Blossoms of Love (5 page)

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Authors: Juanita Jane Foshee

BOOK: Blossoms of Love
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Natalie said down on the side of the bed beside him. Her voice was very low, “Monty, I’ve fallen in love with you.” His eyes were closed, “Sure you are, now go back to bed.” She begged, “Please Monty, don’t tease me. I’ve never been more serious in my life.” He opened his eyes, raised up on one elbow and said, “Ah come on now Nat. You’re not eighteen yet and I’m not quiet twenty. We are both too young to even think about being serious. To me, marriage is a very lasting and sacred step to take. Neither one of us is ready for that. Now will you get out of here? I get more sleep in the Navy than I do here.” He lay back on his pillow turning his back to her. She had tears in her eyes, “Monty, do you at least like me?” Without turning over he answered, “Sure I like you. Maybe I even love you, but only as if you were my sister. A sister I never had.” She stood up, “A sister? I’d rather you hated me.” She whirled around to leave and he caught her by the wrist. He said up in bed again, “Wait a minute. Just calm down and be quiet before you wake everyone up.” He sighed, “You wanted the truth didn’t you?” She sat down beside him again, “I thought I did.” He tried to explain, “I like you honey. You’re pretty and lots of fun to be with, even if you do have goofy ideas sometimes. I want to be honest with you. I’m just not ready to be serious with anyone. I’ve got a lot of wild living to do and lots of things to see before I settle down. Can you understand what I’m trying to say?” He winked at her, “Now come on, smile.” She looked straight into his eyes, “I do love you Monty. I can’t help it.” Lamont lit a cigarette, “You know Nat, love is something you just don’t throw around or in my book you don’t.” She started to say something. He said, “Now wait and hear me out. You’re seventeen. I come here with your brother and spend a few days here. We are together a lot and have fun being together. I’m leaving today and I have no idea when I’ll be coming back. Two months from now I’ll just be a memory to you and you will to me.” She took his hand, put it to her lips, “I didn’t try to fall in love. It just happened. I know I could love you and live with you, have your babies, and be happy for the rest of my life.” He gave a long sigh, “I’m sorry Natalie. I’ve done my best to explain the way it is with me. One of these days you’ll thank me.” She looked at him for a second then quickly left the room. She ran into David coming from the bathroom. She was in tears. David went after her. He grabbed her arm as she went into her room, “Nat, what the hell are you doing in Monty’s room?” She fell down on her bed crying, “Leave me alone Dave. Just leave me alone.”

David knew he couldn’t get any sense out of her so he went to see Lamont. He had almost fallen asleep again. David stormed into the room, “Monty. I want you to level with me.” Lamont sat straight up in bed, “Damn. What the hell is wrong with everybody this morning?” He threw the covers back and went to the bathroom. David followed him. Lamont was angry, “Dave, I’m old enough to go to the bathroom by myself.” David asked him again, “I want you to level with me.” Lamont looked at David, “Level about what? What are you talking about?” David shouted, “Natalie damn it. I saw her come out of here.” Lamont added, “And you want to know if we slept together. No we did not sleep together. She was only in my room maybe ten minutes. She’s got some damn fool notion that she’s in love with me.” Monty got a towel and began shaving. David relaxed, “I’m sorry Monty. It wouldn’t have been your fault if you had put the rod to her. I’ve always tried to protect her.” Lamont said with shaving cream all over his face, “Look Dave, Natalie is a big girl now. She can take care of herself.” David said, “Nat is such a pretty girl and you being a man like me. Oh hell Monty, just forget it happened.” Lamont said, “It is forgotten as of now. If I had a young sister, who knows, I’d probably be the same way.”

Natalie stayed in her room. She didn’t tell David or Lamont goodbye. Porter drove them to the airport. The plane was thirty minutes later. Porter had to go back because he had to drive Mrs. Agar to the beauty salon. David suggested they go to the lounge and get a drink. They ordered their drinks and Lamont lit a cigarette. He looked up and saw Natalie coming toward them, “Look who’s coming.” She came up to the booth. Lamont scooted over, “Come on, sit down.” David asked, “Want something to drink?” She answered, “Just a coke.”

She looked very pretty, but very unhappy. “I was afraid I would miss you.” Lamont said, “The plane is late. We have twenty minutes yet.” David sipped his drink, “I’m going to check on our baggage.” When David was gone Natalie asked, “Will you come back to see us soon?” Lamont answered, “I’ll be back one of these days.” She put her hand over his, “Please don’t forget me” He leaned over and kissed her on the cheek, “I won’t forget you.” He grinned, “I’ve got this watch as a constant reminder.”

