Customize My Heart (3 page)

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Authors: By Bea Richard

BOOK: Customize My Heart
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“What’s Shannon doing in the garage?” Vince asked as he walked into CV Customs the next morning. Cameron was pouring his second cup of coffee when he smirked at him.


“Sam and I got hounded by the Papa’s last night and I forgot my ride here. She wanted Shannon away from them.” Vince understood “Well if she wants to leave her at the house until she finds a place its cool. By the way, I’ve heard from Jay, he arrives tomorrow morning and the cars get here tomorrow night.”


Cameron raised an eyebrow “that was quick.” Vince shrugged “Jay packed them up and put them on the freight train. I need to call our tow truck guys to bring three flat beds to load them and deliver them to us.”


Cameron looked over at the Rolodex, picked it up and handed it to Vince. “Let them know that if there’s a dent on any of those vehicles, it’s their ass.”


Vince snickered as he dialed the office of their buddy’s towing company. Cameron spent the rest of the morning talking to his guys and letting them know of the recent changes as well as the new crew joining them and the cars coming in for custom work.


He finished assigning the crew the jobs they would be doing this week when Vince came out of the office. “I’m going to go get Lily and Emma, want to meet up with us at The View?” He nodded “I’m taking my car and picking her up.” They left Steve in charge and took off on their separate ways.


“I know you think I’m crazy, but trust me, it works.” Samantha went over the latest changes to the hotel rooms to be built in Bangkok when there was a knock on her door. Brent peeked in and whispered “Cameron, Vince and Lily are here for your eleven o’clock.”


Samantha winced, her meeting went into overtime and she lost track of the time. “I’m wrapping up now, send them in.” She looked over at the monitors and stared at her lead architect. “Get me new drawings Lee. I want to see them on my desk Monday morning.”


She said her goodbyes and shut off the projection monitors when her friends walked in. “What’s going on girl, we’re starving.” Lily stated as Vince gave Sam a look like he was ready to keel over, she laughed.


“I was having issues with some of the investors in Bangkok. They seem to think that a woman shouldn’t be running a business of this magnitude, so I had to threaten lawsuits and termination slips to get them on board.”


Cameron sauntered up to her and put his arms around her waist. She smiled as she took a good look at him. Today his hair was loose and was wearing a black bandanna with yellow Oakley sunglasses. He had on a long sleeve white t-shirt, black denim jeans and work boots.


He bent down and kissed her “morning baby, did you sleep well.” She smiled and nodded “like the dead. You?” He grinned “yes ma’am. You ready to go have lunch and look at this house.”


Samantha was excited “hell yes I am. I saw the pictures my agent sent me and I want to move in now.” She pulled out of his arms and went over to her purse. Samantha had Brent print out copies of the estate so they can look at them over lunch.


Cameron whistled “damn honey, there’s enough room for an airport hangar and a landing strip, screw the helipad.” “Wait till we get there, there’s more.” Samantha stated as she picked up her purse, messenger bag.


She put her sunglasses on then led her friends out the door. “Let’s go to Hash House, I’m in the mood for breakfast.” She waved at Brent as they piled into the elevator.


Emma held her hands up for Samantha to pick her up. When she did, Emma grabbed Samantha’s phone and gave a growl when she tried to take her phone back.


“We need to get you another phone honey, Emma’s not budging today.” Cameron drawled, Samantha scowled as she looked at Vince “give me your phone.” He raised an eyebrow as he handed her his phone.


“Brent, yeah it’s me. Can you pick up another phone for me and transfer my number to that one. If you need me, call me on this line, only emergencies, okay?”


She ended the call and handed the phone back to Vince, “you so owe me a new phone buddy.” Lily laughed “your fault for giving it to her in the first place.”


Samantha watched Emma, her little eyebrows furrowed, as she pushed the buttons on the IPhone. Cameron wrapped his arm around her waist and kissed the top of her head, she sighed in content.


They were just finishing their lunch when Brent showed up with Samantha’s new phone. “I put a basic line on the old one for emergency use.”


Samantha smiled then handed Brent a bag “go have lunch then forward the calls to the answering service.” Brent grinned then hurried out of the restaurant.


“He’s does a good job for you.” Cameron stated, Samantha nodded. “He’s been with me since college. His father kicked him out of the house because he told him he was gay. When the school started his withdrawal paperwork because his father stopped paying them, I stepped in. Brent’s been with us ever since. He has a husband and two kids.”


