Bound Together (34 page)

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Authors: Marie Coulson

BOOK: Bound Together
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I showed him to the door
and thanked him profusely for his help. “My absolute pleasure
sweetie. Oh, before I forget, since you chose the red one I have to
give you this.” He handed me a small gift bag and stopped me as I
was just about to open it. “No no darling, open it when I’m gone
and have a fabulous night honey. Ciao!”
Closing the door I sat on
my bed and opened the bag. Two velvet boxes sat at the bottom.
Taking out the long one first I cautiously opened it, knowing
exactly what it was before I had even laid eyes on it. Sure enough
another astonishing piece of jewelry was sitting inside. Lines of
glistening diamonds and rubies lined the shiny white gold bracelet
inside. It was incredible. Placing it to one side I opened the
smaller box which contained a pair of tear drop earrings that
matched the bracelet perfectly. I shook my head and smiled to
myself. He was clearly never going to learn, but I had to admit I
felt like a princess that evening and the jewels were the icing on
my glittering cake. Putting on the new frosting I had just been
given, I told myself they were simply on loan for this evening and
that I wouldn’t be keeping them. I hadn’t even felt comfortable
wearing the ring he’d bought me yet or the bracelet from our date.
I was going to have to give them all back…eventually.


Love Online

Stepping outside I was
relieved to see a face I recognized waiting for me. Dressed
impeccably in his uniform, stood Daniel. Tipping his hat, he opened
the car door and offered me his hand. As I bent down to climb in I
froze. Sitting opposite me was Amy. She looked stunning in a silver
floor length gown and her hair in an impressive up do. She smiled
nervously at me and murmured “Hi”. I smiled weakly and slid in next
to her without replying. I was shocked to find her there and still
unsure how our friendship stood after our fight.
Setting off, Daniel
pressed a button on his dash and a black screen glided up between
us giving Amy and me some much needed privacy. Turning to each
other simultaneously we both began apologizing. Giggling a little,
we stopped and I sighed heavily. “I’m sorry Amy. I shouldn’t have
gone off like that. You were right I was being totally ungrateful
and over dramatic. I just can’t help it when it comes to Jared. He
has the power to make me feel so furious and yet so wonderful at
the same time.”

No Layla, it was none of
my business and as your friend I should have supported you. Can we
forget it and start over? I’ve been in hell all day worrying you
might hate me.”
Leaning in, I hugged her
warmly. “I could never hate you.”
Pulling away I grinned at
her. “He told me that he loves me.”
Her mouth opened wide and
her eyes blinked rapidly. “Oh my god Layla! You are so lucky. He’s
amazing. Just look around us, I told you that people don’t do this
shit for someone they are only screwing with. Damn girl, he’s got
it bad huh?”
We chatted for what
seemed liked forever and she explained what had happened with Nick
after I left the night before. “He came begging at the door trying
to tell me that those panties and their owner were both way before
we even got together but I still don’t know if I believe him.
Anyway, I let him in and he was so sweet and charming, one thing
led to another and…”
I cringed and let out a
slight chuckle. “I don’t need details. I get it. But just please be
careful Amy. I don’t want to see you get hurt. Now, can you tell me
what the hell is going on?”

Sorry, I’m under
instruction to reveal nothing. When I opened the box last night the
top envelope was addressed to me. I’ve had a mani, pedi, make over,
makeup and hair do. He also sent me to the mall with a personal
shopper to get this dress. That guy is an angel. Hold on to that
one.” I grinned at her as I took in how spectacular she looked. She
looked like a model ready to step onto the catwalk.

