Clash (13 page)

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Authors: C.A. Harms

BOOK: Clash
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Chapter Twenty-Seven





I have watched Payton hold it together for weeks. I’ve watched her Skype with Cooper and Maggie, using the time to get to know each other.

Most times it was full of laughs, but when it was just Maggie and Payton, the tears fell, and that was hard to watch. But my girl always came out on top, stronger each time. She amazed me with the amount of hell she could go through and still remain intact.

But tonight I planned to make her smile and laugh. I wanted her to let go of all the things she was unsure of and focus on herself for a change.

I walked into the kitchen at my mother’s to find Payton laughing at something my Aunt Gene said. That woman was a ball of crazy; no one could be near her and not laugh.

I stood back and watched as my family interacted with the woman I loved. A woman who I had suspected before but had no doubt now I wanted to marry one day.

Waiting as long as I could, I walked toward my future and wrapped my arms around her shoulders, leaning in to nuzzle her neck. “Hey, beautiful.”

“Hi,” she said as she arched her neck and I placed a kiss on her lips.

“Dylan, I sure am glad to see you stopped trying to fool yourself.” Aunt Gene broke in to Payton’s and my moment.

I looked up and met her stare, a huge smile covering her lips.

“What?” I asked. Her comment threw me off.

“All that time you tried to convince yourself and those around you that you weren’t captivated by this young lady.” She waved her hand toward Payton.

“But just like your dad, you finally let your stubbornness fade and caved to your heart.” All the women in the room found her comment hysterical, even my sister, who was beginning to show sure signs of carrying my niece or nephew.

Aunt Gene looked at Payton and offered her a wink. “He is one of the good ones, honey. He may be a knucklehead at times, but he cares very deeply for you. Anyone can see that.”

“Thank you,” Payton replied as she looked back over her shoulder and met my gaze. “I think he’s pretty amazing. I’ve decided to keep him.”

Leaning in, I kissed her temple and whispered near her ear. “Even if you tried to escape, baby, I would still catch you.”

It didn’t escape my attention that we were on full display. But I didn’t care; I kissed her. Really kissed her. Hell, I even got a few cat calls out of the women in my family.

Payton’s phone rang and she pulled back from our kiss entirely too soon. She looked up at me, smiling big before answering the call.

“Hey, Cooper,” she said.

I could hear the voice of her younger brother coming through the other end as he rambled on and on.

Pure joy covered her features as she listened to the excitement in Cooper’s voice.

“I’m glad you got the package,” she replied, “and that the game is the one you wanted.”

Payton and I had sent a gift to Cooper for Christmas, and from the sound of it, he had received his package. The excitement written all over Payton’s face was the best part of that gift, for me anyway.




Christmas Eve with my family turned out to be a great night—games, lots of laughs, and good food. I heard on more than one occasion that it was about time I stopped fighting what I felt for Payton. How had I been so blind, yet everyone around me could see what I was feeling? I guess I was transparent.

Now that we were back home and Payton was fast asleep at my side, my nerves were running ragged. I couldn’t slow my racing heart, and part of me wanted to give her my gift now.

It took everything in me not to give it to her the day I bought it, but I held out. Now it was almost next to impossible to refrain from having our Christmas a few hours early.

In an attempt to tame my urges I got up, intending to go out to the living room and watch some television. But when I looked out the window and saw the snow falling, an idea struck me.

I went back into the bedroom and climbed up from the end of the bed until I was hovering over Payton. “Hey, baby, wake up,” I whispered as I kissed her softly. “I wanna show you something.”

She peeked at me and I chuckled when she groaned. “Dylan, I just saw it a few hours ago. Not that I don’t love it, and what it can do for me, but I’m exhausted.”

Her comment was unexpected, and when I chuckled she laughed too. “Though it makes me happy to know you love what a certain body part of mine can provide, I’m not talking about sex, sweetheart. There is something else I want you to see.”

“Okay, but it’s so early,” she mumbled as she tried to get up.

“I know, and I’ve tried to wait, but when I looked out the window and saw the snow, I guess I couldn’t wait any longer.” She looked at me like I was crazy, and hell, maybe I was. I had not remembered being this excited on Christmas morning for years.

