December Heat (19 page)

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Authors: Joanie MacNeil

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then,” Danny said, kissed her briefly on the cheek before shaking Jake’s hand in parting. “Good to see you again. Take care.”

Jake replied.

Nic was sure he meant it.

, Nicolette,” Tim said, pausing in front of her before heading out the door. Diana clung to his arm.

do anything I wouldn’t do,” Nic suggested impishly as she kissed him on the cheek and hugged Diana.

won’t ask what that might be,” Diana threw back, laughing, her gaze slowly scrutinizing Jake from head to toe and back again. “I’m sure you’ll enjoy your day off tomorrow, Nicolette.”

not what you think.” Nic couldn’t keep the defensive note from her voice. Her comment was a stretch of the imagination, and she knew it. She smiled. “Good night, you two. See you Monday evening.” Feeling suddenly alone and vulnerable to  the emotions Jake elicited from her, Nic watched as Tim and Diana continued on their way to the door.

has a girlfriend?”

Tim? Yes. Did you think...him...and me? Oh, Jake!”

said no such thing,” Jake replied defensively. “And you did introduce him as your partner.”

smiled. “You didn’t have to say anything. I know you too well. Besides your curiosity was plastered all over your face.”

laughed softly.

eyes light up when you smile. Are you happy, Nic?”

I am thrilled at how well the show is doing. We’ve been getting rave reviews in the media. All of us.” She paused, reflecting on how pleased Danny had been that his efforts had paid off. “What about you Jake? Are you happy?”

shrugged. “I will be once I get a few things settled.”

wondered if she, or their relationship, or more their lack of, was one of the few things that unsettled him. It was almost as if they were strangers, or on their best behavior so as not to say the wrong thing and ruin the evening. The mood, the cat and mouse game, began to grate on her nerves.

do you suggest we go?” Jake asked.

quiet and private,” she said, hopeful things would improve.


didn’t know quite what to make of his question, or his tone.

we could grab a late supper somewhere?”

a coffee shop at my hotel that looks quite reasonable. How about we try there?”


it’s close by. Any objections?”

none at all. Sounds good.” And at least in public, she’d have a better chance of keeping her emotions in check, protecting them from Jake’s powerful appeal. “Is it close enough to walk?”

couple of blocks.”

I’ll just grab my wrap from the dressing room. Be back in a minute.”

heart pounded, her tummy filled with nervous butterflies. She wasn’t sure if she should look forward with anticipation or dread to the evening’s outcome. She grabbed the warm silvery wrap, draped it around her, and closed the dressing room door behind her.

rested his arm around her shoulders and she liked the feel of his hand resting on her upper arm, his warmth, his touch. He hadn’t touched her until now and she thought that didn’t bode well for their upcoming discussion. She’d wanted to launch herself into his arms when she’d first caught sight of him, but the cool expression on his face gave her second thoughts.

we are.” Jake pushed open the door of the hotel foyer. His hand slid to the small of her back as he escorted her toward the patterned glass and brass door leading to the coffee shop.

were no spare tables and the crowd looked as if they were settled for the night.

course, it’s Saturday night,” Nic reminded him. “And the theater crowds are out and about.”

is an alternative, somewhere much quieter,” Jake suggested, his gaze fixed on her, the hint of a challenge in his eyes. “We could go to my room, order room service.”

took a deep breath. Being alone with Jake was just what she wanted to avoid. But if they needed to talk and it seemed Jake was keen, then she’d better meet him half way. “I guess there’s no choice. I don’t have the energy to traipse from coffee shop to coffee shop looking for somewhere to sit down.” And that was true. She didn’t. “Your room will be fine,” she lied. “After all, what can you do to me that you haven’t done already?”

he said, and ushered her into the lift. They traveled in silence to the tenth floor. The butterflies in her stomach kicked into overdrive. He guided her along the hall to a room at the end and unlocked the door. She stepped inside as he flicked the light switch.

glanced around the room. It looked quite comfortable, nothing ostentatious, but pleasant, cozy, and reasonably spacious. “Hmm, nice digs.” The bed was huge, king-size, and images of them sharing the night, bodies tangled in the sheets, sprang into her mind.

would you like to order?” Jake asked, taking her wrap and distracting her.

