Crown's Chance at Love (54 page)

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Authors: Mayra Statham,Nicole Louise

BOOK: Crown's Chance at Love
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The chilly October air hits me, guarding my tears from falling down my face. All I had wanted to do was beg him, plead with him for another chance. How pathetic would I have looked if I had done that?

Pride has no place in love
, Sean’s words repeat in my mind and I shake my head, the place where my heart had been aching fiercely. This time he was wrong.

After everything Mike and I had been through, throwing me away had been so easy for him. Sure he looked like crap, like he hadn’t been sleeping, but that probably had nothing to do with me, right? He’d probably been living it up with John and whatever twenty something year old arm candy he could get his hands on.

It was easier to believe he just didn’t care, it helped me stay angry at him.



The next three days flew by in a blur of making sure everything was in place for the Breast Cancer Gala. Tony had called me at home the same day I had seen Mike and I agreed to go with him to the Gala as his date. Tony was nice and sweet, and I couldn’t turn him down.

The kids were going to be at my parents until Wednesday when I returned from my interview in Seattle. My mom convinced me that I needed the rest after having planned such a huge event, and knowing she was right, not only because of the event but because of things ending with Mike, I had agreed easily to them staying over. They were worried about me, and I knew that my fake smiles were not cutting it this time, so I gave in and told my mom a little about what had happened.


“No. Look after Sean, sweetheart I stayed quiet and let you deal with things the way you wanted to. I am ashamed to say that I liked you and the kids leaning on us and your sister. But I was wrong. This time, whatever is going on with Mike, you need to deal with head on. Either move on together or let him go,” She had said.

“He let me go,” My voice cracked and tears streamed down my face.

“Oh sweetheart, that boy loves you. The way he looks at you, anyone can see that. He just has his own demons he has to face. He feels guilty about Sean, maybe even for the repercussions that fell on you for being involved with him after finding out about his brother.” As I sobbed I shook my head.

“But we had moved on from that Mom. He just doesn’t love me.” I sobbed as she held me tightly, stroking my hair slowly. It made me feel like I had when I had been ten and the first boy I’d crushed on broke my heart. It was calming.

“You said he heard the fight with you and Reese. Heaven help me but Sean’s mom is a handfull. Maybe he worried that she would really follow through with petitioning custody of the kids?”

“She wouldn’t have a leg to stand on if she did!”

“But does he know that honey? Maybe he, I don’t know felt like he was a constant reminder of losing Sean? Men don’t act rationally at times, especially in emotional situations,” she said and I leaned my head on her shoulder as I tried to catch my breath.

Was that what had happened?

If it had been, what had I walked in on with Holly? Those thoughts had been evading my mind the last two days. But this morning I had to focus. I had to make sure that everything went off without a hitch. I’d been extremely successful so far.

Laney had talked me into borrowing one of her designer gowns she hadn’t had the opportunity to wear. She had said since I was going to go with Tony, I was going to need something amazing to walk the pink carpet. I had given the account to Laney with Kate to assist her. I told her she could take the full commission of the event but Laney being Laney hadn’t agreed. She had said that  it wouldn’t be fair because I had basically done all the work. So at the end we decided on a 60/40 split of the commission.

Now I am standing in my room in front of my full length mirror in an empty quiet house. I smile at the reflection I see looking back at me from the full size mirror.

The dress is a beautiful black satin strapless gown that reminds me of something Jessica Rabbit would have worn. Fitted at the top, it makes the girls look perky and full with a built in bra. The dress has a sweetheart neckline. My waist looks deceivingly tiny and my hips curvy with a slit up to my thigh on one side showing a bit of leg and at my feet, are bright red five inch satiny Manolo’s that I had treated myself to.

I look in the mirror again, and I smile.

At least the last time Mike will see me, I’ll look good. My make-up makes my face look flawless, almost glowing. My lips are bright red, and my lashes are full, dark, and curled, making my eyes look big. My hair is in a messy bun updo at the side with swoopy bangs framing my face. Diamond studs dangle from my ears thanks to my mom’s anniversary jewelry. As I look at myself in the mirror, I retouch my lip gloss just as the doorbell rings. One more glance at myself I take a deep breath and head to the door.

Anthony “Tony” Garibaldi is a sight to behold.

Tall, tan, incredibly tight muscles, not an ounce of fat on his body, dressed in a suit. He is every girl’s wet dream come to life. He is the complete definition of tall, dark, and handsome. In a black tailor made for his incredible body tuxedo, the crisp white dress shirt underneath makes his chocolate brown eyes stand out. His extremely masculine face is clean shaven and his hair freshly cut, short and dark and when he smiles I can see two beautiful dimples.

If I hadn’t fallen in love with Mike, would he do it for me? He is kind, sweet, funny, and extremely expressive of his feelings. He is an incredible father to Sophie. Maybe.

But now that Mike is in my stupid shattered heart, Tony Garibaldi doesn’t do much for me. But he knows what tonight is about. He knows we are only going as friends. My guess is that Robert had filled him in on what had happened with Mike. Plus, I don’t think he seems quite ready to start dating after what he has gone through with his ex-wife.

Holly had filled me in on it, and it sounded like a mess. His wife had used Sophie, their five year old, as a pawn to get more money from him. At the end, the divorce was final, and he had paid her off so that he could have sole custody. From what Holly said, she was now living in Europe somewhere and never called Sophie.