Cameron looked surprised, Lily chuckled “yeah, he’s been with Sirius for ten years. He should be here in the next couple of months, once the kids are done with school.”


Samantha examined her phone to make sure all her contacts were set and her email. After the check was paid and Lily did one last diaper change on Emma, they went down to the private garage in The Plaza and headed towards the house Samantha raved about.


The house located on Tomiyasu Lane was spectacular. The ten acre luxury compound had five buildings totaling fifty rooms sprawled over twenty one thousand square feet of living space. The main residence totaled nearly fifteen thousand square feet and had six bedrooms and eight bathrooms.


The master suite had his and her baths and huge custom walk-in closets. The five additional bedroom suites had their own private baths. The house had five exquisite stone fireplaces, an elevator, a 5000-bottle wine cellar and tasting room. A screening room with purified air system and temperature controlled wine storage.


The lower level of the house had a game room with magnificent bar, a beautiful library office and a personal gymnasium with steam sauna. To the left was a chic formal dining room with butler's pantry, a grand two story high living room with 25 foot high travertine fireplace, and a gourmet professional chef's kitchen.


The grounds were completed with a 3000 square foot guest villa and a 1500 square foot separate staff residence. The state of the art horse stables came with eight stalls and two stall wash bay. On other end of the stalls were the arenas and trainer's quarter.


A sixty car showroom complete with deionized-water car wash and gas station was stationed in the third building. Finally, a large outdoor covered patio with granite countertop with built-in BBQ opening to a marvelous pool with majestic waterfalls, waterslide and spa complete with grotto bar.


Samantha took in the surrounding and was floored, it was everything she wanted and then some. She looked over to her real estate agent and asked “does the staff come with the house?”


Her agent smiled “they do. However, if you feel like you need new…” Sam shook her head, “no. I think I’ll be fine with the staff that’s in place. I’ll have Brent run background checks then have him stop over with new contracts.”


She went back into the kitchen and saw the rest her entourage sitting at the counter. “This house is massive Sam, you sure you want to move into something this big?” Vince asked, Lily rolled her eyes. “Honey, you saw where we lived before, it’s no different.”


Cameron looked at Samantha, she shrugged “I got a lot of stuff my parents left me, sue me.” He chuckled as he pulled her into his lap “it’s all good baby. So did you like the garage? The cars would fit and you can still keep the stables.”


Samantha smiled “yeah I can do that. It will be nice to keep some real ponies around. Once Emma’s older she can take lessons.”


Vince snorted “over my dead body.” Lily scowled “don’t push it buddy, it’s good of Emma.” They looked over at their daughter as she giggled with the housekeeping staff.


“Well Samantha, what do you think, do you want to purchase?” Her agent asked, she smiled. “Place a bid less one with the condition I can close in less than thirty and they have a deal.”


Her agent grinned as she stepped away to call the agent for the owners of the estate. Cameron bent over and whispered in her ear “what does less one mean?” She whispered back “I offered fifteen million if we can close in less than thirty days.”


Cameron pulled back and looked flabbergasted “Holy shit, fifteen mil?” Samantha rolled her eyes “it’s a good investment. Besides, my house in South Hampton just sold this morning for thirty five.”


Cameron felt light headed, how the fuck can he compete with that kind of money. Samantha took his face in her hands and whispered “remember, it’s just me Sam, not the money, okay?”


He nodded and wrapped his arms around her “sorry baby, it freaked me out.” Lily let out a snort “believe me, it still freaks us out. So how much girlfriend?”


Cameron sputtered out the figures, Vince choked on his gum. “Holy fuck, and the house in South Hampton sold for over double?”


She grinned “They made me an offer I couldn’t refuse, besides it was one of my investors from Tokyo I spoke with this morning. He wants to vacation with Billy Joel.”


Cameron laughed as he held her tighter, she sighed and melted into his arms. “Well honey, I hope you don’t mind me crashing here, a lot.”


Samantha gave him a dirty look “I wouldn’t expect less mister.” Cameron chuckled then kissed the tip of her nose.


“Alright baby, want me to take some pictures so you can get an idea on where you want to put your stuff?” Cameron brought along his camera bag so Samantha can take advantage of his photography skills. She nodded as she took his hand leading him back around the property while the rest of her family followed.










