Chaos: The First

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Authors: Tammy Fanniel

BOOK: Chaos: The First
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By Tammy Fanniel









Copyright © 2012 by Tammy A. Fanniel

First published in 2012.



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This book is a work of fiction.  Names, characters, places, and incidents either are products of the author’s imagination or are used fictitiously.  Any resemblance, living or dead, is entirely coincidental.






Copyright ©2012 Tammy A. Fanniel




Cover art by Tammy A. Fanniel




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To M
amily and
  I love you with all my heart.


Land of Alexandrites:  The God’s Wife


The war between the Gods raged in the heavens and its spillage irrevocably changed the Earth.  Blood from the Gods dripped to the earth and created creatures of imaginable powers and strength.  Greed permeated the soil and the hearts of humans causing the Source, Chaos to rouse his sleepy head from the void of ignorance.  Disgusted with his offspring he sets into motions events that will forever change the world.



History of the
creation of the


In the beginning, as Earth was shaped within a yawning void of darkness Chaos ruled the universe.  No one has ever seen this divine being, not even the Gods themselves remember how they came into
.  It was said that Chaos was lonely so he created his children, the five original elements
.  He called them Gaia, Tartarus, Erebus, Nyx, and Eros.


yx was the power of darkness, seductive and alluring, yet feared and respected by her siblings, lesser Gods and men.  She was the first of Chaos’s offspring to give birth to children.  Consorting with Erebus, she gave birth to Aether, Hemera, and the Fa
tes.  Aether was the elemental G
od of
ir, illuminated with heavenly light.  Hemera was the Goddess of Light, giving life to the infertile Earth, and mother of Thalassa.  The last of Nyx’s children were the Fates. 


The Fates were neither good nor evil.  They were the first oracles who weave
the threads of destiny.  They are Clotho, the spinner of life’s thread, Lachesis, they giver of thread, and Atropos, the final one ending the life of the living.  It is said that fate cannot be altered, however the choices and actions of the living souls as good and evil befalls them
their destiny.  There are many paths and the Fates see them all. 


Of Nyx’s womb, the evils that plague the land gave rise to those souls that would find themselves in the burning abyss of Tartarus.  Doom, Death, Misery, Resentment, Deceit, and Strife were her children who further procreated to create Murder, Carnage, Battle,
and Lawlessness.


Tartarus was the underworld located in the depths of the Earth. 
In the fiery depth of Earths womb, Tartarus held together the bottomless pits of hell.  He was the first ruler of the underworld
.  W
ith the creation of humans and
sank into nothingness as he judged and punished the guilty for unspeakable atrocities.
There he stands as a silent witness to the sins of humankind and the Gods his brethren gave rise to. 
It is thought that Tartarus never bore children of his own, despondent with the ways of Gods and men alike.
The innately
good souls found another place, a
heaven where they awaited their rebirth.

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