Desire: Love and Passion (12 page)

BOOK: Desire: Love and Passion
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James was slowly increasing his tempo, not at her request, but because his body was begging him for release. He loved the sight of her breast
iggling behind their constraint. He grounded into her as her reached down and plucked th
em from the top of her corset.
He took one nipple in his mouth and for the first time that night she felt his full weight pressed up against her. He heard the rattle of the headboard and knew she was pulling against her restraint. She did not protest
, though
. He ground into her once more as he felt her hips buck against him.

His grip on her hips loosened as he
began to
move faster and faster. She moved her hips in unison, matching his strokes. He felt her tighten around him. Felt her legs wrap around him as she tried to hold him in place. He shifted his weight to his hands and as he kissed her, he felt himself let go. He moaned against her mouth.

"James," she whispered against his ear.

He grunted a reply as he slammed into her once more.

They la
together like that for a few minutes. He on top, most of his weight supported by his hands and her legs still wrapped around his hips. They were both breathing heavily.
He reached up and undid the necktie. He also sat back and undid the numerous hooks from her corset and helped her out of it, before lying on his back beside her.

She rolled on her side to look at him. Her head was propped up by her right hand and her left went to his naked waist. Her hand moved over the scars. He flashed a look
at her
before putting his hand over hers.

"I'm not asking any questions," she said.

He removed his hand.

"I'm going to get a shower," she said. "I would invite you, but I don't want to disturb your demons. You can let your driver know I'll be leaving in about a half hour."

He reached for her as she got up. He pulled her back so she was laying half way on top of him, her breasts squashed against his hard sweat-slicked chest.

"You're staying the night," he said.

"I thought you didn't have sleepovers here," she said.

"I've never had anyone here that belong
. You belong." He kissed her briefly before giving her a playful slap on the behind. "Besides, I'm not done with you yet."

"Oh, that sounds so naughty," she said.

"I want to be very thorough with this chemistry experiment."

She kissed his cheek and he let her go.



He was not in the bedroom when she returned from the shower. Their clothes were also missing. She found on
the bed a tee shirt and boxers so she pulled them on, curious as to what he was doing.
She had just finishing dressing when he came in the room in tee shirt and shorts.

"Where are my clothes?"
he asked.

"In the laundry."

"What am I going to wear home?"

"I have hundreds of shirts and I am sure I can find some drawstring pants that might fit.  Come to bed," he said.

For the first time she realized the top sheets had also been removed and new sheets and blankets were on the bed. She crawled under the sheets with him. Her back was to him as he pulled her close.



James felt her hand under his tee-shirt. He didn't panic as he had on previous occasions when she touched him. Instinctively, he knew she wasn

t going to push. He was sleeping on his back
and then h
e felt her straddle his hips
so he
just sighed and let her take over.  She pushed his shirt all the way up, kissing his chest as she did so. She teased a nipple with her tongue, giving him a playful bite as she did so.

The room was lit in a soft glow from the rising sun. 

She did not pass his chest. Instead, she started downwards. He felt her hands on his waist as she gripped t
he elastic band of his shorts.
He raise
his hips just slightly as she pulled them away. His morning erection was all too happy for breathing room. She tossed the shorts somewhere off the bed. Her hands brushed up his legs, up his thighs. She was looking at him. He brought his hands up and under his head, letting her take charge.

Her hands found his erection and she stroked him. He groaned welcoming her touch. She circled his erection with the palm of her hands and slowly, rhythmically stroke from base to head. She bent her head and he felt her lips sliding over his smooth head. Her tongue ran along the back of his erection. He could not stop himself as he reached out and caught a fistful of hair.  He pulled her away easily.

He motioned for her and she pulled up alongside him.

"What's wrong?"
he asked.

"Not today," he said.

"But." He cut her off with a kiss.

He turned so he was on top of her. He roughly pulled the boxers off her and with one hand under her buttocks, lifted her as he eased inside her. Like the previous night, she made an audible gasp.

"We don't -."

"I don't care," he interrupted.

He slammed into her.

"Condoms," she got the end of the sentence

"Only say stop if you want me to," he said.

She responded by wrapping her legs around him, reaching out and gripping his buttocks.
he raised her hips to show her acceptance.

It was not like the previous night, but she enjoyed the roughness as he slammed his hips into hers repeatedly until she was moaning his name and begging him for more of the same.

His moan was lost in the pillows as he thrust hard inside her and felt his loins tighten.
He showered her face with kisses after. Her legs were still wrapped around him holding him in place and he could still feel her shuddering around him.

"Sorry if I was too rough," he whispered. 

"You were perfect," she said.


They were silent for a while, just breathing heavily. When at last he rolled off her, he pulled her on top of his body. He loved the close contact with her.

"Why didn't you want me to -?"

"I wanted it the way we just did."

"You could have had it both ways," she said.

"Are you mad because I stopped you?"

"No, just curious."

"Okay. So about our arrangement," he said. "I still want you. Since there were no candles or wine, we will have to do this again. What do you think?"

"I agree," she said.


"By the way, when am I getting my car?"

"You have to get a new car and unfortunately, the new Beetle desig
n is not like the one you had.
So here's the deal. I can have one of my staff look for that old design, I

m sure
they can find one somewhere
, or we can go car shopping and get you a new vehicle. Of course, you also have the option of chauffer service if you like."

You and I shopping for a car

"Okay, you can take whomever you like, get whatever you like. Until then, I have a garage full of vehicles that you can choose from."

"You want me to take one of your cars?"

"Why not? I only need one car and as you pointed out the first time we met, I should not be driving. But I don't mind us carpooling to and from work

"The scandal," she said.


"Do you actually think we could get away with using the same car daily and it does not get out?"

"Will, I just sent my little army to search and conquer your fiefdom, the scandal may already be done."

She giggled at his reference to their unprotected sex.

"Just so you know," she sai
y fiefdom has its own protection. Anyway
you don't really live here so that would be an inconvenience."

"I didn't live here because it was under construction and well
there was little to do. But now with the sexy neighbor who dresses in corsets and such things, it's like a fantasy come true."

"I should be getting home," she said.

"So what's your decision about transportation?"

"I'll take the loaner, until my Jag gets fixed."

"Can I see you tonight?"


m not sure. I’ll call you."

“Fair enough. Talk to you soon.”



Chapter 8


James was distracted most of the day. He was thinking about the previous night and the morning, mostly the morning. Cassandra was briefing him on some personal matters and he was trying and failing miserably
follow the conversation. All he could think about was her not telling him to stop. 

“James,” Cassandra’s voice came through his thoughts.

e asked as he saw her stretching a paper and pen towards him.

“I was saying all you needed to do to give the property to Stacey was sign this document.”


“If I could be frank,” she started.

“By all means,” he replied. “What

s on your mind?”

“I don’t think this is wise
, especially if you

re dat
ing Willow. I know
spent last night
with you
. I don’t think you should give your ex a piece of property free of charge when you
e courting someone else.”

“I promised Stacey’s mother I would give it back should her daughter ever return to England.”

“Well, all you have to do is sign this document and its official. Do you want me to send her the documents by courier?”

“No. We

re meeting for lunch.”

“That’s not on your schedule,” Cassandra said.

“I know.”



Willow called to say she couldn

t make Thursday night. James was disappointed, especially since the call was brief.

Their schedules were off for the rest of the week and the next. Willow saw on the news that h
e made the aid agreement work.
were happy. He did the right thing, putting aside his personal feelings for old enemies and moving forward. She liked that and told him as much over their telephone conversation.

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