Heat flushed her cheeks. “How about lots of raisin toast and hot chocolate?”

that good nourishing food for a dancer to be eating?”

saw the teasing glint in his eye and welcomed the smile that threatened the set of his features.

but it’s what I feel like. And I believe a little bit of what you fancy does you good.”

could be right there,” he said, his gaze heating momentarily, warming her.

picked up the phone and ordered hot chocolate for two and generous helpings of hot buttered raisin toast.

moved to the window and gazed out over the city lights. She could see the arched outline of the harbor bridge, hear the traffic and sirens screaming from the street below. Thank goodness it was quieter where Danny lived, even quieter still along the Hawkesbury.

troubled feeling swamped her and she tried to shrug it off. But images of the times they’d shared filled her mind, and she found them hard to ignore.

if sensing her distress, Jake moved to stand behind her, placing his hands on her bare shoulders, gently turning her around to face him.

looked up into his face. “It’s good to see you again, Nic. I’ve missed you.”

too,” she breathed, unable to tear her gaze from his mouth.

lowered his head and brushed a gentle kiss on her lips. “I’ve wanted to do that all evening.”

too.” Her voice came out in a breathy rush. “Wanted you to, wanted to, do that all evening.”

quivered at his touch. She wanted more but realizing Jake had ended the kiss, with an effort, held back, waiting to discover his reason.

still a lethal weapon in that dress,” he said, brushing a tendril of hair away from her face. Her skin tingled as he lightly touched her cheek. Then he lowered his head to kiss her again. This time the kiss was more demanding, more powerful. A kiss that meant Nic needn’t hold back.

missed you so much,” he murmured breathlessly against her mouth.

sharp rap at the door tore them apart.

I’d almost forgotten.” Not letting Nic out of his reach, he unlocked and opened the door.

attendant carried the tray into Jake’s room, placed it on the table, and after exchanging a few words as to whether Jake required anything else, he nodded to Nic, turned and left the room as quietly as he’d entered it.

smells delicious.”

yourself,” Jake offered with a sweep of his arm.

only..., Nic thought. If only....

nibbled on the hot buttered raisin toast, in between sipping the rich steaming hot chocolate. She followed Jake’s cue and remained silent until supper was finished.

replaced his cup in the saucer and pushed away his empty plate.

did the same. “That hit the spot.” She wasn’t sure if she should make a move to leave. Jake didn’t seem to be in a hurry to do or say anything. She puzzled over her choices until Jake’s soft words drifted into her thoughts.

the night, Nic?”


Chapter Seventeen



heart stirred each time his gaze lowered to Nicolette, curled fast asleep in against his body; an enchanting flush on her face, her lashes fanned against her cheeks. He had lain awake for hours, thinking about their situation, the choices he could make.

she’d murmured in her sleep and told him she loved him. He’d felt honored and a strange sense of fulfillment, possessiveness. A deep love for this woman gripped him. Did she love him enough to give up her life and travel with him? Could she survive in the long term without those things that were obviously important to her?

the slim chance that she’d agree to take a chance with him, what if it didn’t work out? The failure, her unhappiness, would be on his conscience.

very thought that Nic might embrace his offer filled him with a warm fuzzy feeling, combined with an underlying trepidation of all that acceptance implied. But there was also something else that niggled away at him. That she might not accept. He couldn’t see that Nic would love him enough to throw away her career and the reality was, he couldn’t ask her to. Could he? She’d given up so much for Mark. How many chances would she have to re-establish her career should she take the same path again, if their relationship didn’t work out?

caught, Jake glanced at his watch, knowing he wouldn’t get back to sleep. With extreme care not to disturb her, he eased himself away from her sleeping form and slid out of bed.

let her sleep a while longer, giving him time to sort out his business. Today he would make a decision on their future, or at least get a few things straight. But first, he had to make a quick phone call, the outcome of which would determine his future...and he hoped, Nicolette’s.


