Read Complete Book of Wedding Vows Online

Authors: Diane Warner

Tags: #Family & Relationships, #Marriage, #test

Complete Book of Wedding Vows (23 page)

BOOK: Complete Book of Wedding Vows
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Bride: "I thank God for you and I will love you always."
Groom: "And I will love you always; this is my pledge, as God is my Witness."
Bride: "Today is our wedding day."
Groom: "Yes, today is a sacred day, always to be remembered."
Bride: "I come gladly to this moment."
Groom: "And I, too."
Page 54
Bride: "From this day forward, our lives will be intertwined as one."
Groom: "We will be one flesh."
Bride: "I commit myself to you this day, as your faithful wife."
Groom: "I commit myself to you this day, as your faithful husband."
Bride: "I will nurture you when you need care."
Groom: "I will praise you as you succeed in life."
Bride: "I promise to share my dreams and my fears."
BOOK: Complete Book of Wedding Vows
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