Chaos: The First (6 page)

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Authors: Tammy Fanniel

BOOK: Chaos: The First
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Abelard warily walked over to the window. 


“Touch her…”


Abelard slowly reached out his hand and touched the dragon’s snout.  Her scales were warm, and smooth.  As he made the connection, a rift opened within his mind.  He stiffened as he heard the dragon communicate with him in her musical language.  Her voice echoed within his mind, a soothing, crooning caress that put him at ease.


Ambrose purred with pleasure shifting
head so that one great all seeing eye could look at the current King. 
He maintained contact with her scaly form as she moved. 
King Abelard, great ruler of Alexandrites.
The voice floated in
his mind
I have known your kin through the ages, and I am proud to share this land with you and your family. 
Soon, we will bond again, and knowledge will flow through your veins as in the old.  Your manuscripts and scrolls may have been lost, but those can be rewritten.  As we serve our sire, we serve this land and the good people of Alexandrites as well.


Where his hand touched her beautiful scales, he began to see their essence blend.  In his mind, a wall erected from years and generations of neglect began to crumble.  Ambrose shared with him her memories of time when Dragons and mortals ruled the Earth as one…keeping evil at bay.  Once the barriers in his mind crumbled, he shakily removed his hand, but the connection was now made.  The sharing of their life force, created a bond between him and the great Dragon mother.  His mind was awakened and he could feel the power subdued throughout the generations pool in his veins.  He knew it was a gift.  A gift of understanding, strength, and knowledge.  He looked into her potent eyes and spoke,
“Thank You.”


Ambrose carefully backed away from the window and launched herself into the air. In back of his mind, he could feel a calming stroke from his new ally as she flew back to the mountains where other of her kind roamed the skies.


He heard a rustle in back of him and became aware of the other being still in his chambers.  He turned to face Chaos and the angel.


Chaos turned to the angel and said
“You have served me well Michael.  Leave this land and bring me news of
the Sapphire lands.
  The angel disappeared as Chaos bid the dragon farewell. 
A soft white feather floated down in front of Abelard, and the whisper in his mind told him to take the gift of friendship from his longtime guardian.


“It is time to bring the magic in your blood out of hiding.  The old ways must be relearned, and new magic must flow through the veins of your diluted blood.  Thus I have come to claim your daughter as my mate, or betrothed as you humans put it.  For she was never yours to begin with, but always an extension of my Aura.”


King Abelard gasped at his declaration and stumbled as he realized that this deity wanted to take his cherished child.  “No!!!”
  The dragon and angel forgotten as his heart twisted with the pain.


Chaos frowned as he read the
in the
eyes.  He didn’t understand these emotions since he never visited this Realm before, only watched with a disinterested gaze.
  He touched the King drawing in his emotions to understand and what he found staggered him.  He immediately withdrew his touch and frowned.  Such pain and distrust in this mortal from thousands of years of
neglect by his children
.  Distrust of Gods and other magical creatures were ingrained in their very make-up.  He took a step back as the panicked King fought for control. 


“King Abelard, I have watched for years as what you call Gods wreaked havoc on this Realm.  I stood by and idly watched with a disengaged mind the games my children have played.”


“Your children,
are you?
Are you Zeus?
How could you want my innocent daughter?  What have we done to you?”


“So many questions.
I am Chaos.  Your lost history would tell you that I am the Creator.  Father of Gaia, Tartarus, Erebus, Nyx, and Eros. 
Those that fathered and mothered the Titans.
I am alone, the only one and I grow weary of the war and bloodshed. 
I grow weary of my solitude. 
However, you mortals are different.  Within my creations you’ve been made.  Your souls set you apart from other creatures. Some Gods envy you, some hate you, while others want to protect you because they realize how special you are.
I am pleased with you and all the Kings that have ruled before you.  I have watched you struggle with your own desires, battling the evils prevalent in your mortal souls and for centuries the light in your souls has overcome the darkness. 
has been accomplished
out the
diminishing magic in your veins. 
A war is coming, and I will not be able to choose sides against my children…but I can empower you to choose your own destiny.


