Do Not Disturb (27 page)

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Authors: Stephanie Julian

Tags: #Romance

BOOK: Do Not Disturb
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“Then let’s do this.”

He didn’t release her hand for the next half hour, except to switch sides when they got to her father’s bedside.

The man lying in that hospital bed wasn’t the man she remembered from her childhood. From before he’d gone to prison. Before he’d been beaten and stabbed by another inmate and fallen into a vegetative state.

It’d been a year since she’d visited, and she no longer saw her father. Her dad had been gone for years and it was time get beyond it.

When the doctor arrived several minutes after they did and began to lay out options, Dane asked the questions. She couldn’t get past the lump in her throat.

At the end, there was nothing more than silence. No more beeping machines, no more ventilator. Just quiet.

Dane stood by her side, she didn’t know for how long. And when she finally took a deep breath and stood, he wrapped his arm around her shoulders and walked her to a small office down the hall, where a woman in a black dress had her sign several papers.

She understood why she needed to sign them, she just forgot what they were when the woman placed them back in the manila folder on her desk.

Later, in a taxi headed back to the airport, she turned to find Dane watching her.

And she got her brain to stop running in circles long enough to form a coherent question.

“How did you know?”

He didn’t try to dodge the questions at all. “I’ve known for about a week. I was . . .” He paused. “The night after the wedding. I was hoping, if I knew a little more about you . . .”

“That you could figure me out?”

“That I’d understand why you were so determined to walk away from a good thing. And what we have is good, Tally. Don’t doubt that.”

She had no response for him. Probably because she didn’t completely understand herself.

They spent the rest of the car ride back to the airport in silence, his arm tight around her shoulders. She had no idea how they were getting back to Philadelphia. She’d bought a one-way ticket because she hadn’t been sure when she’d be leaving. She hadn’t asked how he’d gotten here, but she wasn’t surprised when he had the driver drop them off at the gate for private departures.

“I chartered a flight.” He helped her out of the car. “I hope you don’t have anything against small jets.”

She shook her head. “I’ve been on a few, just not anytime recently.”

When she’d been a kid, her father had never thought twice about chartering a plane to fly them to the Caribbean for a long weekend. Or to take them to Europe or Hawaii over school vacations.

Her father had done awful things, but he’d still been her dad. He’d doted on her and her brother up until the moment he’d been indicted and he’d cut all ties with them.

Her brain wouldn’t shut off now, pulling out sweet childhood memories she’d suppressed for so long and interspersing them with every horrible incident from those months between the first allegations of her father’s guilt through the end of his trial.

While Dane made the arrangements to get them back to Philadelphia, he kept her by his side, either holding her hand or keeping her close with an arm around her shoulders.

They left an hour later and the second her head hit the backrest, she closed her eyes and darkness descended.


By the time they landed three and a half hours later, Dane had texted his sister, brother, and mom with updates and called Kate, who’d been trying to reach Talia all day and was about to call in search and rescue squads. He gave her the bare bones and, when it became clear she knew as much as he did about Talia’s past, Dane promised to keep her up to date and to have Talia call her later.

By the time the plane landed, he’d had a car sent to pick them up and had attended his magazine’s weekly editorial meeting by videoconference.

Talia woke as the plane landed, shaking her head as if trying to clear it.

Her eyes were bleary with exhaustion and Dane steered her toward the parking garage and her car. She didn’t protest when he asked for the keys then drove them to his condo, barely saying a word as he ushered her in and steered her straight into his bedroom.

Handing her the overnight bag she’d taken with her to Dallas, he pointed her toward the bathroom. He sat on the edge of the bed while he waited for her to come back out then watched as she climbed into bed and pulled the covers over her.

When he returned from the bathroom, he expected her to be asleep. Instead, she was waiting for him, watching him as he stripped, leaving only his underwear, and slipped into bed beside her. She immediately closed the gap between them and he rearranged her so they were both on their sides, her back to his front.

He wanted to completely surround her, let her know he wasn’t going anywhere.

