Clash (12 page)

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Authors: C.A. Harms

BOOK: Clash
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Chapter Twenty-Four





“Okay, let me recap here for a minute,” Casey said as she pulled up in the driveway at Karen’s. “Dylan got hammered and made out with some girl. Then you walked to work, by yourself, and were being followed.” I nodded as she continued. “That was where you ran into Helen and crashed to the floor, breaking your wrist.”

“Yep,” I replied. “That pretty much sums it up.”

We sat in her car, in silence as she ran it over and over in her head.

“You do know I’m going to have to call him and give my two cents on this, right?”

“It wouldn’t be a normal day if you didn’t,” I said in response.

“I can’t believe Seth didn’t say anything about this,” she said as she opened her car door.

“He wasn’t there. He was with you. Yeah, he brought him home with Bryson and that girl, but he said Dylan was that way when he got back to the house that night,” I explained as I held my wrist firmly to my chest. It was just another broken bone to add to my long list of lifetime injuries. This was the first one that was not inflicted by my father.

I knew I would have to go home eventually, but right now I just wanted to pop a pain pill and take a nap. It had been a long night and an even longer day.




I was able to avoid Dylan even later that night when I got home. His truck was gone, so I ate something light before taking another pain pill and going back to bed.

I called William and told him about my wrist, and he insisted I take a few days off before returning to run the cash register. I guess trying to balance a serving tray with a broken wrist spelled disaster.

Dylan’s clothes from the night before still littered the bedroom floor, and it appeared the blanket I used while sleeping on the couch had gone untouched.

Just as I lay in bed, my phone chirped with a text message. Figuring it was Casey checking up on me, I grabbed my phone from the nightstand.

Finding a text from Todd was not what I expected.


Todd: Told you he would hurt you.


Something about that text didn’t sit well with me. Todd was obviously not the person he tried to convince me he was all the times we hung out together.

Choosing to ignore his message, I tossed my phone back on the nightstand and curled over on my side, placing my broken wrist on the pillow next to my head.

The bed dipped behind me and my body stiffened. I had not heard Dylan come in or even enter the bedroom. The smell of his cologne and just his presence were the only things I could sense.

I held my breath as he slid closer and his arm wrapped around my waist. His body formed to mine as his lips settled on my temple. “I’m so sorry, baby.”

I held back the tears that threatened to fall. I remained perfectly still, not wanting him to know just yet that I was awake.

“Don’t leave me,” he whispered, and my stomach dropped at the desperate tone in his voice.

I turned in his arms and his eyes glistened in the darkness. Lifting my good hand up, I placed it along his jaw and he leaned into my touch. “I’m not leaving you,” I whispered, and he seemed instantly relieved.

He placed his lips to mine, and for a moment I thought about breaking the kiss but only for a moment. This was Dylan, the guy who spent years protecting both his sister and me from harm, the guy who saved me from myself when I tried to give up. He wouldn’t hurt me willingly; I knew that.

So I let go and gave in to the kiss.

His body moving over mine, he rolled me to my back once more. “Never would I hurt you,” he whispered into our kiss. “I love you so much.”

“I love you too,” I replied and kissed him once more.

I wasn’t sure if this was the right thing to do, but I knew I needed it. Over the last twenty four hours I felt so disconnected, not only from Dylan but from myself. He kept me grounded; he was my anchor.

“You are the only one I want, always,” he said as he positioned himself between my thighs. Lifting up on his elbows he looked me in the eyes. That pained expression I saw earlier this morning when I told him to leave covered his face once more. “You are it for me, Payton. I am so sorry I let one night with the guys come between you and me. I’m sorry it got out of hand, and I’m sorry it made you question my love for you.”

His thumb skimmed along my jaw as his eyes remained locked on mine. “I’d never cheat on you. You’re my best friend, angel. I don’t ever want to lose you.”

I had never in my life had anyone who cared enough about me to say the things Dylan did.

“I don’t want to lose you either.” My voice trembled with the words. “I need you.”

“You have me,” he assured me. “Always.”

His lips covered mine once more and I became lost in his kiss—the slant of his lips, the flick of his tongue, the way he sucked on my lower lip just before nipping at it.

The shorts I wore were no shield from his hard cock as it pressed against my center. Rocking my hips was instinctual, and he groaned at my movements.

As his hands glided along my sides, moving upward, he brought my shirt over my head. When he found that I was braless he groaned outwardly before leaning in and pulling a nipple into his mouth. My back arched as he moved to the opposite side and flicked the hardened peak with the top of his tongue.

I could feel it straight to my core as I grew moist with longing. I wanted him, all of him. I needed more.

