Consequences (4 page)

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Authors: Skyy

BOOK: Consequences
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Misha tried to contain herself. “And what ... did you want?”
Cooley gazed into Misha's eyes. “You of all people should know that.” She leaned in, ready to kiss the lips of the only woman she ever loved.
Misha quickly moved away. “Cooley, don't go there. You know we can't do this. I won't do this with you again. I'm with Tay.”
“Well, since you brought the fake-ass nigga up, let's talk about that. What's the deal, Misha? You go get wit' the bitch that wants to be me more than anyone else.”
“She doesn't want to be you. Tay is a cool person.” Misha knew she was lying.
“Whatever, Misha, that girl is—”
“That girl is walking in the house. Bye, Carla.” Misha walked off just as Tay was coming back into the house.
Cooley watched her whisper into Tay's ear. They walked back out of the apartment.
Cooley shook her head. She wasn't giving up that easily. She headed over and joined the spades game that was about to start.
“This is pathetic. You have to hide in your room just to get away from that ho,” Carmen said as she walked into Denise's room. She looked at Denise, disgusted with the relationship she had with Rhonda.
“Give me a break tonight, OK. Hey, why didn't Lena come? Did you tell her about it?”
“Yeah, I told her. She had some fancy dinner to go to with Brandon.” Carmen could see the disappointment in Denise's face. “Dee, why didn't you tell me about you and Lena?”
“I don't know. I guess I wanted to forget it.”
“Forget it? Girl, you can't get it off your brain, can you? Why would you do that, Dee? You knew—”
Denise interrupted. “I know, OK, I know. But you know it was supposed to be more. She wanted me to have sex with her. I almost did it, but I couldn't.”
“And you should be happy you didn't. The girl is going to be married in two months. You both need to get over your feelings for each other real damn quick,” Carmen said.
“Both? Carmen, what do you know?” Denise's eyes brightened.
Carmen knew she had put her foot in her mouth.
“Denise, I know that Lena cares about you, but you know it can't happen. Let it go, boo. And while you're at it, let Rhonda go too.”
“Well, isn't this a sight?” Rhonda said as she pushed the door open. “Guess you just had to get my woman away from me long enough to try to break us up!” she exclaimed.
“Girl, you better get up out my face—That's all I know,” Carmen countered, holding her ground.
Denise knew she had to intervene before something went down. She went to get in between Rhonda and Carmen, but it was too late.
“I'll be in your face all I want to,” Rhonda challenged and walked toward Carmen.
Denise grabbed her hand. “Rhonda, come on.”
“Yeah, Rhonda, you best listen to Denise on this one,” Carmen responded, adding fuel to the fire.
“The only thing I better do is whip your ass.”
Rhonda charged at Carmen, but was met by Carmen's fist. Instantly Carmen was on top of Rhonda, pounding her in the face.
“Cooley, Nic, come help me. These girls are fighting!” Denise yelled, running into the kitchen where the poker game was in progress.
Nic jumped up, but Cooley remained seated.
“Who is winning?” Cooley casually asked while looking at her cards.
“What?” Denise yelled. “Carmen is on top of Rhonda. I can't break it up alone. Get up, bruh!”
Cooley remained seated and started to laugh. “Fuck that. I hope Carmen kicks the dog shit out of that bitch.” She laughed as she placed more chips in the middle of the table. “I just know y'all bet not break shit!”
Denise ran back into the room, where Nic had finally pulled Carmen off of Rhonda. She helped Rhonda get off the ground. Carmen was still fuming, but Nic had begun to calm her down.
“I think we need to go,” Nic told Denise. “All right, Ali, let's go.”
Nic grabbed Carmen's hand. Everyone else in the party began to disperse as well.
Denise looked at Rhonda. “What the fuck is wrong with you?”
“What? I told you how I feel about her,” Rhonda said, sitting on the bed.
“Rhonda, Carmen and Cooley have been my family for years, and no woman is about to make me stop kicking it with them!” Denise was fuming.
