Choices (26 page)

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Authors: Annie Brewer

BOOK: Choices
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At the hospital, they check me for any signs of bleeding or bruising. So far they find nothing, it’s only my head that hurts because I hit it with such force I’m surprised it didn’t give me a concussion. I sit here staring at my phone, wondering if I should call my parents, Meg or Carter. Damn, why couldn’t I have just made it to fucking dinner? I angrily wipe tears away and lay my head back against the pillow.

“Okay, you’re free to go. Everything looked good. There weren’t any injuries. Take Tylenol for your headache and it appears you had whiplash. That should go away after the initial shock wears off. Do you need to call for a ride?” I nod, sitting up and dangle my feet over the side of the bed. He leaves the room and I continue to sit. I talk to my phone, asking for it to give me answers on whether I should call or text and who it should be. I’d hate to ruin my parent’s night, especially when I’m okay. I call Carter. No answer, so I call Meg.

Meg: You’re where? Oh my god? What happened?

Me: Just come pick me up. I’ll tell you then.

Meg: Okay, we’re on our way.

“Shit, I’m so fucking sorry. God, what the fuck was I thinking? I should have come over and personally dragged you in the car with me.” Meg is almost in tears when they arrive. And Carter is more than furious about the guy who ran the red light and almost hit me. But I’m okay.

“I’m sorry Gracie. I’m the fucking asshole who let you drive in the first place.” Carter is so distraught, he holds onto me like a lifeline. I pull away from him a little agitated.

“Jesus Christ, what is wrong with you two? I’m the one who insisted on going out. I should have stayed home. All I wanted was to have fun and enjoy tonight and for the last couple months all it’s been is fucking hell. I’m so sick of it. I’m sick of my mood swings, weepiness, and all the goddamn changes. I can’t do this, I want my life back.” A sob escapes my throat as Carter holds me, comforting me and rubbing my back.

“I’m sorry. It will be okay, Gracie; believe it will. We’re here for you always.”

“Thanks Meg. Please, let’s not mention this to my parents. I wasn’t hurt badly, just my head and whiplash. I don’t need them worrying some more and trying to keep me locked up like a prisoner.” I plead with my eyes and Carter looks torn between the doing right thing and just shutting me up.

“Okay, I won’t tell them but you have to promise you won’t overdo it. If we say something, it’s for your own good. I don’t want you putting too much stress on her, or yourself.” I kiss him in relief and nod.

“Okay and I’m sorry for all that cursing. I’m just so upset that I missed dinner a great night with you guys but now I’m tired and need to sleep off this funk I’m in.” Carter takes me home and I cry myself to sleep in his arms, before he discreetly leaves.

The days get better after that incident and we never speak of it again, which is probably selfish of me. But I’d rather my parents not know about anything. Carter takes me to my appointment at which I’m almost 7 months along. I’m feeling pretty good, bigger and it’s getting more uncomfortable to sleep, but who needs sleep anyway? It’s so overrated. Of course I’m saying that now and I know I’ll be begging for sleep once she comes. So much to still do to get ready and I’m going crazy. But once we hear her heartbeat and I know she’s okay, my mind is more at ease.


Chapter 37

“Gracie. Gracie, wake up.” I open my eyes and as soon as they come into focus and see Carter inches from my face, I turn my head to the other side. I hate morning breath and would prefer for him to be far away until I’ve had time to freshen up. What is he doing here anyway?

“Hey, wake up sleepy head. It’s time to get dressed.” Apparently it doesn’t matter to him as he appears in my face again.

“Let me at least brush my teeth before you get up in my stinky face.” I mumble into the pillow.

“Babe, I don’t care about that. You always smell like cherries to me.” I can’t help the snort laugh that escapes my throat as I bury my head underneath my pillow.

“You’re freakin’ crazy Carter.”

“Come on and get dressed. We’ll be late.” I peer over my bed at my nightstand and glance at the clock.

Nine-thirty. I moan under my breath.

“What could I possibly be late for this early on a Saturday?” I ask, questioningly. A wide grin lights up his face.

“I’m going to teach you to drive a stick, my sweet girl.” I raise my eye brows in surprise.

“And why can’t we do that later?  Do you have to make an appointment? Are we taking a class? Is it really wise to teach a pregnant girl to drive a stick shift? I’m not the brightest girl out there and I’m quite clumsy.” He smirks at me as I sit up, pulling the covers up to my chest and hugs my knees. I cover my mouth when a yawn slips out.

