Chaos: The First (7 page)

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Authors: Tammy Fanniel

BOOK: Chaos: The First
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Her eyes met his dark depths and she went to him.  She felt his arms enfold her as she laid her head on his chest.  Immediately she was cloaked by his calming presence as she heard the strong beating of his heart match her own.  “What is to become of me?”  She asked.


You will become my teacher, as I yours.  You are my other half and I have been watching over you your entire life…and I will continue to do so until your physical form can no longer hold your spirit and it is returned to me.”


“Will you take me away from all I know and hold dear?” She asked tremulously. 


“No.  I will not take you away from here.  You have no need to fear
.  Our goal will be to unite the Dragons with your people…and it starts within us.

  He sighed as if explanations exhausted him. 



Their betrothal was short.  Chaos was introduced as a prince from Adamas, the
. No one questioned their king, the trust his people had in him was absolute. 
Also, Adamas was a closed of land and news never travelled to Alexandrites from Adamas.  Initially
the people were wary of the intense stranger
.  With him came the dragons.  As he was introduced to the society, the dragons began to make appearances.  They flew over the kingdoms, playing the air.  Some of the more curious and younger dragons even touched down, which gave the people quite a fright.  As time progressed, the people began to accept the Dragons and Chaos into
their folds. 
The Dragons had a proclivity to adopt some of the children in the Kingdom, assigning themselves as their mentors, teachers, and body guards.  Initially the parents were terrified of the great beasts following their children but as time passed, their children began to show signs of the magic that
had been lost to the Kingdom for centuries.  The children blossomed under their tutelage learning the lost skills of magical healing, herb lore, weaponry, and the magic of the elements.  Ambrose watched with pride as her children and their children were united with their human halves.  It seemed as if each family began the healing bonding with the line of Ambrose
and the white magic began to saturate the Earth in its cleansing goodness as times of past


The women couldn’t take their eyes off of
, and Zoe felt pride as well as a twinge of jealousy. But his words allayed her fears.  “I am yours Zoe.  You and I were one before this ceremony
, before these people even came into existence
.  I see no one but you.” Chaos whispered in her ear after they spoke their vows.  I small shiver ran down her body as his intense stare spoke to her heart.  She smiled and lifted her head to receive his kiss.  He slowly lowered his head and tenderly brushed his lips across hers.  Her body immediately responded to his kiss and
swept through her being
as she looked at her new husband.
He was more than she could have hoped for.


“Tell me who you are, where you come from.”


I will
in due time
.  There will be no secrets between us.”  He replied.  He turned from her,
her small hand in his.  The wedding guests cheered at the happiness they
read in their Princesses eyes and they reveled in gifts that the new Prince brought.


Chaos looked in
the happy faces of ‘his people.’  Their acceptance of a complete stranger strangely humbled him. He was at a loss.  The emotions that pummeled were intense
but his new brides steadying hand grounded him.  The more time he spent with these mortals, the more he understood how short their lives were
yet how
their emotions
. Their emotions were magic.  He realized how addictive their feelings could be.  He siphoned from them their hopes, their dreams, their fears, pain, love, anger, hatred, and jealousy.  The more he became a part of their Kingdom, the more he felt the complexity of the wars on Earth.
  The more time he spent with Zoe, the more emotions sprung from him naturally.


“May we leave?  Have we spent enough time adhering to your people’s customs?”


Zoe looked at him wide-eyed and nodded.
  With good natured jeers, the couple made their way out of the great hall to their new living quarters.  He was adamant that they would share everything.  There would be no separate beds, just Zoe and him.




She looked at herself in the reflection of the mirror.  Her luminous gown was almost transparent and she shivered with the knowledge that tonight she would take the final step into womanhood.  Her bridesmaid giggled as they combed her hair and remarked about her husband’s
handsomeness.  She was nervous.  She was told of the ways between a man and woman’s marriage bed, but he was not a man.  She still didn’t fully understand what he was.
  Then he was there and her giggling bridesmaids left the room.  She stood in front of him barely clothed, nervous, tense, yet beguiled by the desire she saw in his eyes.


Chaos looked at his chosen mate and was struck by her beauty.  Her frame was slender, and her
brown hair shown with the different hues of the Earth.  Her skin was the color of muted gold but through his eyes, her Aura made her seem like a golden statue.  Amber eyes looked at him, and in their depths he recognized his kindred spirit that he released eons ago to create this enticing being standing in front of him.  He saw her apprehension just as he saw her desire for this physical manifestation of his form.


He took her trembling hand and guided her over to the chaise.  He sat down on the chaise and pulled her small form onto his lap.  From his will he brought into being a cloak made of the softest wool and covered them to ward off the light chill in the night air.  He enclosed her in his arms and her head lay on his chest listening to his beating heart.  They lay that way for some time and the tension left her body.  The tension was replaced by desire that fed into his desire.  His hands softly caressed her back in circular motions as her body melted into his on a soft sigh.  She’d never been held like this or touched so tenderly.  Then he began to tell his story.





“I don’t know where my name comes from.  It just was.  I have no past.  I have ju
st always been.  I walked alone since the beginning of time.  I didn’t feel the emotions that you humans feel so I was content, but bored.  I walked in darkness.  The starts were my children, the darkness my form as I held them close to me.  I do not know how old I am, perhaps I am time itself.  As
the millennium’s
passed me by I became lonely.  I longed for another to share my life with, to communicate with so I created my children from the matter within me.
  I created Gaia, Tartarus, Erebus, Nyx, and Eros.


Erebus was my first creation.  I say creation because unlike you mortals, he came into being through my manifestations.  So yes he is my child, but through a piece of me he was created.  He is the darkness with the absence of light.  He is the shadow that keeps oversight as the moon blankets the sun offering rest to the children that sprout from the first deity’s wombs.


Gaia was my
.  She’s the land you tread on, the soil you use to feed your bodies, and the great mother of all those beings you call heavenly gods.  She is the embodiment of a mother.  Unlike me, she feels the emotions that were not a part of my make-up.  She has an enormous
capacity for love, and she loves unconditionally.  She is selfless and giving, yet stern.  Her knowledge is bountiful as she advises her children.  All on Earth she considers her children.  She is the mother of all.


She is my favorite.  Her kindness and understanding soothed my emptiness since her creation.


Tartarus was my third child.  You know him as the abyss from which souls are punished after they are judged.  But before then, he was the unbounded first-existing entity from where the light and the cosmos were born.


Then came Nyx.  She stands in the shadows as well.  You must understand that before Gaia there was a nothingness and everything was wreathed with darkness.  Not darkness as you understands it to be, but the physical aspects of obscurity.  So do not mistake evil with darkness.  Upon the creation of Erebus and Nyx, a bond was formed creating several other deities.  They bound themselves through their darkness and found solace in each


s was my last.
  His mischievous nature created the bonds, often good and often bad, between gods and mortals alike.  At one point his antics, after other creations were born and brought into existence, made me forget about my loneliness, but after a while my children created their own children and I was left alone and forgotten by all, except Gaia, again.

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