Rhonda looked at Denise. “Oh, so it's like that? OK, then, I'll roll. I don't want to be anywhere that I am not respected.” Rhonda grabbed her bag and walked toward the door, passing Cooley, who was sitting on the couch with three girls.
“You leaving, Rhonda?” Cooley asked in her sarcastic voice.
“Fuck you, Cooley. Go to hell!” Rhonda said, causing Cooley to laugh even harder. She slammed the door.
“I'm going to make it an early night,” Lena said as she pulled her shoes off and walked into her house. “That is, unless you want to come and join me.” Lena looked at Brandon. His manhood was already beginning to rise.
“As much as I want to take you up on that,” Brandon said as he hugged Lena, allowing her to feel the stiffness in his pants, “I have got to do a little work. But, trust, I will be waking your ass up soon.” He smacked Lena on her butt as she headed to her room.
Brandon headed into his study. He opened his desk drawer and a picture fell out. He looked at the small photo. He then glanced at the picture of Lena sitting on his desk. She was the most wonderful thing in his life. He picked up the phone and made a call.
“We need to talk. I will be over there in three hours.” Brandon hung the phone up and headed into his bedroom.
He crawled into bed next to Lena. She was wearing one of his oversized Grizzlies T-shirts. He slowly rubbed his hand up her leg till he made it to her butt. No panties. She was ready for him.
Lena turned over and looked at Brandon. “I guess you didn't have to wake me up after all.”
He leaned down and kissed her. He could feel her becoming wet as he caressed her clit.
“You ready for Papi?” Brandon said as he made his way face down in between her legs.
He reached up and stroked the soft mound of curly hair before parting her wet lips and slipping his thumb in and out. He eased his mouth around the hard knot of her clit and licked it, flicking it softly at first before slowly stroking it with the broad length of his tongue.
Lena moaned and stroked her fingers over his hair. He could feel her pussy pulsating as he thrust his tongue into her narrow opening and felt the salty juices flowing out of the corners of his mouth. Then he devoured her, sucking her clit harder and pushing his tongue farther in as he took all of that sweet nectar into his mouth.
“Brandon,” Lena moaned in ecstasy as she felt the weight of his body press against her. Slowly, he entered her, pushing her open with his large manhood. Her fingers tightened and curled around fistfuls of his hair as she gasped open-mouthed and her body arched up to meet him.
He watched her face contort as he easily overpowered her, while he pressed himself farther inside. Her walls closed around his thickness and pulled on his sheath as he rode her while pushing his rock hardness deeper inside each time.
She gave herself to him, letting him have her body, feeling his hands roam her terrain, smacking her ass as he rode.
Pressing her thighs wider and higher with each stroke, he grasped her breasts in his wet, cum-soaked mouth and pinched her hard nipples with his teeth. Lena groaned and grabbed at his shoulders. He pulled her hands away and held them by her wrists above her head with one hand as he grabbed the firm flesh of her ass with the other.
“This is mine,” he softly hissed under his breath.
Those words sent chills throughout her body as she neared her climax. She watched Brandon's eyes widen as he neared his and wrapped her legs around his waist as he rode faster and harder, his balls slamming against the tiny opening in the crack of her ass. She loved every moment of his claiming her as they exploded together.
“God, I love you, woman,” Brandon panted as he got out of the bed and got into the shower.
Lena looked at the bathroom door. It was the first time he had ever gotten up after laying a sexing on her like that. She decided to let it go until he walked out fully dressed.
“Where the hell are you going at three in the morning?” she snapped.
Brandon jumped on Lena and kissed her. “Calm your ass down. I am going to the store. I like going to Walmart in the wee hours. You know that.”
“What do you need from Wal-Mart that much?”
Brandon gave Lena a funny face. “Lena, stop tripping. Damn, I don't get to just enjoy my life anymore. I'm always getting stopped and shit. I just want to go to Wal-Mart, browse the DVDs, and buy some unnecessary shit. Can't a man do that, please?”
Lena looked at him suspiciously. “I guess. But since you're going, buy me some tampons ...”
“Hell naw, Lena, I ain't buying that shit!” Brandon yelled, disgusted by the idea of even going on the aisle.
