Customize My Heart (8 page)

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Authors: By Bea Richard

BOOK: Customize My Heart
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“Alright Sam, ready to find out if you’re having a boy or a girl?” Dr. Daniels said as he put a dollop of warm jelly on her stomach. She nodded as she tried to stay perfectly still for the ultrasound.


So far everything’s been pretty good with her pregnancy. Her weight was excellent since she can still exercise as long as it wasn’t strenuous.


Cameron joined her in her private gym making sure she didn’t overdo it. Samantha was amazed on how sexy Cameron’s body was, she understood why he kept his body in top shape.


Lily scowled when she realized her best friend barely gained any baby weight while she felt like a baby elephant. She demanded Vince to bring her over to Samantha’s house so they can all stay in shape. Vince and Lily were outgrowing their house and now with getting ready for their second child, they were shopping for a bigger house which will have gym if Lily had any say.


Dr. Daniels took the measurements of the baby and wrote them down into the chart. “Now, let’s see if it’s a boy or girl.”


He moved the wand around and then zoomed in. “There he is, see, there’s his penis. Congratulations guys.” Samantha cried as she watched her little boy on the monitor, sucking his thumb.


She looked over at Cameron and saw the awe on his face. She gasp when she saw the tears streaming down his cheeks. “Oh I’m sorry baby, I know you wanted a daughter…”


He shook his head as he wiped his face “no baby, I’m just floored on how beautiful our boy looks. We did good mommy.”


She smiled and kissed his hand “yes we did daddy. You’re going to tell them or should I?” Cameron scoffed “I’m going to rub it in Vince’s face since he’s having another girl.”


Samantha laughed as Dr. Daniels cleaned up the jelly and pulled up the sheet to cover her belly. “Alright you two, you’re on schedule. The little guy should be here around Valentine’s Day so I wouldn’t make plans unless it’s close to the hospital. I’ll see you next month.”


The doctor stepped out of the room and left the couple looking at the pictures of their little boy. Samantha smiled as Cameron helped her get dressed and ready to leave the office.


“Vince is going to have to invest in another jar honey.” He laughed as he showed Samantha Vince’s response regarding the results of the ultrasound, she covered her mouth, stifling the giggle.


“I hope Lily doesn’t see it, she’ll have his ass.” Samantha said, Cameron gave her an evil smile. “Check your phone baby, I sent my message as a group text”


Samantha stopped then really started to laugh. She had to sit back down on the bed as they watched the back and forth between Lily and Vince in group text.


She finally wiped her tears from her face and took a deep breath. “We’re going straight home. I don’t want to pee my pants watching them two.” Cameron agreed as he walked her out of the doctor’s office.


“Amy, can you have Brent come to my office.” Samantha called out to her assistant. It was two weeks before Christmas and she needed to confirm everyone’s schedule.


Brent walked into her office with his IPad “what’s up Sam?” She smiled and asked him to take a seat. “I wanted to know if you’re done Christmas shopping and also if you’re staying in town or are you going back home to see Sirius’ parents.”


Brent shuddered “I’m not going back home, it’s too damn cold and his parents decided to go to Florida.” Samantha smiled “so you’re staying at my place, I hope. You guys can wake up and open gifts at my house since dinner’s there anyway.”


Samantha gave her most sweet smile to Brent, he caved. “I’ll let Sy know, he was hinting around that he wanted to stay the night there so we can have some fun while the kids sleep.” She laughed.


If Thanksgiving was any indication on how Christmas Eve was going to be she knew they would need to spend the night. Cameron’s parents came over to meet Samantha and joined them as well as Jay and the evil twins.


Samantha was grateful she had enough land and no neighbors with the antics grown people do when you involve an open bar and golf carts. She shut down her laptop and grinned “I need to finish shopping, wanna come?”


Brent chuckled “I need to shop for Sy. He’s been complaining about not having an office of his own, so I need to get your input on buying some furniture and getting him out of the house so I can set it up for Christmas morning.”


Samantha clapped her hands “oh I know of a place next to the baby store. They have some real nice furniture and then we can have it set up for you to give it to him on Christmas Eve.”


Brent grinned “I’ll meet you in the lobby. I need to get my bag.” Samantha nodded as she gave Amy instructions on what needed to be handled before she went home for the day.


Samantha chatted with Tammy for a minute when she saw Mason walk in the door. She started to panic. She needed to get him out of the hotel before Brent sees him and the surprise is ruined.


She looked over at Tammy for help, she smiled. “Cameron’s in the store, want me to call him?” She nodded profusely while she texted Amy to stall Brent. “I need him to handle Mason while I get Brent out the door.”


Tammy called CV apparel and asked them to send Cameron out. Samantha let out a sigh in relief, Mason walked over to her and gave her a hug.