King Abelard’s shoulders sagged as he took in the beings words.  “Why would you help us?  If you have held yourself separate for thousands of years, why now?”


As I stated,
I grow
and tired.  I have chosen to live in ignorance.  My ignorance held me back.  I didn’t understand the passions of my children as they became closer to you mortals.  Their existence has created a symbiotic relationship.  They feed off of you
energy, your prayers.  They
envy you your passions.  I didn’t understand so I watched in silence.  To further my
knowledge I have chosen this interaction.  I have watched your ancestors since the beginning of time and you have held on to the light.  The Earth is in chaos and I feel the lands crying out as blood soaks its soils.  I could no longer keep my di
sinterest at bay as my daughter
Gaia’s cries broke across my barriers. She mourns the destruction of her children.  She mourns her blood soaked essence.  I have heeded my
and released my essence into her depths.  She chose your line to promulgate my energy
.  I cannot fight this battle for you, bu
t I can empower you with a gift;
A gift of power, knowledge and strength.”


“Chaos!!!  What could you possibly want with MY DAUGHTER?  She has nothing to do with this.”  He cried.


“She has everything to do with this.  Long before her existence I have set plans in motion.  I have tapped into your emotions to understand what you feel.  Some of your kind repulses me, others draw me.  Your Realm drew me
and Gaia
because of the innate goodness shared in your Kingdom.  I have come to bless your family and lands, but in return I shall take Zoe to reclaim my essence.”


The Kings soldiers sagged as he silently wept the loss of his daughter. 


Chaos touched the Kings shoulders and forced him to look into his eyes.  “Calm your aching heart.  I will not take your daughter from you Abelard.  I will respect your culture.  I will respect your…heart.”  King Abelard drew a deep breath waiting for more of an explanation.  “I wish to learn from your people.  I will live among you and I will share your daughter’s life.  No one must know of my presence.  The Titans do not
care to
remember me.  The Olympians, in their ignorance think I am nothing but a
or disinterested at most
.  But my children called for my help and I heed their cry. 
I offer your lands my protection as I immerse myself in
your world.  How you choose to introduce me to your people is up to you.”


Hope flooded King Abelard’s soul as he realized the chance within his grasp to save his people.  That hope flooded into Chaos, whose eyes widened as he dissected the emotion.


“So this is hope.”
Chaos dropped his hand.



Zoe sped to her father’s
hall anxiously after being summoned.  Her mind was awhirl and fear pulsed with her every step.  As she neared the double doors, the guards opened the chamber doors for her.  As she walked in she saw Chaos by her father’s window standing by her father.  She came to an abrupt stop and the doors quietly shut behind her.
She twisted her hands anxiously as she waited.  Her father was the first to turn and he offered her a tremulous smile, reaching his hand out to her, biding her to come to him. She rushed over to him and grabbed his hand with both of hers, questions unspoken reflected in her eyes. 


Lately, when he thought no one was looking, her father seemed defeated and hopeless.  To her, there was nothing to hide.  His Aura told the story. 
Her eyes widened at the imperceptible change in it.  It shown with more purity and strength, and she questioningly looked at Chaos.  T
oday his Aura was tinged with hope, and he stood taller, more like the old King she knew him to be.


He held her in his arms like when she was a child then slowly pulled back.  “My beautiful, loving child.”  He said.


Chaos slowly turned indecipherable eyes
her.  She tensed, knowing that her father was giving her to this man. She turned to look into her father’s worried face and smiled. “I understand Father.  No words need be said.  Even
if this were for our people, I would want no other.”  She saw the worry leave her father’s eyes.  He placed her hand into Chaos’ hand and said, “Take care of my daughter,” and walked out
, affording them his blessing and privacy

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