Bound Together (76 page)

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Authors: Marie Coulson

BOOK: Bound Together
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Turning to face him I
shrugged. “I needed a change.”
Pressing his lips to mine
he smiled. “Well you look great.” Releasing his grip on me, he
flung himself onto my bed resting his hands behind his head and
grinned at me. “So, you gonna give me a little strip tease
goodnight gift?”
Grabbing Amy’s pillow I
hurled it at his head.

Is that a
Sliding my hands into my
jeans, I slid them slowly down my thighs letting them crumple at my
feet before gracefully stepping out of them. His eyes widened and
he licked his lips as he stared at me. Turning my back to him I
headed for the bathroom. Glancing over my shoulder, I winked. “I
think you’ve seen and sampled enough of my goodies tonight.”
Closing the bathroom door behind me, I heard him yell. “Tease!”
Smiling to myself I slipped into a pair of shorts, brushed my teeth
and made my way back to the bedroom.
I’d only been in there a
short while and Ollie had fallen asleep already. Smiling, I shook
my head and made my way over, switching off the light on route.
Climbing into bed I snuggled closely to him. He opened his eyes a
little and reached his arm out allowing me to rest my head in the
crook of his arm against his chest. Nuzzling into his chest, I
inhaled deeply, taking in the sweet scent of his naturally
delicious, Ollie smell. I sighed as I lay there just gazing up at
him. He let out a soft groan and it made me smile just hearing the
sound and feeling his chest rise and fall beneath me. I’d missed
him so much and the reality of him being there next to me was a
relief I felt would never come. I’d spent so long wishing he would
get in touch, hoping he could forgive me and now he was in my bed
while I curled up in his arms. Reaching up, I brushed a lock of his
dark hair from his eyes and ran my fingers through his long hair.
He smiled sleepily. “Leave me alone fiend. Unless you’re about to
give me a very sexy wake up call.”
Leaning up, I pressed my
lips to his and sighed. “Not tonight. You should sleep. You have a
long ride tomorrow.” Turning to face me, his eyes opened and he
pressed his forehead against mine. “Don’t talk about tomorrow just
yet. The thought of leaving you here makes me want to stay up all
night savoring every minute and I have a ten hour drive ahead of me
in the morning. Let’s just live in the moment right now ok?” I
nodded in agreement and he quickly responded, giving me a
passionate, longing and lingering kiss. I didn’t want to sleep or
even close my eyes for fear I’d wake to find him gone again but I
was so tired and comfortable in his embrace, that I simply couldn’t
force my eyes to stay open any longer. Pressing my head onto his
chest, I ran my fingers over his stomach gently. “I love you
Ollie.” Placing a kiss on my forehead, I felt him smile against my
skin. “I love you too Layla. So frickin’ much.”



The light streaming
through the windows woke me and I could hardly see through my
blurry eyes and the blinding sunlight that was hitting my face.
Reaching out my hand I searched for my bed buddy but all I felt was
an empty space. My heart in my throat, I sat bolt upright and
stared in horror at the bed. No, no, not again. Jumping out of bed,
I searched for my clothes and cell phone, desperate to reach him,
needing to know why. Frantically, I paced around the room raking my
fingers through my hair. Amy was sound asleep in the bed beside me,
completely oblivious to the drama that was unfolding. Scrolling
through my contact list I hit call but he never answered. Hurling
my cell across the room at my bed, I sank to the floor. Pulling my
knees to my chest, I wrapped my arms around them tightly. My head
rested against my forearms as tears slid down my face. How could he
just leave like that again? After everything that happened. My
heart plummeted to the depths of my chest.
The door opened slowly
and my head snapped up. My heart momentarily stopped as I saw Ollie
backing his way in with a tray of coffee in one hand and a brown
paper bag in the other. Turning around he saw me and his face
contorted into an expression of utter horror, concern and panic all
at once. Dropping the bag, he placed the tray on the floor and
practically skidded across the wooden floor to me. His hands moving
quickly over my body and lifting my face to look at him he scanned
my features. “Layla, what is it? Baby talk to me. What happened?”
Trying to speak through my heavy sobs I took a deep breath. “I woke
up and you were gone. I thought you’d left me again like
Wrapping his arms around
me, he held me tightly to him and pressed his lips against my
forehead. “Shhh. No baby. I wouldn’t do that to you again. I just
went to get breakfast and I didn’t want to wake you. Calm down, I’m
here I would never have left without saying goodbye. Not this
time.” Gripping his shirt, I tried to calm my rapid breathing. Amy
stirred in her bed and seeing me in my state she glared at Ollie
who shook his head at her. She got the message because she quickly
got out of bed and shut herself in the bathroom, leaving us
Cupping my face in his
hands, he wiped my tears with his thumbs. “Please stop crying. I’m
here. Don’t do this to yourself. We have a few hours left before I
have to go and I don’t want to spend them wiping your tears away.
Come have breakfast with me. You’ll feel better.”
Taking my hand, he pulled
me to my feet and pressed his lips to mine. I let out a long breath
and followed him to the bed. Once I was sitting comfortably, he
strode over to the door and closed it; grabbing the coffee and bag
on the way. He dangled the bag from his finger and smiled. “I got
you your favorite. A toasted poppy seed and salmon bagel.” Handing
me a cup he kissed my cheek.

