Concise Oxford Dictionary of Archaeology (333 page)

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Refers to the sides of a vessel which have been regularly pushed in to form a series of oval concavities; described also as thumb-indented, dimpled, and folded.
independent invention
independent variable
A variable or factor which causally affects another (the dependent variable).
Indian Knoll, Kentucky, USA
An extensive Archaic Stage shell midden, living floors, and cemetery dating to
2500–2000 bc. As a whole the site covers about 1ha with some of the shell middens over 1.5m high. Excavations by William Webb during the Great Depression revealed a cemetery of over 1100 burials representing all age groups from newborn infants to elderly adults. Grave goods associated with some internments suggest social ranking, perhaps through differentiated kinship groups. Grave goods associated with males included axes and groundhog incisors for woodworking, fish-hooks, antler flint-retouchers, awls, and items which may have been from medicine bags. Items found exclusively in female graves included nut-cracking stones, bone beads, pestles, and stone gravers. About 4 per cent of the graves contained objects that had come from distant sources: copper ornaments and marine shell ornaments.
[W. S. Webb , 1946, Indian Knoll site, Oh 2, Ohio County, Kentucky.
University of Kentucky Reports in Archaeology and Anthropology
, 4(3), 115–365]
Indian land
The lands of an Indian tribe or a specific Indian individual which are either held in trust by the United States government or subject to a restriction against alienation imposed by the United States government. The term may in some cases exclude subsurface interests.
Indian tribe
Any band, nation, or other organized group or community, including an Alaska native village or regional or village corporation as defined in, or established pursuant to, the Alaska Native Claims Settlement Act.

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