Down and Out (Hawks MC: Caroline Springs Charter Book 3)

Read Down and Out (Hawks MC: Caroline Springs Charter Book 3) Online

Authors: Lila Rose

Tags: #Action, #Romance, #MC, #grief, #motorbikes, #loss, #parenting, #Australia

BOOK: Down and Out (Hawks MC: Caroline Springs Charter Book 3)
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Down and Out
Copyright © 2016 by Lila Rose


All rights reserved. No part of this e-book may be used or reproduced in any written, electronic, recorded, or photocopied format without the permission from the author as allowed under the terms and conditions with which it was purchased or as strictly permitted by applicable copyright law. Any unauthorised distribution, circulation or use of this text may be a direct infringement of the author's rights, and those responsible may be liable in law accordingly. Thank you for respecting the work of this author.

Down and Out
is a work of fiction. All names, characters, events and places found in this book are either from the author's imagination or used fictitiously. Any similarity to persons live or dead, actual events, locations, or organizations is entirely coincidental and not intended by the author.

Editing & Formatting:
Hot Tree Editing

Wander Book Club

Cover Designer: Wrapped Pages

ISBN: 978-0-9944525-5-9





Chapter One

Chapter Two

Chapter Three

Chapter Four

Chapter Five

Chapter Six

Chapter Seven

Chapter Eight

Chapter Nine

Chapter Ten

Chapter Eleven

Chapter Twelve

Chapter Thirteen

Chapter Fourteen

Chapter Fifteen

Chapter Sixteen

Chapter Seventeen

Chapter Eighteen

Chapter Nineteen

Chapter Twenty

Chapter Twenty-One

Chapter Twenty-Two

Chapter Twenty-Three

Chapter Twenty-Four


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Craig and our two monsters, thank you for your help in cleaning, cooking, and keeping me going when times get busy.

Lindsey Lawson, for your help right from the start.

Becky and her team at Hot Tree Editing and Donna at Hot Tree Promotions, thank you for all your hard work with
Down and Out.

Justine Littleton, for telling me how it is in her unique way.

TL Smith, I freakin' cherish the friendship we have, and I'm glad I have you to travel with.

Julie King and Justine Littleton, for the title
Down and Out.

Charlene Brotherston, for suggesting Julian and Mattie's child's name!




To you, the reader, thank you for taking a chance on
Down and Out

Thank you to my loyal Hawks readers. I hope I can always bring you something you'll enjoy. xx










Simone took my breath away the first time I laid eyes on her in the bar. I wanted nothing more than her sexy-as-hell legs wrapped around my waist and to be buried deep inside her. That night she granted me a taste. A kiss that blew my mind and nearly my load. From then on, I was addicted.

Then I went and fucked it all up when she wouldn't fall for my plays straight away. We went on a couple of dates, and my cock led my brain, not for the first time, so when she didn't put out for me after the third date, I saw it as her playin' mind fuckin' games and considered her a tease.

Even if my brain, real brain not my knob, told me she wasn't like that, I still sought a drenched hole to sink into. When she found out, she told me to fuck off. Apparently, she'd known I was a player, so when we'd started out, she'd been giving me a chance to prove myself by dating her and staying loyal. I screwed it all up because of my dick.

When I realised I liked her a hell of a lot more than what I'd thought, it was too late. My mind seemed obsessed with her, so I let her lick her wounds for a month, and then I set out to make her mine. I had to convince her my doggin' days were done.

I also prayed I could keep it in my pants until she was willing to spread her legs for me.

The only problem was I loved sex. I fuckin' craved it. I had to have it, if I could, for morning, lunch, and dinner. I wished the taste of pussy was on my tongue all day long. The feelin' of getting off was spectacular. Hell, I looked forward to shootin' my load out every time because the peaceful feeling of release was a high.

Sex was my drug, and I couldn't get enough.

How-fuckin'-ever, I had to be goddamn proud of myself. While I stalked Simone for a month, I managed for my hand to become best friends with my dick. Never had I used so much lube in my life because I didn't want to get rash burns from rubbing it off too many times.

Simone soon found out I was serious about her. She couldn't
see it since it stared her in the face every time she turned. I'd become her stalker. Everywhere she went, I was there with a wink, a smile, and some smart-arsed comment.

It went on for a good couple of months.

After her best friend Josie went through what she did with her dad and then with Pick nearly getting killed, I thought she'd give me the chance to comfort her and, in a way, instil myself in her heart where she couldn't dislodge me. It didn't work.

It wasn't until four months before Willow showed up in my best mate's life that I finally had a breakthrough with Simone.

The day would forever be cemented in my brain because it was the day I used my best line on my woman. She was standing in line in her favourite coffee place before her classes started. She looked tired, more than usual, but still fuckin' stunning. I walked in and up behind her. When I placed my chin on her shoulder, she tensed a moment until her chest raised in a deep inhale. She relaxed immediately, leaning back into me and waited for whatever I was gonna say.

