Chaos: The First (9 page)

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Authors: Tammy Fanniel

BOOK: Chaos: The First
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He showed her things that she could never
of.  Through his memories and eyes she saw the universe.  She saw different realms with
fantastic creatures as she sigh
ed with amazement.  She saw colors that were hidden from her in her magic
barren state.  They now sparkled across the mortal realm. 
But as their spirits merged her latent magic came to life.  She was of the Earth, a child of mother Gaia.  Her skills developed gently, as her slowly rounding belly.  When she sang to her child, the flowers took note.  Their colors shone more vibrantly and their petals lifted to the sun more proudly.  When she hummed to herself, a calm washed over
those that listened to the melody.  When she went out to heal the sick or wounded, her touch soothed and the wounds healed quickly.
  She glowed with happiness and inner peace.


Ambrose became her constant companion when Chaos was not around. She felt safe and cherished with the great beast, and Ambrose was over protective of her and the young babe. No one dared to come near the princess when Ambrose was near.
Ambrose replaced the mother she could barely remember.  They were a unique pair as the lay in the open meadows, content their silence.  Sometimes Ambrose taught her the varying uses of the plants that grew in the wild.


She learne
d that the insect repelling beautyberries with their clusters of white to pinkish flowers and red-purple berries of metallic luster could also be used to make wind or jelly.  She also learned of the Areca nut, which some used as a mild stimulant…or ginger, not only used a spice but can also treat nausea. 


She loved the sessions with Ambrose and they grew very close as her baby matured in her swollen womb.
  As they lay in spring meadow, soaking in the sun’s rays, she lay back on her good friend and drifted off into a peaceful slumber.








Chaos shimmered into King
chambers knowing that the king was alone. 


Michael, present yourself!”
Chaos ordered.
“What goes on in the lands of


Michael materialized in the
chamber out of thin air.


“Sire, the lands are cremated with the lust and hatred of the Sapphire
.  The animals have fled and the common people suffer.  King Cledwyn is blinded by his own greed.  He scavenges the land, raping and pillaging his own people.  He mines the land where the sapphires are found, further enraging the Sapphire Dragons.  The Sapphire dragons of the legends are in the past, although there are some that have chosen a different path… they have turned their back on their children and brethren as they became what they feared the most.  Those that have turned from the true path are nothing more than shells of their former selves.  The balance within their souls is lost, and their hearts are as black as the charred remains of their enemies.  King Cledwyn has found a way to draw from the magic in the Sapphires and he and his men become bold.  They have even captured one of the mythical beasts and enslaved it with
own magic.
  King Cledwyn now rides the beast looking for more wealth and power.  The creatures of his land have all but fled and in their place are demon lords.


“Which of the fallen have taken up with King Cledwyn?”  asked Chaos.  He frowned as he attempted to remember all


“Ballaton has chosen the demon path.  He calls upon the spirits of the evil fallen with the assistance of his sorcerers.  He has called Baraacata to his side.”  Michael hesitated as he looked his sire in the eyes. “Metatron has joined him sire
, along with Phanuel.”


Chaos felt his insides burn with anger as his faithful messengers
or children
turned from his light.
  His eyebrows bunched in an all too human way as emotions swirled through his newly discovered humanity.  Shock, anger, pain, and sadness swirled through his chest and infiltrated his mind.  He was stunned at their deception.  They were angels of the First Choir, made of brilliant gold light as was Michael.  How could he not feel their
  They fed off of his energy source, the Whole of Existence. 


Chaos closed his eyes for the first time since coming to this mortal realm and reached out to his children.  He found them within the pits of the Sapphire lands.  Their once brilliant gold light was now dim, imbued with strands of red and black.  Their pure feathers began to shed, and underneath the downy feathers a glimpse of leather replaced the once pristine white.  They were still brilliant to look at, but now they were dark angels…not
far from
that turned wholly from the light and
scourged the land.


Swiftly and with meticulous care he cut the strands of power that bonded them to the Source.  With the severance of their power, the angel
turned demon
shrieked in pain and bewilderment.  They never understood their connection to the source
, but now they were bereft and in their hearts the horror of that severance screamed in their minds, manifesting itself in a shriek that rent through the air and brought chills to every being with a
  The feathers fully fell off of their now leathery wings, and when they realized that their creator banished them from his light, they knew that their true trials  were about to begin. 


The Sapphire lands bordered Land of Alexandrites on the west.  The darkness encroach
ed on
the borders and the people that lived there felt the shift as the air carried the acrid smell of smoke and evil.


King Abelard called for his commander of the Alexandrites Army, General Anieli.  The warrior entered and came to attention in front of his King.  His eyes took in Michael bright form and his eyes widened at the celestial being, but he did not budge until his king bade him at ease.


“We must gather our Army and post them on the borders of our lands.”  King Abelard said steadfastly.  “
Gather your brightest warriors.  We will stagger them along the west border villages of Pleochroist, Chromist, and Columbine along the Ural Mountains.”  Abelard gave him the information that was just relayed to him by Michael.


“This will not be a battle that you have ever fought before Anieli.  This is not just a mortal battle.  Prepare your men.  You will leave one month from now.  As you prepare the men, we will ply our magical brethren within the land for an alliance.  Without their gifts, hope is lost.”


General Anieli took one last glance at the angel that graced his Kings presence, saluted and left the room to prepare his troops.  He already began the mental checklist for what his troops would require.  Fortunately he had a month to prepare rations and train-up his soldiers for the battle ahead.


“Michael, gather my other messenger children to my side.  Gather Uriel, Raphael, and Gabriel…they will join the people against their brethren.  Remiel, Raguel, and Zerachiel are fighting battles within another realm.  They are unavailable.”


Michael inclined his head, as he shimmered into another realm to look for his brethren.



Ambrose’s sleep was abruptly interrupted by a strange powerful surge that rippled through the air.
  She raised her massive head and looked toward the sky.
  In the distance she saw the unmistakable red sheen of a Sapphire Dragon scales. 


“Zoe, you must wake up.”
  She shrilly cried in her mind.


Zoe immediately woke as she recognized the urgency in Ambrose’s voice.    The Dragon rose and faced the impending threat. 


“You must go.  You carry the future within your womb, and she is not ready to be brought into this world.”


“Ambrose, come with me.  We can both leave.”


“It is too late, they are too close. GOOO!!!”


Ambrose vaulted into the sky with a battle shriek which was answered by the bloody dragon.  Zoe watched in horror as the two beasts headed toward one another in what would be a deadly clash.  She attempted to rush back to the castle but her burgeoning stomach made it slow and cumbersome.  Fear pounded in her heart as she heard the raging battle between her friend and the Sapphire Dragon.
  Her terror froze the magic within her veins, unaccustomed to the threat around her.  As she wound her way through the
she felt eyes on her and she attempted to move faster. 


Suddenly a dark form moved from behind a large Oak tree and she stumbled into the solid form.  He caught her against him and smiled into her light eyes.  His hair was black as night, and his eyes were framed by dark, thick lashes.  His skin
the dusky color of the southern people.  But he was not a person.  His Aura was tinged with red and black…and rising from his back
were leathery wings tipped with sharp talons.
  He was beautiful, masculine, and dark. 


Her heart stopped in her chest, and then violently began to beat as she saw his intent.
  He grabbed her cumbersome form and began to take off into the sky.

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