Cailín (Lass) (Anam Céile Chronicles) (27 page)

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taste be nothing as ever I have savoured before, inspiring a new driving force
in me, the only thing I could think of to acquire all I could, so intoxicated I
be!  That triggered a reaction within which I had not an inkling of control
over.  Lustily I raised me head to gaze upon the curve of the girl’s beckoning
neck and sank me teeth into her pulsating jugular vein. 

The girl’s
moans infiltrated me ear— though as with me not long before— in ecstasy, rather
than agony.  Euphoria rushed its way through me as I sucked the life essence
from her, the humming in me restoring to a powerful buzzing once more.  Me one
hand still squeezed the supple warmth of her breast as sensuously she moved
with me, obviously entranced in her own carnal pleasure, entirely undaunted
that she be surrendering her life to me. 

All too
soon, the flow of her blood did come to an end, the lifeless young beauty
falling limply to the floor, and I be left immensely frustrated by this
newfound insatiable desire

I glowered
at Voljidaar, communicating me frustration.  A sympathetic, yet reassuring grin
spread across his face. 

then, the enticing chambermaid entered the room to enquire whether she could be
of further service. 

a moment’s thought, I crouched and sprang, pouncing upon her, forcing her head
back and dove in fer her throat with me teeth.  The lush heat of the woman’s
blood poured down me own throat, her cleavage rising and falling sharply with
her strained breaths. 

tempting sight of that be enough to instigate me to rip open the bodice of her
gown and finally expose the breasts she had enticed me with earlier.  Me hand
grasped fer one of her breasts.  It be much more developed than that of me
young victim a moment past.  I reveled in the fullness of it, pressing me own
breasts against hers as I continued to suckle her blood.

seconds, at last I reaped me ultimate reward, exploding into the most intense orgásam
imaginable.  I lie sprawled out over me sobbing second victim, her life
still dangling by a fragment, as I convulsed endlessly, experiencing a deep
ecstasy throughout me body, evolving from me throat as much as ‘twas from the
innermost depths of me delicate flesh.

As I
lay there in the aftermath, I felt as though I had been an innocent child, now
awakened, christened in blood.  Their blood now be gushing in thriving currents
through me veins, the buzzing pulsing through me whole body.

I cannot
wait to return to me Donovan, to share this newfound discovery with him, to
take him with me to these inconceivable highest of high places.  Together we will
experience greater pleasures than ever we could have imagined!
will perform together, seducing and drinking the blood of beautiful, young
women as a prelude to our lovemaking!

Chapter Fifteen



t last
I lay there satiated, the euphoria winding down as me seemingly endless orgásam
finally calmed to that of a soothing stream.  The sensational afterglow rudely
disturbed by the harsh face of reality rushing back in.  From the floor, I
opened me eyes to behold not more than a couple of metres from me vision an
obscenely protuberant swell within the trousers of, and looking further up to
an iniquitous grin upon the face of, me phantom captor.  

you prefer to save the rest for later, my beloved?” Voljidaar enquired
graciously, motioning with his hand to the now insipid woman lying beneath me.

and horror came over me as slowly I grasped that which I had just done. 

I rose
up enough to look down, confirming that I indeed be laying across the bodies of
me victims: the innocent girl, her young naked body impeccably frozen, yet the colour
drained from her beautiful face, the life void in her eyes, laid just beside
me.  The benevolent, lovely woman who brought me food, be clothed, but
otherwise the same as the girl, occasionally emitting a hint of breath. 

As one
would with a dream, I vaguely recalled the thoughtless moments, being driven by
the lust of me bodily instincts and I felt nauseated. 

Repulsed at meself. 

It not
be real!  How could I have done this?!

acknowledging me obvious distress, Voljidaar came toward me and began to speak,
“I have to say, for your first time, Aislinn, most impressed I am with your
natural instincts,” he said approvingly, still displaying a nefarious grin. 

this further confirmation of me horrific deed, me stomach twisted and lurched
violently, rapidly gurgling up through me until I be discharging from me mouth
the blood I had stolen from them moments before.  After a rather long spell of powerful
heaving, their once life-giving blood ‘twas swathing much of the majestic
chamber.  Me head hung in me mortification, and I clenched me eyes shut at the
sight of them shrouded in their own blood.  The stench of it be pervading all
me senses.

“What a
waste!” Voljidaar exclaimed, apparently affronted by me aftermath.

with me terror and revulsion, I remained there as that, fer I did not know what
to do. 

this must be a nightmare!
Awake, I must!  Awake, Aislinn!  Do
not see them again when you open yer eyes!  Awake, please!  Leave this behind!

As I
deliberated opening me eyes again, I tried to lie to meself, convince meself
they would not be there, that
would not be there.  But I knew before I
opened them, fer the scent of their fresh blood which had invaded me head did

I could not bear to witness the vision of that horrific scene again, I decided against
it, keeping them shut tight, protecting me frail psyche from the unfathomable
reality which I had unexpectedly created.

