Clash (8 page)

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Authors: C.A. Harms

BOOK: Clash
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Chapter Sixteen





I jumped in the shower, leaving Payton sleepy and satisfied in her bed. Leaving her was hard, but I wanted to get her out of the house today. After the issues with Maggie, I hoped to distract her from the fucked up shit she had going on. The best way to do that was to keep her busy.

Throwing on my clothes I hurried back to her room, expecting to find her still curled under the blankets. Instead she was sitting up in bed with an envelope in her hands.

Looking up when I entered, she forced a smile and lifted what she was holding.

“I’ve had it for a while. I just couldn’t open it.” I walked closer and sat on the edge of the bed. “Wasn’t sure I ever would open it. I mean—what could that man possibly have to say to me?”

“You don’t have to open it,” I told her.

“I do,” she whispered, looking back down at the letter. “I can’t keep letting him instill fear in me. I have to stand up for myself and prove I’m stronger than that.”

“You are strong, angel.” I slid closer and placed my hand over her knee.

“I just didn’t want to open it alone.” The look on her face showed me she felt ashamed to admit that.

“Baby, there is no shame in that. I’m here for whatever you need, anytime you need me.” She nodded in agreement as she took a deep breath and began to tear open the edge of the envelope.

When she pulled the letter out, she took another calming breath and began to unfold it. Holding it out in front of her so I could see it too, my stomach immediately began to turn with the first line.


It seems you and I have some things to talk about once I get out. My release is growing closer and I look forward to seeing you. Be sure to give the Andrews family my best.


That was all he said, but it was enough. He was taunting her and playing with her mind. Even as short as the letter was, on the surface it appeared to be laced with kindness. Yet anyone who truly knew John Walters knew it was meant to be anything but kind.

I would not let that man get near Payton.




Payton and I spent the day curled up watching movies and eating junk food. Carter even joined us when pizza arrived.

Somewhere during the first half of
Death Race
, she fell asleep against my chest and I tossed a blanket over us, choosing to hold her in my arms.

I was beginning to drift off myself when the chirping sound of a cell phone alerted me. After checking my own I realized it was Payton’s, just as it chirped a second time.

Figuring it was Casey I slid my finger across the screen with every intention of telling her to leave my girl alone, but my finger froze over the name.


Irritation flooded me. I had already told the fucker once to back off.


Todd: Hey gorgeous, I was just thinking about you. Missing your smile.


What would it take for the fuckwad to understand?

Reading the second message only added fuel to my fire.


Todd: I was hoping that I could see you tonight. No one seems to brighten my day more than you do. How about later tonight, are you free?


It looked like the earlier warning I had given him was not enough. I guess Todd and I would be having another talk.

Payton moved in my arms and her eyes slowly lifted. I didn’t have time to put her phone down before she lifted her head and found me holding it.

“Is that my phone?” she asked, pointing toward my hands. All I did was nod, still feeling unsettled. “Did someone call?

“No,” I stated. “Someone did text, though.”

“Who?” She took the phone from my hand as she looked through her messages.

“I thought you said you two were just friends?” I was trying not to get upset, but the guy was getting under my skin.

“We are, I mean, I am.” She attempted to explain. “He wanted more and he still does. He knows how I feel about you because I told him from the start, but the last thing he heard was that you didn't feel the same.”

“No, the last thing he heard was that we were together, at least that is what I fucking told him when he approached me at the house.” I wondered why the fuck she hadn’t told him by now.

“So what’s keeping you from telling him you’re with me? Because I think it’s about time the texts stop. Don’t you?” I asked.

Without warning, I watched her dial the phone and lift it to her ear. I listened to a one sided conversation that helped ease my irritation.

“Hey listen, we talked before and I told you I just wanted to remain friends. That hasn’t changed,” Payton said before pausing a moment to listen to Todd. I wanted nothing more than to grab her phone and lay into him, but I remained calm.

“Dylan already told me he informed you things have changed between us, so maybe you just need to hear it from me too. Though I truly appreciate your friendship, Dylan and I are together.”

Another pause.

“Well I’m sorry you feel that way, but you are entitled to your opinion. Goodbye, Todd.” She hit end and crossed her arms over her chest.