In the last two and a half months the men got over their animosity towards one another once they realized Nikkie was the one that put the rift in place.


Samantha and Mason struck a deal and she invested into his garage with the contingency of letting Mason become a full partner to CV Customs.


Two weeks later, the four of them agreed to buy Samantha out and split the business three ways. Adding Mason’s knowledge with Cameron and Vince’s, CV Customs was the most sought after custom car designer in the state of Nevada.  Once the baby was born, they were planning to open a new location in Los Angeles, moving Mason closer to his family.


Cameron walked up to Mason and shook his hand “what’s up man?” Mason smiled “the Mercury is ready. I wanted to know if you wanted it delivered here or at the house.”


Samantha looked at Cameron in a panic, Brent was heading down now. “Let’s get out of here, the guy getting the car is on his way down.” Mason understood and walked with Cameron back to CV Apparel.


A few minutes later Brent came off the elevator, looking confused. “Amy must be losing her mind, she had me explain to her the phone system and how to forward your emails to your private box.”


Samantha laughed, Amy was really scrambling. She put on a stern look “want me to fire her Brent?” He shook his head “I think she’s just having a moment, she’ll be fine.”


He took her bag as he led her to the private garage. She texted Cameron ‘thank you baby, going shopping, love you.’


Samantha grinned at the text she got back from Cameron ‘anytime my love, make sure u eat something or the boy will get crazy on u.’


Brent raised an eyebrow “what’s so funny?” Samantha shook her head “Cameron is teasing me, he says if I don’t eat at a certain time our son tends to go crazy.”


He laughed as he backed out of his parking spot. “He’s right, I thought you was going to stab him last week when he took a bite from your chicken salad.”


Samantha scowled at him “do not mess with a pregnant woman’s food, that’s all I’m saying.” He chuckled as they drove straight to the furniture store.










Christmas Morning


“Merry Christmas beautiful.” Cameron whispered in Samantha’s ear, she smiled. It was their first Christmas together and already it’s been eventful.


On Christmas Eve Brent surprised Sirius with his Christmas present. Sirius was still in tears from receiving his brand new office.


Samantha got Sirius and the kids to come over that morning to help her bake for Christmas dinner while Brent got the furniture installers in to set up the office.


When they got back to the house Sirius screamed in delight when Brent opened the door and ushered him into his private sanctuary.


She grinned as she and Cameron took little Sam and Matthew back home with them while giving their parents some alone time. She was amazed on how wonderful Cameron interacted with the children.


Samantha knew he was good with Emma, but what really amazed her was how Brent’s kids took to Cameron like they’ve known him all their lives.


She turned around and planted a kiss on his lips, he growled. “Merry Christmas sexy man.” He pulled her closer to nibble on her ear. “Ready to go downstairs and watch the kids open presents?”


She nodded then felt the baby kick his daddy, she giggled. “I think Junior isn’t happy that you didn’t say Merry Christmas to him.”


Cameron chuckled as he lowered himself to Samantha’s belly then whispered to their son. “Merry Christmas buddy, mommy and daddy can’t wait to meet you soon.” The baby did a somersault, she laughed. “He can’t wait either daddy. Now, let’s get downstairs, I’m starving.”


Lately Samantha’s been using the elevator instead of the stairs. Cameron was dead set against her using the stairs alone after reading statistics of women going into labor and falling while on the stairs.


She was putting on her robe when her phone rang. “Merry Christmas to you girlfriend, how’s it been so far?” Lily growled “I’m fat Sam, I can’t wear the dress we brought for today.”


Samantha sighed, she knew this was going to happen. Lily was two months ahead of Sam and her due date was four days ago.


Now her best friend was miserable and stated it was Vince’s fault since he doesn’t know what it’s like to be pregnant. “I’m sorry honey, but you knew that Charlotte would be just as stubborn as Emma. Hell you was week late with her and that was without the doctor’s inducing.”


Lily groaned “I know, but I’m tired of being pregnant. Can’t we just schedule a C-section like every normal person?”


She laughed “sorry darling Lily, you’ll just have to suck it up. Besides, aren’t you the one that should be setting an example for me? You’re making rethink this whole childbirth thing.”


Lily laughed “if they offer you an epidural, take it. I’ll see you this afternoon, love you.” “I love you too.” Samantha placed her phone in her robe and looked at Cameron, he rolled his eyes.


“I swear baby, if you don’t take the epidural, I’m going to get trashed before you go into delivery.” She looked at him as if he was insane then laughed. “Unlike my best friend, I’m not crazy to decline it. She did and she almost broke Vince’s hand.”


