Bound Together (75 page)

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Authors: Marie Coulson

BOOK: Bound Together
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I glared at her. “I can’t
believe you’re bringing that up. I’m not judging you Mel, I just
think it’s a little insensitive to sleep with your friend’s
ex-lover that’s all. Don’t compare me and what I did to what you’re
doing to both of them? I assume Nick knows but does Eric know
you’re screwing his band mate?”
She diverted her eyes
rapidly around the bar, giving me my answer. “Didn’t think so. God
what is wrong with us?! We’re supposed to look out for each other
not rip each other to shreds. We have one more week before the year
is over and I am not spending it fighting and refereeing between
you two. Got it?”
They nodded but continued
to exchange filthy looks.

Hey! I mean it. We have
enough trouble handling the men in our lives we don’t need to be at
each other’s throats too. Amy, Mel is free to sleep with and date
whoever she wants and I know what she did is hurting you but you
have to let it go.”
I stared at her as an
understanding passed between us. She didn’t care who it was Mel was
sleeping with, she was upset that she was sleeping with anyone at
all. Hanging her head, she shrugged and I knew she got the message.
Turning my attention to Mel, I gave her a stern look.

First of all I never,
ever intentionally set out to sleep with Jared and for your
information when I did sleep with him Ollie and I hadn’t had sex
yet. You’re supposed to be my best friend. Don’t throw that shit in
my face ever again. Now both of you hug and get on that stage. I
need to party my ass off after the conversation I just had with
The two of them gawked at
me waiting for me to elaborate, immediately forgetting their heated

What happened? What did
he say?” I was bombarded with questions from each of them and
raising my hand, I requested silence.

He took me to the hills,
we talked and I told him I love him.” Amy squeaked as Mel grinned
at me before wrapping her arms around my neck. “I knew it! I knew
with a little time you would get over that assfuck and fall for our
resident heart throb rock star!”
I shook my head at her
and pushed her away gently. “It’s not that simple Mel. I do love
Ollie, a lot but I still love Jared too. And Ollie knows that. He’s
asked me to reconsider going to Utah with him. But he wants me to
think about it first and be positive it’s what I want.”
Sliding me a glass of
something that smelled like rum and coke Amy smiled at me. “And
what do you want?”
Picking up the glass, I
shrugged and swallowed it in one go.

I don’t know. I wish I
did. Knowing how I feel about him doesn’t change the fact that I’m
in love with another man. Besides, my life is here now with you
guys. I don’t think I can just give it all up for a life in Utah
with Ollie and his family. I have no idea what I’m doing and but I
am damn sure that I need time to get my shit together and figure it
Placing a reassuring hand
on my shoulder, Mel smiled. “Well we’re here for you and we’ll
support you in whatever you choose. Ok?”
Sliding an arm around
each of them I pulled them to me. “I love you guys. I don’t know
what I’d do without you.”
The screech of the
microphone caught our attention as Ollie stood scanning the crowd.
“Uh, could the girls in Room 21 please get their asses on stage?
Oh, you too butt munch.”
Mel raised her hand and
flipped him the bird making him grin widely at her as he slipped
his sexy, sleek white guitar over his head. Ollie the rock star, my
Ollie the rock star was smoking hot as he hooked up the amp to his
instrument. Licking his bottom lip, he winked at me as I climbed
the steps to the stage. My heart skipped a beat and my blood heated
as he leaned to my ear. His warm breath on my neck reminded me of
our night together and thoughts of his lips caressing my body
flowed through my mind. I felt my insides clench at the sensual,
sexy memory.