His lips covered mine once again as his hand slid along my stomach and under the waistband of my shorts. Slipping beneath my panties, the tip of his finger found my clit and rubbed lightly. I moaned as he pushed his finger inside me and began pumping. The nerves throughout my body became wholly aware of every touch, his kisses, and the way his tongue ran over my neck and collarbone before going lower to once again lightly flick over my nipple. Kissing along my stomach, he paused only long enough to slide my shorts off before devouring me with his mouth. His tongue replaced his finger and he moaned against my pussy.

I bucked my hips as my orgasm grew near. “Oh my god, yes. Right there.” I encouraged him even though I knew he didn’t need it. He knew exactly what he was doing and how much I loved it.

My toes curled as he continued to lap at me, sucking on my clit as I exploded, lifting my hips off the bed and grinding against his mouth.

I swear in that moment I saw stars.

The faint sound of a wrapper tearing brought me down from my high just before Dylan began to slide into me, my body still convulsing with the aftershocks of my orgasm. He groaned out when he was fully seated. “This right here feels like home. You and me,” he whispered as he began to move with long strokes, as if he wanted it to last forever.

His movements gradually increased as I wrapped my legs around his waist and brought my hips up to meet his with each thrust.

And just like that we were equally lost in one another.









Chapter Twenty-Five





Waking up alone once again was not what I expected after the night Payton and I shared. But when I took in a deep breath and smelled bacon in the air, I couldn’t help but smile.

I still had no clue what happened with Shannon; all I did know was never again would I place myself in that scenario.

I crawled out of bed and walked into the kitchen to find Payton standing over the stove cooking, wearing my t-shirt that hit her mid-thigh. She was holding the pan handle with her casted hand and trying to flip the eggs with her right.

I stepped up behind her and kissed her shoulder. “Good morning,” I whispered as she looked back at me with a smile. Her mouth now close enough to kiss, I took full advantage of the angle and placed my lips against hers.

“Good morning,” she replied finally when I gave her a chance to breathe.

Reaching around her, I took the spatula and she allowed me to take over. “I got this,” I told her, giving her one last kiss before she stepped back. She began setting the table, and when the last of the eggs were finished I joined her.

She had made a little bit of everything. A variety of items filled the table and my stomach growled as I took it all in. I don’t think I ate anything yesterday after I left the hospital. I was too fucking nervous and disgusted by my actions.

“Everything looks good, angel,” I said as I scooped hashbrowns onto her plate and then mine. Repeating this action with each item, she waited and watched with a smile. It was something I had done daily since we moved in together. I didn’t know why; the only explanation was I felt as if I was taking care of her in some way.

As we both ate, I watched her when she wasn’t looking.

Realizing my fuck-up could have caused me to lose her was hard to swallow.

“Do you have any plans today?” I asked as I lay my fork down and leaned back in my chair.

She shook her head as she took a bite of her toast, mumbling a “No” as she covered her mouth with her hand. There wasn’t much I didn’t find adorable when it came to Payton.

“What do you say we go to a movie and an early dinner?” With work and school, we rarely found the time to go out together. When her eyes lit up at my suggestion, I knew she also thought it was a good idea.

“Then tonight we lock the doors, turn off the phones, and close out everything and everyone else but each other,” I added as she bit her lower lip and nodded.

I still hadn’t given up on finding out the truth about the night with Shannon. I had to know what happened but that could wait for another day. Time alone together was what we both needed right now.




Casey and Seth joined us for the movie and afterward we all decided on Toni’s Pizza. Through the majority of the movie I received nasty looks from Casey which only told me I was in for it when she got the chance. When it came to Payton she was very protective. We all were, and we all had reasons for it.

We were all in a corner booth in the back, and Payton was tucked against my side. Payton and I were doing the word search on the back of the menu, laughing and racing to see who could finish their column first when the conversation between Payton and I just stopped. I looked up to find her staring at the entrance of Toni’s with an unsettled look on her face.

I followed her line of vision; there in the doorway stood Maggie.

I started to scoot forward, pushing Payton out of the booth. “No.” She placed her hand against my chest to stop me. “I got it. Please.”

I stared back at her, feeling like the weight of the world rested on my chest. The thought of her facing Maggie on her own wasn’t easy. I wanted to shield her from everything I could, keep her hidden from all harm, physical and mental. Sending her to face Maggie alone left a bad feeling in my stomach.

But I nodded my head and watched in silence as she slipped from the booth and walked across the restaurant.

“Dylan, she’s stronger than you think,” Casey said as Payton approached Maggie.