He looked at her in shock while Samantha nodded. “Ask him. Every time he tells the story of Emma’s birth it’s like an epic battle between good and evil. Last time he swore Lily was possessed by the Devil and didn’t know if we needed to call Father Carmichael in to perform an exorcism on her.”


Cameron busted out laughing at that statement as he led her out of the bedroom. “Alright fair enough. I’ll ask him tonight when everyone’s half ripped to see what he adds to his story.


They arrived into the living room where the massive tree was set up. Cameron and the twins went out to the tree farm and picked out a twelve foot tree. When it arrived, Samantha was in tears because he knew this would make her happy.


He refused to let her climb the ladder and decorate the tree, so she put the twins to work, barking orders while they made her laugh, telling her the antics they were pulling in Las Vegas.


By the time they were done, Samantha had happy tears again and Cameron had to kiss them away, her hormones were driving him crazy.


Brent and Sirius were coming down the stairs with the kids hurrying past them, heading straight for the tree. Samantha gave her staff the week off so they can spend the holidays with their families.


Cameron went into the kitchen to make coffee while she and Brent got the kids settled with their presents. A few minutes later all you saw was paper flying and kids squealing as they went over what Santa has brought them this year.


Cameron brought in coffee and pastries for everyone, milk for Samantha, she scowled. He shook his head and pointed at her belly “deal with it woman. You got two months.”


She glared as she took a bite of the chocolate croissant then groaned. The only craving his woman wanted besides lots of sex, chocolate croissants. If he allowed it she would be twice her size from the amounts of pastries she tries to consume.


Cameron took a seat next to his beautiful girl and chuckled as she snuggled into him still eating her pastries. They enjoy watching the kids and smiled as they handed their parents the gifts they made for them.


Sirius cried when Brent gave him a beautiful tennis bracelet made of rubies and diamonds. His salary wasn’t the only thing he got when he took over as Samantha’s right hand.


When he traveled to Asia he always went to the shops, looking for the best deal so he can bring it home for Sirius and the kids. She was shocked when he came home with the bracelet and told her how much he paid. He kissed Sirius and whispered something in his ear, making him blush, she laughed.


Cameron got up and went under the tree and retrieved a small box with an envelope attached to it. He placed in on Samantha’s lap and smiled. “Merry Christmas baby, I hope you like it.”


She looked at him and frowned. Last night the adults decided to open their gifts while the children slept, hence the mess waiting for them in the backyard.


Vince thought it was a good idea to get paint ball sets for all the men for Christmas. Little did he know was not only did the twins cheat, but when you get two old guys like Jay and Adam Davis under the influence of good scotch playing general, he knew he messed up.


Samantha was still trying to figure out how much she was going to pay her staff in overtime for the mess.


Cameron was nervous. He’s never asked a woman to marry him and now he’s going to in front of Brent and his family. He was going to ask her last night but chickened out because he didn’t want to sound like an idiot in front of his parents and friends.


Now he was hoping that with this smaller crowd and their distractions, he could give her the ring and make it official.


He placed the small box with the card attached to it in front of her then whispered in her ear. “Read the card first then open the box.” She raised an eyebrow then pulled the card out of the envelope. Samantha gasped as she read what Cameron wrote.


“When I met you, you laughed when I thought you was just an assistant, boy did you put me in my place. I thought I wasn’t enough for you but then you showed me how simple it was to fall in love with you. I’m amazed on how smart, sexy, sweet, sensual… hell all the s’s that makes you squirm. I didn’t know how else to ask so here goes, be my wife Samantha Maxwell.”


Samantha looked up and saw the anxiety in Cameron’s eyes. She knew he was waiting for an answer and was afraid she would reject him. She wiped her eyes as she unwrapped the box.


She gasped at the Tiffany box then started to cry when she saw the three caret princess cut diamond surrounded by blue sapphires.


Cameron removed the ring from the box then asked “is that a yes?” Samantha nodded, tears still streaming down her face. “Oh Cameron yes, I love you so much.”


He let out a breath in relief, not realizing he held it for so long. He placed the ring on her finger then kissed her lovingly. “I love you Samantha Maxwell, never forget it.”


She nodded as she let out a squeal. Brent and Sirius was watching their interaction when Sirius saw the ring, he squealed with her then the both of them danced around the living room while Cameron and Brent laughed with the kids.


Samantha wiped her face and then remembered one last gift that wasn’t given. “Baby, can you go get the thing?” Cameron grinned, he knew what she meant by that.


When they got Brent’s car it was so beastly with all the chrome and black and red interior and exterior, Samantha decided to name it the thing, because anyone who sees it coming is going to say ‘what is that thing.’ Brent raised an eyebrow as Samantha grabbed his and Sirius’ hands. “Come, we have a surprise for you.”



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