Two weeks had gone by in a whirlwind for Cameron. The day after the tour of Samantha’s new house, Jay, Rob and Trey showed up. The three of them were Jersey boys and knew how to get them riled up at the garage.


Vince and Cameron got the garage motivated while getting ready for their delivery. That evening the five cars came off the train and were delivered to the garage. The entire shop stayed until late in the evening, going over the new looks Samantha’s beauties were going to partake in.


While they were getting the cars stripped and painted, Samantha introduced Lily to her HR department to go over qualified resumes for positions offered at CV Apparel. She loved watching her best friend at work but knew Lily was doing it as a favor to Vince.


Lily always wanted to be a housewife and mommy and if it took everything Samantha had to make her best friend’s dream come true, so be it. While Lily interviewed potential employees, Samantha played Auntie and took Emma to meetings, shopping and to visit the guys at the garage.


Cameron always stopped whatever he was doing to spend time with Samantha. Whether it was to have lunch, or having dinner with her in her suite at The View, Cameron was never too busy for his girl.


It was the day of the Las Vegas private auto show and he agreed to meet Samantha at the hotel so they could ride together. He walked up to the front desk as saw Tammy the desk clerk blush. “Good morning Mr. Davis.”


Cameron smiled “morning darlin, is she in her office or her suite?” Tammy was about to answer when someone cleared their throat behind him. “Excuse me, how may we help you?”


Cameron turned around and saw what he would call a dude with a stick up his ass standing before him. The man was creepy looking, like Norman Bates I’m going to kill you in the shower creepy. He wore a dark suit with the Maxwell Grand logo on it.


Cameron extended his hand to the man, not wanting to be impolite. “Good morning. I’m Cameron Davis, I’m here to pick up Ms. Maxwell.” The man looked down at Cameron’s hand and gave a disgusted look.


Cameron frowned and dropped his hand. He knew he didn’t smell bad, hell he got dressed in his black jeans and long sleeve white CV Custom button down shirt. He even brushed out his braid and left it loose wearing a black bandanna, just the way Samantha likes it. Surely he didn’t offended the man.


“Ms. Maxwell is a very busy woman, if you can leave me your information I can assure you I’ll…” The man couldn’t finish his sentence when Samantha came off the elevator and headed towards the both of them. “Hey sexy man, I waited for you upstairs, but I guess you were busy?”


Samantha wrapped her arms around Cameron’s waist, he relaxed. He stared at the uppity man “I guess I don’t have to leave a message for Samantha.” The man started to sweat, Samantha realized what had just happened.


Her eyes narrowed on her employee. “Harold, did you prevent Mr. Davis from coming to see me?” The man named Harold squirmed while he came up with a reason why when Samantha held up a hand.


“I understand Harold, you didn’t know who Cameron is, but, he should be treated like we treat all of our guests here at The View, not any different. I suggest you go sit with Tammy and learn a thing or two before we sit for your next evaluation, which if I’m correct is in two weeks.”


Harold went pale and nodded as he excused himself to go back to the front desk, Cameron snorted. “The dude needs to get the stick out of his ass” he stated bluntly, Samantha smiled. “Don’t worry, once I’m done with The View, I’m going over to The Maxwell and do a major coming to Jesus with my staff.” Cameron laughed as Samantha showed her CEO side to him.


Samantha took Cameron’s hand and led him to their private entrance to the garage. Cameron stopped her in front of his 1965 Shelby Cobra, Samantha groaned. “God I love your car baby.”


He chuckled as he leaned on the hood and pulled her into his arms then proceeded to greet her the way he wanted in the lobby. Samantha melted into Cameron’s arms as he sucked her bottom lip into his mouth making her groan.


“Good morning beautiful, ready to go to work?” Samantha was in a daze when she nodded her head, he chuckled. “If only a kiss makes you comply, I wonder what would happen if we took it further.” Cameron looked over Samantha’s attire and growled in satisfaction.


She wore a baby blue CV Customs t-shirt with denim washed skinny jeans. Her knee length boots were in a stiletto style, giving her an additional four inches, bringing her head to the top of his collarbone. The bandanna she wore was baby blue, matching her eyes, he groaned.


“I’m going to be distracted all day with the way you look baby.” Samantha giggled as she pulled away. “Down boy, we have work to do and right now I’m itching to drive this car.”