“What did he say?” I figured she would try to hide it but she made no attempt.

“He said you would hurt me, and he wouldn’t wait around to pick me up when you did.”

It would appear Todd and I needed to have another man to man talk, preferably when Seth was not there to stop it.









Chapter Seventeen





“I should have opened the letter when it first came. I was just afraid of all those memories of my past coming back at me the moment I read it.” The nervous habit of picking at my shirt had now been replaced with digging my fingernails into my palm. The pain of it made me temporarily feel something other than fear inside.

“Fear is a normal feeling after everything you’ve gone through.” Dr. Perkins sat a few feet away holding her notepad in her lap.

I had been coming to see her again for the last couple of weeks. The nightmares I had after the attack had returned full force. To everyone around me I appeared unaffected, but inside I was riding a thin line.

“If I’d opened it, I would have known it was only a week before his release. I’ve been walking around as if I had nothing to fear. Now he’s out and I can’t shake the feeling someone is watching me.” I looked over toward the window to our left and stared. Being on the third floor I knew no one was there, but it was just the thought that made me paranoid.

“Have you spoken with anyone about this?” she asked, and I only shook my head. “It may help.”

“Help with what?” I dug my nails in deeper. “I’m fine, really. If I tell Dylan or even Casey, they’ll just hover and I don’t need that. Nothing has even happened for me to fear what he said in the letter is true. John obviously knows I am surrounded by people who know what kind of man he is. With his fear of returning to jail hanging over his head, I doubt he’ll contact me. I’m sure he just meant to instill fear in me. He always used to say things like that to scare me.”

“Payton, I know that we’ve talked about your childhood and details of the attack that led to your freedom.” My gaze shifted from the window to Dr. Perkins, and she stopped talking.

“I’ll never truly be free of him,” I stated with certainty. “He’ll always have some kind of hold on me, and he knows that.”

John Walters was pure evil, and I feared now that he had spent the last two years behind bars, that evil may have only grown to something worse.




“I’m pregnant.”

My heart lurched forward, feeling like it would beat out of my chest. “Excuse me?”

“You heard me.” Casey looked up with red-rimmed eyes. “I’m pregnant. I took the test yesterday.”

I sat down on the bench next to her. I couldn’t tell if she was happy crying or if it was fear. “What did Seth say?” I asked.

“At first he was just as freaked out as I was, but after we talked about it I think we’re both okay now. I mean, yeah, it’s sooner than we had both planned, but we do want to have kids one day.” It was then that she smiled, and I knew she was fine.

“We are going to tell our parents this weekend.”

Casey and Seth were twenty and both came from loving families. Between the two of them, I knew they had nothing to worry about. I had to admit the idea of my best friend having a baby was really kind of exciting; a little good within all the darkness.

“I guess we better get over to the house before the guys come looking for us,” she added as she began to wipe her eyes.

I reached out and placed my hand on hers, and she looked up at me. “I’m gonna be an aunt,” I said with a smile, and she smiled in return.

We stood from the bench and walked toward her car. The fraternity house was only a few blocks away and we had already wasted thirty minutes. I knew she was right; between Seth and Dylan, they would begin to worry.

I was a little nervous about going over to Dylan’s because this would be the first time I would see Todd since telling him I was with Dylan. After he said what he did about Dylan hurting me, Seth had to pull them apart again when Dylan went after him. Spending the weekend with Dylan only made me nervous. The last thing I wanted was to cause trouble between the two of them.

When we pulled up in front of the house, Dylan and Seth were both standing on the front steps, appearing to be in a heated discussion. At the sound of the car doors shutting, they both turned in our direction and began stalking toward us.

Two men equal in size—any girl’s fantasy was what they were. And by the smirk on Dylan’s face, I think he figured out I had a little fantasy of my own playing out in my head. He seriously made it hard for a girl to concentrate.

“I missed you,” he said, just before grabbing my waist and pulling me close. The bag I held in my hand fell to our feet and his lips covered mine. I whimpered as his tongue flicked out to taste my lips. Taking the opportunity to suck on the tip only made him groan and slide his hand lower to grip my ass.

