Cat Snips - a Short Story Collection by Cat Johnson (12 page)

BOOK: Cat Snips - a Short Story Collection by Cat Johnson
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Listening to the rustle of the
sheets and the soft whispers started the process. By the time he
heard Mary Jo start to come, he was full tilt and hard enough to
drive nails with his dick.

Eyelids squeezed tightly closed,
he concentrated intently on every sound when he knew he should be
blocking it all out. Even the whir of the fan, which had been the
peaceful drone that had put him to sleep before, annoyed him now as
it covered the tiny noises he knew she’d be making but he
couldn’t hear clearly. He strained to catch every shuddering
breath she took as she climaxed hard.

Bedsprings squeaked and Joe’s
moan told Brad his friend was exactly where he wished he could be.
Inside her.

Dammit. He should leave. When his
hand uncontrollably strayed down and he started stroking himself, he
knew he was going to have to, if only to go to the bathroom and
finish himself off, but he didn’t want to go. He wanted to
listen, to share in some small part of this.

As silently as possible, he spit
into his palm, and then stroked himself, harder and faster, keeping
time with the creaking of the bed just feet from him.

Whispering across the room
stopped Brad in mid stroke.

Shit. Had they heard him? He held
perfectly still, straining to make individual words out of the


Joe’s voice made him jump.
He’d spoken loud enough; Brad decided he couldn’t pretend
to sleep through it, even though he’d like to do exactly that.

You can come over here.”

Shocked and confused, Brad took a
moment to consider the meaning of that invitation and couldn’t
quite wrap his head around it, probably because his hand was still
wrapped around his dick, hindering his thought process. “Um.

Joe’s laugh came through
the darkness. “Stop pretending you’re not listening to us
and just get your ass over here.”

A female giggle followed Joe’s

Adjusting his shorts so he was
covered, Brad sat up and swung his legs over the side of the bed,
planting both bare feet on the floor. “Um, why?”

Damn, he sounded like an

To take pictures for my
scrapbook. Why the hell do you think?”

I’m not sure what I

Brad. It’s okay.
Come on over.” The softly spoken invitation from her had him
hardening further.

A lump lodged in his throat. Mary
Jo, with the peaches and cream cheerleader good looks, did not seem
like the threesome type. Then again, she obviously was because there
had not been a whole hell of a lot of discussion happening in that
other bed before this crazy invitation had come through the darkness.
Not enough for Joe to have convinced her to do something she wasn’t

Brad rose onto unsteady legs and
made his way across the short distance. He eyed the bed, wondering
how a mattress designed for one was going to accommodate three. The
answer came when the other two moved and Mary Jo patted the sheets.
“Take off your shorts and lay down.”

Who was he to argue? A good
soldier did as he was told, so Brad dropped his shorts and laid down
in the spot they’d created for him.

Like a well-synchronized team,
Mary Jo straddled his legs, before lowering her head to his cock,
while Joe pressed up behind her. Perhaps these two had done this
before. A shiver ran up his spine in spite of the heat when her mouth
engulfed him. Joe slid inside her pussy and her answering moan
vibrated through Brad.

He hissed in a breath, ready to
come even though they’d just started. This was the most erotic
thing he’d ever done and it would really suck to have it end
too soon. Fists clutching the sheet on either side of him, he
struggled to keep his eyes open to watch her lips and hand sliding up
and down his length.

Joe’s arms wrapped around
her and he pulled her body upright. “Ease off him a bit, baby
girl. Yankees can’t last as long as us southern boys.”

Throbbing and with pre-come
already heralding the inevitable, Brad was afraid to argue. Instead
he watched Joe’s hand drop to between Mary Jo’s legs. He
wished with all his might he could put the lights on and see better,
but the illumination coming through the window blinds from the
security light outside would have to do.

Brad couldn’t take his gaze
off her face while Joe worked her clit and thrust faster. Her eyes
squeezed shut and her lips parted. She gasped for breath while crying
out. His cock throbbed while he watched her come, imagining how hot
and wet her pussy would feel.

Joe pulled her head back and to
the side, kissing her hard as he thrust in one final time and then
released a loud groan. Brad watched in fascination, wishing he were
inside of her instead.

Pulling out, Joe gave Mary Jo one
final kiss. “Stay right there.”

Padding naked across the room,
Joe reached into the dresser drawer and then a foil packet came
flying through the air, landing on Brad’s chest.

He glanced down at it, wide-eyed,
as Joe pulled off his own used condom, and flung it into the garbage.

Put it on,” he
instructed before turning the computer chair to face the bed and

The breeze from the fan did
nothing to help as he sweat in earnest now, and not just from the
heat. Brad discovered his hands shook as he picked up the packet and
struggled to open it. Mary Jo finally took it from him. She covered
him quickly, her touch gentle but sure.

She moved over him and his tip
pressed against her. Then he was inside. She felt every bit as good
as he imagined she would. With her arms braced on either side of his
head, her face hovered just above his. Brad licked his lips, craving
her mouth.

You can kiss her if you
want to.” Joe’s voice sounded strained.

He turned his head and saw the
intense expression on Joe’s face as he watched Mary Jo rise
slowly up and down over Brad.

Brad’s heart pounded. He
wasn’t into being watched. Or maybe he was judging by how much
it was turning him on to fuck Joe’s girl, even his ex, while he
watched. He grabbed her head and did what he’d wanted to do
since seeing Joe kiss her while she came. Thrusting his tongue into
her mouth, he kissed her hard.

