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Authors: Ada Frost

Elemental Fear (17 page)

BOOK: Elemental Fear
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Christmas Party 2012

Lou and I went shopping to pick out a dress for tonight. We decided on a sexy one shoulder, silk evening gown in deep purple. The deep coloured silk was gathered from my left shoulder, swept down over my breast curved over my hip and around my waist to create the illusion of being wrapped in a gorgeous deep purple silk cocoon. The long length swept along the floor and I loved how it felt caressing my calves and ankles. Louise teased my hair into a French plait, her advice was I needed my hair away from my neck to showcase my long slender neck, I wore her platinum necklace that Darren had bought her and my late Grandmother’s ring, she did my makeup but said that I needed to leave it delicate and offer only a gentle hint, to highlight my sensual nature – whatever that means. The whole ensemble accentuated a femininity I didn’t realise I had. I admit I felt beautiful, I didn’t feel like me.

Elliott arrived to pick me up dressed in a black tuxedo, the ever dapper and charming frontage on display for all to see.

As we pulled up outside the venue I felt my nerves take hold of me and strangle the living daylights out of me. My mouth was dry, my hands trembled, and my stomach didn’t feel like it even belonged to me any longer.

“Come on, honestly you look amazing
.” He gestured to the front doors “Trust me, there is no one in there who will look as stunning as you do tonight”

I smiled at him before he turned and got out of the car.

As we entered the concierge approached, to take our coats, I looked around and I was awed by the high ceiling with a beautiful glass dome above us, I imagine it looked spectacular in the sunlight. There was a large crystal chandelier hanging down from it, sparkling in the light. Underneath that on the floor beautifully carved rosewood round table sporting the most generous arrangement of white flowers I’d ever seen, the aroma was intoxicating, like a summer garden.

“Sweetheart” echoed a deep masculine voice; I turned to see Alistair walking towards us, with a stunning Jasmine holding his arm. Her perfect ebony hair cascaded down her naked back; she had chosen a deep bottle green floor length gown, accentuating every gorgeous curve of her feminine body. It left her back fully exposed to the base of her spine, just above her bottom. The front was a scoop neck that teased but elegantly hid what beauty hid underneath. She smiled adoringly at her fiancé and I couldn’t help reciprocate and smile at their obvious love.

Elliott cleared his throat and startled me slightly. “Mr Ealing –“

“Tonight I insist it be Alistair
.” He chuckled.

“Alistair, this is Elliott my...boyfriend” That didn’t sound juvenile at all “Elliott this is my boss Alistair Ealing and Jasmine Fairbrother, soon to be Ealing” I smiled at the lovely couple.

“Pleased to meet you” Elliott said holding his hand out and shaking Alistair’s hand.

“Likewise, shall we” Alistair gestured towards the doors to the ballroom. He leant close to Jasmine and kissed her neck, “shall we go in darling
?” Jasmine gave him a bright smile and nodded.

I took a deep breath, laced my arm through Elliott’s. As we stood at the precipice of the room
everyone started to turn and mutter to one another in our direction. I felt like we were in an old western film, where a stranger walks into the tavern and the music scratches to a halt and everyone turns to stare at the intruder.

“What’s wrong? Why is everyone staring
?” I whispered feeling my body begin to tremble. Alistair, who stood to my right, tilted his head in my direction and whispered “Your chap and I are the envy of every man in this room, as we have the world’s two most beautiful women on our arms”

I looked up and scanned the room for Dominic. My eyes caught sight of Vanessa, who scowled at
me. Her icy stare bore into me and I could see the distaste in her eyes, it was a similar look Elliott had let’s not go there tonight. The serpent took a sip of her drink and looked away. I slid my gaze to the tall, broad shouldered male in a black suit stood in front of her. His back was to me but I could tell who it was from the strength and poise of his shoulders and the way he stood casually in his formal attire. He had a glass of champagne in one hand and his other tucked into his trouser pocket whilst he chatted away to his male companion.