The PA system called out the plane they would get on had arrived. Natalie looked into Lamont’s eyes, “Would you kiss me goodbye?” He cupped her face in his hands and kissed her very tenderly. She walked with David and Lamont to the gate. She hugged David’s neck and kissed him, “Take care brother.” David kissed her, “Don’t worry about your big brother.” She turned to Lamont, “Would you mind if I kissed you?” He smiled that beautiful smile that would capture any woman’s heart, “I’d feel slighted if you didn’t.” She put her arms around his neck and felt his arms holding her to him. Then she touched her lips to his. Oh how she could like for the kiss to linger, but it was short and sweet. Lamont said, “Take care little one.” She watched the two sailors hurrying towards the plane. Just before going inside, they both turned and waved to her. She waved back. She watched the plane until it was out of sight. She felt as if a part of her had left with the plane.

Lamont and David were back on their ship exactly twenty-four hours when they put out to sea. Lamont was excited about seeing the world. David couldn’t care less. They went to Spain first. They didn’t stay there but a few days. Most of the time they were on sea. By Christmas they were in Japan. They would stay off and on there for three months. David and Lamont both liked Japan. They got back to the states the first of May. They had been gone a year and four months. When they got their leave David suggested, “We’ve got twenty-one days. Why don’t we go see your folks, then go see mine.” Lamont said, “That’s fine with me.”

They went to Montana first. Everyone was very happy to see them. Lamont was surprised, Johnny was getting married soon. Berry was a young man now. Leon was sixteen now, Paul was fourteen and was still determined to be a doctor. Allen had changed the most. He was twenty but as tall as Paul and a lot bitter.

During their stay, Lamont and David helped out on the range. David loved every minute of it. Twice they went into town and drank beer but they didn’t dare get drunk. The second time they were in town, Lamont saw an old friend he had gone to school with. A young girl came up to them on a motorcycle, “Hello Monty.” She was riding with a gang. She asked, “Want a ride?” David was talking to some other girls. Lamont said, “If you’ll let me drive.” She smiled and slid back so he could sit in front of her. He started the cycle, she put her arms around his waist and they went down the highway. Lamont turned off on a deserted road. The girl giggled, “Where are we going?” He yelled, “To the creek.” He turned off the dirt road and drove through a field. Finally he stopped the cycle by the creek. She had been flirting with him all evening. Lamont had drank enough beer that he felt happy. He looked at her. She wasn’t bad looking. She asked, “You don’t remember me do you?” Lamont grinned, “I’m afraid I don’t.” She said, “I knew you didn’t. I was two grades behind you in school. I graduated with Berry. I’m Betty Jean Dentson. You played football with my brother, Don.” Lamont said, “I remember your brother. He was a damn good tackle.” She slipped her hands under his tee-shirt, rubbing her hands up and down his back. “I’d like to know you better Monty. I had a crush on you in school.” Lamont began unbuttoning her blouse. She made no move to stop him. When he removed the blouse completely, his eyes focused on her well-developed breasts. He began undressing quickly. She could see he was very well equipped. She put her hands on him, “Oh Monty, your body is just as beautiful as your face.” She teased, “If you want me honey, you’ve got to finish undressing me.” Without a word he took her jeans off then her panties. They laid down on the grass. The only sounds were crickets and their heavy breathing. She begged, “Give it to me honey.” She moaned with delight. In minutes their lovemaking was over. As they dressed Betty said, “Man, you’re a great lover. You can have me anytime.” He grinned, “Sorry kid. I just won’t be around.” Betty said, “That’s a damn shame. I like the way you make love.”

David was outside the bar when they got back. The bar was closed. Betty kissed Lamont as he got off the cycle. “It was real nice. When you come back, look me up.” Then she rode off. Lamont asked David, “Been waiting long?” David answered, “Not long. The bar just closed ten minutes ago.”

On their way to the house Lamont asked, “Did you have any luck?” David said, “I got in bed with her but she wasn’t much.” Lamont laughed, “You should have been with me. That gal was hot enough for both us. Man, she knew how to make love.” David said, “Damn. Why do you always get the hot ones?” Lamont laughed aloud, “I know how to pick them.”

They quietly slipped into the house so they wouldn’t wake anyone. David had to sleep with Lamont. When they got to the bedroom, David got two quilts. Lamont whispered, “Where are you going?” David whispered, “I’m going to sleep on the couch downstairs. I haven’t had a good nights sleep since I’ve been here. You’re a good pal and a great friend, but your a hell of a bed fellow.” Lamont laughed, “Sweet dreams bud.”