Now this wonderfully sweet, gorgeous man is standing at my door and I smile at him.

“Shit Sabrina, you look…” he starts to say as his eyes roam my body from what seems to the tip of my head all the way down to my toes.

“What?” I start to worry, what if I only think I look good?

“Incredibly beautiful,” he says and my eyes go wide, and he smiles at me. “Crown’s going to go loose his mind.”

I stand straighter and frown. “He isn’t even going to notice me there,” I say and he only smiles wider.

“Babe, everyone is going to notice you. Come on, let’s go give these idiots something to talk about,” he says pulling my hand into his and we walk towards the Lincoln town car his driver is waiting in front of. He tips his head as he opens the door for me and Tony helps me in.

We get to the Beverly Hills Hotel and walk the pink carpet together. Surprisingly enough, Tony makes me feel comfortable and I even smile, as he whispers jokes into my ear, telling me stories about his daughter Sophie. He even tells me what some of the actors he has worked with are really like. He holds my hand the entire time, and surprisingly I don’t feel awkward or uncomfortable. Being around Tony, even if we had only just met, feels like being around an old friend. My nerves at the thought of seeing Mike start to dissipate. Maybe tonight isn’t going to be so bad?

After the pink carpet walk and posing for photographers and Paparazzi, we head into the Crystal Room to go grab our seats. On our way to our table, I see him. Why are my eyes drawn to him?

He looks good. Really good. His hair is a little overgrown, showing more of the grey on the sides of his face, his goatee well trimmed. Wearing a black expensive suit, his black dress shirt open at the collar without a tie, he looks so good my heart hurts.

My face must have been a canvas for every emotion because Tony’s hand squeezes my hand and I look up to him. His brown eyes staring at the direction mine had been a second earlier. He pulls me close looking into my eyes, his warm hard body leans in and whispers in my ear.

“Crown is obviously the biggest idiot on the planet for letting you go. But he knows he’s an idiot. Don’t look now,” he whispers in my ear, his fingers tracing the skin where my neck met my shoulder. “He looks like he wants to kick my ass,” he says almost laughing and he steps back and winks at me. Something comes over me, and I laugh and smile, like I haven’t smiled in the last two weeks and, not able to help myself, I kiss him on the cheek.

“Thanks,” I say and he smiles, showing me his cute little dimples.

“Of course, come on, let’s go to our table.”

The night was flying by. I tried not to look for him, trying to pay complete attention to my date. We danced and ate, and enjoyed the wonderful array of desserts during the Venetian hour that Izzy Tizzy’s had been able to cater. To my delight it came out that Tony enjoyed his sweets more than I did. I enjoyed being around him and could see becoming friends.

The night was a complete success. The silent auction raising money for various Breast Cancer charities did well and everyone seemed to be having a good time. Even Gail Crown had smiled at me, but it probably had more to do with the fact that I hadn’t arrived with her precious son than the event.

As Tony and I sat at the table his production company had graciously bought, we all talked and laughed. They all made me feel comfortable and relaxed. After awhile, I excused myself to use the powder room.

The Crystal Room at the Beverly Hills Hotel was one of the most beautiful spaces I had ever been in, lavish and elegant in decoration. Crystal chandeliers that hung above added sparkle to the already beautiful room. Right before reaching the powder room, none other than the Wicked Witch of the West stood in front of me.

“Sabrina,” Gail says her face serious, but almost hiding an evil smirk. Even with how horribly she had behaved with me, I still think she looks beautiful. She is trim with an athletic body. She’s wearing a royal blue dress to highlight the good things about her body; she is a woman who knows what looks good on her.

“Gail. Have you enjoyed yourself tonight?” I ask trying to be gracious.

“Yes dear, everything seems to have come off without a hitch, even if the help did decide to play Cinderella,” she says looking down at me. I honestly just feel exhausted. I feel bad for this woman. Her husband seems to be so unhappy when he is around her, and her son is too scared to grab hold of a shred of happiness.
Maybe he’s afraid every woman would be like his mother?
The bad girl in my head whispers in my ear and I smile.

“Yes, well as you know Laney took over the nights’ responsibilities. Mr. Garibaldi bought the last table and asked me to accompany him.”

She looks at me and smiles, but even smiling I know she is going to say something mean. “I see I had you pegged from the start, a true gold digger,” she says tilting her head, her eyes full of amusement.

“Thankfully you aren’t my son’s problem any longer, and God help poor Anthony. I should probably talk to his mother. Give her a fair warning about you and all your baggage. Didn’t I tell you that my Michael was a smart boy. He would see that you couldn’t really offer him anything other than… a dead man’s complications. But at least my son had his fun, right?” Part of me just wants to slap the evil smirk off her face, and the other part of me just stands completely still, still able to hear his voice in my head
, the fact you already have three kids, all that shit together is a lot of baggage.
My heart hurts.

“Gail!” a deep voice thunders behind us and we turn to see Walt Crown standing there. His face is furious turning red, and I notice Gail’s back stiffen.

“Apologize!” he demands and if looks could kill, I’m not sure which one of them would go down first.

“I most certainly will not apologize to the help!” she yells.

“Now Gail! APOLOGIZE!” he says grabbing her arm.

A couple of people around us are starting to pay attention to us and not wanting to create a scene, I look at Walt and say, “there is no need Mr. Crown.”

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