Down and Out (Hawks MC: Caroline Springs Charter Book 3) (7 page)

Read Down and Out (Hawks MC: Caroline Springs Charter Book 3) Online

Authors: Lila Rose

Tags: #Action, #Romance, #MC, #grief, #motorbikes, #loss, #parenting, #Australia

BOOK: Down and Out (Hawks MC: Caroline Springs Charter Book 3)
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Koda started to whine and fidget. He didn't like just sitting there. Before his dad could get to him, I walked across the room and pulled him into my arms, sitting him on my hip. "Good morning, little man." I tickled his belly. He giggled and then reached out and grabbed a fistful of my blonde shoulder-length hair, giving it a tug. Of course, he laughed more when I said, "Ouch."

"Yeah, he likes to do that," Mr Brooks said while running a hand over his chin. It seemed Koda liked his dad's beard. "Anyway, I'm gonna hit the road." He didn't move. In fact, he looked like he really didn't want to.

With a quiet, calm voice, intended to reassure him, I said, "He will be fine with me, Mr Brooks."


My head jerked back. "Sorry?"

"Call me Dive."

My brows dipped in confusion. I'd thought his name was Kalen. Maybe it was a nickname or something, but I wouldn't pass on the chance to call him something else than Mr Brooks.

"Um, sure. What does it mean?"

Shaking his head, he said, "It doesn't matter." He looked at his watch and cursed. "I really have to get going."

"No worries." I picked up Koda's free hand, the one not wrapped around my hair, and waved at Dive, a name I wasn't sure I would get used to. Maybe I should go back to calling him Mr Brooks. "Wave to Daddy." I smiled over at Mr Brooks and said, "Bye-bye, Daddy."

His lips twitched. He stalked our way, kissed Koda quickly on the cheek, and then started for the front door. "See ya later. Call for anything." He glanced over his shoulder. "Don't fuck me over, Mena. I won't like it."

"I won't."

"Good." He opened the front door and stepped out, slamming it behind him.

Looking down at Koda, I blew out a raspberry and said, "Wow, kiddo, that was tense." He smiled.

I jumped when the front door opened again. He went to bark out something, then stopped, and looked at his son with surprise flashing in his eyes. "He's not crying."

Glancing down at Koda, I looked back to Mr Brooks and stated, "Well, no."

He ran a hand over his face. "Where's your car?" He glared.

"Um, at home. I took the bus."

"The bus stop is a long way down the road. Don't like you walking that far. Not safe. I'll drive you to the bus stop tonight."

"No!" Blushing, I added, "I mean, I like the walk, and it's not far, honestly."

"We'll see," he grumbled and left again.

I waited to see if he was going to come back in for something else, but he didn't. So I made my way into the living room to sit with Koda on the floor.

An hour of fun with Koda went by fast, and then the front door swung open once again. "Where's my grandbaby?" A woman in her fifties, wearing jeans and a tee waltzed in. She picked Koda up and gave him a big sloppy kiss. "Hi." She smiled once I stood next to them. "You must be Philomena. I'm Judy, Kalen's mum. You know, you should really lock the front door after my son leaves. He would hate the thought of it being unlocked where anyone could walk in."

"Um, yes, okay. I'll make sure I do that and please, call me Mena."

"Will do." She grinned and looked me up and down, much like her son had. "You're a skinny little thing, aren't you?" I had no response, so I said nothing at all. "So, how's it been with Kalen? Don't let him intimidate you. He's sweet and soft once you get to know him. Though, he probably won't let his guard down for a long time yet. Stick in there and don't take his shit, and you'll be fine."

"Ah, thank you. I'll make sure I do."

Again, she studied me. "Good." She nodded. "Now, let me show you the routine Koda and I have, but feel free to add your own in."

Smiling, I said, "Sounds like a plan."

Judy spent the morning showing me where things were around the house, all cleaning items, and Koda's clothes and how to use the washing machine. I got giddy at the thought of bringing my clothes to the house to wash. Mr Brooks would be none the wiser, so it wouldn't hurt. She instructed me with how Koda liked a nap after his bottle, which was after a book, a hug, and a fresh nappy. Once she placed him in his crib, he soon drifted off without a sound. He was such a good baby. The best I had ever met. For lunch, while Judy played with Koda after he woke, I made a dish of roasted beef and vegetables. What I didn't mulch up for Koda, Judy and I ate.