“I know, Case, but I don’t like it. Her strength is something I will never question. It’s Maggie’s motive that leaves me on edge.”









Chapter Twenty-Six





“Why the persistence, Maggie?” I asked as I stepped in front of her, crossing my arms over my chest. “I mean, for years you just pretended I didn’t exist. Now you just won’t give up.”

“I can’t give up on the chance that maybe you’ll be able to forgive me enough to give Cooper a chance to know you,” she said as she looked down at the floor. “I thought I could stay away like you need me to, but I can’t.”

I stood staring at this woman of whom I had only a few memories. She looked frail and tired compared to the last time I had seen her, like she was rundown and spreading herself thin.

“Can we sit down and talk for a few minutes?” she asked as she reached out and braced herself with her hand on the wall.

I pointed toward the empty table only a few feet away and watched as she struggled to move around me and sat down. I looked back over my shoulder to find Dylan’s eyes glued to me. He tilted his head to the side in question and I shook my head no, hoping he remained where he was. I may not be ready to let go of everything that happened because of Maggie, but I was curious about what she had to say.

When I sat down across from her a question suddenly rose. “Where is Cooper?”

“He is back in Denver. I rent a house from an older couple and he’s grown quite close to Mr. Gregory. They agreed to keep him so I could come back and give this talk one more chance.” I nodded at her explanation.

“So let’s talk,” I said, hoping to push her a little further.

“I, um,” she paused, taking in a calming breath before continuing, “I know that I’ve made a lot of mistakes, things that no matter how hard I try I will never be able to make up for. I understand why it’s hard for you to even look at me. On most days I have a difficult time not hating myself for everything I left you to face.”

Her lips trembled as she tried to maintain her composure. “I just want Cooper to know you. He didn’t ask for me to keep him hidden. I did that on my own. But he is missing out. He deserves to know his sister.”

I had no argument. I honestly wanted to know Cooper. He was innocent in this whole thing. But knowing Cooper meant dealing with Maggie, and I wasn’t sure I was ready for that.

“I can’t make promises, Maggie.” I looked back over at Dylan who was still staring hard in our direction. Poor guy looked as if he hadn’t moved an inch since I left him only minutes ago. I smiled again, to assure him I was okay, that what Maggie and I were discussing was okay.

“I don’t want Cooper to feel what I felt when I was younger,” I said, still looking over at Dylan. “I want him to know what it feels like to be surrounded by love.”

“I want that too,” Maggie said, “and I’m sorry that I left you with John. I should have fought harder, but those are my hardships to bear. Payton—you have become an extraordinary young woman, and nothing would make me happier than for Cooper to know you.”

It was then I turned to face her. I didn’t want to be mean, but I needed her to know why I agreed to talk with her. “I’m not doing this for you. I’m doing this for him, because he deserves better.”

She nodded, agreeing with me without speaking the words.




I lay in bed, my head resting on Dylan’s bare chest. Our naked bodies were coiled together, engulfed in the warmth of each other. His chest was rising and falling beneath me; I loved the sound of his heartbeat, the gentle sway of his fingers as they gently skimmed over my shoulder and back.

“Are you sure about this?” he asked.

“No,” I confessed, curling in just a little closer. “But I know I have you to help me through it all.”

“Always, baby,” he assured me. His arms wrapped tightly around me and he hugged me close. “I’m on your side, sweetheart, always.”

“I know, and that makes me feel like no matter what it is, I can get through it.” I breathed in his scent, finding comfort immediately.

“There’s no way I’ll ever let you fall,” he added.

A long pause settled between us, and I let my mind wander back to the times when I could remember Maggie.


“What kind of cookies are your favorite?” my mom asked as we lay on a blanket in the back yard. “Because I just happen to have a container of the most yummy peanut butter cookies, and I am willing to share.”

I was around six, and we had spent the entire day playing outside, laughing without any sadness looming over our heads.

“Peanut butter, those are my favorite.” I sat up on the blanket and smiled brightly. “Can we eat all of them?” I asked.

“You bet we can,” she said, popping the lid of the container.


“What are you thinking about?” Dylan asked, bringing me back to the present.

“I was just remembering a time when my childhood didn’t terrify me,” I replied. “When Maggie and I used to laugh together. It didn’t happen often, but the times it did, they were great, Dylan. Maggie tried, I know she did. But John wore her down. He wore us both down. It’s what he’s good at.”

“Baby.” He tried to soothe me.

“I’m okay,” I assured him. “Two years ago, I wouldn’t have been able to handle this. Today I’m stronger.”

“That you are, Payton,” he added as he kissed the top of my head and hugged me once more.


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