I led her toward the living room and placed her in the chair near the balcony. I pulled open the curtains and blinds, exposing the glass doors that led outside. The snow fell heavier now, so thick it blurred the other apartments around and made ours feel secluded.

“Wow, it’s really coming down,” she said.

Our Christmas tree was only a few feet away and the twinkle of the red and white lights reflected off the glass.

Kneeling at her side, we both stared out the glass, watching the snow fall and pile on the balcony a few feet away.

“It’s beautiful,” she whispered.

“I think you’re beautiful,” I added.

She looked from the window to me and smiled. “Thank you.”

Rising to my knees, I took her face in my hands and pressed my lips to hers. Her hands immediately combed through my hair and she moaned against my lips.

There was no sound I loved more than that sweet little moan of hers. It gave me all kinds of ideas, and most of them involved her making that same moan over and over.

I pulled back from her, she followed me with her lips, and I smirked. Yeah, she felt it too.

“I know it’s early and I should have let you sleep, but I couldn’t wait any longer,” I confessed. “There’s just one present I need to give you. Waiting has almost killed me, and I’m not sure I can wait another second before tearing it open myself and giving it to you.”

“Impatient, are we?” She tilted her head to the side.

“Hell yes,” I said in a rush.

I leaned toward the tree and moved a box to find the smaller one hidden beneath. The silver wrapping and the red bow shimmered from the lights of the tree.

I could feel my hands shaking as I turned back to face Payton. Her gaze locked on the package I held in my hand. I let out a deep breath and just went for it.

“I, um, I went over so many ways to do this. In front of everyone at my mom’s or in a fancy restaurant. But I realized that right here, in the home we chose to share together, just you and me, was the best place. I wanted it to be a moment you and I could have as ours, to remember and tell others over and over for years to come.”

Her lower lip trembled as she looked up at me.

“You’ve been a part of my life for a long time. In the beginning, you were that little girl who I felt I needed to watch over and protect, but as time went on those feelings changed. I still wanted to protect you, but I also found myself wanting a whole lot more.” I slid closer and she parted her knees to allow me to place my body between them. “I want to spend my life protecting you and loving you. I want to give you everything, Payton, because you deserve happiness. There is no one who deserves it more.”

I opened the lid and lifted out the velvet box inside. The first tear fell and ran along her cheek as she took in a calming breath.

“When I saw this, I knew exactly where it belonged.” I pulled open the ring box and she covered her mouth with her hand. “Will you marry me, Payton?”

My heart was beating so fucking hard and my stomach felt like it was coiled in one large knot as she stared at the ring.

When she nodded her head I chuckled. “Do you think I can hear your answer, just to be sure I’m not imagining things?”

She looked from the ring to me and lowered her hand. “Yes,” she whispered. “Of course I’ll marry you.”

She wrapped her arms around my neck and hugged me tightly as the excitement of the moment hit us both. I could feel the moisture of her tears smear along my cheek as she trembled in my arms.

I couldn’t remember a time I had ever been happier. No one knew I planned to ask Payton to marry me. I wanted this moment to be only ours. I found the ring on my own, with some sneaky tricks that helped me figure out her size, and I was proud of the ring I had chosen. It fit her perfectly—delicate, yet it made a statement.

Pulling back from the hug, I lifted the diamond from the box and took her hand in mine, slowly sliding it over her knuckle. That moment sealed my fate; there was nothing that would ever keep me away from her. She was and would always be the person who kept me afloat. Payton had become my light, and now it was time for me to give her the world in return.









Chapter Twenty-Eight





“Do you really have to work today?” Dylan pouted, like a child. It was one of the most adorable things I had ever seen.

“Yes,” I whispered as he covered my mouth with his. His body covered mine, his weight pinning me against the mattress. We spent the last two days celebrating our engagement, and I guess I had spoiled him. Maybe I was a little spoiled too, but if we wanted to pay the bills we had to get back to real life.

“Maybe I can convince you to call in sick,” he added just before pressing his hips further into mine. “We could spend the day in bed together.”

“We’ve spent the last two days in bed together,” I said with a smile. “Not that I’m complaining, but I’m just concerned for my well-being.”