We all sat at the kitchen table enjoying the meal and each other's company. Judy was really easy to get along with.

"How are you finding things so far?" Judy asked.

"I'm loving it." I smiled. "Koda is such a great baby. But I think he needs to start on more solid foods. He seems to get bored with the baby mash. I wondered if Mr Brooks wouldn't mind my introducing some things."

Judy started giggling. Once she calmed she said, "You call him Mr Brooks. I bet he loves that."

"Well, no. He did say to call him Dive this morning, but I can't seem to bring myself to do it."

She rolled her eyes. "That stupid name." She shook her head. "Just call him Kalen, love. I'm sure he won't say anything about it. As for solid food, I've tried in the last month to get my son to start, but he worries Koda will choke on it." She got a cunning look in her eyes. "Maybe if you start without his knowing, you can eventually show him it would be fine for Koda, and I really think Koda would love it."

Biting my bottom lip, I thought about it. "I'm not sure if I should. What happens if… Kalen doesn't like my choice, and I get fired." Looking at Koda, I whispered, "I don't want to get fired. I can't."

The silence in the room was harsh. Even Koda was quietly studying me.

A warm hand landed on mine. "You do this for Koda and let me take care of Kalen." Opening my mouth to say more, I didn't get a chance. Her hand came up in front of my face. "No, I promise, you won't lose your job for helping Koda out. Kalen will eventually see that. Don't be afraid of him, Mena. You need to stand your ground with him. Besides, I already heard you asked to be the one to cook for them both." She smiled. "Don't stress, love. He'll be fine."

She was right. I did have the lady balls to stand up to Kalen. Heck, I did it when I first met him, so what had me not wanting to with this? Maybe the scary look in his eyes?

However, Koda needed more nourishment and food that he could get excited over. Besides, it was what I was paid to be there for. Koda.

"Okay, I'll start."

"Great." She clapped.

After lunch, Judy left to let me handle the afternoon naptime. I hoped Koda would be able to go down peacefully as he had for Judy. Before his nap, though, the sunshine beckoned to me. After finding Koda's stroller and finally managing to fold it down, we were ready to head outside for some fresh air.

Koda seemed to love the walk. I told him all about the plants around us and let him feel all the leaves and pine cones. All he tried to eat, which made me laugh. After an hour of fresh air, we went back inside. I sat Koda in the high chair for an afternoon snack before I put him down. I stood in the kitchen with my hands on my hips contemplating on whether I should try something new, just something small before his bottle. With courage, I cut up some banana and grabbed a dry cracker. I made sure I was sitting right in front of him if anything went down the wrong way. When I placed the plate in front of Koda, his eyes went wide. He slapped his hands on the plastic of the high chair and then squealed before latching onto some banana in one hand and a cracker in the other. I had to chuckle when he eyed both hands like he couldn't make up his mind on what to try first. Then he shoved a piece of banana in his mouth and chomped down.

It was a delight to see him enjoy them so much and not once did he have trouble. He sucked and dribbled all over the crackers to make them soft enough to eat.

There was a lot to clean up afterward. He seemed to have gotten it everywhere, even in his hair. His joy was worth the extra work. As he lay on his back on the change table in his room, I couldn't help but notice how much he looked like his father. The dark brown hair, the steel eyes, the cute nose, and if Kalen smiled, I imagined he would also have a dimple in one cheek.

"What happened to your momma, baby boy?"

Koda babbled something.

"No matter. I'm sure you have lots of love. I can tell your daddy loves you so much." Kissing his cheek, I placed him in his sleepsuit and read him a book while sitting in the rocking chair in the corner and feeding him his bottle. I looked down at him as he fought sleep and listened to my words. After I had sat him up, he let out a big burp. I then gave him another kiss and placed him in his crib. What I actually felt like doing was to hold him while he slept, but I thought better, knowing it would undo the good routine they had.

Leaving his door open a little, I made my way into the kitchen to tidy up, and while Koda slept for an hour and a half, it gave me time to clean the rest of the house. Which I was sure Judy had already been doing because if it had been just Kalen, a typical male, the house would have been a disaster zone. I then started on dinner. I had enough from lunch for Koda's dinner, and I decided I'd cook Kalen a steak with scallop potatoes and carrots.


