Complete Book of Wedding Vows (40 page)

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Authors: Diane Warner

Tags: #Family & Relationships, #Marriage, #test

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(Ben took a tiny heart-shaped ring with a center diamond from his pocket, knelt down and placed the ring on Cheyenne's finger, followed by a hug and a kiss.)
At the end, the minister introduced the couple to the congregation as "Mr. and Mrs. King and daughter, Cheyenne."
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Ben loves and adores Cheyenne as much as he would if they were biologically related, and Cheyenne tells people that "she's married to Ben." She didn't think it was fair, however, that she couldn't go on the honeymoon!
Children Included in Congregational Blessing
Children are often included as part of the congregational blessing upon the bride, groom and their child or children.
Minister to the congregation: "Will you lend your hearts and concerns to this couple and their children, upholding them in prayer and encouraging them in their new life together?"
The congregation responds: "We will."
As I close this chapter, I have one more little story. A friend of mine took a Caribbean cruise recently and witnessed a poolside wedding. The bride and groom evidently brought their families along for the wedding and the bride's teenaged daughter served as her maid of honor. During the ring ceremony, after the groom had recited his ring vows and placed a wedding ring on his bride's finger, he unexpectedly reached inside his pocket and pulled out a delicate gold-banded birthstone ring, which he placed on the finger of the bride's daughter, symbolizing her inclusion in the marriage.
Isn't it a lovely new trend to include the children in the ceremony? I think so.
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Chapter 5
Reaffirmation Vows
A reaffirmation ceremony is a time of thanksgiving and assessment of a couple's years together. It is also a strengthening of their commitment to each other. By the time a couple has been married 10, 25, 40 or 50 years, they have successfully survived a myriad of crises in their lives through their deep love for each other and their reaffirmation vows may be personalized to reflect this. Or a couple may prefer to duplicate their original wedding ceremony as closely as possible, including the original minister, if he is still available. The members of the original wedding party are often included as well, along with the couple's newly extended family of children, grandchildren, nieces and nephews.
Many families create exhibits and displays honoring the couple, including photographs taken on their wedding day,
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the original wedding certificate, a photograph of their first home, family snapshots and scrapbooks, a photo montage of the couple and all their family members, their original wedding album, plus a sentimental item or two unique to their life together, such as a cradle he may have made by hand for their first baby, etc.
A very simple way to handle the vows in a reaffirmation ceremony is for the minister to read the actual vows that were made at the couple's wedding ceremony, then ask the couple if they do freely reaffirm those vows right at that moment. The minister may ask, after reading their original vows:
"Remembering these vows, made so many years ago on ________________ 19____, do you now reaffirm these vows and your love for each other?"
The couple answers: "I do."
However, for those couples who would like to personalize their reaffirmation vows, this chapter offers many touching choices.
"I thank God, our Father, for bringing us together to love and care for each other. Every year, as we have walked through our days together, whether joyous or difficult, I thanked God to have you by my side. You have always been there for me, ______________, filled with love, understanding and encouragement, freely offering a smile and a hug. Today, as we reaffirm our wedding vows, I commit my life to you anew and I vow to be a loving, true and faithful husband as long as we both shall live."

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