Christy Miller's Diary (14 page)

Read Christy Miller's Diary Online

Authors: Robin Jones Gunn

Tags: #teen romance, #Christy, #Hawaii, #Little Mermaid/Lille Havfrue, #Copenhagen, #epistolary story, #diaries, #diary, #journal, #Todd, #missions trips, #travel in Europe, #Salzburg, #The Sound of Music, #boarding schools, #Valentine's Day, #juvenile fiction

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It was amazing the way the students responded. Todd said that weddings on earth are a reflection of the great wedding feast of the Lamb that will happen when the Lord comes to take His bride, the Church, to be with Him.

I realized more deeply what a mystery that is. I felt so different and so much more in love with Todd after he placed the ring on my finger. I find myself growing more deeply in love with Christ as I see these parallels acted out in my life. Christ wants me and is waiting for me one day to be with Him forever. Until that day, His Holy Spirit in my life is evidence to others that I am promised to Him and I am waiting for Him.

That verse in Ephesians 4:30 makes more sense to me than it ever did before. “Do not grieve the Holy Spirit of God, with whom you were sealed for the day of redemption.” Todd told the class it would be like my covering my ring finger with duct tape because I didn’t want anyone to know I was engaged. He said that as my fiancé, it would break his heart if I did that. Yet we do the same thing when we don’t let the Holy Spirit work in our lives.

Todd’s charge to the class was to boldly let the whole world know that we’re spoken for, that we belong to Christ. Then he said, “But if you’re really in love with the Bridegroom, people will know instantly when they look at your face. Just look at Christy.”

The whole group turned to stare at me, but I didn’t care. My face and my whole heart were so brightly lit on fire with my love for God and Todd that I didn’t feel at all embarrassed. I felt as if I were floating on clouds.

February 12

One last thought, SS,

Todd was right about what he said to the teens. And Grandma was right, too, when I asked her for marriage advice and she told me, “It goes fast. It’s over too soon. Keep short lists, honey. Learn to forgive quickly and go on because one day you’ll wake up and find that somehow you grew old when you weren’t looking. Your lists won’t matter at all then.”

What we’re doing here isn’t about this life only. The real us, our souls, will last forever. God wants us to say yes to His Son so we can be with Him forever. It’s the ultimate “I do.” The eternal “I promise.”

Okay. I just had to get that down on paper. I am so fried. I have no idea how I’m going to manage to catch up with everything I have to do for school. This final semester is turning out to be much harder than I thought it would be. If you don’t hear from me, it’s only because I’m going to have to run very hard and very fast to pass all my classes and to actually graduate in May.

Can you believe I just said that? Graduate from college. Me. In only three months. I can’t believe it.

April 7

My Silent Sister,

I have one word: details! There are too many of these in my life. I’m never going to finish everything I need to do for my classes. I am never going to get everything finished in time for the wedding. Why, oh, why did we decide on May 22? Why didn’t we push the date out to August? I just want to be done with school right now! My brain can’t hold another detail about anything!

April 8

Isn’t this perfect, Silent Sister?

Just the right verse, just when I needed it:

“Now all glory to God, who is able, through his mighty power at work within us, to accomplish infinitely more than we might ask or think.” (Ephesians 3:20)

If I finish this semester, it’s definitely going to be because of God’s mighty power at work within me.

One of my professors has a sign on his desk that reads, “He who first taught us to trust in His name, has not thus far brought us to bring us to shame.” I’ve read it so many times I have it memorized. I keep repeating it when I think I’m not going to accomplish all that I need to get done. God is in this. He’s with me. He’s leading me. He can do even more than I ask of Him.

Thank You, Lord. Thank You for being with me every step of the way.

Now, back to studying I go.

April 30

Silent Sis,

Sweet news! Or I should say, awesome news! Doug and Tracy are going to have a baby—did I tell you that? I don’t remember. The awesome news is that they found out it’s going to be a boy. They want to name him Daniel. I’m so happy for them!

I can’t imagine what it would be like to be preggers and walk around with a big belly like Tracy. She looks pretty cute, but she also looks pretty uncomfortable when she tries to bend over.

One day. I hope. Todd is going to be a great dad. But first he’s going to be a great husband. And before that happens, I have a whole lot of things to finish!