I felt like we were at a school disco, seeking out our designated groups of cool or geeky friends but
not daring to step fully into the room. I noticed we still stood in the door way at the top of the stairs.

“Champagne?” a waitress announced holding a large silver tray. I smiled and shook my head. But

Alistair reached for two glasses passing one to his fiancée and one to me. Then he carefully got another two offering one to Elliott, who shook his head.

“No thank you, I’m going to the bar.” With that he untangled my arm and left me standing alone
with my boss like an idiot. I gaped after him watching his back as he neared the bar. My face heated and my ears buzzed with anxious energy. I was about to turn and run like hungry hounds were chasing me when I felt a gentle hand rest high on my hip.

“Well aren’t you a vision” whispered Johan.

I let out a relieved breath and turned smiling at him.

At that point the man Dominic was talking to nodded in our direction, Dominic turned his head to look over his shoulder at the distraction. He glanced at us looking indifferent, turning his attention back to his guest. Within a split second of recognition he spun his body back round to face us. He stood rigid, his mouth slightly agape and frozen. He looked amazing in his black tuxedo and silk bowtie. His hair was brushed back in a handsomely smart style. His cerulean eyes sparkled making the whole vision of him knee-tremblingly beautiful.

“That man is definitely not interested in you. Us men, we all stare like that at woman we don’t find enchanting.” He made a low chuckling sound. Johan teased me mercilessly about Dominic and I. “Stop it” I said through clenched teeth. I quickly glanced at the bar to Elliott who was already downing a glass of his favourite golden liquid.

“What do I do?” I whispered it was more of an inner thought spoken aloud.

“What your heart tells you to” whispered Johan, then he winked.

Slowly Dominic made his way over to us, not once did he lose eye contact with me. His eyes fixed
on mine as he navigated his way through the chattering guests. He slowed as he reached the steps to us, taking one step at a time in an excruciatingly slow pace, as if he was sneaking up to a rare butterfly he was afraid of flying away. I squeezed tightly on Johan’s arm, fighting the impulse to run and jump into Dominic’s arms.

.” He breathed out, then he cleared his throat “You look...” his gaze fell then came back to my eyes again “breathtaking”

I could feel Alistair, Jasmine and Johan staring at us, and when I glanced across at then, both had
large grins spread across their faces.

“Alistair” Dominic nodded towards our boss.

“Dominic. Have a good evening” Alistair smiled at us and escorted Jasmine into the room leaning into whisper something to her. Dominic noticed my arm hooked in Johan’s and scowled. Dominic’s muscle in his jaw started twitching and a tense feeling over took me. This was a matter of milliseconds all this happened but it felt like minutes or hours even. As if sensing the change in Dominic, Johan poked the tiger “Stunning isn’t she, abandoned on the threshold, so obviously I swooped in to rescue a damsel in distress.” He smiled his annoy-the-shit-out-of-Dominic grin.

“Do you mind if I steal her away from you?” asked Dominic smiling at Johan. I felt enraptured by
him standing there with his lethal good looks, oozing masculine charm.

“Not at all, be my guest, just make sure you treasure this rare jewel
.” He smiled, lifting my hand and gently kissing it. I rolled my eyes. He hopped down the stairs and headed towards Elliott, I watched as he ordered another two drinks and handed one to Elliott.

Dominic offered me his arm and we walked down the steps together arms entwined and I couldn’t help but smile.

“Eve you look...” He paused looking at me from a sideways glance “words fail me you’ve completely dazzled me tonight.”

“Thank you” I replied shyly. “You look beautiful...I mean smart” my face almost exploded with the blush heating my cheeks.

Dominic chuckled. “Would you like some champagne?” He lifted two glasses from the waitress, passing me one. I don’t even recall putting the last one down.

“Thank you, cheers” I said lifting my glass.

“To us and that remarkable dress.” He tilted his glass clinking it with mine. He smiled as he took a sip.

I looked up at him and couldn’t help the huge grin that spread clean across my face.

