Bombshell: Explosive Medical Secrets That Will Redefine Aging (42 page)

Read Bombshell: Explosive Medical Secrets That Will Redefine Aging Online

Authors: Suzanne Somers

Tags: #Health & Fitness, #Healthy Living, #Alternative Therapies, #Diseases, #Cancer

BOOK: Bombshell: Explosive Medical Secrets That Will Redefine Aging
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Hello, David, so good to speak with you. You’ve had such a positive effect on the nation’s health. You developed LifeWave for the military in what eventually became your energy patches: a nondrug way to maintain energy for our nation’s submariners without the use of drugs or caffeine. Then you created the patch for battling the environment, a nondrug but powerful antioxidant. So tell us how your patches can help us fight the toxic assault that every living human being who is alive cannot escape.

Thank you, Suzanne. The patches are about utilizing the biophysical properties of the human body.

Okay, stop right there, what do you mean by biophysical?

Most of us are familiar with body biochemistry but don’t realize it. We’re told that if we have a healthy, clean diet, free of artificial ingredients and if we drink clean, fresh water, that is going to lead to good health and all this is true because we are promoting a healthy environment and a healthy “biochemistry” in our body.

Okay, that makes sense.

The LifeWave patches are about utilizing the biophysical properties of the human body that most people are less familiar with. This has to do with the energy that travels through the nervous system, the bioelectrical energy, and the signaling methods the cells use in communication. As we age, the energetic systems in our bodies break down as well as the communication systems. Then the biophysical properties of the body change. It deteriorates.

That’s not good.

Right. LifeWave is the first technology that goes after this mostly misunderstood or unknown problem and improves the biochemistry in our bodies as we age, through the biophysical properties.

The body’s first line of defense against aging is its antioxidant system, which is what protects us from free-radical damage. When our bodies’ antioxidant levels become decreased, these radicals can get out of control and damage healthy tissue, organs, cells, and even our DNA. It’s very important as a first line of defense in antiaging to keep our antioxidant systems elevated. This is what our glutathione patches do if worn daily.

The planet is, as you always say, a “toxic soup,” and people are getting very sick as a result, so we have to do everything in our power to fight the bombardment—healthy eating, good nutritious food, exercise, et cetera—but even that is not enough to ensure good health. So I created the glutathione patch, knowing that glutathione is the body’s master antioxidant, to detoxify the body on a continuing basis. Antioxidants protect us from free-radical damage, so the glutathione patch is another form of “protection.”

In this unavoidable toxic soup it gives me comfort, like I am a step ahead, wearing my glutathione patch every day. As I’ve written in this book, the major factors in aging are oxidation, inflammation, and glycation, but also free-radical damage is a major cause of aging. Would your technology help manage these issues?

Yes, our glutathione patch helps to manage oxidation, our Aeon patch is a very powerful anti-inflammatory product, and our carnosine patch is perhaps the most powerful method for reducing
cellular glycation. But from my perspective, the real cause of aging is stress. Stress initiates in the autonomic nervous system. If your body is under a significant amount of stress and the antioxidant system fails, then elevated levels of oxidative chemicals lead to an increase in inflammation. These inflammatory markers—such as cytokines—will end up damaging the cells in the body and causing accelerated aging.

From the point of view of antiaging, we want our bodies to be in a balanced state. The human body has a tremendous communication system both inside the cells and through the nervous system. There are thousands of nerve endings and we can activate these with LifeWave technology. When we become imbalanced from stress, we begin to see an increase in oxidative chemicals in the body; and when that happens, we see inflammatory markers rise. These elevated levels of inflammatory chemicals get out of control (C-reactive proteins, fibrinogen, homocysteine, and lipid peroxides), and they will damage the DNA, the cells, the organs. We see the results of this process as aging. The good news is that when we balance the nervous system, then we can balance these chemicals and slow down and even reverse aging. Yoga, and deep breathing, is a way to reduce stress; however, now we can use technology to create stress reduction all day. Our Aeon patch is capable of balancing the autonomic nervous system for stress reduction, and this results in a very powerful antiaging effect.

Before you explain your amazing Aeon patch, you mentioned lipid peroxides earlier. Please explain the importance or function of lipid peroxides. Why should we care about our levels of lipid peroxides?

Every cell in the body has a membrane and it’s made from fat.

Right, and that fat should be made from omega-3s so that it is soft and pliable to allow water and air to flow through (hydration and oxygenation), the essence of life!

Right. Lipid peroxidation is an inflammatory process that will oxidize the cell membranes.

So the water and air cannot flow through?

Right. When that happens, the high levels of lipid peroxide create more oxidative stress that ends up damaging the communication system in the cells. Now you no longer have maximum ability to transport nutrients to eliminate toxins, and eventually it will end in a state of disease.

So you want to cut it off at the pass … how?