Ta-ta for now!

May 15

Oh, Silent Sister, can you believe it?

One week from today I will be a married woman. I can’t believe it. Katie helped me to move my things into our apartment, and I realized how pathetically poor we are.

Here’s the inventory of our worldly possessions:

1) A custom, one-of-a-kind surfin’ sofa that Todd made using the back rest of a salvaged bench seat from ol’ Gus the Bus and his beloved surfboard Naranja, which serves as the nice bright orange seat. That’s all I’m going to say about it at this point, except I have a feeling it will be with us for a long time. So, Katie and I gave it a name: Narangus.

2) A nice new bed that Todd’s dad bought for us. I do have to say that I worried just a little that Todd would want us to have a bed like the one he had at that apartment he shared with Doug and Rick in San Diego. It was just a big box with sand. Aaaaah, no.

3) Todd’s old dresser.

4) The bookshelf Todd and I bought all those years ago at a garage sale. It could use some fresh paint. The dusty rose is really dusty now.

5) One potted daisy and a welcome mat at the front door, thanks to Katie and her heroic effort to help me perk up the place.

6) Three paper cups, one coffee mug, a stack of paper plates, a box of tissues, hand soap and hand lotion by the kitchen sink and six chocolate chip cookies from the bakery, again, thanks to Katie.

7) One poster of a waterfall highlighting the bridge Todd jumped off of in Maui.

8) Oh, and my faithful Winnie the Pooh that Todd bought for me at Disneyland eons ago.

9) One patchwork blanket my grandmother made for me when I was in elementary school.

There. Isn’t that the inventory every young married couple needs to set up house?

May 21

Sweetie Pie, oh, Silent Sis,


Today is the last day that I will be Christina Juliet Miller. Tomorrow at this time I will become Christina Juliet Spencer. Eeeeeee!

I have my letters to my future husband all ready to take on our honeymoon. I ended up taking them out of the individual envelopes and folding them up all nice and neat into a little bundle. Then I tied them with some lace ribbon my mom had in with her sewing things.

I can’t wait to give them to Todd. I hope he doesn’t think they’re silly. He won’t. Will he? It doesn’t matter. I’m going to give them to him, and he can say whatever he wants.

We’re going to Maui for our honeymoon. Did I tell you that? Thanks to Uncle Bob, of course. We’re staying at Uncle Bob’s condo. It’s the same one we went to for my sixteenth birthday. Never did I guess then that I’d be returning for our honeymoon!

Oh! I just realized that one of the letters I wrote to my future husband, aka TODD, was written at that same condo. Is that amazing or what? Full circle, right? Wow. I do feel like the most spoiled bride ever. No, not spoiled. I take that back. I am blessed. So blessed.

I’ve been thinking a lot about what it’s going to be like being with Todd completely for the first time. You know what I mean. And I’ve come to the conclusion that he and I will just have to figure out how we fit together as we go along. It will be the first time for him and the first time for me, and together we’ll just figure it out. I am so, so, so excited! (And a tiny bit nervous.) But mostly I’m excited and happy, and I just can’t believe this day is finally here!


Oh, and by the way, I managed to finish everything that I needed to do in all my classes, I graduated, and all the details for the wedding have been completed. So why did I spend so much time worrying? I don’t even think it’s dawned on me that I’m now a college graduate.

I have a job, too. That was another God-thing. I’m working at the bookstore next to the Dove’s Nest Café where Katie works. How amazing is that? When I get back from the honeymoon, I’ll work in the same building every day with Katie.

I mean it: I am blessed. God has blessed me in more ways than I have even stopped to count.


May 31

Hi, hi, Silent Sis.

I hope you understand why I didn’t take you along on our honeymoon. We’re back now and, oh wow! I mean, WOW! Todd and I are definitely “Happily Mauied.” Our wedding was amazing, beautiful, and perfect. It’s still like a dream. The happiest of all dreams. And our honeymoon was really, really, really wonderful.

I know you’re probably wondering about how it was for us when we were finally able to give ourselves to each other, or as Todd said, quoting Genesis (of course he has a Bible verse for everything!), we could be “naked and not ashamed.” And we were. I mean, it was a little oddish and embarrassing right at first, but that’s because everything was new and unfamiliar territory. But it was so natural and beautiful. It really is an amazing way to express our love for each other. I can see why God made this full expression something to be shared only between one man and one woman for the rest of their lives. It’s so intimate. Not like in the movies.