When Dorothy Ellman got up to prepare breakfast, she saw David on the couch. She went over to him, “David are you sick?” David opened his eyes. He yawned and said, “No Mrs. Ellman.” She went to the kitchen. He followed her. She said, “I’ll have some coffee ready in just a few minutes.” David said, “I was on the couch so I could get a good nights sleep. Your son Monty is a great guy. I love him like a brother but he sure is hard to sleep with.” Dorothy laughed, “Johnny and Monty used to sleep together. Johnny always fussed.” David smiled, “I pity the girl he marries.” She poured David a cup of coffee, “I heard you and Monty come home. Was Monty drunk?” David said, “No he wasn’t drunk. We both drank some beer but neither of us was drunk.” Dorothy began frying the eggs, “I worry about him Dave. Monty has always been a little wild.” David assured her, “Now don’t worry Mom Ellman. He may be a little wild but no more than any young man. Monty can take care of himself.” Dorothy sighed, “I hope you’re right.” David said, “I sure do like this country. Some day I’d like to come here and live if I can learn about raising cattle and horses.” Dorothy put the food on the table, “You can learn and you would if you like it. Now I must go call everyone.”

David liked Monty’s parents. He already felt closer to them than his own parents. The next day they left. They rode the bus to Alabama because they were short on money. At the bus station, David called Porter to pick them up. Mr. and Mrs. Agar were home since it was early evening. Of course, they greeted them and so did Della and Porter. Della said, “You’re just in time to eat. Dinner is ready.” David said, “Good. I’m starved.” As they ate David asked, “Where is Nat?” Mrs. Agar put her fork down and answered, “She is in college. I wrote to you about her going.” David said, “Yea I know, but I thought she would be home every weekend.” Mr. Agar spoke, “She’ll be home tomorrow.” Mrs. Agar said, “She is getting to be a real lady. At last she is getting out of her tom-boy ways.” Mr. Agar smiled, “You’ll both be surprised. I think she’s glad she’s a woman.” Mrs. Agar smiled, “I don’t think college did it.” She looked at Lamont, “I think Monty had something to do with her changing.” Lamont looked up from his plate, “Me?” David laughed, “Monty has that effect on women, I know.” Lamont said teasingly, “Well some have it and some don’t.” They all laughed. Della brought in dessert. The subject was changed. Lamont was glad.

The next morning was a normal May day in Alabama. The sun was bright, the sky clear, and a warm breeze made the day even more pleasant. David and Lamont went on in the ocean in Mr. Agar’s boat. Lamont looked the boat over, “This is some rig.” David said, “Dad seldom uses it. Mom gets sea sick every time she goes out.” David leaned back as they cruised along, “Monty I’ve been thinking.” David teased, “Okay bud, cut the wise cracks.” Then his face grew serious, “You know we get out in eight more months. Why don’t you and I take over part of Dad’s business?” Lamont said, “Dave, I don’t know a damn thing about insurance or real estate. I’d go nuts staying in an office all day.” David said, “I’d go nuts too but you don’t have to stay in an office all day. There’s good money in it. Dad would like to turn it over to me and I’d like for you to be my partner.” Lamont said, “Thanks pal for the offer but I plan to stay in the Navy.” David looked at Lamont as if he didn’t hear him right. Then he said, “You’re kidding.” Lamont was serious, “No David I’m not kidding. I like traveling, the pay isn’t bad, and I just don’t want to settle down yet.” David threw h is cigarette into the water, “I wish you’d change your mind Monty.” Lamont said, “I won’t. I haven’t seen enough of the world yet. When I do decide to get out, I want to go back home, buy a ranch, and raise cattle and horses. I don’t like city life.” David said, “I don’t blame you. If I could run a ranch I’d do that too but I think you’re nuts to stay in.” Lamont said, “It’s a good living. I couldn’t work anywhere, pay expenses, and send home as much money as I do in the Navy.” David sighed, “It’s all yours buddy. Frankly, I can’t wait to get out.”

They fished for a while but neither of them were having much luck catching fish. They decided to quit. It was late afternoon when they got back home. They stopped and talked to Porter, who was spraying the rose bushes which he took great pride in. When they went inside the house someone called out, “It’s about time you two came home.” When they looked up, they were surprised to see Natalie. Mr. and Mrs. Agar were right. Natalie had certainly become a young woman. She had blossomed into a very beautiful young woman. David said, “Hey Monty, that can’t be my baby sister.” Monty said, “You’re right Dave. That’s not little Natalie.” She came down the stairs laughing, “Okay you two. You didn’t think I’d stay the same did you?” David leaned over and kissed her, “Hi honey.” “Hello brother.” Then looking at Lamont she asked, “No hello kiss?” Lamont leaned over and kissed her on the cheek. She took both their hands and led them to the den, “Now tell me about yourselves. Let’s see. You’ve been to Spain, Japan, and South America. Tell me about it.” Dave said, “Well, I like the Spanish women but Monty likes the Japanese women better.” Lamont said, “I brought you something from Spain and Japan.” Her eyes brightened like a little girls, “What did you bring?” He said, “I’ll go get them.”

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