I’m gonna

* * *

Pulling up outside a
beautiful glass building, I scanned the surroundings for a clue as
to my location. Daniel opened my door and held my hand assisting me
out of the car. Once outside I became aware of where I was. The
enormous building was white with long glass windows around the
front allowing the spectacular lighting and elegant dining
facilities to be seen from the outside. Cars lined the entrance as
the social elite of California climbed out for an evening at
Segerstrom Hall. I turned around to face Amy with
my mouth wide. “The opera? Is he serious? Look at this place. I
can’t go in there, I’ll embarrass him. I don’t belong in a place
like this, how could he think this was a good idea?”
Fisting her hands on her
hips, Amy arched an eyebrow at me. “He told me you’d do this in his
letter and he also told me that when you did I was to tell you to
shut the hell up and to get your ass in there and enjoy your
night.” Letting out a heavy sigh I conceded. “Ok, ok, fine. Come on
let’s go see an opera.”
Informing me that he
would be waiting for us after the performance, Daniel departed.
Clanking our heels across the pavement we made our way to the hall.
I gazed in amazement at the awesome structure I was currently
standing in front of. The gigantic arch way was remarkable and was
decorated with an interesting and awe inspiring sculpture. Amy
stood alongside me admiring it. A young man with blonde hair, in a
black tux joined us and leaned in to Amy’s ear. “It’s called the
Fire Bird. It was created and designed by
Richard Lippold. Do you like it?” Amy was blushing deep
crimson as she turned and smiled at the handsome stranger to her
right. “It’s very beautiful.”
Holding out his hand, he
smiled at her with a bright twinkle in his eyes. “James. James
Felix. And you two lovely ladies are?” “Amy
Brookes and this is Layla Jennings. Her boyfriend is the one
who arranged for us to be here.” I noticed how quickly Amy ensured
this little hottie was aware I was taken. I got the distinct
feeling she was into him. “So you ladies are here alone? That seems
an awful waste. You both look positively stunning and should not be
left unattended on a night like this. These old men would give
their right arm to have you hanging off of it. I’d be honored to be
your escort this evening.”
Her eyes lighting up, Amy
nodded frantically. I stared at her in horror before turning my
attention to her admirer. “Excuse us a moment won’t you James.”
Grabbing her by the elbow, I yanked Amy aside. “Are you crazy!?
Jared would never allow me to spend an evening with some strange
guy. He’d be livid Amy. We cannot seriously stay with this man all
Pulling her arm from my
grasp she gave me a mischievous grin. “Well it’s a good thing he’s
with me then and that Jared is in New York isn’t it? Don’t be such
a spoil sport. You got your rich, handsome lover, now let me have

And what about Nick? Or
have you forgotten about him since this morning?”
Lowering her voice she
snarled under her breath. “Screw him. He can fuck whoever he wants
without feeling bad, well so can I.” Rolling my eyes I watched her
as she sashayed back over to her new friend. Jared was not going to
like this.
With Amy on his arm,
James led us through the elegant foyer to a private restaurant
reserved for V.I.P’s. I sat uncomfortably at the table as Amy and
James made goo-goo eyes at one each other.
Oh for heaven’s sake.
Clearing my
throat, I leaned forward on my elbows and regarded him. “So James,
what do you do?” Begrudgingly pulling his gaze from my friend, he
smiled at me. “I own a large chain of restaurants and function
venues. We entertain celebrities and high society members mostly.
We also throw some wonderful parties. You ladies should join us
sometime or come by one of our restaurants. I’m based mostly in
Long Beach so if you’re in the area I can guarantee you the best
table.” I eyed him warily. He had an air about him that reminded me
of a refrigerator. All sleek and shiny on the outside but with a
bitterly, cold interior. We enjoyed a luxurious meal and drank very
expensive wine all courtesy of Amy’s escort. As we stood to leave a
young woman approached us and nervously addressed James. “Um, sorry
to bother you Mr. Felix but the photographers would like a picture
before you leave.” Rolling his eyes he sighed.

Oh the things I do for
my celebrity status. Shall we ladies?” I was about to protest when
he grabbed my hand and pulled me along with him as Amy clutched his
elbow like a true socialite.
Standing in the foyer
were at least a dozen journalists all aiming their expensive
cameras at us and shouting over each other. “Who are your two
lovely ladies sir?”
Glancing at the two of us
James slid his hands behind our backs. “Miss Layla Jennings and
Miss Amy Brookes.” As his fingers brushed the base of my spine, I
jumped at the unwanted contact. But there was no time to move away
as lights began flashing left, right and center. This was not going
well. My night of wonder and spectacular excitement given to me by
the man I loved was turning into a hellish parade of poses and fake
smiles. “Miss Jennings!” I stood on tiptoes and saw a familiar face
across the room. Waving frantically at me was the delightful man I
had conversed with at the dinner dance.
Pushing my way through
the crowd and leaving Amy happily behind me, I strode over to greet
him. Smiling broadly, he took my hand and placed a kiss on the back
as a true gentleman would. “Miss Jennings how lovely to see you.
How are you?” “I’m well thank you Mr. Kent.”
Chuckling heartily, he
held my hand between his finger and thumb. “Call me Arthur my dear.
Garrett not with you this evening?”
Giving him a regretful
smile I explained Jared’s unexpected trip to New York.