Brad’s hands slid from her
hair, lowering to grasp her tiny waist. He began thrusting faster.
She angled her hips and her breathing changed, getting more rapid
until she was gasping and had to break the kiss. He felt his balls
tighten. The tingling started and told him he was close, but damn, he
wanted to feel her come while he was inside.

Just as he couldn’t hold on
any longer, when he began to come in hard spurts deep within Mary Jo,
her muscles began to convulse around him. He buried his face in her
shoulder, nearly crying out as the combined climaxes shook him to the

She collapsed onto him, their
chests stuck together with sweat that for once, Brad didn’t
mind one bit. Outside, the scattered sound of fireworks in the
distance continued. The amateur kind that made more noise than color,
but Brad could barely hear them over the sound of his own breathing.

Reality began to return with the
sound of Joe’s voice. “Now this is what every Fourth of
July is supposed to be like.”

Against his chest, Mary Jo shook
her head. “We’ve done this exactly once on July 4
Fifteen years ago.”

Twice, counting today. And
so? It should become an annual event in my opinion.”

You’re not joking?
You two have done this before?” Somehow Brad knew the answer
before she gave it.

She propped her chin up on her
hands so he could see her face. “Yeah. A few times back when we
were dating. He likes to watch.”

That fact didn’t seem to
phase her one bit.

Don’t say it like
that. If I remember correctly, you like it too.” Joe crawled
back onto the bed, leaned over and kissed Mary Jo hard on the mouth,
even as Brad was still buried inside her. “Damn. I’ve
missed you, baby girl.”

I missed you too,”
she answered.

Joe’s hand traced a line
down Mary Jo’s spine. Brad felt her shiver from the touch. He
watched as Joe wet his finger and slid it slowly between her ass
cheeks. Mary Jo pushed back against his hand as her eyes drifted

Joe let out a groan. “I’m
ready for round two. How about you guys?”

Brad started to immediately get
hard again. Who was he to argue?

The End

The Rookie (a Studs in Spurs
series deleted scene cut from

Mustang opened the door of the
trailer and stepped back, watching Marla’s heart-shaped ass
within her skintight jeans sway as she walked ahead of him.

He followed her inside and
breathed with relief when he saw he’d remembered to straighten
the covers on the big bed after he’d gotten up that day, back
when he had two good arms instead of one. Waking up that morning felt
like a million years ago.

Going directly to the cabinet, he
took down a bottle and two glasses. He wasn’t planning on
drinking anymore himself so he splashed whisky into the glasses for
Chase and Marla. Chase definitely needed some liquid courage and
Marla, well, this woman looked like she could hold her liquor.

He handed one to Marla, then
carried the other to Chase, who still hovered, hat in hand, inside
the open doorway. “Shut the door, kid.”

That order broke Chase out of his
spell. He reached back, pulled the door shut and then stood there
again like he was waiting for the torture to begin.

He thrust the glass at him and
Chase shook his head. “I don’t want it. Thanks.”

You’re shaking.
Drink it.” Mustang kept his voice low, but authoritative.

After one hard and no doubt dry
swallow, Chase finally gave in and took the drink, downing it too
fast and coughing.

Shaking his head at that, Mustang
pivoted on the heel of one boot, and looked back at Marla.

She’d already kicked off
her shoes and was sitting seductively on the big bed.
She patted the blanket
with one hand. “Is this where you sleep while you’re on
the road competing?”

That’s right. Sleep
and other things.” He smiled, until he saw the expression on
Chase’s face. The kid was frozen in place and scared shit. This
was going to take more work than he’d thought. Mustang drew in
a deep breath and leaned in toward Chase. “Go over and sit next
to her on the bed.”

Chase’s eyes flew open

Trust me.” Leading
by example and hoping Chase would follow, Mustang walked the short
distance to the bed. He sat on the far side of Marla, leaving the
other spot open for Chase, who was moving at a sloth-like pace.

Does your arm hurt?”
She thankfully was focused on Mustang’s sling and didn’t
notice Chase’s hesitant, shaky decent onto the bed.

Nah. The doc has me so
pumped full of pain pills I can’t feel a thing.”

I certainly hope you can
feel something.” Marla’s gaze dropped to the bulge in the
crotch of Mustang’s jeans. He heard Chase draw in a wheeze of

Don’t you worry
about that, darlin’. Everything is in perfect working order
except my bum arm here.”


Chase laid his hat on the bed
behind them and Mustang, knowing that area was about to become the
sight of some pretty energetic activity, reached out and moved it to
the table next them.

It does make it mighty
hard to get dressed though…and undressed.” Mustang let
that suggestion hang in the air as a little push in the direction of
those very activities he had in mind.

I’m sure I can help
you with that.” A sly smile crossed Marla’s red-tinged
mouth. He wouldn’t mind seeing that lipstick ringing his cock
real soon.

Mustang nodded, a matching smile
on his own lips. “That would be mighty appreciated. You know
what else would be appreciated?”

What’s that?”

If you would give my
friend Chase here a little birthday kiss.”

Now, of all times, Chase decided
to open his mouth. “It’s not my birthday.”

Mustang shot him a look behind
Marla’s back that would hopefully silence him. “Nope,
you’re right, kid. It’s not until tomorrow, but I figure
it will be midnight soon enough.”

Marla turned on the bed to face
Chase. “I always believe it’s never too early to start
celebrating. Don’t you?”

Chase swallowed hard. “Yes,

Please, call me Marla.”

Mustang would have to break him
of that “ma’am” habit if Chase was going to stick
to pursuing his usual type. Older women, especially those who weren’t
from the south, didn’t take kindly to being called ma’am
by a young man they were about to have sex with.

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