“Dominic hi.” Said a tall scrawny man in a tuxedo that was ridiculously ill fitting.

“Richard” Dominic nodded, when the man looked at me Dominic made the introductions “Richard this is my... Evelyn Beaumont our senior analyst”

“Good evening.” He shook my hand, but immediately dismissed my presence and started talking business with Dominic. It was all rather boring and took a little of the sparkle out of the evening. I realised I was still holding his arm, so I slowly pulled my arm away feeling grieved to lose the contact. I started glancing around the room looking at the beautiful array of colours and jewels on display.

As my eyes wandered around the room I felt Dominic’s knuckles brush against the back of my hand and a hot tingling sensation travelled up my arm through my body to my stomach. I took a large gulp of champagne. Then I felt his fingers stroking my inner wrist, his hand started sliding down to entwine our fingers together. At the small gesture my heart started pounding within my chest, and my cheeks flushed. I took another gulp of my champagne to try and steady my raging reactions to slight touches. He started circling his thumb around the sensitive skin between the index finger and thumb. I was practically panting from the sensation, it was a small touch, to some inconsequential but my body responded with overwhelming joy.

“Dominic darling” a demur feminine voice startled me from behind. I involuntarily clenched my jaw, squeezing Dominic’s hand in the process. He recognised my reaction and turned to the voice. “Vanessa, look who just arrived,” he said politely gesturing to me, he discreetly released my hand allowing me to turn and face her.

“Why Eve, don’t you look...adorable
.” She practically vomited the words at me.

I forced a smile. I looked over in Johan and Elliott’s direction to see Elliott leaning heavily on the bar.

“It’s certainly unexpected, I didn’t recognise you
.” She sneered in reference to my dress. I remained silent; if I did that then maybe she would leave me alone.

I zoned out of the conversation she started with Dominic and planned my exit. I looked at the
staircase to see if it was possible to get there without causing too much of a disturbance. I didn’t want to pass Elliott or Johan because I would have to explain my leaving, so I turned slightly and saw a doorway leading out to a balcony. As another man entered the conversation I turned and headed to the quiet moonlit balcony. I placed my hands on the cold metal railing and stared into the darkness, it took a few seconds for my eyes to adjust to the change in light. But when it did I inhaled large deep breaths of crisp night air. I hugged myself against the cold winter night. I looked up at the night sky, millions of stars illuminated against the black sky. A lake, in the distance reflected a distorted view of the moon.

Goosebumps prickled my skin and a shiver travelled through my body. I sensed him behind me before I felt a large hand brush along the base of my spine stopping at my hip, and then another hand griped my other hip.

“You’re cold.” He whispered in the most melodic voice. He positioned himself behind me, bringing his arms fully round me and circling my waist. He pressed his body against me and I could feel his solid chest pressed against my back. His heat immediately warmed me and I pressed back against him. I stood still, torn between a state of complete and utter confusion, despair, safety and longing. I lifted my head to look back at him over my shoulder; he was looking ahead at the night sky, averting his attention away from me. I couldn’t help but stare at his sensual mouth wanting it, to feel the sensation of those lips on mine. I instinctively licked my bottom lip. Dominic swallowed hard, I watched as his Adam’s apple bobbled in his throat. The music from inside penetrated to our little secret world, Bruno Mars – When I was Your Man serenaded us.

Dominic snorted a laugh behind me “A little fitting don’t you think...the song.”

He pressed his cheek against the side of my head and sighed. He started rocking us to the music; his arms pulled me tighter against him. Slowly, ever so slowly his head lowered and he pressed his mouth against the exposed skin of my neck. I swallowed as nervous tingles spread through my body. Whether it was the champagne, the ambiance or the moonlight, I couldn’t have said but I leaned into him, pressing my cheek against his head. I closed my eyes enjoying the gentle sway of our bodies.

I felt something grow firm; something low pressing into my back and my eyes opened wide,
instead of devastating fear, a new sensation pulsed through my body, and started awakening a deep hidden desire for Dominic.

BOOK: Elemental Fear
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