Lena laughed. “I'm just playing with you. But do get any Disney DVDs that I don't have, OK?”
Brandon kissed Lena again and left the room.
Lena turned over on her back and stared into the darkness. She wondered how the party was, secretly wishing she was there.
Denise walked into the room. Cooley could tell Denise was pissed. Cooley asked the remaining girls to leave.
“Cooley, that was fucked up,” Denise said as she grabbed a garbage bag to clean up some of the mess from the party.
“Man, please ... you did the right thing. That girl wasn't for you, and you knew it.”
“That's not the point. She was serving her purpose.”
“Oh, really? She had a purpose? Oh, I get it; she was supposed to take your mind off of Lena,” Cooley said. “Well, the problem is that it didn't work, so why the fuck was you still with her?”
Denise sat down in the chair. “I don't know.”
The room became silent.
“Look, bruh, I hate to see you fucked up like this. I say if you want her, go to her.”
“You know I can't do that,” Denise responded.
“Whatever. The only one stopping you is you. So tell me, Carmen was kicking her ass, huh?” Cooley smiled.
Denise smirked. “She did whip her ass.”
They both started laughing as they continued to clean the apartment.
Chapter 4
The first day of school was more like a fashion show than an academic day. Women and men wore their best outfits as if they were headed to the club instead of campus, especially freshmen. Older students laughed as new students wore their stilettos on campus, not realizing just how much walking they would be doing. The smart ones knew how to look fly and to be comfortable at the same time.
Music blared from the speakers set up in the university center for the first step show of the year. Sorority girls strutted while fraternity men yelled their various calls. It was a freshman's paradise, the one place they could see everyone, Greeks, jocks, artists, and more.
Cooley looked herself over one time, making sure her pink and white striped polo shirt hung just right. She brushed the back of her neck while she patted down one side of her curly, mini Afro.
Nic shook her head; she wasn't as big on fashion as Cooley. She was comfortable in her jeans and T-shirt.
They could hardly tell it was nearly autumn. The sun was beaming down, causing most to pull out their shades and short-sleeved gear. Frat brothers walked around with their towels to match their Greek colors. Women still sported their skimpy summer clothes and flip-flops.
Denise patted the top of her head. “These braids are about to kill me.” A brief autumn breeze rushed through the quad, giving Denise's scalp temporary relief.
“Stop patting them, bruh. They're hot,” Cooley said. “I told you she was gon' make you look like you are headed to the pros.”
“Well, if I have to endure that type of pain to look like a ball player, I'll keep my ponytail,” Denise said, hoping for another breeze.
“How I end up hanging with y'all two non-dressing fools?” Cooley teased. She pulled out a mirror to check her short curly Afro. She had let her hair grow out from the short boy cut. Even though her hair was naturally curly, she placed a mild texturizer in it to give it just the right amount of curl.
“Whateva. I don't know about you, but I'm going to class and practice. I'm not getting fly for that. I am happy sitting here in my shorts,” Denise said.
“I feel you, Dee. This is supposed to be school, not a runway. Besides, my girl likes the way I dress.” Nic smiled.
“Y'all crazy. You are your appearance. Nic, you need to let that hair down and put on something fly. And, Dee—Fuck it! You're just hopeless.”
“Fuck you!” Denise laughed.
“Like I said, my girl likes it,” Nic boasted, holding her head high.
“Aww, there you go with that sappy shit,” Cooley said. “Damn, this is the last year. I'm so ready to be up out this bitch,” Cooley said, placing her shades on her face. That was one thing they all agreed on.
“What's up, Cooley?” A petite girl walked up. You could tell she cut her shorts herself by how uneven they were. They showed the majority of her butt cheeks.
“Ahh, shit, Bree, what's up? What the deal, mami?” Cooley stood up and gave the girl a hug. She had messed around with Bree, but never went the entire way.
“You got it. Word on the streets is that you doing it big boy-style, working at Jam Zone,” the girl said, batting her long, fake eyelashes.
“I was doing it big before Jam Zone, and you know it.”
