Dauntless (The LockDown Series Book 2) (7 page)

BOOK: Dauntless (The LockDown Series Book 2)
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I write a text to her and send it.


Hope you are okay.

Melissa is missing you. Would it be okay to visit tomorrow afternoon?


Nice and simple. No ‘I love you’, ‘I miss you’ or ‘I need you’. Just simply about our child and that’s the way it will be until I can face being with her and not have any pain inside my heart.

A text beeps through a few seconds later.


I miss her and you.

I would love to see her tomorrow.

Debbie and Maria are taking me out tonight for a dance.

Hope you are okay.

I love you Leighton.

Abbi xx


God, why does the thought of her going out, scare the living shit out of me? I don't want her out there, around other men, their hands and eyes roaming all over her. She is mine. MINE.

Right now though I have no claim to her, I have treated her like utter crap, made her feel as worthless as her fucking father had.

Enjoy yourself; we will both see you tomorrow.

Goodnight Abigail, and please stay safe.

Leighton x

I type back quickly, and then turn my phone onto silent, not wanting to know what she is doing or where she is going.

I feed, bath and change Melissa into her nightclothes. I lie her down in her cot for her bedtime sleep. It is getting late, close to eleven o’clock. I am sure she is probably out now, having a good time, but I still can't help worrying.

I’m sat at my desk, working through some of the paperwork for the restaurant, when I get a text through.

Hey baby, it’s Kalina.

So, when are we hooking up again seeing as you aren’t with that little whore anymore? She looks rather slutty out tonight, especially with that skanky tongue of hers down some bloke’s throat. Just thought you should know.

Anyways, text me back when you’re free.

Love you xxx

P.S. I attached a nice picture or two for you.


I feel fucking violent. I can't be sure if Kalina is telling the truth, she has been known to lie a fuck load to get my attention.

I open the first of the images, my cock suddenly threatening to split my tracky bottoms as it stiffens at the sight of her bare, wet, shaven pussy. I flick to the next one, another woman’s mouth licking and feasting on her. I am trying my hardest to not let it affect me, to try and push my cock back down, but with the images now on loop in my head I can't stop my dick as he presses firmly against the cotton. I flick to the third image, this one of Kalina tied to a bed on her stomach, a spreader bar placed between her shapely legs, her cunt on show. The same hot-as-hell woman bringing a flogger down against her arse cheeks.

Holy shit, I was becoming frustrated very quickly, not to mention my dick was pulsating and begging for release.

Fuck it. I pull my joggers down a little, slipping my hand inside to pull free my stone hard length. A pool of precum already lay on the tip, wanting to be licked clean, but I swipe my finger across it, collecting it on my tip before wrapping my lips around it, sucking it clean. As the salty freshness assaults my mouth, my dick throbs, achingly and rapidly.

I wrap my hand around the girth, the other hand holding my iPhone. I stroke up and down, circling the tip on each upward movement. My head falls back of its own accord, relishing in the feeling I was bringing to myself.

I manage to lift my head to continue looking at the pictures. The next one, Kalina on a St. Andrews cross, the same woman once more, wielding the same flogger as she brought it down onto her red striped
arse. She had captioned the image ‘see what you’re missing baby. This could be you, I know you want it to be’, and I fucking do, I miss doing this to her, to anyone willing to submit to me. I miss the feel of the corded handle of my whip, braising my skin as I marked the fuck out of her beautiful soft flesh.

The grip on my cock tightens to almost a strangle, the blood pumping ferociously through me, keeping me hard as granite.

Another image flicks on the screen, one that has me almost spurting. Kalina, lay on the bed, a cock in her arse, pussy and mouth, three men fucking her, using and abusing her tight little body. I can see the pure ecstasy on her pretty face as they drill her good and hard.

One more image to go, I’m not sure I can even last till then, I can already feel the cum working up from my balls like hot lava, threatening to spill over.

I close my eyes tight, clenching them as my hand strokes the length of my cock, hard and fast, my firm grip causing my spunk to gush from the slit at the head.

Squirt after squirt of hot semen pools on my bare stomach, the divots between my abs collecting the salty liquid.

I manage to flick to the next image as I continue milking myself for all its worth.

It was a little dark to see to begin with. I strain my eyes searching for another hot picture to help me drain my balls. I read the caption attached and try to decipher what is happening in the darkness.

The whore likes to score.’
As I manage to focus my eyes enough on the picture, I can clearly see Abbi. My hand releases from around my cock and holds the phone along with the other.

She is dressed, in what I can only assume, something she borrowed from a streetwalker; her hand is clasping another guy’s crotch, her tongue in his mouth, his hands on her arse.

I can see him slipping her something, sliding the little packet into the back pocket of the ‘shorts’ she is wearing, if you can call them that. Her cheeks are pretty much out of the material. When Kalina meant score, she clearly meant scoring drugs. She isn’t coping without her tranquilisers, that’s for sure. I am fucking fuming she is buying in a club, from a stranger, but worst of all, she is touching him, everywhere.

I throw my phone at the wall, smashing it into a dozen pieces.

Fuck this fucking shit. I stand, and the cum on my stomach trickles down onto my cock and cotton bottoms. I tuck him back inside, rubbing the semen in so it dries quicker.

I call Antonio from my landline, asking him if he can come and look after Mel. I need to get out of here, and fast. I need to gain some control back in my life.

Then I call Scott, and ask him to meet me at ‘The Den’, a club we both frequented
often, normally together. Most of my boys are in
the scene in one way or another, the twins as much as me, if not more. There is no way I’m asking her best friends, boyfriends to come with me. I don't want or need her knowing what I am about to do.