Coffee. Hot, strong and
delicious. Just like me.”
He winked at me as I took
the bag from him, sniffled and smiled back, mouthing a thank you.
He shrugged as though it was no big deal but it meant a lot to me.
Not only had he stayed but he’d brought me breakfast in bed too. It
was certainly on my list of romantic gestures he’d made. It was up
there with Christmas morning, carving our names in a tree and my
song. “Thank you Ollie. I mean it. For still being here, for
breakfast, for last night. Everything.”
Leaning over, I kissed
his cheek and he blushed. Ollie was adorable when he did that and
his pink flushed skin made me melt inside. “You don’t have to thank
me. I love you remember. It’s how this works. You need me, I’m
there for you. Always. It’s easy like that.” Grinning, I gave him a
quick kiss.
Finishing my bagel I
sipped my coffee and glanced at Ollie who was busy devouring his
own while browsing his social network page on his cell phone.
Opening the bathroom door, Amy arched her eyebrow at me, clearly
wondering if it was safe to come back in yet. Nodding at her I
smiled. Without looking up from his phone, Ollie held out the paper
bag for her.

Got you something to eat
as well. There’s a bottle of O.J in there too miss I don’t pollute
my body with caffeine but I’ll guzzle Cosmos till I
Poking her tongue out at
him she snatched the bag and dug out her bagel. Dropping his cell
on the bed Ollie gave me a rueful smile and sighed loudly. “I have
to get going.”
Nodding weakly, I stared
at the floor, knowing that tears weren’t too far away and I didn’t
want to cry in front of him as it would only make him feel guilty
for leaving me. Threading his fingers in mine he held my chin in
his free hand and turned my face to look at him. His big chestnut
brown eyes glistened in the light and I couldn’t help but gaze
dreamily into them. “Come see me off?”

Of course I
Releasing my hand, he
walked over to Amy and wrapped his arms around her. “I’ll catch up
with you soon ok. And Aims, it will work out, I promise. You know
where I am if you need to talk though alright?”
Hugging him tightly she
nodded. “I know. Thanks Ollie. I’ll miss you. Don’t stay away so
long next time ok?”
Leaning in, he spoke into
her ear and I could just about make out what he said. “Take care of
my girl for me. She’s gonna need you guys, she’s got a lot to think
Winking at her, he turned
his attention back to me and held out his hand.
Immediately taking it in
my own, I followed him out and down to Mel’s room where he began
knocking loudly. “Get out of bed lazy ass.”
I heard a groan from
inside the room.