“You right, you right. So what's up wit' cha? Heard you not wit' ole gal anymore.”
“Damn, you sho do hear a lot about me,” Cooley said.
Nic and Denise attempted to hold back laughter.
“You know I like to make sure I keep up with what I want.” The girl leaned her body up against Cooley. “So what's up? You wit' her or not?”
“That's a negative, but I'm in chill mode right now, shorty. But I'll get at cha when I'm able again,” Cooley said.
Denise and Nic were amazed.
The girl looked over at Nic. “Your name is Nic, right?” She smiled.
“Um.” Nic looked confused. She had never seen the girl a day in her life. “Yeah.”
The girl smiled. “Yeah, I saw your show last year. That was hot. My friend Peaches is crazy about you. She thought you were just so fine. I can give you her number if you like.”
“Um, thanks, but no thanks. I got a girl.” Nic timidly looked down at her book.
Denise couldn't help but laugh.
“Well, looks like all the sexy studs are off the market. Dee, you just don't give no girl a chance. My girl Tee been trying to get at you since freshman year.”
“You already know the deal, Bree,” Denise said.
“Well, I will see you all lata. Let me go break the news to my girls. Holla.” Bree walked off.
“You in chill mode?” Denise questioned Cooley. “What's up with you?”
“Nothing. I'm just not looking to mess around right now,” Cooley said.
“I never thought I would see the day.” Denise laughed.
“Damn! Y'all act like a nigga just can't get right.” She smiled, pointing at Nic. “Look at this mutha over here. Girl's finna start throwing the panties at you. They would throw them at Dee, but she already turned them all down.” Cooley laughed.
Denise threw up her middle finger.
“Well, they can just throw them at someone else 'cause not a girl on this campus or in this city interests me more than what I already have,” Nic said.
“I know I said chill with that sappy shit. Aww, damn!” Cooley slumped down in her chair a little as Carmen and Misha approached. She watched Misha glance at her through her shades.
“You all are never going to believe this,” Carmen said as she and Misha walked up to them.
“Believe what?” Denise questioned.
“Lo is back to dick now,” Carmen said as she sat on Nic's lap.
“Whuuut?” Denise and Cooley said at the same time. Lo was a hard stud. There was nothing feminine about her.
“Yeah, she goes by Loretta now. She married some club owner or DJ something,” Carmen added.
“Get the fuck out of here!” Cooley was shocked, “She was a bigger ho than—”
“You?” Misha interjected.
Cooley threw her a smirk.
“Yeah, and Tisha is pregnant, but I always knew her ass was going,” Carmen said.
“Oh, not miss ‘I can't stand dick' Tish. That bitch claimed she was so gay. Fucking sike-a-dyke.” Misha rolled her eyes.
“Hey, if the girl wants to be back with men, then y‘all gon' let her go back to men. It's not like y‘all fuckin' any of them,” Nic said, noticing how upset Misha seemed.
“Nic, you don't understand. Women like that make it hard for women like me. They are the reasons that men feel like they can talk to me any kind of way.'Cause these bitches will yell they are gay but in the same breath will drop the panties. So, men think all of us are the same way.”
“Not to mention, that's the reason that all these STDs are starting to hit the lesbian community more.'Cause these bisexual women are sleeping with men and then having unprotected sex with women. And it's usually the ones that aren't up front about who they are.”
Cooley and Denise listened as Carmen, Misha, and Nic talked. Denise thought about her experience with her ex, Crystal. She'd caught her in bed with a man. Her mind then went to Lena. She was crazy about her, and she was sleeping with a man every night.
“And look who's headed our way,” Cooley said as two women walked toward them. Both were passing out flyers to everyone who passed their way. “These bitches get on my la—What's up, Nyla?” Cooley said to the petite feminine woman.
“Man, so much. How are all of you black people doing today?” Nyla responded.
“Yeah, how is everyone?” the other girl said. She was much taller than Nyla and wore long locks. “How are you, Carmen?”
“I'm good, Neo. How are you? Loving the locks,” Carmen said to the stud.