Before Ant arrives, I have managed to shower and change into some smarter clothes. I had managed to line up and snort five lines, making me higher than a mother-fucking kite, and horny as a schoolboy.

This is going to be a good night, I can feel it in my bones, every bone I possess, even the raging one sticking prominently into the zipper of my faded jeans.

I collect a few of my usual things, placing them in the lockable bag I always take with me. I am ready and raring to go. I know Kalina will be there, she always is. What better way to release some fucking rage, than to mark her beautiful, deceptive backside for the shit she has repeatedly put me through?

When Antonio arrives and Melissa is sound asleep, I pick up my jacket, grab my keys and collect my bag. Then I fuck off out of my house before I kill someone.




I am desperate, fucking desperate for a fix. I am now groping some bloke in a nightclub to get some kind of relief from anything they can supply me. It doesn’t have to be anti-anxiety tablets, just anything to make me chill a little. I am suffering badly; I have been for the past two days, since he kicked me out. Antonio has refused to give me any of my own. I am shaking uncontrollably, feeling sick and tired. I need just a small bit, a small fix to tide me over until I return home again.

“Jesus, sweetheart, your arse is fucking incredible,” the guy mumbles out over the pounding music.

“Cheers. So is it in there?” I ask him, knowing he is touching my backside to place something in the pocket in the back of my shorts.

“It is, but I don't take money darling, that’s not how I roll. How ‘bout let’s take this somewhere a little less crowded and a little more private and you can pay me there?” I don't have a chance to answer because his hand is clasping mine and he is dragging me through the sea of sweating and gyrating bodies. I am feeling nervous, anxious and scared. I need to take whatever he has given me, and soon.

He pulls me into an unused cloakroom at the back of the bar/club. The musty, damp smell hits my nostrils, making me feel uncomfortable. I feel as though I’m on an episode of one of those fucked up Crimewatch programmes. That’ll be the news tomorrow,
‘Young mother of one found dead in cloakroom at night club, class A drugs found on her body’
. What a bloody fantastic parent I’m turning out to be.

“So, sweetness, about that payment..?” He pushes me against the wall, his erection hard against my stomach. I feel sick to my stomach, but I need whatever is in my pocket. I want to be able to sleep at night without waking up by something plaguing my brain.

“Aha, what do you want?” I ask him outright. I feel like a whore right now, the one Leighton thought me to be, pimping myself out for the smallest break from the feelings inside of me, but there is nothing else I can do, no one understands what I am going through. No one would be able to help anyway, there is only one thing I consider to take the edge off and it’s in my jeans pocket.

“Well, my dick is throbbing like a bitch, and I think your beautiful mouth could do something to help with it, don't you?” He pushes me down the wall, my back scraping against the age-old bricks, my knees connecting roughly with the cement floor.

I gulp down the bile that is rising up my oesophagus; I know I have to do this, just this one time. It will be over quickly, if I use the techniques Leighton had taught me, every man would go crazy for the skills I possess.

I breathe out a shaky breath as my hands reach for his slacks and unzip them. The guy has style, that’s for sure. He is wearing a crisp, expensive suit, perfectly styled hair with designer stubble on his jaw and a toned hard body. His appearance will make this degrading process a hell of a lot easier, and the reward of the substance he has for me, will make me continue, regardless of how I am feeling inside my heart and head.

I draw the material of the expensive charcoal suit, down his thighs. His cock juts free, not imprisoned by underwear. What is it with every man I let use my body, deciding underwear isn’t a good thing to wear, it just makes this whole thing a hundred times worse in my head, for some reason.

I mentally prep myself, encourage and fight myself. I have to do this. The shakes attacking my body are becoming uncontrollable and the pain in my skull is so fucking fierce I am ready to rip off my own head. I need sleep but I will do anything for five minutes of peace from my thoughts, fears and regrets.

I remind myself, I am single now. I had called it off. Leighton has no reason to be upset with me, unless you count desperately scraping for drugs, the one thing I had assured him I was sorting out. I am sure Leighton is enjoying his newfound freedom; he seemed very keen to get rid of me two days ago.

I use this knowledge to continue this dirty, disgusting act.

I surround his hard, impressive dick with my small, petite hand. I am gobsmacked by the thickness of the thing; my fingers unable to reach completely around it. I gulp down my shock, as I lick my lips.

“I know sweetheart, it’s a very nice dick, I rather like it, but if you would be so kind, please put it where I have asked you. Open up.” I part my lips, ready to get this finished off quickly.

My tongue darts out instinctively to lick the pre-cum from the tip of his dick. God, why does my body always betray me in this kind of situation, always making me want it badly but in my head I am screaming for it to stop?

I lean forward, taking him in my mouth, as much of him as I can, that is. His masculine scent of arousal is prominent on him. The taste does nothing for me, and sorts the problem with my betraying body. My only thought driving me to continue is the small packet in my back pocket.

“Oh, God, that’s fucking good. That’s it darling; take me deep in your throat.” His fingers fix themselves firmly in my hair, wrapping my long blonde locks around his hands. He uses my head at his disposal, fucking my throat with a sick perversion, gagging me severely. With his every thrust deep into my mouth, I am ready to spew my guts, my stomach aching from the emptiness there. I haven’t eaten properly for two days and I am now feeling the consequences of it.

“Oh, Shit, I’m gonna cum.” He moans loudly as he fills my mouth and throat with his semen, the salty substance causing me to retch hard. Oh, fuck that is nasty, I really am not in any kind of mood for sex and that is just pure vile.

I fake a smile up at him as I swallow it down, trying my hardest to act as though I have enjoyed myself.

“Hmm, that is good. You really have a lovely mouth, baby.” He places his hand under my chin and pulls to raise me to my feet.

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