Customize My Heart (9 page)

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Authors: By Bea Richard

BOOK: Customize My Heart
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“Baby, can you help me bring out the rest of the food?” Samantha called out to Cameron while he helped Matthew build his model train set. He got up and was heading towards the kitchen when the door opened.


“I know I need to be careful jeez, don’t you need to find Cameron so you can drive him crazy.” Lily griped as she walked in the foyer holding Emma’s hand.


Vince came in behind her carrying all the bags with presents for the kids when he saw Cameron. “Save me.” Vince pleaded, Cameron chuckled.


He gave Lily and hug then patted her on the belly “Merry Christmas darlin, let’s get you settled in your chair.” Lily smiled at Cameron then glared at her husband “see, that’s how you do it.”


Vince gave Cameron the stink eye as they walked into the living room. Samantha was coming out to find Cameron when she saw what delayed him.


“Oh good you guys are here, now we’re just waiting on Cameron’s parents then we can eat.” She went up to Lily and kissed her cheek. “You’re alright my darling Lily?” Lily nodded then noticed the ring on Samantha’s finger “he did?” She grinned “yes he did.”


Both girls squealed like teenagers while Vince shook Cameron’s hand. “I told you she would say yes, now would you please convince my wife that an alien is not growing inside her.” Cameron laughed then smacked Vince on the back of the neck.


“Come on, let’s set the table while our girls talk about weddings and flowers and whatever else women must talk about when planning a major event.” Samantha grinned “Oh believe me, it’s going to be one hell of a wedding.” He chuckled as they walked into the kitchen to get the rest of the food.



“I don’t feel
too hot.” Lily said as she sat back down after eating dinner. Samantha frowned as she looked at her. Lily squirmed around, trying to get comfortable and just couldn’t get in the right position.


When Samantha was ready to call Cameron over, Lily yelled “oh no, my water just broke!” All hell broke loose as everyone scrambled to get Lily and Vince to the hospital.


Cameron’s parents agreed to stay behind watching all the kids while everyone else went to the hospital. While it took Emma sixteen hours to come into the world, little Charlotte Marie Moran took three.


They barely had time to get one cup of nasty hospital coffee when Vince rushed into the waiting room with the news of her arrival.


Samantha laughed when she saw the knot on Vince’s head, he groaned. “Never make the mistake in saying you’re going to be fine stop complaining while a contraction hits.”


Cameron looked at his best friend in mock disgust and wrapped his arms around Samantha. “I promise, I won’t pull bone head moves like Mr. Moran.” Vince glared at him then waved a hand for everyone to follow him and meet the newest member of their family.


Samantha paced as she waited for Cameron to show up at the location she asked him to meet her. It was New Year’s Eve and she decided to surprise him and have a private ceremony with just their friends and family gathered.


She was joking when she told him she wanted a big wedding. What she really wanted was a small ceremony with their priest from back home willing to marry them.


Father Carmichael was more than willing to come out to Nevada and marry them with the condition that she and Cameron took the required class. Cameron agreed, not knowing he was getting married the next morning. He thought it was to get it out of the way, like Samantha informed him.


Now she was back to pacing in a simple wedding dress, waiting for the groom to be brought in by his best friend. She looked up and saw that Vince followed instructions and got Cameron dressed like the mogul he was born to be.


Dressed in a Gucci suit, hair loose and his signature bandanna, she smiled at how handsome her future husband looked.


Cameron looked around in shock seeing his friends and family as they rose, as if waiting for his arrival. He gasped when he saw how beautiful Samantha looked as she stood in a wedding gown next to the priest.


He walked up to her slowly then said in a whisper “what’s going on love?” She let out a nervous giggle “well, since you asked and I said yes, I didn’t want you to change your mind and run for the hills if I became as demonic as Lily when I went into labor.”


Lily glared at her then rolled her eyes, Vince chuckled. “So, I asked everyone if they can be here so we can get married with our friends, and family.”


Cameron saw she was barely keeping it together, he wrapped his arms around her. “Sam, you know anything you want, it’s yours. But I thought you wanted to wait until after the baby was born?”


She shook her head “I want our son to be born with his parents married, just like yours, just like mine.” He understood then kissed her forehead.


Samantha was right, he did want a small wedding and wanted them to be married before Cameron Vincent Davis was born. He took her hand in his and smiled.  “Alright my love, let’s do this.” She grinned as Father Carmichael settled everyone down and commenced on uniting them in matrimony.


Epilogue, Valentine’s Day


“Cameron you’re wife’s on the phone.” Steve called out into the bay. He and Vince were getting ready to start on customizing a 63 Plymouth Barracuda when he took the call.


“Hey baby, are we still on for tonight?” He asked as he bent over to remove the air filter. Cameron was taking Samantha to the Blue Man Show since she wanted to watch the show before junior arrived.


Samantha let out a groan and said in a labored voice “I think that’s going to have to wait honey. I’m on my way to the hospital, my water broke while in the middle of meeting with the investors for the Tahiti location.”


Cameron swore as his head hit the top of the hood of the car. “Shit! Alright honey I’m on my way don’t you say no to the epidural!”


She laughed then cried out as another contraction hit her. “Hurry Cameron or I’m going to make Lily’s labor look like a day in the park!”


He knew his wife meant every word. He threw the cordless to Vince and grabbed his keys out of his jacket “it’s time. I’ll meet you guys at the hospital.” Vince laughed as he saw a panicked Cameron get into his Shelby and speed towards St. Rose Hospital.


Samantha smiled as she watched Cameron rock their little boy to sleep. Cameron Vincent Davis was born at eleven o’clock Valentine’s Day night.


She thought he was going to wait until it was the fifteenth then he decided to come into the world. She was happy on how good Cameron was through the entire event.


He kept her focused while praising her with loving support. Once the anesthesiologist came with the shot, she was home free. It’s been an hour since her family and friends went home.


She laughed when she saw Vince placed in the baby’s bassinet a toy car that looked like her Hemi ‘Cuda. Cameron then started to tell their son the story on how his mommy’s car brought them together.


Samantha smiled as Cameron looked at their son in amazement, then frowned when she saw him crying. “Are you alright baby?” she asked him softly. Cameron looked up and wiped his face then smiled “this is the best present I could have ever asked for baby, I love you.” Samantha felt the tears come as she whispered back “I love you too.”



The End

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