“Okay, enough already,” Casey complained. “Yes, I am happy the two of you have finally figured things out, but in no way does that mean I want to watch it all unfold.”

Dylan only used this to irritate her further. He backed me up against the car and pressed himself tighter against me. She should know by now saying shit like that only fueled him to take it up a few notches.

When she made a noise of disgust and walked away, Seth could only laugh and follow close behind her.

“I really have missed you,” he whispered against my lips.

“I’ve missed you too,” I confessed as I bit down on my lower lip.

Taking my hand in his, he led me toward the front door and an unsettled feeling crept over me. I looked back over my shoulder as a tan car passed in front of the house at a slow speed. Chills covered my back and arms as a shiver ran through me.

Just as I stepped inside, the sound of squealing tires filled the silence and a sick feeling settled in my stomach. As if that wasn’t enough, seeing Todd walk down the steps toward us only made my nerves worse.

“Hey, Payton,” he said as he brushed by. Dylan tensed beside me and his grip on my hand tightened.

“Hi,” I said in return and tried to nudge Dylan toward his room.

“Love the pants,” Todd said to me as we walked down the hall. “They fit you like a glove.”

He was only taunting Dylan, and the last thing they needed was to get in another fight. Seth told Casey that after the last one they had both been warned. “Keep your eyes off my girl’s ass.” Dylan’s voice was laced with irritation.

“But it’s such a sweet ass,” Todd added, and Dylan let go of my hand and stalked toward Todd.

A guy I met weeks ago, named Mitchell, stepped in front of Dylan to stop him. “It’s not worth getting thrown out. Don’t let him get to you. It’s all he is working for.”

Dylan’s fist flexed as he stared ahead.

I took a chance and stepped up behind him, wrapping my arms around his waist. “Come on.” I pulled him backward and he came with ease. “I’ve waited all week to have some alone time with you. I’m not gonna let him ruin one second of that time.”

Once we were in Dylan’s room he couldn’t keep his hands off me. He pinned me against the wall and began kissing me hard. He was aggressive and forceful, but it was also a complete turn on. I knew he was claiming me, even if it was just for his own peace of mind. I willingly allowed it; hell, I needed it too. I wanted to just get lost in each other and forget about the unsettled feelings I’ve had since opening my father’s letter.

His mouth was on my neck, and he continued to whisper in between kissing and biting. “So fucking hot,” he said as he pressed his erection against me, thrusting his hips as he grew even harder. “You are mine,” he almost growled as he lifted my shirt above my head.

“Yes,” I agreed as he began to work on the button of my jeans.

My body was humming from the slow, yet aggressive movements of Dylan’s hands roaming over my skin.

It didn’t take long for our need for each other to completely take over. Our clothes now in piles at our feet, he lifted me off the floor and pinned my back against the door. “Wrap your legs tightly around my waist,” he whispered as he gripped his cock in his hand and positioned himself at my entrance. He sank inside me as we both groaned with intense pleasure. My heels were digging into his ass; I needed more.

“You feel unbelievable. So fucking good,” he whispered against my lips.

The hungry, intense need spreading through me led to me rotating my hips against him, begging for more without saying any words.

His hips began to move as my back smacked against the door behind me with each drive of his cock. Moans filled the room, and for a moment I hadn’t realized they were mine.

“Are you okay?” he asked as he slowed his movements.

“Oh god, yes. Don’t stop.” I used my legs once again to pull him into me. He felt amazing, and the passion in his eyes as he stared back at me made the moment between us more intense.

He leaned in and placed his lips to mine. I closed my eyes and just felt—every move, every kiss, and every thrust was magnified. I could feel the pressure building in me as he continued to move, hitting the perfect spot over and over, driving me toward the edge.

“So close,” I moaned as he sucked on my lower lip.

“Come for me.” He tilted his hips at the perfect angle, and within seconds the orgasm I had been chasing hit me full force. My head fell back against the door with a thud as my hips gyrated against him. “Oh yeah, there you go, let go baby.”

I moaned Dylan’s name as he pounded into me, over and over. My body tightened around his just as he tensed with his own release.

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