One of the exciting clinical tests we performed using blood analysis demonstrated that our Aeon patch was capable of reducing levels of lipid peroxides, as well as other inflammatory chemicals. In addition, it’s critically important to keep our antioxidant levels elevated. As I stated a little earlier, our first line of defense in aging is to keep our antioxidant systems elevated, which is what happens when you wear the glutathione patch daily. As we age, the energetic systems in our bodies break down and the nervous system, communication system, and the biophysical properties of the body change. Meditation has been used for thousands of years for stress reduction to help balance the nervous system. Most of us don’t have time to meditate, so when the nervous system gets imbalanced into a sympathetic state, we see an increase in oxidative chemicals in the body. This then causes an increase in inflammation. The immune system deteriorates. The glutathione and Aeon patches are a sophisticated but easy way to improve health and alleviate this deterioration.

How do they work?

The patches emit specific wavelengths of light; this process is called
. Most people know that sunlight causes our bodies to make vitamin D. The patches do a similar thing; they emit specific wavelengths of light to trigger very specific chemical reactions, and we can use our technology to elevate antioxidants such as glutathione, instead of taking a pill.


So clearly the job of the glutathione patch is to decrease inflammation from free-radical exposure. What else do you have in your arsenal? Do you have a patch that will, say, prevent cancer?

I am happy to say that we have just formed a LifeWave company in Europe, and one of the new patch products in development is designed to prevent breast cancer. When women are in a precancerous state, there is an increase in the vascularity of breast tissue. It is currently believed that malignant cells create this vascularity as a
method to draw blood and nutrients to the developing tumor. Our method would be to interfere in this process by elevating antioxidants such as glutathione and SOD (superoxide dismutase) to help protect normal tissue, while decreasing inflammatory chemicals such as cytokines to reduce tissue damage. In a pilot study performed by LifeWave, this method was successful at decreasing the abnormal vascularity in breast tissue in only ninety days.

So you’ve got me thinking … if I can decrease inflammation by wearing an Aeon patch, and if cancer is inflammation gone crazy because the cells are multiplying out of control because of free-radical damage, it seems to me that you are on to something.

We think so … I know you are interested in cancer therapies and how cancer begins. There was a clinical study reported in the journal
New Surgical Horizons
, and it talked about this connection between chronic inflammation, oxidative stress, and how this will lead to DNA damage and the initiation of cancer in the body.

In our clinical research, we found the Aeon patch was capable of balancing the activity in the autonomic nervous system by decreasing inflammation. (We worked with Dr. Stanislaw Burzynski, the famous cancer doctor out of Houston, Texas, also featured in this book. This is what is so great about you, Suzanne; you have this ability to bring scientists and doctors from all over the world together where they can brainstorm.) In clinical studies, we used a piece of equipment manufactured by a company called Biocom Tech and thought to look at the enervation of the heart response using a diagnostic technique called
. In simple terms, what we found was that if people were type A personalities, it helped bring them into a more relaxed state, and if they were already in a relaxed state, it brought them back into balance so their immune system would be more efficient.

So if Aeon reduces inflammation in the body, it would make sense to me that it would be preventative. I know we can easily determine our inflammation levels by taking a simple blood test called the
high-sensitivity CRP test
(a test for C-reactive protein). I take this blood test every year. You want to keep your inflammation under 1.0.

So by wearing the Aeon patch, you found in your studies that it lowered people’s levels of oxidative chemicals and inflammation markers and helped balance their immune systems?

Yes, we found this in two separate blood studies. Then we did another clinical study using Electro Interstitial Scanning, which
is a medical device in Europe, to see what would happen after thirty days of using this technology. After thirty days, there was a dramatic improvement of organ function throughout the entire body. So this showed us that the Aeon patches created an environment where the cells could repair. The patches are a new way to tap into the body’s healing system to reach new levels of antiaging by promoting an environment that hasn’t been able to be reached by conventional supplements.

Cancer is uncontrolled cell multiplication. Too many damaged cells and you are in trouble. So if the Aeon patch repairs cells, then that would be a big advantage in prevention. So the Aeon patch instigates the body’s ability to begin healing itself? Reversing cell damage and inflammation, right?

Yes, the Aeon patch triggers a series of antistress factors in the body (inflammation reduction) so when people use them, they experience improved energy, a reduction in pain and inflammation, and their skin improves … it just looks younger.

Is the Aeon patch a substitute for supplements?

Supplementation is still very important, but for raising the antioxidant levels in your body and reducing inflammation, the glutathione and Aeon patches surpass supplements on many levels.

Chronic inflammation affects telomeres, causing them to shorten at a faster rate than normal. I also know that people with heart disease have shorter telomeres in their heart tissues, and people with Alzheimer’s seem to have a disproportionate shortening of the brain’s telomeres. Once you have that kind of inflammation, can it be reversed through, of course, proper diet and lifestyle, coupled with the daily application of the Aeon patch?

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