think you do love me. I just don’t believe you. You couldn’t have made love to me the way you just did if you didn’t love me. I’m yours and I’ll be waiting. Goodnight my love.” She shut the door behind her leaving him bewildered.

At four thirty a.m. Lamont left the Agar house to catch his plane. Porter had the car parked in front waiting for him. Lamont said as he got in the car, “Porter this is damn good of you.” Porter said, “Just glad to Monty. You are like a son to us.”

Natalie was up and heard him go down the steps. The moon was bright and she stood in the window to see him get in the car. She thought the moonlight made his hair shine like gold and his tall, lean body looked so neat in his Navy uniform. She made up her mind as the car faded away that she would never beg him to come back or even to see her. If he came again, it would be on his own. She had the memories of his love now. If she had to, she would live on memories for the rest of her life.

Natalie was terribly lonely until David and Sharon came back from their honeymoon. She went back to the same old routine of living. She was glad she had the job. It kept her mind occupied. Lamont went back to the job he hated. For the first time since David had known Lamont he hadn’t received a card or phone call in six months. Natalie knew he was trying to make a clean break from her.

On Natalie’s twenty-fourth birthday, she really expected Lamont to call her or at least send her a card. He hadn’t failed to do so since he had known her. That night in her room she cried.

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