He arched an eyebrow and waited for me to explain. A giggle escaped me because he looked so perplexed. “I’m afraid that if I spend any more time with you in this bed, without a break, I may not be able to walk for a week.”

The cocky ass grinned widely and began once again moving his hips, making sure I felt just how much he wanted me to stay in bed. “I promise to be gentle and move very slow,” he whispered against my mouth just before licking my lower lip. “Anything that may feel even the slightest bit of discomfort, I’ll kiss and make better.”

“You’re evil.” He was wearing me down slowly. Dylan was very good at making me lose myself.

“Evil or not, you love me, and you love what I do for you.” He began kissing my neck as his hands slipped beneath my t-shirt.

“Dylan,” I moaned, the complaint obviously losing its appeal.

“Just fifteen minutes,” he asked as his tongue skimmed over my nipple.

The moment his finger slipped below the side of my panties, I was lost in his touch. Arguing about it would have only been a waste of time. I wanted him as bad as he wanted me.




“I’m late,” I said as I ran around the apartment gathering my purse and looking for my work shoes. “And it’s your fault.”

“My fault.” He chuckled. “I’m pretty sure I remember a certain someone yelling out ‘more,’ over and over.”

I glared up at him and he laughed harder. He stood in the doorway, completely dressed in jeans and a sweatshirt, with a ball cap pulled low, eyes hidden beneath the bill. He was ready in less than five minutes, and now he stood watching me run around, enjoying my rattled state.

“Whether I enjoyed it or not, you started it. If you hadn’t worked your magic fingers and lips, I wouldn’t be late.” I looked away when he smirked because I knew my comments were doing nothing but digging a deeper hole for me.

“Magic fingers, huh?” he wagged his eyebrows and wiggled his fingers suggestively.

“You are so crude.” I turned my back to him to hide my smile.

Once I was sure that I could face him without laughing, I turned and found him only a few inches away. “I’m addicted to you. That is the only explanation.” He took another step toward me and I stepped back, bumping against the table. “And suddenly I feel like I need another fix.”

“No,” I shook my head and placed my hand on his chest to stop him. “I’m already going to be late. I don’t have any time to spare.”

Once again he pouted and I covered his mouth so I didn’t have to see it. The man knew it was the first step he could take in getting me to cave.

“No,” I said in a stern voice. At least I hoped he found it stern and direct. “You and your addiction are going to have to wait. I have to leave, now.”

“Fine,” he mumbled behind my hand and I smiled. Lowering my hand, I tried to step around him. “But just so you know, tonight, you and I will not be leaving the bedroom. I have a feeling by the time you get home, I’ll be having serious withdrawals.”

I shivered at the thought as I rushed past him and darted toward the door.

Dylan insisted on driving me to work. With the recent snow, he didn’t like me driving his truck or riding with anyone else. It was his way of making sure I was safe. I loved his overprotective ways.

When we pulled up in front of the café, Dylan reached out and placed his hand on the back of my neck, pulling me close. His lips took mine in a dominating kiss, one that left me breathless and dazed.

“I’ll be back to get you ten minutes before closing. Text me when you’re walking out.” He always met me at the door when he picked me up late; another one of those sweet, protective ways.

“I love you,” he said as he pulled back and winked.

“I love you too.”

It was amazing how he made me feel. There was really no way I could be near Dylan and not be completely happy. He was beyond good to me.




Work went by in a blur. Sundays were always busy, but now I was able to waitress again it went by even faster. I hated running the cash register. Today was exceptionally busy. There was barely any time to breathe.

About an hour before closing, I started restocking the napkins and the shakers on each table. Things had begun to settle and we were left with only a few stragglers.

“Payton.” I turned to find Helen standing only a few feet away, holding up two bags of garbage. “Can you take these out when you take out the night garbage?”

She had a hard time lifting up the dumpster lid. It had a lot to do with the fact she was only about four-foot-ten. It was an ongoing joke around here and William always teased her about providing footstools.

“Yeah, I got it,” I told her. “Just set them right outside the back door and I’ll grab them on my way out.”

“Thanks, sweetie,” she said as she walked off toward the back entrance.