* * *



breakfast with Nic brought back cherished memories. She hadn’t yet had her shower and Jake knew she was naked beneath the white fluffy guest robe. He tried to put that thought out of his mind. If he could do that, erotic images of what he’d like to do to her under the shower wouldn’t plague him so.

have something to tell you,” he said, his breakfast registering as a lump in his gut. The next few moments would decide their future.

paused in the act of scraping butter on her toast and studied him. Her hair tousled, her lips slightly swollen from his early morning kisses, she took his breath away. She looked thoroughly loved and sensual.

heart stirred every time she looked at him and he wished he could tell what she was thinking. She moistened her lips, sending hot slivers of desire through his veins.

love surprises. Will I like this one? Tell me more.”

shrugged, almost afraid to test her reaction. “That depends. It’s partly to do with why I’m in Sydney.”

well and truly captured her interest now. She put down her knife, her lovely eyes wide and inviting.

tell me you’ve given up news reporting,” she said, disbelief on her face. “I’d never believe it.”

laughed. “You know me too well.” He reached out and gave her fingers a squeeze then released his grasp. “But to answer your question—yes and no.”

looked at him curiously.

been able to renegotiate my current contract. I have just a few more weeks left to run on the news reporting side of things.” Anticipation at her reaction caused him to spit out the words faster than he’d intended.


He held up his hand when she looked as if she’d continue with a question. “For weeks now I’ve been considering a new offer, something a little different. I’m here to finalize those contracts, iron out final details, those sorts of things.”

words continued to hold her interest. So far so good.

does that mean you’re not news reporting anymore?”


There was a moment or two of silence as he watched Nic digest this snippet of information.

What on earth do you mean by that? Am I allowed to ask what you plan to do instead?”

grinned. “I’m going to be making a series of documentaries...worldwide.” He couldn’t keep the enthusiasm for the new project out of his voice and was intrigued by the range of emotions that kaleidoscoped across Nic’s face.

her sigh and the expression in her eyes spelled resigned disappointment, he was sure of it.

Jake, what’s the difference? You’ll still be the same wandering soul you are now, feeding your sense of adventure.” Frustration laced her voice.

knew he hadn’t imagined her disappointment, convincing himself it was likely she hoped for something more.

I thought you’d say that. Though this time, I’ll be in more friendly places.” He took a breath, steeling himself in preparation for her answer to his next question. “Does it bother you that I’ll still be on the move?”

shrugged. “Should it?”

insides reminded him he was on shaky ground here, but he’d come too far not to persevere a little bit further. “I’m asking you,” he said.

at least you won’t be in danger like you are now. And maybe you can make a halfway decent life for yourself.”

suppose you could call sailing around the world a halfway decent life.”

eyes widened. “Sailing? So you were serious about your dreams.”

course. Have you ever known me to be otherwise?”

you, Jake Harrigan, it’s often hard to tell.”

allowed himself a smile, easing his tension to a more comfortable level. “The documentaries are a combined project, with sponsors, the network and some of my own funds from the sale of the house. I am now the proud owner of a yacht, Nic. My home. I’m to take delivery of it here in Sydney in a few weeks.” He couldn’t keep the excitement from his voice and felt like a little kid knowing he’d be receiving his heart’s desire from Santa. But there was only one more thing he desired in his life and it wasn’t his for the taking.

that’s wonderful.” She rose to her feet and moved around the table to hug him, pulling away to stand before him. “I’m so glad you’ve found something you’ll be happy with. It sounds like a wonderful opportunity.”

he said. “A dream come true.” But suddenly the dream didn’t seem so much fun anymore. Not when he faced the prospect of leaving this wonderful woman behind.


* * *


After breakfast, Jake showed her pictures of the yacht, and mentioned some of the places he hoped to visit. Some preliminary research had already been done and it was a matter of working out where to start on the project proper.

probably do single ports of call, but some will include the journey as well, sort of diary fashion.”

happy for you,” she said, placing the photos on the coffee table in front of them. “Mark would have been so pleased.”

looked wistful and Jake wondered if she was thinking of Mark, or thinking of sailing around the world on his new toy.

is something we talked about, on and off. It was the bright light in the miserable circumstances we often found ourselves in.”

didn’t know. Mark never mentioned it to me.”

was never really sure that he was one hundred percent committed to the idea. Funny, though, he never said anything about it to you.”