Cameron rolled his eyes as he opened the passenger door for her. “I’ll think about you driving us back, if we do well at this auto show.”


Samantha pouted as she got into the passenger seat. Cameron thought she looked adorable when she pouted about driving and drooled over muscle cars. He got in and started the car making Samantha jump up and down in her seat. He chuckled as he backed out of the space and headed towards the auto show.


Cameron was stunned as he took in the people that attended this private show. Samantha wasn’t kidding when she said only the money makers would be at this car show. He was introduced to the people that owned the Bellagio, Caesars Palace and Treasure Island, and that was just as they walked in and went towards their booth.


Vince stood at the booth as he spoke to the CEO of Mandalay Bay when he waved them over. “I’ve already got four orders for refurbish and I’ve got down payments from two customer that want us to find the cars and restore those back to pristine for purchases.”


Cameron looked at Vince in shock while Samantha grinned. He took the orders from Vince and sat down to go over them when Sam knelt in front of him.


“Are you alright baby?” She asked softly, Cameron looked up and saw the worried look on her face as she bit her lip. She thought she messed up.


He smiled at his beautiful girl. “I’m alright honey. I’m just taking it all in.” She didn’t look convinced. He stood up and pulled her up with him. Cameron wrapped his arms around her, kissing her temple.


“I’m good baby, I promise.” She kissed his chin and smiled “alright then, let’s get to work.” He let her go and went back to stand by Vince as customers came up to the booth to look at the cars and set more appointments.


“I can’t believe we’re going to be slammed for six months.” Vince said as he took a seat on his couch. They just got home from a long day at the car show.


They ended with nine refurbishes, and six custom orders. After all was said and done CV Customs will be bringing in over six hundred thousand dollars to the shop.


Cameron was sitting on the floor leaning on the love seat while Samantha rubbed his shoulders. “Brother, we have to go over the shop schedule and then get with our vendors to see if they still have the titles to these cars.”


Samantha thanked Lily as she brought her a glass a wine and a beer for Cameron. “Well I know Jay still keeps in contact with his friends in Hoboken. I’m sure they can help you out.” Samantha stated, Vince chuckled “as long as they’re not stealing the cars, then sure.”


She rolled her eyes as Lily crawled up in Vince’s lap. Emma was already in bed while everyone else waited for Jay to come back with Chinese food which he claimed was as good as back home.


Samantha looked over to Lily, wanting to know how her interviews went. Lily was excited with her picks. “The girls I’ve hired are all a good fit for the store. The one position I couldn’t fill was manager because it’s a toss-up.”


She got up and looked inside her purse for the resumes then handed them to Samantha. She went over them then handed it over to Cameron “they both say they know you?” Cameron read both resumes and scowled. He looked at Vince as he hissed “one’s Jacqueline.”


Vince got up abruptly and took the resume in question from Cameron. He looked over to his wife “did you interview her?” Lily shook her head “she wanted a phone interview due to having scheduling conflicts. Who is she Vince?” Vince’s face darkened “she’s Nickie’s sister.”


Samantha gasped as Cameron got up and pulled his cellphone out of his pocket. “Nicole, yeah it’s me. What the fuck were you thinking sending your sister to interview at my store?” Samantha looked at Lily and motioned her to Vince’s office.


“Spill it girl, who the hell is she?” Samantha asked, Lily sighed. “Jacqueline is Nikkie’s baby sister. From what Vince has told me, she’s no better than her sister. We would have nothing but drama and bullshit at the store if we hire her.”


Samantha paced the office, biting on her thumbnail while she thinks. It wasn’t a secret that they were opening the store in her hotel, hell they had spots running on the local radio stations, television and cable.


She looked at Lily when the idea hit her. “I want a guy for that position Lil, make sure he’s built like a sexy biker dude with tattoos and everything. If those bitches come in my store I think he’ll be able to handle the drama and we can get them banned from the hotels and other locations we decide to open in the future.”


Lily grinned as she high fived Samantha. The door opened when Cameron walked in “food’s here, Sam can I talk to you?” She looked at Lily as her friend smiled and left the office.


She sat down and motioned him to sit next to her. Cameron shook his head as he picked her up and sat down, sitting Samantha on his lap. He gave a satisfied grunt then he commenced. “I want to talk to you about the Nikkie situation.”

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