Screw you punk
Chuckling, he hammered on
the door again and this time she answered. “Come to tell me you’re
kidnapping my best friend? Because if you are, just remember to
feed her three times a day and screw her at least once nightly.” I
gawked at her, completely speechless. She always did know how to
make a situation that little more difficult. Grinning, Ollie nudged
me. “I’ll keep it in mind but no, I’m not stealing her away. I’m
leaving. Heading home. Just wanted to say see ya.”
Smiling ,she hugged him.
“See ya soon rock star. Drive safe and try not to miss me too
Rolling his eyes, Ollie
gave a salute. “Absolutely sergeant. Anything else?”
Pulling away, she glanced
at me. “Yeah just one more thing. Don’t be a stranger. It gets
pretty depressing around here without you.” He nodded and looked at
me as his lips curled ever so slightly upwards. “I
There was only one more
goodbye left and I dreaded the moment as we approached his Ducati.
My insides twisted and I felt my blood run cold. Facing me, he took
my hands in his. “God this is hard. I wish I didn’t have to go.”
Pressing my hands to his chest I gazed up at him. “Then

You know I can’t Layla
and you know why. That ticket I gave you is yours whenever you need
it and there is always a place for you in Utah. You just have to
take the chance and make the choice. I’ll be right there waiting
for you but it has to be what you really want.” Closing the gap
between us he snaked his hands around my waist. “I don’t know how
to say goodbye to you Ollie. I never thought I’d have

Well, you could start by
letting me kiss you.”
Without hesitation I
pulled him against my chest and sealed my mouth over his as his
tongue darted inside, rolling and gently stroking mine. It was a
deep, loving and sensual kiss. It was as though all our emotions,
the hurt, pain, love and desire, were being expressed with just
that one act of affection.
Breathless, I gazed into
his eyes. “I love you Ollie. No matter what happens, never forget
that. I will always love you. You have a piece of my heart
Beaming at me the tip of
his nose touched mine as his forehead rested against my own. “I
love you too Layla. You’ve had my heart since the moment you looked
up at me from the hallway floor. You always will.”
Placing a last chaste
kiss on my lips, he released me and grabbed his jacket and helmet
from his bike and slid it over his thick black hair. Standing in
front of him, I stood on my tiptoes and placed a kiss on his visor.
Mouthing the words I love you, I crossed my heart with my finger
and I could see he was smiling as his eyes glistened and danced.
Nodding, he pointed at himself and held up two fingers signaling he
loved me too before mounting the bike. The roar of the engine made
my heart leap. Taking my hand once more, he ran his gloved thumb
over my knuckles before letting go and speeding out of the parking
I watched him go with a
lump in my throat and tears in my eyes. Appearing at my side, Amy
and Mel draped a comforting arm around me and rested their heads on
my shoulders either side.

It’ll be ok,
Neither answered, they
simply hugged me and turned me around, walking me back to the dorm.
Walking into my room my heart felt heavy as I looked at the empty
coffee cups and discarded bagel wrappers. Seeing my line of sight,
Mel dashed over and began clearing up.

Mel, its fine. I’m
alright. Honest. Can we just veg out in here today? I could use a
day with my girls eating junk food.” Grabbing her purse, Amy hugged
me. “Of course we can. I’ll go to the store and pick up so much
junk they’ll have to get us out of here with a crane.”
Shaking my head, I
watched as she breezed out of the room closing the door behind her.
Pulling me to the bed, Mel pushed me down and sat next to me
holding my hand. “How are you really?”
I shrugged. “Sad that
he’s gone, confused over how I feel about him and totally terrified
of this decision I still have to make.” Shaking her head she stared
at me. “Layla, Jared is with Alicia now, you said so yourself that
he’s moved on. Ollie is your fresh start. Look, if you choose Utah,
choose Ollie, I will back you a hundred percent. So will Amy. Your
parents will have a hissy fit no doubt but they love you, they’ll
understand. But no one can make this choice for you. I just don’t
think Jared Garrett should be a factor in it anymore.”
I knew she was right and
hearing it out loud made it even more clear to me that we really
were through. Why was I still pining for a man that had cast me
aside so easily and ripped my heart to shreds leaving it scarred,
tattered and torn? “You’re right. But I still need time to think
about this. It’s not just what I’d be giving up Mel, its everything
I’d be taking on too.” Nodding, she bit her bottom lip and I knew
there was something she needed to say. “What is it

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