Chapter Six




The day was fuckin' hot to be outside working my arse off in. What in the hell had I been thinkin', getting a job as a landscaper? Well, not really a landscaper, but his lackey. I did all the shit jobs while the old dude got to do all the easy ones. Though, I shouldn't fuckin' complain. The old man did seem in his sixties. He probably needed the break, and at least it gave me a workout. I was just being a little bitch complaining because I missed Koda like crazy.

Dead on five, as I walked to my car, my phone rang. All day I thought I'd get a call saying something was wrong, but it never came. Well, besides my mum where she told me she thought Mena was amazing with Koda. Just hearing that put my heart at ease, well somewhat.

Putting the phone to my ear, I answered with, "Yo."

"Um, hi, ah Kalen. It's Mena."

"Got that, woman, when my home number showed up on the phone."

"Right." She sighed. "I have a list for you like you asked."

"Give it to me."

"Do you have a pen and paper?"

"I'll remember."

"Right," she mumbled and then rattled off about a dozen items. Fuckin' lucky I had a good memory. I didn't expect so much; then again, I hadn't noticed we were near outta detergent and toilet paper.

"Got it," I noted and then hung up. I felt like a cunt being short with her. But she wasn't there as a friend. She was an employee, and that was all.

After a visit to the supermarket, it was nearly dark by the time I pulled up out the front of my place. Lights shone out the windows. Fuck, I'd have to make sure she closed them as soon as it got dark. I didn't want any fucker to be able to look in the house.

Grabbing the groceries outta the back, I walked to the front door just as it opened with Mena filling it.

"Do you need a hand?" she asked with a small grin.

"Nope, got it all," I said, moving past her into the living room. A smile lit my face seeing Koda sitting on a beanbag in front of the TV. His attention was all for some fucked-up show. Quickly, I placed the bags in the kitchen and walked back out to my boy.

Getting to the floor on my knees, I pulled the bag around to face me, and once Koda saw his daddy, he smiled, his hands reaching right out to me. He was in my arms in the next second, where I brought him close and drew in his scent.

"Hey, buddy. Missed you." His reply was to grab my beard and tug on it, causing me to chuckle. One of his fists made its way into my mouth, then out again to wipe my saliva over my face. Not the best greeting, but it would do. Anything would do when it came to Koda.

"He been good?" I asked. When I didn't get an answer, I looked over my shoulder where I expected to find Mena standing there, only she wasn't.

I stood with Koda and walked into the kitchen; she'd already put everything I brought away and something smelled fuckin' great. I hadn't noticed earlier; I was too keen to get to my son.

"Was he good today?" I asked again, causing Mena to jump since her head was halfway in the fridge.

She stood and spun with her hand on her chest. "Sorry?"

"I asked if Koda was good today?"

She grinned. "Yes. He was perfect. Not a problem at all. He's already had his dinner." Then she fidgeted, so something was on her mind. I raised a brow at her. "Um," she started.

"What?" I snapped.

"No, it's nothing wrong. But, I um, I did some studying on the weekend about babies Koda's age, and it said that it would be good to start introducing solids more. I asked your mum about it. She said it was a good idea. So today, I gave him a banana and crackers just to start out, to see how he went, and Koda loved them. You should have seen his face. He was so excited, he…" She trailed off, her eyes widening at my scowl.

"Did you fuckin' think to ring me, his goddamn father, and ask me?"

She shook her head. Her eyes went to the floor. "No, sorry."

Koda started to whine in my arms, but I hadn't finished. "He could have choked. He could have been fuckin' allergic to something. You can't just do shit without me knowing, woman. You ain't his fuckin' mother."

"I would never try to be," she muttered to the floor.

"Jesus," I snarled. "The first day you come here, and already you get him outta routine. Already you don't fuckin' think about what
father would want."

Her chin came up and jerked out. "Am I fired?"

Glaring, I clenched my jaw so I didn't yell
"I'm going to get Koda changed for bed." Like a dick, I gestured to the kitchen. "Tidy this shit up, and maybe do as I tell you and pay you to do." Turning, I stalked from the room.

"Wait," she called out, rushing into the living room. As I met her gaze from looking over my shoulder, she asked again, "Am I fired?"

"No," I snapped.

"Okay." She sighed. I saw her shoulders relax, and tension leave her body. Only I didn't say anything else. I walked to Koda's room.

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