Bombshell: Explosive Medical Secrets That Will Redefine Aging (43 page)

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Authors: Suzanne Somers

Tags: #Health & Fitness, #Healthy Living, #Alternative Therapies, #Diseases, #Cancer

BOOK: Bombshell: Explosive Medical Secrets That Will Redefine Aging
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Absolutely; of course, it’s always going to depend on how many years a person has been living in an unhealthy state and how old they are at the time, but yes, it’s possible to reverse this damage and our research has shown that. Scientists have concluded that shorter life expectancies were linked to high fibrinogen (which is an inflammatory) levels and if you could keep this specific inflammatory marker decreased, then you could get a longer life span. We’ve shown in studies on the Aeon patches that they reduce the stress levels through the autonomic nervous system, and this has a cascading effect of reducing harmful levels of C-reactive proteins, reducing fibrinogen, reducing homocysteine, and reducing lipid peroxides.

When you are reducing the body’s levels of inflammation, it gives the body a chance to recover and heal and that’s exactly what we see.

All this without drugs … You must be proud of this patch.

I am, and thanks, but like you, I’m a messenger. I’m happy to do my part in bringing these products to the market. We now have over a hundred thousand customers worldwide in about a hundred countries, and the testimonials we receive from our Aeon products are extraordinary.

Give me examples.

I received a testimonial yesterday from a woman in England who was reaching for a tea kettle and got distracted and suffered a third-degree burn just between her wrist and elbow. She was rushed to the hospital but on the way there her husband applied the Aeon patch and our IceWave pain patches for reducing the inflammation and controlling the pain. Not only were they able to get 100 percent pain relief for that third-degree burn, but also the burn healed much more quickly. That’s an extreme example.

What about its effects on aging skin?

I know a lot of your readers are women, and I think they will find this next fact interesting. We did a clinical study in Australia with two medical doctors and found that after ninety days of using the Aeon patch, glutathione patch, and carnosine patch, there was an average improvement in the quality of the skin of 300 percent. This means fewer wrinkles, better hydration, and improved smoothness of the skin.

That’s impressive. As I said before, the skin is a reflection of what is going on inside the body. So if you are creating healthy skin from the inside out, that means that your organs are getting healthier.

Yes, that’s true.

I know you are forty-eight, but you look like you are in your twenties. A lot of it is your diet, lifestyle, and exercise regimens. But what patches do you wear daily?

I am fortunate that I don’t suffer any chronic pain, so I always start with my energy patches because the energy patches increase fat burning and this is a very powerful antiaging mechanism. As we age, our bodies metabolize less fat for energy. Second, I use a combination of Aeon, glutathione, and carnosine patches because these keep my antioxidant system charged and help protect me from the effects of aging. I use the Silent Night patches before bedtime, which
elevate melatonin and help put you into a peaceful state of sleep. It’s also great because when you wake up in the morning, you don’t feel drugged. So that’s my entire protocol.

Where’s it all going, David? How do you feel about the future?

I feel great about the future. LifeWave is now at the point in Europe where our products will be used by medical doctors in hospitals and clinics to alleviate chronic pain, and in the near future we hope to help prevent breast cancer as well. Technology is going to provide many of the solutions for the future, but it has to start with a change in our awareness that in the last hundred years, mankind has created a tremendous amount of damage to our planet and now we have to have a philosophical change in the way we are conducting our business on this planet if we are going to survive. In my travels around the world, I see people who want to be part of this change. We must pull the next generation into this thinking and inspire them to make a commitment to solving these problems.

How long do you think you will live?

I do not see a limit, and in my mind I’m thirty years old. But conservative scientists are already saying that we can get to 150, and with telomere lengthening, when cells keep dividing, then the sky’s the limit. I plan to live a long time, and my goal is to be productive and continue making contributions to mankind, while enjoying everything life has to offer. All this can happen for all of us if we are in good health.

You mean healthy as in biophysically! [Laughs.] See, I got it! Thanks, David.


Today, more people than ever are thinking about their “capital” in terms of time, instead of money. Put another way, each American born today gets an account with roughly thirty thousand days in it. Some of us will waste our capital with poor lifestyle decisions, thus losing time. But some of us are actively looking for ways to expand that original capital far beyond the eighty or so years we started with.

–Stanislaw Burzynski, M.D., Ph.D.


One evening I was
enjoying dinner with Dr. Stanislaw Burzynski at his beautiful clinic in Houston, Texas, and I asked him the question, “Why do we get cancer?” He said simply, “We get cancer when the cancer protective genetic switches get turned off.” I asked him how that happens. He then explained how the diet and lifestyle choices we all make on a daily basis affect these “switches.” In knowing about them we can take control and keep these “switches” turned on. It’s actually quite simple. As I’ve said before, you must ask yourself each day whether the choices you are making move you toward your goal of living longer with great health or move you away from it. In this interview, Dr. Burzynski will explain the switches that go a long way toward helping you become one of the ones who do NOT get cancer. I say it again and again in this book; the choices we make determine our outcomes.


