Consequences (3 page)

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Authors: Skyy

BOOK: Consequences
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Carmen looked confused.
“Did you know they kissed last year?”
The comment caused Carmen to stop dead in her tracks “What? Misha, are you serious?” she asked Misha, who kept walking. She ran to catch up. “Bitch, you better answer me.”
Misha smiled. “Yes, OK. Lena just told me they kissed last year. From the look on her face it was a pretty damn good kiss.”
“Oh, hell no. I am going to kick Denise's ass,” Carmen replied. “Damn, maybe that's why she has been shacking up with that bitch-ass Rhonda.”
Carmen hated Rhonda more than Cooley did. Rhonda had asked Denise to stop hanging with Carmen because she didn't think a femme and a stud could be real friends. Denise didn't do it, however, and from then on Rhonda always had an attitude with Carmen, and Carmen had one with her as well.
“I know, right. That girl is so not Denise's type,” Misha added as they got into Carmen's car. “Seriously, I wondered why Denise was messing with her.”
“Well, now I know, and now I can squash that shit. So, are you coming to the party?” Carmen asked Misha.
“I don't think so, girl. I don't think Tay would like me going to a party at my ex-girlfriend's house.” Misha had started dating Tay, a very popular stud on campus. Cooley and Tay both could pass as men. They were studs personified.
“Speaking of why people date who they date, you need to dump that loser and give my buddy another chance. You know Cooley isn't over you.” Carmen didn't approve of Misha being with Tay either, who was known for hitting her girlfriends. She also knew if Tay ever laid a hand on Misha that Cooley would go to jail for attempted murder.
“Really? Is that why she slept with two girls the last day of school? Carmen, we hadn't been broken up twenty-four hours yet.”
“Misha, Cooley was hurting very bad. That's the way she dealt with the pain. She couldn't let you or anyone see how hurt she was. Why do you think she actually took that internship? To get away from Memphis and away from you. Hell, every time she called, she wanted to know stuff about you.”
“Well, a little too late to tell me that now,” Misha said. “If Cooley wanted me, she knew my number, so let's drop this convo now please.”
“All right, it's dropped.” Carmen pulled up in front of the dorm. “Well, see you later girl. I gotta go meet Nic.” Misha got out of the car and headed into her dorm as Carmen drove off.
Chapter 3
Misha sat on the bed while Tay primped herself in the mirror. She laughed to herself, remembering how long it used to take Cooley to get ready. Misha knew that Tay was cute but didn't have anything on Cooley. She looked Tay up and down. Misha had never realized just how short Tay was. Tay didn't have the captivating effect on her that Cooley did.
“Misha!” Tay yelled.
“Yeah.” Misha jumped, realizing she had been daydreaming.
“How this look?” Tay said as her mouth shined with a gold grill.
Misha watched Tay turn around, showing off her Sean Jean outfit.
“It looks fine. But I wish you would take that damn grill out.” Misha rolled her eyes. She would never understand the fascination with wearing grills. She liked to see white, healthy teeth, not a metallic grin.
“Whatever, girl. I'm keeping my grill in.” Tay folded her arms and flashed her teeth in the mirror. She popped her collar. “I need to be better than fine. I gotta be the flyest stud tonight,” she said, brushing her waves down.
“Why you wanna be so fly to go to a movie?” Misha asked as she stood up.
“Oh, shit, we're going to a welcome back party.” Tay placed her fitted blue cap on. She gave herself another complete look over in the mirror.
Misha looked at Tay. “What if I don't feel like going to a party?” Misha paused. “Wait, the only party I know of tonight is at Cooley's place.”
“Yeah, that's it. I can't wait to see the look on that nigga's face when I walk in lookin' like this.” Tay smiled at the thought of out-dressing Cooley at her own house. She knew Cooley was the only person standing in the way of her being the hottest stud in Memphis.
She looked at Misha, her most recent victory. She got the girl Cooley actually settled down with the year before. Tay knew Misha still cared about Cooley, but wasn't afraid. Misha had left Cooley because of all the drama that followed her. By the end of last year all the stares, gossip, prank phone calls and psycho chicks had gotten to Misha. Tay knew she would never put herself back in that situation, and being with Cooley was always going to bring drama.
“Wait, you want me to go to Cooley's party?” Misha snapped.
Tay looked at her with a confused expression.
“Did it ever occur to you that I might not be comfortable going to a party at my ex-girlfriend's place?”