So I figured we’d start
with ‘Need You Now’ and just wing it? Maybe revisit that song we
did at the park too? You game?” Pressing my lips to his ear I
nipped on his earlobe playfully. “For anything you want to throw at
me stud.”
Cupping my face in his
hands he kissed me deeply, thrusting his tongue into my obliging
mouth. Wrapping his arms around me he dipped me low and placed
another chaste kiss on my lips. “I’ll see what I can do.” A shiver
ran up my spine as he released me, gesturing to the mic that we
would be sharing. God he was so smolderingly hot!
Three hours later I was
exhausted. Ollie and the guys had played nonstop and had performed
tracks by all my favorite classic, modern, indie and alternative
bands. They were on fire and our duets had blown me away. Singing
every note with such passion, Ollie never took his eyes off me.
Sliding his hand up and down the mic stand, caressing his guitar, I
could have jumped his bones right there on stage. His crisp white
unbuttoned shirt was revealing his delicious body beneath and was a
distracting view. I believe the sound that escaped my lips when he
thrust his hips at the mic stand was ‘Uragha’. After one of our
songs, he’d been so worked up he’d poured half a bottle of water
over himself and the droplets were now glistening on his pale skin.
Sitting at our booth with a drink in hand, I licked my lips as I
wished I could do the same to every inch of his wet body. Finishing
their set, the three guys headed to our table. I stared at Ollie
hungrily as he laughed with them. Sliding in next to me, he draped
an arm around my shoulders and pressed a kiss against my cheek. Amy
and Mel had forgotten their row and were now talking to Nick and
Eric about what they were doing for the summer. Glancing at Ollie,
I held his hand under the table. He smiled at me and ran his nose
the length of mine.
It was the push I needed.
Getting to my feet, I pulled on his hand and nodded in the
direction of the bathroom. He gave me an amused look but knocking
back his shot of bourbon, he slid out of the booth to join me. Amy
and Mel gave us a raised eyebrow but I didn’t care. Winking at
them, I yanked Ollie beside me to the bathroom, desperate to get
him alone in a locked room. Backing my way through the door, I
gripped his shirt in my hands and pulled him flush against me. My
lips sealed over his as his hands slipped around my midriff rolling
my vest up in the process. His lip ring grazed my collar bone as
his kisses trailed down my neck. Breathing heavily, he murmured
against my skin. “You sure you want this?” Closing my eyes I
nodded. “More than oxygen.” He smiled, locked the door and drove me
backwards to the wall. “Well then hold your breath
Gripping his hand behind
my thigh, he lifted it against his hip as he pressed my body
against the wall. Fumbling for his belt, I frantically ripped it
loose from his jeans and slid his zipper down. Biting my bottom lip
gently, he ran his tongue over it making me moan into his mouth.
With his belt gripped firmly in one hand, my fingertips traced the
outline of his abs as they hardened beneath my touch. Skimming them
downwards, I slid my palms around and into the back forcing the
waist down with my thumbs. Releasing my thigh, he pushed away from
me and silently unbuttoned my pants, revealing a glimpse of the
white cotton panties beneath. Biting his lip ring, he groaned
before holding them tightly and slipping them down over my ass.
Pulling down his own shorts, he resumed his position against me and
gripped both of my thighs, hoisting me from the ground. I wrapped
my legs tightly around his waist as his hand reached between my
legs, stroking and rubbing my clit. I was slippery with arousal and
his hand gripping my behind urged me closer to him. Sliding inside
me in one quick movement, his mouth fell open and his eyes shut
tightly. I wrapped my arms around his shoulders as he filled me,
making me gasp at the sensation. Ollie was not a small man and the
length inside me, in the current position, was overwhelming. His
tip glided back and forth over my g-spot repeatedly. I was one big
mess of sexual frustration, desire and starving hunger for
His forceful pushes
inside me thrust me upwards and my back slammed against the hard
wall behind me. His lips roamed freely over my face, neck and
cleavage, driving me crazy. Arching my back, I surrendered to him
completely as his hand snaked behind me. He panted into my ear and
purred my name. “Oh Layla. I love you so much.” My head swam with
the emotion in his words, the pleasure between my legs and the
intimacy of his body against mine. “I love you too Ollie.” Holding
his belt in my hand, I caught the other end in my free hand and
slid it down lower before pulling it tight around the bottom of his
perfect ass. Hooking my feet onto his behind and pulling hard on
the belt, I urged him deeper, harder and further into me. A carnal
noise growled in his throat and my muscles tensed in my legs as my
insides clenched, convulsed and a sweet ripple of pleasure ran
through me. My orgasm imminent, I gripped the thick leather in my
palms tightly burying my face in his neck moaning, groaning and
panting shamelessly. “I’m coming, oh god Ollie, don’t
He grinned.