suppose he just put it behind him when he quit the network.” She rose from the couch and began to loosen the sash on her robe. “I’m going to take a shower.”

thoughts sprang into overdrive and he pictured them, naked, bodies entwined, beneath a romantic rainbowed waterfall on a tropical island. His body reacted immediately. Nic certainly had the knack of stirring his hormones into a frenzied condition. “Mind if I come too?” She paused, her back to him, and threw him a heated gaze over her shoulder, the tip of her tongue moistening the sexy pout of her mouth. As if in slow motion, the robe slipped from her shoulders.

breath caught. She was so beautiful.

soft white fabric hooked on her fingertips. She moved away, trailing it along behind her...just as she’d done with the shirt in the photograph.

Jake knew he’d be enchanted forever. “If you think you can handle it.” She paused and sent him a seductive glance from the bathroom doorway. “Oh baby, I can handle it.” And he began stripping off his clothes before following her into the bathroom. “It’s being away from you that I don’t think I can handle,” he muttered under his breath.


* * *


“So what about these female crew members?” Nic asked as they curled up in bed, relaxed in each other’s arms. Her fingers curled into his hard, warm chest.

open to suggestions.” He planted kisses in her hair, and a tingle rippled down her back as he combed his fingers though the strands. “I wouldn’t mind one or two on board, just to keep things interesting.” He kissed the tip of her nose. “With that fit athletic body of yours, you’d be ideal. You could nip up the rigging, no trouble at all,” he teased, and grunted when she jabbed him hard in the ribs. “How about it? Want to join my crew?”

laughed, blaming her nerves for such a reaction. “In your dreams, mate.”

Nic wasn’t sure if Jake was joking or not. If his offer to crew on his yacht had been a little more romantic, a little more one on one, she might have been tempted to take him up on it.


* * *


Days later, as she made her way to the theater to prepare for the evening’s performance, Nic continued to wrestle with Jake’s comment. Had all they shared meant nothing to him? She couldn’t believe that. Surely he’d softened his attitude regarding relationships; that she meant something to him? Her heart sank.

he ever change his outlook and ideas? If she gave up her career, something she said she’d never do again for a wanderer, could she live with her decision long-term? She may not have another crack at re-establishing her career if things didn’t work out. Would they expect too much of each other, of themselves, and find their relationship crumbling in a matter of months? Her marriage to Mark hadn’t had a chance to stand the test of time. Would she and Jake’s relationship fare any better?

realized she’d never know the answers unless she took the chance. She loved Jake enough to at least give a long term relationship a try, knew that she could make her home anywhere with him. The dance success was superficial. Beneath it all she had recognized, and tried hard to ignore, an emptiness deep inside.

brought them together, giving them another chance, intertwining their lives whether she liked it or not. And far be it from her to turn down its golden opportunities. They didn’t always knock again. No, her future was with Jake. They could both enjoy the new challenges life offered them and be fulfilled by that and each other. Fate decreed it was up to her to bring it all together. Make it happen.


* * *


“Danny,” Nic called, as she followed him and Tim into the theater.

spun around and smiled, waited for her to catch up. She glanced at both their eager faces and her heart sank. This wasn’t going to be easy. She took a deep breath.

decided to resign at the end of the Sydney season.” She held her breath, the shock on both their faces obvious.

you sure you want to do this?” Danny asked, concern marring his features.

placed his hands on his heart. “You’re leaving us? The two greatest guys in Sydney? I’m devastated. Who am I going to find to dance with?”

swallowed. This was turning out to be more difficult than she’d anticipated.

She’s worked solidly and deserves some recognition. She’s ready.”

it Jake?” Danny asked. A shaft of guilt stabbed her at the sad, disappointed expression on his face.

What more could she say? Her feelings for Jake, and no one else, caused her to make this decision.

nodded, seemed to accept her decision as inevitable. His face softened with sincerity. “I hope you and he will have a happy life together.”

hasn’t actually asked me yet.” She was too embarrassed to explain Jake’s half-hearted offer to crew. And she had no intention of crewing for him anyway. It was going to be a full-on, committed, relationship or nothing at all. She knew she’d be taking a big chance, but suspected it was the only thing that would prompt Jake to tell her how he really felt about her.

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