Cailín (Lass) (Anam Céile Chronicles) (28 page)

BOOK: Cailín (Lass) (Anam Céile Chronicles)
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Me mind
set out to wander over the latter part of me past dream, reminiscing upon the
all-consuming pleasure, the feeling of me insides being totally occupied;
something I recall with the sharpest of clarity in me head, though have yet to
experience the sensation bodily. 

Oh, how
I do yearn to feel that!  I know it will be as nothing else in this world! 
I felt
me insides clench in response.

betrayal of me mind apparently be easily detected in me body, doing naught to
discourage his assertions.  “I can see the idea intrigues you, as I hear all
the senses in your body intensifying in response.  Your heart and pulse are
quickening as the blood races through your veins, your skin perspiring, your
essences dancing,” Voljidaar speculated confidently, moving his hand down me
back as his blue eyes penetrated mine, prevailing over me logic.

mouth I opened in protest, yet the words were lost somewhere before they could
emerge, me mind going blank as he abruptly tightened his arms about me, pulling
me closer to him, his hot breath in me face.  The rigidity of his monstrously
enlarged form pressed firmly into the soft flesh near me navel, causing all
structured thoughts in me head to disappear, and were swiftly supplanted with
uninvited lascivious thoughts. 

No, no,
I cannot allow meself think about it . . .  how incredibly L-A-R-G-E ‘tis . .
.  how unearthly it will— could— feel within me . . .  how very deep within me
it could reach . . . Ahh!  Oh!  No, no . . .

though Voljidaar could read me mind, he was gazing into me eyes and smiling
mischievously.  Then I felt his hot hands browsing delectably over the skin of
me bottom. 

Oh, why
must that feel so good?

Next he
grasped both cheeks of me derriere with his large hands and slowly spread them
apart.  The unexpected cool air upon me exposed flesh revived the unfulfilled
ache within me.  To make matters worse, his hands shifted around to explore,
his fingers creeping provocatively near to me tender flesh.  The ache became
more acute!  

Now me
body be eager to betray me!
It be begging to be
occupied by something, by anything.

urgency of me need tainted every thought in me head.

A moan involuntarily escaped me, eliciting yet another devilish grin from him. 

Oh no! 
I mustn’t encourage him!  This must stop before, before . . .

thought, provoked I be to overlook why it must stop as Voljidaar spun me around
briskly, me backside now against his front.  Once again he snaked his arm about
me slender waist effortlessly and pulled me ever nearer to him.  Now I could
feel him hard upon me derriere, pressing against the crevice of it, as if in

arm moved up and commenced with caressing me breasts and manipulating me nipples,
now swollen with arousal devoid of me own volition.  Simultaneously, his other
arm came around me lower, his palm brushing me scarlet ensconced mound as his
fingers dexterously explored yet another swollen knob of mine, driving me to
delirium.  Me eyes rolled back into me head as I let out a long, low moan,
leaning into him.

bereft of a smidgeon of sensible thought, impulsively I broadened me posture,
and rising up on the balls of me feet, inclined forward ever so slightly.  With
that, his form nestled snugger into the opening cleft of me flesh, with only a
thin layer of fabric between us.  I could feel him along the entire extent of
me, tempting, propositioning, looming.  Beyond excruciating the aching hollow
of me insides then be! 

I felt deliciously
vulnerable with the awareness that at any moment, he could merely rip through
the fabric of his trousers and plunge into me naked and ready flesh, taking that
which he craved from me.  The thought be at once alluring and repelling.  The
question be, would I allow him or would I be strong and be able to pull meself
from the carnal trance of this place?

his head down, his hot mouth found me neck and began kissing it as his hand
migrated to me other breast and his fingers began their search further down. 
Voljidaar glided his forefinger along me slit, and it opened fer him readily,
quickly coating him with the heat of me juices.  This time he moaned in
appreciation as he slid his finger back and forth within me slit and across me
clitoris, driving me crazy.  I let out a guttural moan when, along with
another, he curved his fingers and pushed them inside me. 

pattern of writhing in rhythm I established with the movements of his fingers,
until at last, the ripening responsiveness within me bubbled to the point of
beautiful eruption.  I would have collapsed in me total surrender had I not
been leaning into him, his arm wrapped about me to support me weight. 
Voljidaar continued impelling his magical fingers into me as me molten liquid
poured over them.

that I be descending from me ethereally heightened state, I felt him withdraw
his fingers from me.  Engrossed in me whimpering at the loss of me source of
pleasure, I did not realise that he had opened the front of his trousers until
the heat of his enormous bare form was upon mine.  Me eyes flared in shock as I
inhaled me breath sharply. 

What .
. . ?  Be that . . . ?  Oh me Dia!  ‘Tis so hot against me, making me ache
more.  Me juices I can feel flowing in response, beckoning it within.  Should I
just let him?  Oh, I can only imagine how it will feel, slipping inside, deeper
and deeper . . . how it will satisfy this unrelenting excruciating ache within
me!  Did I have to sell me soul to have pleasure as this? 

could I?  No, I cannot . . .  Donovan. 

Voljidaar has told me I will never be able to return home, lest I hurt those I
love, consuming their lives with me new bloodlust.  How can I risk that, even
if it means never seeing them again?