Surging inside me, he
slammed his hips against mine driving me to the brink rapidly. His
teeth grazed my ear as he thrust into me and the combination of
pleasure and pain sent me hurtling over the edge. Inhaling sharply,
I cried out as the blissful pulsations of my orgasm consumed me.
The room disappeared as my senses became filled with nothing but
the euphoric pleasure running through my body like an electric
current. It was mind blowing, pillow biting, and toe curling
heaven. Grunting, he continued to thrust inside me, prolonging the
spasmodic pleasure. Dropping the belt, I ran my hands over his damp
skin. His shoulders, back and arms tensed beneath my hands as his
own release surged through him. Slamming into me a few more times
he suddenly stilled and collapsed against me.
Gasping for air, I held
him tightly as his head rested on my chest. I could feel his ragged
breathing against my skin and his sweat dripped from his forehead.
My heart was racing and my mind was in the clouds as we stayed in
our post-orgasmic embrace. Able to form words again, I smiled
against his hair. “Well, I wasn’t expecting that when I came out
Raising his head, he
pressed his lips against mine. “Regret it?” I shook my head as he
released my legs, placing my feet back on solid ground once again.
Pulling on my jeans and panties, I stole a glimpse of him doing the
same and chuckled. Taking my hand, he pulled me to him and kissed
me deeply.

What’s so

Nothing. Just you being
you. We should probably get back out there.”
Walking back into the
bar, hand in hand, the two of us grinned like teenagers. I slid
into the booth and stared at the table as all eyes fell on the two
of us. Leaning across the table Mel pressed her thumb to the corner
of Ollie’s mouth and laughed.

You got a little
lipstick there lover boy.”
Wiping his mouth he
shrugged. “Damn groupies can’t keep their hands off me. I was
assaulted in the bathroom. Tragic.” Nudging him in the ribs, I
smiled embarrassedly at him.
The drinks kept coming
all night courtesy of Nick and the guys and the five of us laughed
so hard throughout, that my sides were splitting. Checking his
watch, Ollie sighed deeply. “I gotta go. I’m heading back to Utah
pretty early tomorrow for my brother’s soccer game.”
I gazed at him as his
fingertips stroked my cheek affectionately. “If you’re ready to go
I’ll give you a ride back.”

Where are you staying
tonight?” He shrugged “I figured I’d find a motel since Nick
already got a new roommate.” I gave him a quick peck and took his
hand as we slid out of the booth. “Why don’t you stay with me and
Amy? We’ve managed to share my bed before.”

You sure?”

Of course. No sense in
spending cash on a motel when there’s a perfectly good bed waiting
for you Oliver.”
He chuckled and it was
the sweetest sound I’d ever heard. “I’m Oliver now

You are when you
question me and my generous nature. Come on before I change my
mind. You guys gonna be ok?” I glanced back at Amy and Mel who
assured me that they would be getting a ride in Eric’s
Walking down the hallway
to my room, Ollie laughed. “Feels kind of weird being here
Searching for my key, I
smiled at him. “Why? It wasn’t that long ago you lived

I know, but it’s not
home anymore you know?”
I nodded. “I guess so.
You decided which college you’re going to in the fall?”

Not yet, I have options
but I’m not setting anything in stone right now. Besides I’ve got
pretty great job back home.”

Yeah I heard you get to
play with motorcycles all day now.” He rolled his eyes. “Not play,
I work on them. Fix them up so that they can grace the roads of
Utah with their gorgeous, powerful roar once again.”
I laughed at him as I
unlocked my door. “Whatever you say grease monkey.”
Slinging my purse on the
bed, I slid off my jacket and pulled the band from my hair, letting
the curls fall onto my shoulders. Wrapping his arms around my
waist, Ollie breathed into my ear behind me. “Did I mention I love
the new look. Not that I hated the old one, you’re beautiful all
the time. But you look really hot as a brunette. What made you
change it?”

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