It'd been like that for the last month. Her body finally craved my touch. Both her smirk and giggle told me I was wearing her down. My charm was the shit, and fina-fuckin'-lly, it was working.

Little did I know my next words, for some stupid reason, would be what worked to get her back in my life and bed. I nipped at her earlobe before whispering, "If I got to my hands and knees, would you milk me like a cow?"

Her laughter was loud, free, and full of humour. She turned, wrapped her arms around my neck, and pulled me in for a dick-hardening kiss.

When she pulled back, I grinned like a fool. "If that was all it took, I would have said some other dumb shit a long time ago."

She giggled, patted my cheek, and said, "Everything you say is dumb shit. But I'm finding myself becoming addicted to it."

"Thank fuck, 'cause I've laid my best moves out just for you, woman."

She snorted. "Well, if those have been your best moves, I better show you how much I appreciate your idiocy."

I pouted and whimpered, "And
would appreciate you showing me just how much you adore whatever comes outta my mouth."

Her expression changed. My heart dipped when her carefree smile fled, replaced with a frown. She searched my face for something. I had no idea if she found it, but she said, "I don't just adore what comes out of your mouth, Kalen Brooks. I adore
. Thank you for showing me I'm worth something."

It was my turn; my smile vanished. "You always have been."

She smirked. "Just took you a while to see it."

Rolling my eyes, I then winked. "Never said I was the smartest outta the bunch."

She giggled. "Oh, I know that."

"Cheeky wench." I smacked her arse.

A throat cleared behind us. "You two going to move up and order, or stay in everyone's way and keep making us sick?"

Tensing, I looked over my shoulder and glared. "I'll do whatever the fuck I want since I got my woman back in my life. Just because you ain't gettin' any, don't be a dick about it."

The dude's hands came up in front of him. His eyes widened. "All good, keep doing what you're doing."

"I will," I snarled.

"I can't," Simone said. I looked to her as her lips touched mine, and then she stepped back. "I have to get to class anyway. You go, and I'll see you later."

Raising a brow, I asked, "My place? I'll cook."

Her little chuckle was sweet and caused my dick to grow harder. "How about I bring takeaway? I've heard about your cooking. I don't want food poisoning."

Hell, fuck Pick for catching me throwin' my guts up after I ate bad shellfish. The bastard was quick to tell everyone and no doubt, his woman told Simone.

"As long as you come, I don't give a fuck what we eat."

She grinned cheekily. "Oh, I do hope to come."

Groaning, I kissed her hard once and walked out before I had my pants down trying to stick my dick in her in any way I could.

As I left the café, I seemed to have a new spring in my step. Fuck, if that was what being in love was about, I was all for it. Shit, I couldn't stop smiling like a tool. But hell, if anyone said anything, I'd tell them where to go.

I was happy.

Finally, fuckin' happy.

Since it was my day off, from there, I went straight home to clean the pigsty.

The garage Hawks owned off the compound was busy. Even though Pick and Billy had finally started after Josie's shit had gone down, it was still bustling with customers, new and old. Which explained why my house was filthy.

At around seven, Simone turned up with pizza. It was great to see her in my house, making herself at home because one day, I could see her moving in and all her girl shit laying around.

After we had eaten, we sat our arses down in the living room. I didn't have much in the house. It was a true man's place. It included the main things I needed: a TV, a couch, a bed, and a bathroom. But Simone didn't seem to care; she curled up beside me while we watched random stuff on the TV in between talking.

"You're staying the night," I ordered.

"Sounds like the perfect plan." She grinned.

For five months, things were fuckin' amazing.

We were in love.

We told each other that every night when she'd come by to stay.

Only time wasn't on our side. She was busy with uni, and I was busy with work. We were both tired, but every night she stayed, I made sure my woman knew how I felt about her.

Five months, I had her in my life before it went to shit. I'd known something was wrong when she hadn't wanted to tell anyone about us. No one knew of our relationship. She wanted to keep it a secret to see how things went. I understood because I'd been the one to fuck it up the first time. Still, she knew I was all in, but it appeared she wasn't for some reason.

It was a month after Willow turned up, and her thing with Dodge went down that shit changed. I was sure when Willow moved in, she knew someone was sneaking into the house and my bed. Fuck, it made me feel like a cheap whore, but I did it for Simone. I kept our relationship a secret for her, and then I got nothing. One night she didn't show, and I didn't know what had happened. If I'd done something.

I tried to fight for my woman. I rang her. I went to her place. I asked Josie; she didn't have a clue. I asked Nary, who'd moved in with her, but none of them knew what was going on. She'd been spending more time with her family than at the house with Nary. In the end, she even avoided Josie.

It went on for five months.

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