“Thank you.”

Her voice sounded tired but steady.

“Of course.” He pressed a kiss to the top of her head. “Get some sleep.”

When he woke the next morning, she was still curled on her side in the curve of his body. And his phone was ringing quietly on the bedside table.

“What’s up, Will?”

“The news on Talia’s dad is breaking. Figured you’d want to warn her. How is she?”

“Sleeping. Seemed okay last night but I probably won’t be in today.”

“I guess we can do without you.” Will paused. “And, Dane?”


“Try not to steamroll her.”

After hanging up, he pulled on sweatpants and headed for the kitchen to make coffee.

All the major news stations had a piece on Talia’s father. Some devoted more time than others. It was a slow day so some led with it, dredging up the entire scandal. Others skimmed it. A few mentioned it only in the crawl.

“He’ll be forgotten in a few years, won’t he?”

Dane turned to see Talia standing at the foot of the stairs. He couldn’t believe he hadn’t heard her come down. Her blue eyes dull with unshed tears, she looked lost and a little unsure. But she was dressed and had her bag in her hand.

Swallowing his immediate urge to order her back upstairs and into bed, he rose and walked over to her.

Instead of speaking, he cupped her face in his hands and kissed her. Hard, deep, and designed to make her respond. Which she did. She dropped the bag and wound her arms around his waist, tilting her head so he could kiss her even deeper.

When he finally released her, they were both breathing harder than they had been a few seconds ago.

But remembering his brother’s warning, he forced himself to take a step away.

“How are you feeling?”

Her lips curved for a second. “Like I got hit by a truck.” Then she shrugged. “I’m fine, just tired. And I do have a lot of work to do.”

He wanted to insist she stay here and do her work, wanted to throw her back on his bed, strip her naked and make love to her until she fell back to sleep.

“Do you want me to drive you?”

“No, I’ll be fine. But thank you. For everything.”

“Would you please let me know when you get back to your place?”

“Of course.”

He nodded, biting his tongue against everything else he wanted to say.

Staring up at him, she looked somewhat surprised that he didn’t have anything else to say.

“If you need anything, call me.”

She quickly masked the surprise that flitted through her expression with another smile as she nodded and headed for the door.

While he forced his hands to stay at his sides instead of grabbing her and pinning her to the sofa with his body.

By the time she finally walked out the door, his jaw hurt from gritting his teeth and he wanted to punch the wall.

If Jed had been home, he’d have thrown himself on his couch and talked this through with him. Will had already told him what he’d needed to hear.

Now, the only thing he could do was wait for her to come back. And make sure she had the support she needed.


“Tal, I just saw the news. Are you okay?”

“Kate, yeah, I’m fine. Thanks for calling.”

Talia swore she could hear Kate frown over the phone. “You don’t sound fine. What’s wrong?”

“Other than the fact that my dad just died . . .”

“Oh, hon, I’m really sorry about your dad. I am. But from everything you told me, he’s been gone from your life for the past six years. And as much as that sucks, and it does, it’s time for you to let that part of your life go and move on to the next.”

“I have.”

“And does that next part include Dane?”

Did it? “I’m not sure I know what you mean.”

“He called this morning. He’s worried about you, wanted me to check in.”

“Why didn’t he call himself?”

But she knew the answer to that. Because he didn’t want to push her.

“Hey, Kate, can I talk to Tyler a second?”


Ty had left Dane a message to meet him at the Salon Thursday night.

And because he had nothing else to do and he was climbing the walls of his condo waiting for Talia to call him, he figured what the hell.

He had no idea what Ty wanted but, whatever it was, Dane could use the distraction.

He didn’t stop at the Haven reception desk to say hi to Sabrina, who gave him a bright smile and a wave. She reminded him too much of Talia.

Hell, right now, everything about Haven reminded Dane of Talia.

And it sucked, because he couldn’t have her.

He didn’t know what he was going to do tomorrow if she still hadn’t called. A caveman routine wasn’t in the cards. No, if he wanted to win her back into his bed, he had to be smarter.