Katie was asking me what it was like, and I realized that even thinking about Todd and me being together completely—mind, body and soul—was intimate. Just between Todd and me. It wasn’t something for me to report even to my best friend. Again, it wasn’t like in the movies.

She honored my privacy and discretion, but she said she wanted me to tell her that the purity part of it isn’t a hoax. She said she needed to know that what she was saving for her future husband would be worth the wait.

I told her, “Oh, it’s worth the wait, all right. Definitely.” I told her to trust me, and she said something about how happy I looked and how my face was glowing. I also told her that she would be glad she saved those hundreds of kisses she wanted to give away to different guys over the years. I told her that, once she got on the other side of the longing and was a married woman, she would be free to break open the bank. After I said that much, I just couldn’t finish the sentence. I didn’t know how to express it. I said something like, “You’ll have to finish that sentence for yourself one day.”

I know that wasn’t a very good answer, and I’m sure it wasn’t what she was hoping to hear.

All I will tell you, dear Silent Sis, is that I’m a very happily married woman. Not that everything is perfect between us, but we have our lives ahead of us to figure out what works and doesn’t work. And that should be half the fun, right?

June 29

It’s Baby Daniel Day, Silent Sis!

We went to the hospital to see Doug, Tracy, and baby Daniel. He is SO cute! I got to hold him and kiss his bald little head. He was 7 pounds and 14 ounces. My baby-clueless husband thought Daniel was 14 pounds and 7 ounces! If he was, ouch! Poor Tracy.

Doug had to tell all of us that he cut the umbilical cord. Katie stopped him before he said any more. Thank you, Katie. I’m sure I’ll want to know a lot more baby details when it’s our turn some day, but for now I’d rather not hear those sorts of particulars.

My favorite moment of the visit was right when we were leaving and I had to give baby Daniel back to Tracy. Todd went over to the bed, placed his hand on Daniel’s little head, and blessed him. It was the most solemn, striking moment for all of us. Katie, Tracy, and I all got teared up and exchanged this beautiful, womanly smile. I can’t believe we’re all grown up and sharing these huge life experiences.

Daniel really is adorable. I loved holding him. I wish we didn’t live so far away from them. It takes about an hour to get to Carlsbad, which isn’t bad, but then it’s an hour home, and that’s always the killer.

July 13

Silent Sister, hi, hi, hi.

Oh, I do love being married! Todd and I had the most romantic dinner last night. I made chicken, baked potatoes, and green beans that I bought on the way home from a roadside stand. Then we had watermelon for dessert. I’m not saying I’m a great cook or anything. The chicken was pretty dry, actually. But I splurged and bought real butter for the potatoes, and the green beans were fresh and tasted just right.

We ate slowly and talked, laughed, and kissed a bunch of times in between bites. The whole dinner our feet were cozied up under our little kitchen table. I know that sounds strange—like we were holding feet instead of holding hands, but that is kind of what it was like.

After we ate, we kept leaning across the table, kissing and whispering and kissing some more. Then we did what married people get to do with sweet abandon.

When I woke up this morning, I turned and looked at my husband. He was awake and just lying there, staring at me. I told him that being married to him is so much better and more amazing than I ever dreamed it would be. Todd said I was beautiful. He said it over and over. It’s like all the things I wished he would say to me over the years while we were dating he’s saying to me now. And they mean so much because we’re “us.” We’re together. We’re married. I believe him when he tells me he loves me and that I’m beautiful.

This might seem like a funny jump from that thought, but at work today I was thinking about all this, and I saw Katie talking to Rick, smiling at him and him smiling back at her. They’re pretty much together now. She says it’s not really official. But I was trying to find a way to tell her to be careful and not to give her heart away to Rick completely. I know the reason I feel that way is because back in high school he was such a smooth talker, and I found myself going along with him just because I liked the way he made me feel.

At the time, I really wanted Todd to be the one to say all the sweet things to me and tell me that I looked good, but he didn’t. Now that Todd is free to give me all these compliments, they mean so much more than the surface kind of flirty things Rick used to say to me.

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