Bound Together (77 page)

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Authors: Marie Coulson

BOOK: Bound Together
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Reaching into her pocket,
she pulled out a small gift wrapped box. I stared at her blankly.
Sighing deeply she winced. “I’ve been keeping this in my things for
months and I think I should give it to you now. Remember how I took
that gift from Jared at Christmas?” I gawked at her and then the
tiny box in her hand. “Well I didn’t quite put it in the trash. I
kept it. I was going to give it to you sometime but I thought you
and Ollie were meant to be but now, I think you should have all the
information, the facts, before you make a decision. So, here.”
Handing it to me she got up and walked over to Amy’s bed where she
sat with her head down. Carefully opening the paper I held the box
in my palm, contemplating whether I should open it or not; but in
the end my morbid curiosity got the better of me and I flipped open
the lid. Inhaling sharply, I pressed my hand to my mouth. “Oh my
god.” Sitting on a plush velvet cushion was my pendant. The single
diamond and engraving was now accompanied by a new engraving into
the black stone. “Ever thine, Ever mine, Ever ours.” The words were
those that he had used in his letter borrowed from
Ludwig Van Beethoven but from the heart of Jared
Raising my head, I held
it in my palm and gaped at Mel. “He had it engraved Mel. He still
loved me and he wanted me to have this on Christmas. And you
shunned him, turned him away.”

I’m so sorry Layla.
There’s more.” My heart raced as she walked over and handed me an
envelope. His handwriting on the front brought back memories of his
trip to New York and gingerly I opened it.
This gift comes with no
agenda, no game or malice. Simply a hope that you will see it and
remember everything we shared. Since the moment I met you I’ve been
consumed with one thing and one thing only. Making you mine. I love
you eternally and your love, protection and safety are my priority
and I only wish I had done more to keep you. You were right; I
didn’t trust you and I should have. I thought I was doing what was
best for everyone by not telling you about Lucy. The less you knew,
the less danger you were in and I had to keep you safe. I didn’t
know what that man could be capable of. I feared he’d come after
Lucy and that meant coming up against me. I couldn’t let you be a
target too Layla. If I’d known then that it was Felix I still would
have done the same because that man is a monster of the worst kind.
I don’t ask for you to forgive me, god knows I don’t deserve it. I
just need you to understand why.
Merry Christmas My
Jared xxx
I gazed at the piece of
paper in my hand before turning my eyes to Mel. “I can’t believe
this. All this time I had the explanation right there in black and
white and I never even knew. He was scared I’d get hurt. Why
couldn’t he tell me this?”
Draping her arm over my
shoulder, Mel sniffled and it was only then I noticed she was
crying. “I’m so sorry Layla. I should have given it to you but I
thought I was protecting you. I didn’t want you to get hurt
Wrapping my arms around
her I gave her a hug. “It’s ok. I understand why you did it. I just
wish I understood why he couldn’t tell me all of this.”

Maybe he thought it made
him weak. You know, being afraid of something. He’s a big deal
businessman and it’s not in their nature to be scared of anything.
Everything is supposed to be a challenge rather than a threat to
people like that.” Holding the paper in my hand I shook my head in
bewilderment. “I don’t really know what to do with this
information. It seems rather pointless now. He’s moved on and found
someone else. This was written months ago. When he still had hope
for reconciliation.”
Crumpling it in my hand,
I tossed it in the trash and placed the box on my bedside table. “I
just had to give you all the facts before you make your decision.
Now you know everything. It’s up to you to decide where you go from
There was nothing to
decide where Jared was concerned. We were over and I was in love
with Ollie. Granted I loved Jared too but Ollie was the one waiting
for me in Utah and Jared was probably doing all kinds of deviant
acts with Alicia. Taking her hands, I stared at Mel. “We don’t
mention this again ok? Not to Amy or even talk about it to each
other. Understood? It’s done. Over and finished.”
Nodding she kissed my
cheek. “Understood.”