“Things could be better.” Neo handed Carmen a flyer. “You know the majorette choreographer, Devin, was bashed a couple of days ago.”
“Get the fuck out of here!” Misha said. “Was it on campus?”
“Yeah, it was. You know, over by the drama department. We're having a planning meeting to figure out how to deal with the way things are getting on campus.” Neo handed Misha and Carmen flyers. “You two should come. Carmen, we missed you in the Gay Student Alliance last year.”
Cooley cleared her throat. “Um, what about us?”
“What about you?” Neo said with a slight attitude.
“Why you gon' single out C and Misha but not us? Maybe I'm wrong, but I think it's three gay-ass studs sitting at this table too.”
“Cooley, come on, like you're really interested. You haven't been in the Alliance any year you've been here,” Neo responded.
“Just 'cause I'm not joining the Alliance doesn't mean I wouldn't participate in anything with an issue like this. I was cool with Devin. Not to mention, if someone was to get bashed again it would probably be one of us before Carmen or Misha. After all they can pass, we can't. You of all people should understand that.”
Neo sighed. “Fine, Cooley, if you want to come, then come.” She handed Cooley a flyer. “I will see you all later.”
“Fake-ass nigga,” Cooley said when Neo and Nyla walked away.
“Cooley, why you have to act like that?” Carmen asked.
“I want to know why she had to flirt with you like that,” Nic said to Carmen.
“She was not flirting.” Carmen smiled.
“How was I acting?” Cooley interrupted. “The girl is fake. Just a few years ago she was just like Misha's little girl Tay, trying to jock my style. Hating on me and shit.”
“Whatever,” Misha said.
“But you don't have to act like that. People change,” Carmen added.
Nic ignored her. “She was completely flirting with you.”
“How was I actin'?” Cooley said again.
“Oh, Nic, I love it when you're jealous.” Carmen kissed Nic.
“Dammit, how the fuck was I actin'?'” Cooley yelled.
“Like you really give a fuck about coming to the meeting or the alliance,” Misha said.
“Wait, how do you know I wasn't? Damn, that's fucked up that you all don't think I care about gay rights and shit.”
“Cooley, so you would join the Gay Student Alliance?” Nic asked.
“Hell naw. Man, the only people who join that are newly out and proud lesbians, curious women who want to act like they really give a damn about bridging the gay and straight gap, when they just trying to find a date, and ugly chicks, 'cause that's the only way they can meet people.”
“That's fucked up, Cooley. I was in the G.S.A. my freshman and sophomore year,” Carmen said.
“My point exactly. I didn't see you joining last year when you went off and thought you were sexy all of a sudden and when you got with Pretty Tony over here,” Cooley said.
Nic threw up her middle finger at Cooley.
“Whatever. I was just busy,” Carmen said.
“Exactly. We aren't nerds without lives like the people who join the G.S.A.” Cooley put her shades on and smiled.
Misha shook her head.
“And what's that all about, Misha?” Cooley asked.
“You are pitiful,” Misha said.
“Anyway, new subject.” Cooley looked over at Misha. “Mish where yo' little gal at?”
Misha rolled her eyes. “She is in class. Where is your groupie of the week?”
“Ahh, you got jokes. No groupies, shawty. I'm gon' wait for you to get ya shit together and come back where you know you supposed to be.” Cooley smiled.
“Changing the subject again,” Misha said. She knew she had to get off the subject before she got any weaker in the knees. “So are y'all going to see Oohzee perform at Escapade this weekend?”
“Hell, yeah, you already know! Me and my bruh here are on the show,” Cooley said, giving daps to Nic. Oohzee was the most popular exotic entertainer in the lesbian nation. She was notorious for pulling studs up on stage with her and flipping them over onto their backs with her acrobatic moves. Many up-and-coming entertainers had tried to copy her style, but few of them had the pull that Oohzee had. After pulling Cooley on stage the last time she was here and having her way with her. Cooley had been in love.
“Who is Oohzee?”
Everyone turned to see Lena walk up. Denise's heart began to beat rapidly.
Lena looked at Denise and could feel the butterflies fluttering around in her stomach.

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