“What? Misha, the only reason that shit should matter is if you still want to be with her. But we know that's not the case. Cooley ain't got shit on me.”
If only you knew
. Misha thought to herself. “You still should have asked me.”
“My bad. So you wanna go or what? We need to be showing off how fly we look together. Shit, I know my outfit is going to be the hottest. I paid a grip for this. Cooley gone be hatin'. I know it.”
“Why the fuck do you always gotta bring her up? Damn, you act like you in some kind of competition or something,” Misha said, while rummaging through her closet. She had to find an outfit to show Cooley exactly what she was missing.
Over the summer Misha had made some changes. She took out her frustration in the gym, causing her body to tone up. She cut her hair to her shoulders and began wearing her natural curls. She also changed her style a little. She always knew she was sexy, but with her new tone body, she began to show off her sex appeal even more.
“No, I don't. Man, she be the one thinking she the best thing going and shit. She always think she so fly. She think she the hottest, but she's not. I am. Shit, wait till the stud competition this year. I am going to win.” Tay held her head up high, imagining the look on Cooley's face when she won.
“Tay, it is not that serious.” Deep down Misha knew that for Tay and many other studs it was.
“Man, OK, so you ready to go?”
“Let me change real quick, and we can roll out,” Misha said.
Tay sat on the bed, constantly looking in the mirror until Misha was ready to go. Tay smiled when she saw Misha's new look.
“Damn, baby, you went and got Rihanna fine.” Tay wrapped her arms around Misha while Misha put her finishing touches on her lip-gloss. She knew Cooley was going to be pissed when she saw her arm wrapped around Misha, and made a mental note to rub on Misha's ass in front of Cooley. She might even kiss her.
Valentino looked great on Lena, but she wanted to have on jeans. She had quickly grown tired of the dinner parties and special engagements she had to attend on Brandon's arm. She secretly wished she was at the party Denise was throwing.
“Baby, you are wearing that dress.” Brandon kissed Lena on her cheek. He looked at himself in the mirror. His black suit was tailor-made for his tall physique. “We are one attractive couple.” He smiled.
Lena smiled. She had to admit, they looked great together. They were quickly becoming local celebrities. Lena didn't want all of the attention on her, but Brandon loved it. She knew she had to play the part.
“Sweetie, do we have to be out all night? I have school starting and all.”
“Lena, you know I have to be at this event.”
“I know. I just hoped we could leave a little early.”
Brandon sighed. “If that is what you want, then fine. I don't know why you insist on going back to school anyway.”
Lena rolled her eyes. Brandon had expressed his opinion of her schooling numerous times. He preferred his woman to be at home. “Please not tonight.”
“I'm not saying anything else. Let's go.” Brandon walked out of the room, leaving Lena standing there.
She looked at herself one more time. “OK, Lena, it's show time.”
Cooley and Denise's apartment was packed with all of the who's who of the black gay community. The music had everyone rocking. There were new tracks that Memphis had not been privileged to hear yet. The living room floor was packed with women shaking their butts, trying to see who could shake it the best. Cooley's internship over the summer ensured that her popularity with the women increased, and she had excess attention to show for it.
More women than usual were also checking out Denise because she was now the super star senior basketball player. Rhonda refused to leave Denise's side, thinking she had to defend her territory.
“Bro!” Carmen yelled as she and Nic walked into the party. She ran up to Cooley and gave her a big hug. “I have missed you so much.”
“I missed you too, baby girl. Nic, are you treating my girl right?” Cooley asked.
“Hell, the question is, how is she treating me?” Nic joked. She and Carmen, hooked up again at the end of the school year after the big falling out with Carmen's ex, Tameka. They had been happily in love ever since.
Nic had her own little fan club as well, being that she was one of the most attractive studs in Memphis. And the fact that she was still considered new to Memphis made all the girls want to be the first to get her. Carmen worried sometimes, but her self-esteem was rising so much that it was starting to not bother her anymore.
“Hey, C, is Misha coming?” Cooley asked Carmen as they walked to get something to drink.
“Um, Cool, there's something that I have to tell you. You see—”
Cooley interrupted Carmen before she could finish. “What the ...” Cooley's facial expression changed quickly. Her heart began to beat rapidly when she noticed Misha. She could feel her nature rising just looking at how sexy Misha looked. Misha had never looked this way before.
Cooley remembered telling Misha she should dress a little sexier, but she never wanted to. Now Misha looked like she had stepped out of a Jam Zone music video.