Dr. Stanislaw Burzynski
was born in Lublin, Poland, in 1943 and is an internationally recognized physician and scientist who has pioneered the development and use of biologically active peptides, known as antineoplastons, in diagnosing, preventing, and treating cancer and other diseases since 1967. He operates the Burzynski Clinic in Houston, Texas, and has effectively treated more than fifty types of cancer but has had the most consistent success with cancers of the brain, breast, head and neck, prostate, colon, lungs, and ovaries, as well as non-Hodgkin’s lymphoma

Dr. Burzynski is a brave and courageous pioneer. No one has worked harder and no one has been more persecuted for his maverick approach. His successes are a threat to orthodox cancer protocols. But in speaking to his “cured” patients, I became very aware that he is on track. I believe one day Dr. Burzynski will be honored as a historic figure in the vein of Jonas Salk. To know more about his cancer protocols and testimonials, read his interview in my book
Today, in keeping with the theme of this book, I wanted to know from him what we can do to prevent getting cancer in the first place so that we can live longer with quality and disease-free. He has the answers

Hello, Dr. Burzynski, it is my pleasure to talk with you again. You are a scientist and a cancer doctor. Cancer, as you know so well, is a complex disease. If you had a simple message, though, what might it be about the proactive steps we can take to protect ourselves? Is there something we all can do?

Thank you, Suzanne. It’s always my pleasure to speak with you. We can definitely take steps to prevent cancer. It takes a long time
to develop cancer, and this process involves numerous steps. Cancer is easier to control in the early stages because we see a change in the structure of the genes early on, like a mutation. This mutation would mean the gene is “switching off,” and these could be the genes that protect against cancer.

Is this what you call
epigenetic control
? And is there a specific test we should be taking that would allow us to see these mutations at an early phase before the genes get turned off?

Epigenetic change occurs without altering the structure of the gene, which is mutation. This change typically happens before mutation. For instance, the tumor suppressor gene is switched off (silenced epigenetically) and the cell with the mutated oncogene, which stimulates cancer growth, survives instead of being killed through the action of tumor suppressors.

A simpler way of saying epigenetic control would be described as “switching off the genes that control against cancer.”

So epigenetics essentially looks at factors such as lifestyle and diet and how these factors affect the way the genes get expressed?

Yes. It can be the factors inside your body, which enter from the food you eat and the life you live. For instance, stress and lack of sleep can silence cancer-protective genes. But were you to take nutrients seriously, like eating good-quality organic food, and take the steps to modify your behavior by learning to sleep again and managing your stress, then it is possible that the protective gene can become active again and the cancerous process that was triggered by neutralizing this gene from diet and lifestyle changes will be reversed.

So it’s like cutting it off at the pass. Once again, the stark reality is that the food choices we make can determine our health.

Without question, and exercise is also a major component …

People always say, “Well, I have bad genes; my mother had cancer, my father had cancer,” et cetera, but I have heard and read that only 20 percent of our health is determined by our genes and 80 percent is determined by lifestyle. Do you agree?

In some instances these genes are hereditary, but the changes in genes I’m talking about occur during your life, because of the way you live your life.

So we are in control of not getting cancer!

That is right, except for environmental factors. Maybe you lived next door to a chemical plant, or you’ve had radiation exposure or a virus is affecting your genome causing changes in your genes.
These things can’t be blamed on genetics. So if you know you’ve been exposed, you deal with it by making a real attempt to live a clean, healthy life. Very few seem to grasp the importance of this.

Why is there so much brain cancer?

For one thing, people are living much longer and outliving the usefulness of their own brains. Silencing of tumor suppressors and mutations of oncogenes accumulate and cause brain tumors. On the other hand, in the last decade, researchers found that dementia affects approximately 40 percent of the population above the age of eighty-five, and 75 percent of these have Alzheimer’s.

Losing one’s brain is the worst thing imaginable. How do we protect aging neurons?

Well, if you’ve undergone general anesthesia, the chemicals used for these surgeries destroy some neurons, so every time you go under, you lose some neurons. We have an abundance of neurons, so most of the time we don’t feel any difference. But if you have surgery again and again, you will start to notice.

Yes, I had my stem cell surgery earlier this year, and I had brain fog for weeks afterward. I didn’t like it. How do we avoid the damage?

There is a process in our brain called
, which is the formation of neurons. Until recently no one believed that forming new neurons was possible, but now that has been proved wrong. We have now found that every day, new neurons are being formed in our brain and at the same time old neurons are dying. It’s an ongoing process, but the catch is that the brain has to put these neurons to work for this process to continue, for instance, by continuing to learn and perform intellectual activities. A functioning brain directs neurons to go into certain circuits in the brain, and then damage to the neurons of the brain can be reduced.

So what can we do to make this process of producing new neurons constantly happen?

You have to exercise the brain through the learning process, which stimulates the neurons to form new circuits. Once they have been incorporated in new circuits, they don’t die. You have to keep your brain active.

So you’re saying, “use it or lose it.” Amazing. Nature is perfection. Of course it makes sense; if we are old and not interested in learning anything new, we are pretty unnecessary to society. So
nature has a built-in plan to get rid of us when we are useless. I guess that’s why older people do a lot of crossword puzzles.

Exactly. If you are active most of the time, you are using the part of the brain that stimulates the neurons. New neurons and circuits then memorize what you are learning. The bottom line is, if you want to keep your brain from deteriorating, you have to keep exercising it to keep it as sharp as possible.

How else do we exercise our brain?

Reading and, as you mentioned, things like doing crossword puzzles, writing memoirs, learning new languages—any activity that requires you to think. That is brain exercise.

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