“So many questions. First of all, no we’re not taking a class and there’s no appointment. I just thought a day out with you, teaching you something fun would be great for both of us. And we won’t be going on any hills so there’s nothing to worry about. We’ll take things slow.” He stands up and reaches the door, turning around he says, “I’m going to be downstairs to give you some time to get ready. Don’t go back to sleep.” I do the whole salute thing with my right hand and then fall back on my bed for a few more minutes before getting ready for such an adventure. I can’t help the smile that touches my lips. No one has ever taken the time to teach me to drive. Maybe they know I’m a bad learner, easily distracted and have no patience, but the thought of Carter wanting to teach me makes me giddy inside.

I jump out of my bed, get dressed in some black sweats, a long sleeved Old Navy t-shirt and lock myself in the bathroom to freshen up. My hair is a mess. I brush the tangles out and put it up in a ponytail. Once I’m satisfied, or at least look decent, I head downstairs.

“This is going to be interesting. You’re really doing us a favor Carter, thanks.” I walk into the kitchen where my mother and father are talking to my boyfriend.

“At least he’s taking the time to teach me, unlike some people.” They all jump, startled at my entrance.

“Hi sweetie. We were just talking about how we’re grateful that he is taking the time to teach you. You know your father has less patience than he used to have. Are you ready to learn? I’m certain you’ll have a great experience.” I shoot my mother a puzzled look. Why are they so adamant about me learning to drive anyway-and all of a sudden? There’s something fishy going on but I just shrug and pour a glass of milk. My father pats my shoulder almost causing me to spill my drink.

“You’ll love it darling. I hope you pay attention and really listen to Carter as he’s giving you instructions. I know how you can be a bit distracted or become bored easily. But he’s doing you a favor.” Right, because it was my idea to get up on Saturday morning and drive in my state.

“Daddy, is it really wise to teach me to drive when I’m over six months pregnant? I mean why now?”

“Now, now he thought it would be nice for you to learn. It could be fun. Be good.” He kisses my forehead and leaves the kitchen.

Carter gives me a kiss and then washes his coffee cup out and sets it in the sink. “Ready?” I grab my phone from the island and sent Meg a quick text. Maybe she can tell me what’s going on.

Hey, are you awake?

Yes, why, are you?
I stare at my phone wondering why she would ask me that when clearly I am awake since I texted her.

No, it was my ghost texting yo

Oh, well what does ghost Gracie want?

My family is acting weird.

How so?

Who learns to drive at nine-thirty in the morning on a Saturday?  Seriously.

Plenty of people, I’m sure.
That is highly doubtful, but whatever. I get another text before I’m able to respond. 
I can’t talk right now. Text me later. I’m dying to see how your stick shift lesson goes.


I grab my purse and turn my attention to my mother and Carter staring at me. “What?”

              “Who was that?” My mother pries. I scowl at her nosy attitude. Have I woken up in some crazy alternate reality? My family has gone crazy.

“It was Meg if you must know. Apparently this is normal among people.” My mom just smiles at me and rubs my back.

“Okay, well we’re off. Wish me luck.” Carter announces as we’re walking out the door and he winks at me. Wish him luck? I’m the pregnant one here. To be honest, I’m a little nervous about the whole thing.

“Whose car is this?” I point to the red Honda Civic parked in the street in front of my house. I give a questioning look to Carter. He leans casually against the door, crossing his arms. His hair blows in his face in the chilly wind. He’s wearing dark jeans, a beige sweater and worn out sneakers. I have to turn away to hide my blush that heats up my face.

“It was my dad’s. I fixed it up shortly after he passed.”

“Your dad liked Hondas?”

“Yes. And mustangs. You getting in or are you just going to stand out here and gawk at the car all day? Let’s go learn.” He opens my door and after a few moments of staring at him, I finally get in.

The inside is pretty clean. The seats are worn out, like there’s been plenty of use in it. But considering it’s been around for a while, it looks decent.

“What was he like?” Carter keeps his eyes on the road but I can see his jaw tense and then I think maybe that was the wrong thing to ask.

“He was a great man. He took me on many fishing trips and I even went hunting one year with him when I was ten. I wasn’t a fan of it, but he liked squirrel, rabbit and deer hunting. I only went once and it was dove season.” I start to picture little Bambi getting shot and it makes me sad. I’m a big sap when it comes to animals, even though I haven’t had many growing up, not even dogs.

