Customize My Heart (5 page)

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Authors: By Bea Richard

BOOK: Customize My Heart
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“Good afternoon Ms. Maxwell. The captain is standing by waiting for your approval for takeoff.” Leila, Samantha’s flight attendant said as she took Samantha and Cameron’s bag to place them in the master bedroom.


“Let him know I’m ready, also I want you to get dinner started once we’re cleared to move about the cabin.” She nodded as she excused herself to resume her duties.


Samantha took Cameron by the hand and led him to the oversized leather seats. They looked like something he’d have in his game room, not on private jet.


He buckled his seat belt and smiled over at Samantha “so, you need a bodyguard for this trip.” She scowled “you better believe it. Those guys think since I’m American and a woman they can snow me with any little thing. Now construction’s delayed for a month and I have to smack some people around to get them back on schedule.”


Leila came back into the cabin and handed them each a glass of white wine then took her seat across the aisle. Brent was shutting off his phone when he looked up to Samantha “I need to bring home shirts for Sy and the kids.”


She smiled as she put her hand in Cameron’s. “We’ll go shopping once we handle Mr. Kaya and his entourage of bullies.” Cameron’s face darkened “am I going to have to control my temper?”


Samantha nodded “just look mean and they’ll fall in line. Don’t be surprised if you don’t understand the conversation, it will be held in Siamese Thai.”


Cameron nodded as he took a sip of his wine, it was good.  The woman knew what she liked and he was starting to get used to it.


“So I’m just eye candy for you while we’re there?” Cameron drawled, she giggled. “Baby, you’re more than eye candy. I want you to watch and see how these guys operate. I may know how to read body language but a man knows when another man is bullshitting him.”


Cameron chuckled as Brent snorted “Sam, I think Cameron’s going to do just fine. Now we have to head straight to the site once we land. The inspectors and Mr. Kaya will be there. Once that’s done we have to head into a meeting with Lee and his architects so we can sign the permits and break ground.”


Samantha rolled her eyes as she snuggled herself into Cameron “see why I needed you to come with me. I’d would have slapped someone in Bangkok and I don’t think my money would get me out of prison so quickly.”


Cameron chuckled as he kissed the top of her head. “Don’t worry beautiful, I’ve got your back.” They talked for a while as the jet taxied down the runway then lifted off into the air. After the jet stabilized, the seat belt sign went off and Samantha unbuckled hers then rose from her chair.


“Come on, let me give you a tour.” He took her hand as she led him around the massive plane she called her home in the sky.


Samantha showed Cameron all the amenities her jet had to offer. It was equipped with two bedrooms, a conference room which was also used as a dining room and an entertainment room to watch movies and relax.


She took him back into the master bedroom and gave a nervous laugh. “I hope you don’t mind sharing this bed with me.”


He smiled then took her hand into his “baby I don’t have a problem sleeping with you. Now are we going to sleep in this bed or am I going to be inducted into the Mile High Club?”


She guffawed then laughed, a pretty blush tinging her cheeks “well since I’m not in the club I don’t know.” Cameron gave her his infamous cocky smile “well now I know I want to join with you.”


Samantha smacked his belly gently, leading him out of the bedroom. She stopped a moment then whispered in his ear “I’d be happy to join the club with you.” He smiled then kissed her nose. “If you’re good.”


She glared at him, making him laugh. She was so adorable when he didn’t give into her ways. They walked back into the main cabin and noticed Brent on the phone.


“Yes baby, we’re going shopping this time. Sam does know and wants to go as well.” Samantha giggled as Brent rolled his eyes towards the ceiling “Sy, baby, I know. Look, I need to get some work done before we have dinner. Kiss the kids for me, I love you.”


Brent ended his call and looked back at the two of them embarrassed. “He tends to get crazy when we’re flying across the world.” Samantha smiled as Cameron took the seat across from Brent.


“No worries man, I know I’d probably drive Sam nuts if she went across the world without me.” Samantha laughed “well they’ll be times you can’t come with me due to schedule conflicts.”


Cameron glared at her then went back to his conversation with Brent “as I was saying, don’t be so hard on him. You guys haven’t been apart for this long of a period, right?”


Brent shook his head “Sirius is going crazy and the kids are threating emancipation if I don’t hurry up and move them to Las Vegas.”


Samantha laughed while Cameron gave Brent an understanding look. “Well it won’t be long before you all are here and then thing you know you’ll be wanting a vacation away from each other.” They all laughed as Leila announced dinner was served in the dining room.










Vince walked into the kitchen of his home looking for Lily. It was a long day at the garage and he needed to get some loven from his sexy wife. He watched as she was making dinner, singing away to the IPod playing in the kitchen.


He bent over and gave his daughter a kiss then walked quietly up to his wife and wrapped his arms around her. “Something smells good, and it’s not dinner.”


Lily jumped and dropped the potato into the sink. “Jeez honey, don’t need to scare me half to death.” He laughed as he turned her around and gave her a loving kiss, she sighed in content.