Kerri and I finished filling up the salt and pepper containers and restocking the tables over the next forty minutes. My feet hurt and I was more than ready to go home and soak in a hot tub.

The café was empty, and the only ones left were Kerri and me, and of course Mick, the cook. He was busy in the kitchen, scraping and cleaning the grills.

Right at 7 p.m. I texted Dylan and told him I would be out soon. All we had left to do was turn out the lights and lock the door. Gathering my coat and purse, I followed Kerri and Mick to the front door and was just about to walk out when I remembered the garbage. “Oh, shit,” I said.

“What?” Kerri looked around the room trying to figure out what was wrong.

“I forgot to take out the garbage. Can you let me out the back and I’ll just walk around?” I asked as I started to walk toward the back entrance, Kerri right behind me.

“Do you think you need to do that alone?” Mick interjected as we walked away.

“I’m fine. Dylan is outside. It will only be a few seconds.”

I didn’t give him time to argue before I opened the door and stepped out. Kerri closed the door behind me and I grabbed the two bags Helen left out back and walked toward the dumpster.

I turned back toward the building when I heard the shuffle of someone approaching. It wasn’t completely dark yet, but the sun had begun to set, leaving a dirty look in the air.

“I’m almost done. You didn’t have to walk around to meet me.” I shook my head and let go of the dumpster lid as it slammed down, making me jump back.

When I turned I expected to see Dylan standing before me, but came face to face with John instead.

“Hello, Payton. How’ve you been?” he asked, a look of disgust written all over his face.

I started to back around him, but he lunged forward and grabbed my arm.

I opened my mouth to scream and he fisted my hair, yanking hard. A yelp escaped me, and he squeezed my arm even harder. It was a tactic he practiced a lot when I was younger. If I cried or even whimpered in pain he would only hurt me again, showing me my reaction meant nothing to him.

“Go ahead and scream, you little bitch. I guarantee it will be your last.”

He dragged me toward the end of the alley and shoved me into the side of a car. When he jerked open the door, I knew he intended to place me inside and I only had one chance to call for help. Even knowing my outburst would in turn inflict only more pain, I went for it.

“Help me!” I screamed. “Someone help me! Dylan!” My throat burned as I gave it all I had before John covered my mouth with his hand and shoved me into the backseat of the car.

The moment the door was shut I began jerking on the handle only to find it had some sort of safety lock on.

When the front door opened and John got inside, I heard my name called out in the distance. Spinning around in the seat I looked out the back window to find Dylan and what looked like Mick running down the alley toward John’s car. Slapping the back glass, I screamed once more. “Dylan, please help me!”

John’s laughter echoed through the car as he slammed his door and started the engine. Dylan was close enough I could see the terrified expression covering his face just as John sped around. I remained on my knees as I watched Dylan slowly disappear through the back glass.

“He can’t save you, Payton. No one can,” John stated as he drove farther and farther from the café.

I sagged back against the door in defeat, knowing the chances were pretty likely that would be the last time I ever saw Dylan. I could almost feel my heart shatter within my chest.

“Looks like that asshole boyfriend of yours doesn’t give up easily,” John said as he looked through the rearview mirror. I rose up once again and saw Dylan’s truck approaching fast.

“It would be a shame if someone cut the brake line of his truck without him knowing, wouldn’t it?” My stomach dropped. “It’s just a matter of time now,” John added.

Tears pooled in my eyes as John turned the corner onto Harris Court. I prayed silently for Dylan to remain safe. If he couldn’t save me, I could accept that. He being hurt in the process was a thought I couldn’t bear.

Suddenly my worst fears unfolded. John even slowed his car so he could watch the whole thing. Dylan’s truck fishtailed as he tried to gain control. Turning the wheel he slid sideways on the snowy, slick roads just before his truck began to roll, one flip after the next, as if in slow motion.

John’s sadistic laughter mixed with my cries filled the car. My heart ached and I shook my head “no” as I cried into my hands.

“Say bye-bye to your hero,” John said as he began to speed up once again.

“Why?” I whispered as the scene played over and over in my mind.

“Why?” John repeated. “Well, Payton, because you and I have some unfinished business. That man has stood in my way long enough. I needed him gone, and now he is.”

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