“I’d like to learn to shoot a gun.” Carter glances at me for a second, an uncertain expression on his face. “Yes, I said exactly what you heard.” He scratches the back of his neck as I look out the window.

“Why are you interested in shooting a gun?”

“Well, I’m a mother-to-be and I want to learn how to use one incase I ever need it. Not that I ever
to use it. But you never know. And I’ve always been curious how they work. My father always kept his guns locked away and would never let me near them.” We pass by a bunch of trees and grass, nothing special.

“Well he was a smart man. But if you really want to learn how to shoot a gun, maybe one day I’ll take you to the driving range.” I smile.

“That would be…interesting. I suppose I could make a list of all the things I want to do that no one has ever thought about or wanted to teach me and maybe you can be the one to. The list could get long though.”

“No problem. I’ll help you cross off as many as possible.”  I glance down at his hand as it rests on the gear shift, trying to memorize the numbers labeled atop. It looks simple enough. I maneuver my body to get comfortable, thanking God I’m not too big yet.

“Where are we going?”

“To an abandoned parking lot. It’s a place my father taught me to drive. But don’t worry, there are no hills. There is a nice view of a lake nearby.” All I see is green and a wooded area. But as we drive a little further, I see a huge parking lot coming into view on my right, almost where a big company building was occupied once. He pulls the car into a space and shuts off the engine. The parking lot is one big square, perfect for driving lessons. Across from us, though surrounded by trees is a lake where I’m assuming people fish.

We sit in silence, staring at each other. He’s probably waiting for me to be excited about this experience, which I am a little more now.

“Okay, so do we just sit here and stare at each other all day or do you want me to actually learn something?” He smirks at me and moves closer and its close enough for his breath to tickle my cheek. “I’d stare at you all day long if I could.” He kisses my nose and opens his door. “Okay, let’s get to it.”

Chapter 38

He opens my door and helps me up out of my seat. “You sure this is okay to be doing this?”

“Yes, you’re going to be fine. Quit worrying. It’s not like I am asking you to do flips or something.” I pass him and get in the driver’s side, carefully lowering myself in the seat.

“Okay, seat belt.” He says. I shake my head. Of course I have to put my seat belt on. I wasn’t born in a barn. But I obey.

I strap my belt and sit there, ready for his next set of directions. “Okay, first thing’s first. You have to know where everything is located. Obviously, it’s different than your automatic cars. So starting with the clutch pedal, show me where it is.” I look down and see that there are three things to push down on as opposed to just the two that I am used to. But I know the pedal on the left-hand side is what is added.

“Here.” I tap my foot on the pedal gently.

“Yes, that’s the clutch pedal. Do you know what it’s used for?” I shake my head truthfully. My guess is in between gear changes but I don’t tell him. I’d rather him tell me what it is, he’s the teacher.

“Okay, you use it when you are moving up or down from one gear to another. Now in automatics you have neutral, where the car is idle. For standard, it’s the same in the sense that it doesn’t go anywhere, and you can rev the engine; but it won’t move.” I sit there trying to digest all the information, in hopes I can remember it all when it comes time to put it in motion.

“Are you following me so far?” I nod and it’s a partial lie. But I think I can handle it.

“Okay…the reverse gear has more range than the other gears. You can’t go too fast.” He looks down at the floorboard and points. “Show me where the gas pedal is.” I roll my eyes at the obvious answer and lightly tap on it.

“Okay good. The gas pedal is pretty easy, and quit rolling your eyes at me; I’m just going over everything including the stuff you should already know. Don’t over-accelerate or you’ll eventually wear it out quicker. Guys like to do that when they are trying to show off and act like bad asses but then it comes back to bite them later.” I can’t help but find his mouth sensual as his lips are moving, explaining the rules to me. The fullness is a little hard to look away from. I quickly look away to avoid looking stupid. I start picking at the steering wheel cover, finding a distraction.

Silence. I bite my lip.

I peek up at him through my eye lashes and catch his amused expression. He turns his body all the way around, sitting in the seat backwards, knees up to his chest. “Why did you stop talking?”

“Because you stopped listening.”

“I’m sorry. You were distracting. I couldn’t stop looking at your mouth without thinking naughty thoughts.” I instantly cover my mouth, hiding my embarrassment. Where did that boldness come from? Carter quirks his eyebrows at me and grins. My face heats up and probably turns a shade of red.

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