By the time he got to the Salon, he wanted to have a few drinks to knock him out so he could wake up and it’d be tomorrow already.

Christ, now he sounded like a kid at Christmas.

And the only gift he wanted under his tree was Talia.

Opening the door, the first thing he noticed were the lights. They weren’t on. And the fireplace was lit.

“Ty? Hey, did I get the wrong time? I don’t want to see your naked ass right now.”

“Whose would you like to see?”

The voice came out of the shadows of the corner where the bondage chairs sat.

He’d been hearing that voice in his sleep and he always woke up with a hard-on.

Now, his heart began to race and his damn palms actually got sweaty.


He stalked toward the corner, narrowly avoiding a collision with the game table even though he knew the layout of the room like the back of his hand.

“I certainly hope that wasn’t a question. I think I might have to be offended.”

She sat on one of the chairs, legs crossed, hands on her knees. She looked prim and proper, in a belted purple dress that buttoned down the front. He wanted to rip every single button off with his teeth.

“It’s not a question. It’s relief.”

Stopping in front of her, a couple of feet still separating them, he studied everything about her. She no longer looked exhausted. In fact, she looked . . . calm.

“How are you?”

Her lips curved. “I’m feeling much better. Now.”

He didn’t want to jump to any wrong conclusions, so he reined himself in. “I’m glad to hear it.”

Nodding, she slid from the chair and stood in front of him. “It’s been a rough couple of days.”

“I know. Tal—”

She held up one hand and he closed his mouth. “Just hear me out. Okay?”

He bit his tongue and nodded.

“I wasn’t prepared for the feelings I have for you. They took me by surprise, and I’ve had enough surprises in my life. Most of them haven’t been good ones. But you . . .”

His gaze narrowed as she paused.

“You’ve been one of the best surprises of my life. And I want to give us a chance.”

He took a tiny step closer. “And you’re the only woman I’ve ever wanted to get on my knees and beg for another chance.”

She shook her head. “I don’t want you on your knees.”

He took another step closer, still not touching. “Then what do you want? Name it. Don’t you know by now that I’ll give it to you?”

Talia sighed. “I’ve never wanted anything from any other man. And here I am, willing to give you anything.”

Dane crossed his arms over his chest, trying not to smile outright because he worried she still might bolt. “I don’t want just anything, Tal. I want you. All of you.”

“I’m not sure I can let myself give away that much.”

He took another step and finally he was close enough to touch her. He cupped her face in his hands, letting his thumbs brush against her delicate jaw.

“Give me the chance to show you can.”

He settled his mouth over hers and kissed, pouring every ounce of emotion he had into it. With a moan, she lifted her hands to his shoulders and pulled him even closer.

The feel of her lips against his was enough to make him groan but he resisted the urge to unwrap her like a present. Even when she slipped her tongue into his mouth to tangle with his, coaxing him back into her mouth and letting him control it.

The problem was, he wasn’t in control.

He wanted her too much, and there was still so much left unsaid.

But he could fix part of that right now.

Pulling back, he waited until her eyelids fluttered and she stared up at him.

“What’s wrong?” she asked.

“Nothing’s wrong.” He raked his finger through her hair and cupped the back of her head. “I love you, Tal. I just needed to say it.”

Her bright smile lit an answering grin on his lips. “We’ve only known each other a couple of weeks.”

“Time’s not the issue here. I’ve never felt this way about anyone. I know I love you.”

Shaking her head, her smile softened. “How do you always know the exact right thing to say?”

“I don’t. Trust me, there are going to be days you’re going to wish I hadn’t opened my mouth. I’m demanding and, according to my brother and sister, I’m spoiled. But as long as I get what I want, I’m a pussycat. And I want you.”

She reached for him, grabbing his forearms and pulling him toward her. When he was close enough, she reached for his pants.

“Then I guess you won’t be upset that I want to tie you to this chair and stroke you. All over.”

“Honey, you can do whatever you want to me. I’m not going to run.”

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