Ah terrible shame that,
especially as it leaves a beautiful woman such as yourself alone
for the evening. In fact I couldn’t help noticing that was Mr.
Felix you were standing with over there.”
I glanced over my
shoulder and watched as James continued to pose with my roommate
hanging from his arm. “Yes that young woman he’s with is a friend
of mine.”
He arched an eyebrow at
me and his mouth pressed into a hard line. “I see. Well I wouldn’t
want you to feel I was interfering but I thought I should give you
a word of caution. Mr. Felix and Mr. Garrett don’t really see eye
to eye Miss Jennings and I’m quite certain that your young man
should be quite infuriated should he discover you had been in
Felix’s company this evening. I suggest you avoid him and the
cameras for the remainder of the night and not mention it to your
young man. Anyway, must dash as I’m sure the curtain shall be going
up shortly. Lovely to see you again my dear and please give my
regards to your sweetheart.”
Giving me another quick
kiss on the hand he released me and disappeared into the crowds. I
turned and stared at Amy who was now gazing starry eyed at James
Felix. Why would Jared dislike him so much and why would he
disapprove of my being in his company? He’d never mentioned him
before and I was sure I’d never read anything about a feud between
the two in any gossip column. Shaking the thoughts from my head I
searched for a member of staff who could direct me to my seat. I
found myself stopped by the same young woman who approached us at

Jennings? Sorry, I overheard Mr. Felix. My name is Jenny. Mr.
Garrett left me instructions to show you to your private viewing
box with Miss Brookes. Will she be joining you or sharing Mr.
Felix’s private area?” I snorted at the double meaning in that
sentence. Amy would definitely like to share his
private area
and soon I
imagined. “No, I think it’ll just be me but if she does come
searching for me please show her to her seat.”
Entering my own private
viewing box felt surreal and entirely alien to me. I leaned over
the balcony and gazed at the scale of the enormous theater. I’d
read on an information board that it could accommodate three
thousand people. I turned to my seat and smiled as my eyes fell
upon an envelope with my name on it. I recognized the handwriting
immediately and scrambled to get it open. Sitting in the plush
cushion I read his note.
My Darling.
I hope you have enjoyed
your makeover and have had a wonderful evening so far. I am sure
you look positively radiant and I am simply sorry that I cannot be
there to admire the view. If there is anything you require
throughout the evening please ask Jenny and she will provide it for
you. I’m a much respected member there and also a supporter of the
arts so anything your heart desires please do not hesitate to ask.
It’s just money Layla.
I cannot express how much
I am missing you and how you have flooded my thoughts all day. I
know this before I even leave you. I hope you aren’t brooding and
dwelling on my absence too much and try to remember that it’s only
a few days. Goodnight my lady.
If music be the food of
love, play on.
The words of William
Shakespeare from the heart of Jared Garrett xxxx
Tears began to slide
gently down my face as I read his words. My heart ached and I was
truly missing him at this moment. As I sat alone in my seat I
watched as people began to flood the theater and talk in a low hum.
I scanned the other boxes looking for Amy but I couldn’t see her
anywhere. A moment later she appeared in the seat next to me.
“Couldn’t abandon you on your big night. Hey have you been crying?”
She pulled a handkerchief from her purse and wiped at my mascara
stained cheeks. “Jared left me a note. I really miss him Amy. I
never thought it was possible to fall so hard so fast but I have. I
feel completely desolate without him here.” Tilting her head she
gave me a sympathetic look and placed her hand in mine. “I know
sweetie, but it’s not forever. Try to enjoy tonight. He would hate
it if it were ruined because of him. Please try?” Giving her a weak
smile I nodded and dabbed my eyes with the handkerchief I had
clutched in my palm.

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