He pulled away then smiled “so did Sam tell you about her trip to Thailand.” She nodded “I’m worried about Cameron. You sure he can handle being in a foreign country and seeing how Sam operates her company?”


Vince nodded with confidence “I think Cameron will learn a thing or two from Sam and implement it at the garage. You know, if we keep this up, we may have to get a bigger location and maybe get a second garage going.”


Lily laughed “honey, let’s get this garage steady in the black, then we’ll talk about the chain you want.” Vince growled in her ear then nip it, she squeaked.


“Fine, I’m going to wash up then make a few calls before dinner.” Lily stopped him in his tracks. “I wanted to talk to you before you do that.”


He looked at his wife, she looked worried. He put his arms back around her and led her to the barstool. “Baby, you can tell me anything, what’s wrong?” Lily gave a weak smile as she wiped a tear from her eye.


She reached in her apron pocket and pulled out a pregnancy test strip then handed it to him. Vince looked down then back up to his wife.


“We’re having a baby?” She nodded, happy tears in her eyes. He turned her head and kissed her fiercely “god I love you, thank you for giving me this. Now I know we’re going to have to build another garage, we have more mouths to feed.”


She laughed as she wrapped her arms around his neck “you sure you don’t mind having another baby so soon?” Vince scoffed at the comment “if it was up to me I’d keep you knocked up till Emma was ten.”


She glared at him then kissed his cheek “Don’t even think about it buddy. Now let me get my barefoot pregnant ass over to the stove to make his Royal Highness his dinner.”


He laughed as he swatted his wife’s ass. “Better believe it woman.” Lily grinned as she went back to work making their dinner.










Samantha giggled as she read the text message she received from Lily. She and Cameron changed into something more comfortable after dinner and were relaxing in the entertainment room.


Cameron was reading one of his latest car magazines when he heard Samantha’s laugh. He looked over to her and she handed him her phone so he can read the text.


“So they’re having a baby?” he asked, she nodded. “I knew she was hiding something from me when I brought up the subject of her having another baby, I just didn’t realize how right I was.”


Brent grinned as he shut off his laptop “well you’re falling behind Sam. So far we’re two for two and you’re stalling.” She blushed as Cameron laughed, she glared at him.


“I’ll have my set of spawn children when I’m ready, right now I need to get to bed before I go in there and give them a reason to pull out of this hotel build.” She grabbed Cameron’s hand and pulled him up to his feet. Brent waved at them as they went their separate ways their bedrooms.


They walked into the master bedroom and got into bed, facing one another. Both were anxious, but didn’t want to spoil it with rushing.


Cameron pulled Samantha into his arms and kissed the top of her head. “You know, if you’re not ready we can wait. I’m just happy to be in bed with you Sam.”


She shivered then looked into his caramel eyes “if you don’t make love to me so help me I’ll cut you Cam.” He laughed as he kissed her nose “yes Ma’am. You sure I’m not just here for your entertainment purposes?”


She made a face then pushed him on to his back. Samantha straddled his hips and grinding into his groin, he moaned. “You said if I was good, you would induct us into the Mile High Club.”


He stared up as her eyes dilated, lust filled them and her nipples harden. He ran his hands down her back then squeezed her ass. “I did and yes you were good. Now I have a question, what are we going to do about protection?”


She smiled as she kept grinding her hips, making him crazy with lust. “I’m clean Cam and on the pill.” He smiled as he pulled her down to meet his lips.


Samantha tasted like expensive chocolate and white wine, his dick was ready to explode when he flipped her over onto her back.


“Oh baby, I want to taste, lick and suck every inch of you. But first, I need to see what you have hidden underneath these clothes.”


Cameron took his time undressing Samantha, memorizing every inch of her delectable body. He was amazed on how beautiful her alabaster skin glowed under the dim lighting. Cameron caressed every single inch of Samantha’s body, never taking his eyes off hers.


Her eyes darken with almost a fire in them when he pulled away and started chucking off his clothes. He heard a sweet gasp come from Sam and smiled “what is it baby?” She blushed “I wondered where all the other tattoos were.”


Cameron chuckled as she looked over his body with appreciation then her eyes widened when she saw his enormous cock. “Is that what I think it is?” she asked, he grinned.


“Have you ever seen an Apadravya before mine?” She shook her head, he smiled “well, it’s more for your pleasure.”


Samantha wasn’t convinced when he pulled her legs toward the edge of the bed. He rubbed the tip of his penis between her labia when she let out a groan. “Now I know why women love it.”


He chuckled as he continued to rub her clit, she squirmed. “It’s been a while baby and right now you’re testing my control.” Cameron’s face was tight, his neck strained holding back his control.


Cameron stopped is ministrations and lowered his head to her mound. He took in her scent, letting it wash over his body, went couldn’t wait any longer. Cameron groaned as he spread her lips gently, her clit was swollen and hooded.