* * *

Sitting amongst the pile
of junk food wrappers, I grinned as the three of us swapped stories
about our teenage years. Amy laughed hysterically when I told her
how Mel got suspended for breaking a girls tooth in high school.
Shrugging her shoulders, Mel gave me a satisfied grin, extremely
proud of the time she had served for her assault on my tormentor.
Looking at the clock, I thought about Ollie. He was sure to be back
in Utah by then and I had a feeling the buzzing of my cell phone
was a message telling me just that. Clambering to my feet I grabbed
my phone and smiled as I read his text.
Finally home. Missing
you all but mostly you. Be in touch soon. I love you. Ollie.
From: Ollie
Dropping it back onto my
bed, I rejoined the girls on the floor. “Ollie says
Gathering up the trash
pile, Mel glanced at Amy. “So what do say we get out of here and go
hang out with the guys at Benny’s? Don’t want to stay here all
night wallowing.”
Amy beamed at me.
“Definitely. You’re coming right Layla?”

Do I have a
They answered
simultaneously, something they were getting very good at. “Not
I grinned at them and
rolled my eyes. “Then I guess I’m coming.” Heading to my closet I
grabbed a denim skirt and a simple white vest. I wasn’t dressing up
just for a night with Nick and Eric at the bar. Amy and Mel of
course donned their shortest dresses and piled on the make up as
they always did when we went out.
Calling a cab, I waited
in the hallway for them, adjusting my boots as I did so. Nick
emerged from his room and scanned me from head to toe. “You guys
heading to Benny’s then?” I nodded.

Great, means I don’t
have to listen to that asshole go on about Mel all night. She
realizes Amy is into her right?” I gawked at him in

She didn’t tell me, it’s
freaking obvious. I’ve seen that look on a guy’s face loads of
times. Hell Ollie used to stare at you that way whenever you were
in the same room as him.”
Pressing my finger to his
lips I looked back at my door. “Shhh. Don’t say a word to anyone
Nick. I mean it. If you even breathe a syllable, I will end you.
Got it?”
He nodded and his
eyebrows pinched together. “Ok I got it. God, chill out will you.
I’m going to catch a ride with Eric. See you there.”
Letting out a long breath
my head fell back as worry for Amy and her secret flooded me.
Opening the door, she spotted me and gave me a puzzled look.
“What’s up with you?” Shaking my head I smiled. “Nothing. Just
tired. You look great. Ready to go?” I heard Mel shout over her
shoulder that she was almost ready and once she was happily suited
and dressed to the nines, we headed out.
Pushing our way through
the glass entrance doors I spotted a silver Mercedes parked outside
the dorm building and groaned. Amy recognized it immediately and
when Mel had also seen it, she practically foamed at the mouth.
“What the fuck does he want!?” Amy grabbed her arm and shook her
head at her in warning. I had no desire to see my ex or discuss his
new lover anytime soon. Storming to the car I hammered on the back
window. It rolled down slowly and I came face to face with someone
I didn’t expect to see. “Hello Layla.” Sitting there looking pale,
withdrawn end extremely self-conscious was Lucy. I fisted my hands
on my hips and glared at her as she climbed out of the