. . .  Wedding!  We were to be married!  Oh!  I have missed me wedding!  They
must all be worried sick about me!  I cannot just leave them waiting and
wondering what has happened to me.  Make some attempt to return I must, I will
force control over meself.  I could not possibly hurt any of them.

I felt
Voljidaar’s large fingers manipulating the inner folds of me flesh, to spread them
wide open so the engorged crown of his phallus now pushed against the slippery
opening.  I knew I had to fight against me animal needs to be free of him. 

In a
fraction of a second immersed within me he will be, and I will have forevermore
lost meself to him.  I cannot allow that to happen!  I have to give meself to
Donovan, after all this time I have waited fer him! 

with that determined thought, I twisted away from him just as he was about to
bury the mass of his organ deep within me.

presume Voljidaar thought he had mastered me, fer I slipped out from his
loosening grasp quite easily and darted away from him.  Crouched on the far
side of the room, I growled fiercely as he moved toward me.

you take another step toward me!” I snarled at him.

Aislinn, you were doing so well.  And I was so proud of you!  What happened, my
child?” his voice dripped of mock concern.

calling me yer child!”  I shouted, maddened. 

but you are, my love.  And it is my duty alone to show you into this life.  And
I was prepared to give you such a thorough education . . .” he murmured,

averted me eyes from his spellbinding gaze to scan the room fer an escape
route.  The only way out be that small, high window— unless I wanted to bolt
out through the door, but not knowing what I might encounter out in the castle,
I determined that not be an option. 
I looked to the window again.  At
least three metres from the ground it must have been. 

ever be the point of a window so high that one could not even look out it?

‘Twas a
crazy idea, to be certain, and I didn’t know if I had any conceivable chance
whatsoever of actually making the leap up to it, but try I must— what other
choice had I?

While I
be assessing this, Voljidaar must have perceived me escape strategy developing upon
me face, fer he began talking calmly as to a child again. 

although it may not make sense to you right now, you are meant to be here with
me, as part of my Clann,” he droned, burning his frosty eyes into mine, determining
to keep me entranced.  “Trust me, it is
for which you were born! 
It will all be explained.” 


multitude of questions whizzed through me head that I wanted to scream at him,
to uncover the truth of me origins.  Still, how would I know whether I could believe
anything he told me?  Moreover, I knew if I did, I would only be granting him
more opportunity to find a way to convince me to stay.  And I had made up me

I tore
me eyes from him fer the final time and prepared meself to focus all the energy
in me body in anticipation fer the impossible leap.  I felt the low humming in
me belly accelerate to a steady buzzing once more, and then an ever stronger
buzzing, as the mystical sensation moved through every muscle, sinew and joint
in me form. 

Not actually
expecting to even get so high as to even reach the bottom of the opening, I
crouched and sprang upwards with all me might, the energy flowing through me
vibrantly.  To me astonishment, I soared up easily, and fer a fraction of a
second, I actually feared I would surpass the window!  I be able to direct me
propelling motion toward the window, tearing right through the heavy drape and
taking it with me, I darted away and through the window. 

To me
surprise, Voljidaar did not attempt to stop me from escaping, though more than
certain I be he could have!  However, on me way out, I heard him call out to
me.  “I will await your return my beloved Aislinn!  You
come back
to me; there is much you have to learn about your existence now!”

prepared be I fer what awaited me on the other side.  Once through the
unassuming window, stunned I be to find meself sailing at full speed some
thirty metres in the air!  Whilst descending rapidly through the air— struggling
with the heavy cloth of the drape— a moment of sheer panic I had.  Regretting
instantly me rash action, whilst waiting fer the impact of the landing to
shatter all the bones in me body and more than likely, meet me death!  Me mind
quickly compared that option with the one I had escaped, and could not decide
which be worse!

‘twas undeniably stunned I be when I felt me feet alight upon the ground
weightlessly as a feather. I stood frozen fer a moment, trying to believe it. 
And then, the thought occurred to me too late that vampires cannot see the
light of day lest they be obliterated by the sun.  Instinctively, I threw me
hands up to shield me face, shrieking as I anticipated me skin to burst into
flames.  However, nothing had befallen me, and the sun was positively shining
above me luminously. 

Huh?  Be
it all a lie, then?  Be I not truly a vampire, after all?  What be going on? 

So many
strange occurrences, I could not wrap me head around it all . .

glance I cast back to the immense stone fortress, and though Voljidaar stared
out the window down at me, he made not an attempt to come after me.  I sensed
he be haughtily certain I would soon return, indebted fer his gift to me of

He has
another thing coming if he believes I
be returning to fulfill
me presumed destiny and become his wife!

surely I was not going to stick around long enough to test the notion!  Still
clutching the heavy drape I had ripped from the window upon me exit, I flung it
about me.  It be just sufficient to cover me naked skin from the biting cold.  Me
feet remained bare, beneath them the ground be encased in snow and ice in every
direction fer as far as me eyes could see, which seemed a great distance. 

the castle, amidst the snow-swathed land, it became starkly obvious that there
existed not another person, structure or city fer some vast distance from that

What be
this place?  Éire this cannot be, as ‘tis nothing ever I have seen before . . .

I be consciously aware of me actions, I took off running at a speed that be
much faster than I knew possible, instigating me mind to race to acclimatize to
these incredible physical feats I had done with scant effort.



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