Cooley smiled, rubbing her hands together, ready to get her girl. Her smile quickly changed when Tay walked in and placed her arm around Misha. “What the fuck!” Cooley said as her blood began to boil. “I know that is not Tay with Misha!” Cooley exclaimed while staring Misha down.
Tay looked in Cooley's direction and smirked. She pulled Misha closer to her side.
Cooley wanted to go beat her down, but held her composure. She never let a woman see her sweat.
“See. That's what I needed to tell you ...”
Cooley headed in Misha's direction before Carmen could finish her sentence. She approached Misha and touched her on her neck, one of Misha's hot spots.
“Hey, Misha,” Cooley said in her seductive voice.
Misha quickly turned around. She knew if Cooley stayed too close to her she wouldn't be able to control herself. “Nothing much, Carla. How are you doing?” Misha said, returning the comment in her seductive voice as well.
“It's all good on this end. Damn, bae, I almost didn't recognize you. You looking hella—”
“Tay, this is Cooley,” Misha said, cutting off Cooley.
“Yeah, we know each other,” Cooley casually replied. “Whut up, Tay?”
Cooley and Tay stared at each other. Tay's face dropped when she saw Cooley's shirt. She knew her Sean Jean outfit didn't compare to having a shirt worth over a hundred dollars, even if it was just a T-shirt.
“Not shit. Can't complain,” Tay said, putting her arm around Misha. She knew she might not be the flyest, but she still had Misha.
Cooley could feel the anger starting to rise.
Misha sensed the tension in the air. “Well, I guess I will see you around, Cooley,” Misha said as Tay guided her into the house.
Cooley stood at the door as Carmen walked up to her.
“Why didn't you tell me, Carmen?” Cooley said.
Carmen could tell she was hurt, but trying to hide it. “Cooley, I didn't think it was going to be serious. You know I don't like Tay. I just thought it was a fling.”
“Does she know about Tay's rep? Man, I have seen her hit girls before.”
“She knows, but she told me Tay has been nothing but nice to her,” Carmen said, putting her arm around Cooley.
“Yeah, well, I ain't going out like that. Especially not over that fake-ass nigga,” Cooley said in her regular cool voice.
“Don't do nothing stupid, Cooley,” Carmen warned and followed Cooley into the living room.
“Oh, I won't do anything crazy, unless I see Tay lay a hand on her. Then you better call the cops.” Cooley walked off to greet more guests.
Denise looked over at Carmen. She hadn't spoken to her yet. She wondered how she was going to get away from Rhonda to go talk to her friend. Rhonda was involved in a conversation with a few members of the gay family she wanted to join. Rhonda wanted to be a member of the Premiere Family, but they never showed interest in her.
Gay families were big in Memphis, and the Premiere Family was the largest in the city. Families consisted of an older lesbian couple that invited younger lesbians from the community into their homes as a safe haven. Older lesbians would be considered mothers, fathers, uncles, and aunts, depending on whether they were more masculine or feminine. The family members were also called son or daughters, depending on their gender classification as well.
The Premieres always wanted Denise and Cooley to join. Cooley was always asked to perform at the shows at the club. She was a favorite of the women, always making large amounts of tips whenever she preformed.
“I'll be back,” Denise whispered to Rhonda.
“No. Where are you going?” Rhonda questioned.
“Just to get something to drink. Stay here. I'll be back.” Denise walked off before giving Rhonda a chance to respond. She made her way to her room.
Cooley noticed Misha standing alone by the window. Cooley walked up and caressed the back of Misha's neck, causing her to shiver. She turned around, and Cooley smiled. “Guess I still have that magic touch. Where is your li'l date?”
Misha took a step back, knowing if she stood too close she would not be able to control herself. “My girlfriend went to the car to get her phone.” She looked Cooley up and down. Cooley lined her hair, and her curls were sitting perfectly. Misha also noticed that Cooley's arms looked a little more cut through her shirt. “Have you been working out?” Misha inquired, trying not to lust over Cooley's sexy body.
Cooley smiled. “That's not your girlfriend. You can't have a girl 'til I give you up completely.” She stared at Misha, “I've been doing a little something. Atlanta treated me right this summer, but I was ready to come home.”
Misha wanted to smile, but held it in. “Why? Ran out of ass in Atlanta?” She rolled her eyes.
“Yeah, OK, I guess I deserved that. But to answer your question, Atlanta is cool, but it was missing what I truly wanted.” Cooley walked toward Misha until she was against the wall. They were now standing face to face, the sexual energy rising every second.

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