|  | And so, as you come today to reaffirm your wedding vows and as you reflect back over all your years together as husband and wife, do you now reaffirm the vows you took 40 years ago? If so, repeat them after me:
 |  | 'I, __________________, take you, _________________, to be my husband / wife; to have and to hold from this day forward, for better, for worse, for richer, for poorer, in sickness and in health, to love and to cherish always.'"
After their vows were affirmed and it was time for Jim to kiss his bride, he surprised everyone, including her, by presenting her with a diamond suspended on a delicate gold chain. What had everyone in tearsat least, all the women presentwas the look of love in Jim's eyes as he fastened the gold chain around Mary's neck and murmured some very quiet and private words of endearment before he kissed her. It was obvious to all that they are still very much in love.
 |  | "On _______________________ 19____, we took our vows as we stood in this very place. My knees were shaking as I recall, and although I gave my heart to you that day as I recited my vows, I spoke haltingly, feeling some apprehension as we entered the fearful state of matrimony. As I look back now, surveying our years of married life, I have a grateful reminiscence in my heart because of the blessed fulfillment our marriage has been. I give thanks to God for our life together which has been rich beyond measure, and today I reaffirm my wedding vows, but this time with a clearer head and absolute assurance in my heart. There are no hesitations or second thoughts today as I promise with all my heart to love and cherish you for