“What be
this I have done, I have become?” me feeble voice interrogated him. 

When he
did not answer, I insisted more distinctly, “Tell me!  What
this I
have become?”  Though, I already knew the answer to the question, in a barely
audible whisper, I asked it nonetheless, “Be I vampire?”

. . . 
you now are, Aislinn,” Voljidaar confirmed proudly.

I swallowed
hard, tasting only the blood.  Me mind tried to grasp the words, their relevance
to me. 

How can
this be possible?  This cannot happen to me!  I cannot be this!  I must not!

“I be a
. . .
?” I clarified, stunned.

struggling with meself, refusing to accept it, I probed him further.  “And ‘tis
you who have done this to me?” I asked with contrived composure.

hesitated before responding.  “Yes, Aislinn.  I have awakened you to your

be his synthetic pomposity again.

“So, an
immortal I be, then?” I asked only fer the sake of morbid curiosity, yet still
not accepting it as truth, nor wishing fer it to be.

, you are, as am I,” Voljidaar responded definitely, yet somehow his
answer did not feel genuine. 

looked upon him in continued disbelief.

“And why
is it you have chosen me fer this?”

have been chosen because you are destined for me, Aislinn.  Always has it been
so,” he illuminated confidently.  “I have long waited for you to join, and at
last, you are here!”

. . . fer
. . . ?” I repeated, not understanding the implication of
his words.

will be my
.” Voljidaar clarified proudly.  “We will share our
eternities with each other.”  A glorious smile erupted across his face that
would have been enchanting were I not so infuriated.

I could
not help but to laugh. 

Me?  He
wants me to be his wife?  Sightless he must be!  Me, but a homely peasant girl,
a cailín feirme, and he . . . well, just look at him!  He be obviously some
kind of eternal vampire royalty or something.  And I thought Donovan be out of
me league!  What in the world could
man possibly want with
the likes of me?

the look I shot him turned severe, sharp as a blade. 

people ever stop telling me whom to marry?!  Already I have chosen with whom I
will share eternity, and he . . . 

Oh!  Me
wedding!  Donovan and I were to be married . . . be it today?  Or . . . how
many days have passed since I last slept in me own bed?  Of that, I cannot be

As if
reading me mind, Voljidaar interrupted me frantic thoughts.  “You cannot return
home, Aislinn,” he stated calmly.  “
can you return to those you
once loved.  You will be a mortal danger to them.  And I perceive you would
never forgive yourself should any harm come to them by your hands.”

No, no,
no!  That cannot be!  Never could I hurt me loved ones, me family, me Donovan! 

with me you are safe.  My people are your clann now— as in all actuality they
have always been— and soon you will forget your earthly family.  They were not
your real family besides; they merely served their purpose as a necessary
temporary placement . . .”

A moment
it took to grasp what he be saying as the words slowly sank into me head. 

Not me
real family?  Temporary placement?  What are these words he be saying?! 

“Not to
fret, sweet Aislinn.  I will initiate you with all you need to know for your
new existence,” Voljidaar said smoothly as he reached fer me, pulling me to him
and slithering his strong arms about me waist.  “It is all quite simplistic,

touch tingled through me, to me bones, causing me to tremor. 

hands are warm, excessively so, yet the others skin be so cold all over.  Why
the difference?

by him, by everything which had occurred thus far, I attempted to wriggle out
from his hold, but I could not.

“Let go
of me!” I commanded, me eyes propelling daggers at him.

Aislinn, do not be difficult, my child,” Voljidaar continued, with a chuckle,
entirely impervious to me kitten-like fierceness.  “Now, shh, love, let us have
now.”  His tone was completely blasé as he uttered this outrageous

Feis!  What? 
Oh me Dia, it be just as I feared, as ‘twas in me dream!  He intends on taking
me in that way!  Though he be trying to charm me into cooperating pleasantly, I
know he will not hesitate to take me by force if necessary.  What will I do?  Too
strong he be fer me to oppose.

you insane?” I screeched.  “I will NOT engage in anything of the sort with

yes, I understand it is against your human upbringing to have
to wedlock.  However, in our culture, it is quite the opposite.  One must stake
claim to the female he has chosen swiftly— before another does— at which point,
he would lose his right to her.  Fortunate for me, your Donovan never was man
enough to do what he should have, what you begged him to.”  His persistently
sustained composure irritated me.

“Do not
speak of me Donovan!  You do not know how he loves me!  And I wanted to give
meself to him because I love him with everything I be!  I do not love you, nor
do you love me, hence how could I possibly consent to having
you?”  Vehement I be.

“Oh so
young and naïve you are, sweet child!”  Voljidaar gazed at me endearingly.  “
has nothing to do with love,
Aislinn.  You cannot know since you have
yet to receive it.”  His look altered into something dark then, making me
uncomfortable, in more ways than I would care to admit. 

me, the body does not require love to delight in receiving the ethereal gifts
of carnal pleasure.” 

stared into his watery blue eyes and found meself squirming again at the
thought, detesting the interference of me determined mind.  

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