You have some nerve
coming here Lucy.” Resting her hand on her considerably sized bump
she lowered her head. “I know, I’m so sorry for everything my
stupid mess caused between you two and I know there is no way I
should be asking you this but I don’t have anyone else. I don’t
have any friends, Jared hardly speaks to me and my mother is
smothering me so much I could suffocate. Please just hear me out. I
really need your help.”
She looked absolutely
awful. Her hair was a mess, her eyes looked as though she hadn’t
slept in a year and her frame was so slight, I was amazed she could
still stand let alone support the weight of her growing
I glanced at Amy and Mel
who were watching me with avid curiosity. I told Lucy to give me a
moment and made my way to them. “I’ll meet you at the bar. I need
to hear what she has to say. I promise, I’ll be ok, he’s not with
her. I don’t think he has any idea she’s even here.” Begrudgingly
they agreed and walked away, leaving me and my new
alone. Sliding in
next to her, I caught Daniel’s eye in the rear view. “Not a word to
him Daniel. I don’t want him interfering with this.” Lucy’s tone
was serious and he immediately pressed the button for the screen to
separate us.
Turning to me, she sighed
and I could see she was close to tears. “Layla, let me first just
tell you how completely, totally and unbelievably sorry I am about
everything I put you through. I made him keep me a secret. I knew
if Felix found out I was Jared’s sister he’d leave me and this baby
faster than a bullet from a gun. When Bastian found out I’d been
unfaithful he left me totally alone and I didn’t have anyone to
turn to. Sure Jared protects and takes care of me but I just wanted
to feel loved and special. Felix made me feel like a princess. He
has a way of making you think you’re the most exquisite creature on
the planet and I honestly thought he loved me. Evidently he didn’t
and you’d think after he put me in hospital I could stop loving the
sick bastard.”
I sat rigid and listened
as she continued to tell her woeful yet completely self-inflicted
story. “When he first hit me I told myself it was my fault. I’d
made him angry. He got jealous that I was with Bastian and even
though he didn’t want me, he didn’t want me to be with anyone else
either. When I found out I was pregnant I thought maybe it would
make us stronger and he’d calm down a little but he didn’t. He got
so mad he beat me repeatedly for an hour straight. I got a
fractured arm and a broken jaw just for carrying his child. He
dumped me at the hospital and I knew Jared would be there, he
always knew what was happening with me, he has spies everywhere I
swear. So I ran, I couldn’t face him and tell him it was Felix.
They hate each other. If Felix knew I was Jared’s sister it would
make his year. He’d completely destroy everything that Jared has
worked for and drag him down. There a lot of wealthy men out there
just waiting for him to fail so they can scoop up the pieces of my
father’s company.”

Lucy your brother was
screwing Felix’s wife. I’d say that might make someone a little
unhinged for a while.” Scooting towards me she was wringing her
hands and I could see she was nervous.

Layla, I need help.
Felix has something of mine and I just want it back. It’s something
very important and with it he could destroy Jared. That’s why I
can’t tell him or ask for his help. Felix won’t be there, he’s in
New York and I have the code for his apartment. Please, I can’t go
alone. I just need a look out. Please, I’m begging you. I’m
desperate.” I stared at her wide eyed. She was kidding right? After
everything she actually expected me to help her. I shook my head in
bewilderment, before finally focusing on her. Staring her down, I
answered. “Fine, I’ll help. But I’m not doing this for you. I’m
doing it because as much as I hate him for what he’s put me
through, I don’t want to see Jared torn to pieces by money hungry
dogs. Understand?”
Taking my hand, she
thanked me profusely and instructed Daniel to head for Felix’s
apartment. Taking out my cell, I sent Mel a message telling her I
was going to be a little while and would call later before slipping
it into my back pocket.
Lucy was looking right at
me as I stared blankly at the screen between us and Daniel. “He’s
still in love with you, you know. He’s been like a shadow of
himself these past months. He won’t talk or eat. He hardly sleeps.
He works long hours and when he’s not working he’s just
functioning; walking around like a zombie. I’ve never seen him so
broken Layla. I know you love him too. It’s in your eyes when you
say or hear his name. Isn’t there some way you can work it
Without turning to face
her I snorted. “No Lucy, this is the real world. Jared lied to me
over and over again and he never trusted me enough to tell me the
truth. Trust that I am capable of taking care of myself. I would
never have told anyone about your existence Lucy. I would have
respected his need to keep you safe and guarded that knowledge with
my life. But no matter how much he said he loved me, how much he
wanted to be with me forever, he just couldn’t be honest with me.
From day one he was lying. Did he tell you that I worked at the
coffee shop? That he’d asked me out, wined and dined me and then I
found out he was my boss. He wouldn’t know honesty if it came up
and slapped him clean across the face. So no offense Lucy, but butt
out. I’ll help you do this and then I want him and you out of my
life for good. Besides he has Alicia now.” I gulped the lump in my
throat as the words left my lips. They just weren’t true. The
thought of him forever being out of my life was painful, necessary,
but still oh, so painful. “He’s not with Alicia. I can’t explain
it, only he can but you have to believe me. He’s not with her.
She’s a psycho.”

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