He rubbed it with his thumb, she started to shake. “That’s right baby, let go for me.” Cameron took her clit in his mouth, she screamed.


Samantha shattered for him as he sucked her clit harder, rolling his tongue around while sticking a finger inside her. She started to pant “oh God baby no, I can’t take it.”


Cameron blew on her clit and gave it a light smack “baby, you’ll come for me again. I’m not one to be denied are we clear?”


He looked at her and saw her eyes were glassed over, she nodded and fell back onto the pillows. He chuckled and went back to licking her pussy gently. He wanted to build up her orgasm again so she can shatter all over his cock.


Samantha held onto the sheets so tight her knuckles turned white. She thought she was going to lose her mind from the sexual assault Cameron was bringing to her body.


He put two fingers inside her and started sucking her clit again, she shivered. She felt her orgasm coming again. Cameron nipped her thigh then sucked on her clit hard, she exploded.


Cameron fucked her harder with his fingers while making her climax last longer “oh yeah baby that’s it. You’re so beautiful when you come for me Sam, that’s right baby, come again for me.”


He kept finger fucking her until he felt her clench down on him hard, she groaned and arched her body. He slowed down and caressed her until she stopped shaking.


Samantha was in a climatic haze when she felt Cameron moved her back to the center of the bed and covered her body. He sucked on her nipple when he pushed inside her. They both groaned as he buried his cock inside her hot pussy. “So tight baby, of fuck you feel so good.”


Samantha moaned in pleasure as she began to move her hips, he grabbed her to stop her movement. “Honey please, give me a second.” She stopped moving and waited as Cameron got his control back.


He put his elbows on each side of her head and started moving slowly. She sighed in content as Cameron got his rhythm, her pussy tighten as she arched off the bed, her climax taking over violently.


Cameron growled in satisfaction as she shattered underneath him. He pound into her wet pussy. “That’s right baby, give me another one. One more and I’ll come with you.”


He put her legs over his shoulders, making his dick go deeper, Samantha gasped as she felt the apa hitting her g-spot. Cameron gave her a primal look as he felt her tightening again.


“That’s right Sam one more baby, come with me.” Samantha’s eyes popped open as she screamed her climax, bringing Cameron over with her. He slowed his pace and let her legs down, Sam collapsed like a rag doll.


Cameron grinned “that good?” She cracked an eye and gave him a goofy look “I think you killed me.” He laughed as he got up and went to the bathroom to get cleaned up and a washcloth.


“Alright baby let me clean you up then it’s bedtime. We’ll be in Thailand before you know it.” She watched Cameron take care of her lovingly, she smiled.


He placed the washcloth on the end table then pulled her into his arms. Samantha snuggled into Cameron and let out a content sigh.


Cameron chuckled then kissed the top of her head “night beautiful.” She yawned then mumbled “good night sexy man, see you in the morning.”


Once they landed, Samantha, Brent and Cameron traveled straight to the building site and first thing out of the gates Mr. Kaya was demanding a bigger piece of the profits once the hotel was built. They’ve been going back and forth for hours and yet the man wouldn’t budge.


Samantha was frustrated that she was to have investors in Bangkok so she can get approval for her hotel to be built. The man was working on her last nerve when she slapped her hand on the table, making everyone except for Cameron jump.


He knew how pissed off she was, he was feeling the same thing she was. She towered over the investor and hissed in his native language.


“If I have to lose millions of dollars in lawsuits to remove you, so be it. Now you have a choice, sign the contracts or leave and I’ll find someone else willing to follow me into this venture.”


Mr. Kaya was turning a puke green, Cameron chuckled. The men looked at Cameron and cowered in their seats. He decided that morning to dress in his dark Armani suit with white collared shirt and baby blue tie that matched Samantha’s eyes. He wore his hair loose and his infamous black bandanna. He looked the part of a bodyguard.


Samantha smiled as he walked out of the bathroom. She wrapped her arms around him and kissed his cheek “if we didn’t have this meeting I would love to see you out of this suit and tie.”


His eyes dilated as he kissed her fiercely. “Later baby, let’s get your business handled then I can handle you until we get back home.”


That was twelve hours ago, now he stood in a corner, watching as Samantha was at a standstill with this jackass. Mr. Kaya finally gave in and signed the contracts.


Samantha looked them over and was satisfied. She handed them to her attorneys and stood from the table. “Gentlemen, I’ll see you at the ground breaking in two months.”


They bowed to one another in farewell and left them in the conference room. “Well that was a pain in the ass.” Brent stated flatly, Samantha agreed.


“It’s done and we’re not going to get anymore lip from Mr. Kaya and his friends unless the want to lose their shirts.”


Cameron sat down and motion Samantha to sit with him. He played with her hair and looked into her eyes. “So, you’re ready to relax for a day before we head back home?”


She nodded then looked over to Brent “let’s go to the hotel and get changed, we have some shopping to do.” He grinned as he packed up their belongings.

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