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Authors: Ada Frost

Elemental Fear (18 page)

BOOK: Elemental Fear
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I felt Dominic adjust his stance and pull away slightly so our lower body parts were no longer
touching. Blaming the effects of the champagne, I had a desperate need to feel him close, I wanted him to be pressed against me, to have his heat radiate through me. I pressed back against him, forcing the connection again. I brushed my free hand along his arms that were still wrapped around me, and pulled at his elbow to signal I wanted him closer. I felt him shiver against my back as I rolled my rear into him.

Dominic leaned his head and pressed his lips to the nape of my neck again, he pressed a soft open mouthed kiss there, sending delicious sensations to my stomach. “What are you doing
?” He whispered into my ear. His lips brushed the sensitive skin of my ear.

I turned my head keeping contact with his face. My nose brushed against the coarse dusting of stubble on his cheek, I didn’t say anything I just let my lips brush against his chin, puckering just underneath in a soft kiss. His grip tensed around my waist his jaw tightened. “Kiss me” I whispered.

Dominic pressed his nose into my hair inhaling deeply “you’re killing me Eve”. A low growl escaped his lips as he pressed his forehead to my shoulder. I couldn’t help but smile, knowing he was as affected as I was.

I turned in his arms to face him, I ran my hands up the lapels of his tux, when my hands reached the thick material of his collar just below his collarbone I pulled him down towards me and pressed my lips against his.

A surge of electricity shot through my entire body at the contact. I heard him suck in a breath through his nose in shock. But I didn’t let go I pressed harder against him. I traced my hands up his neck, stroking the contour of his jaw line, when I threaded my hands in his hair he relaxed and his arms wrapped around me. One rested at the base of my back whilst the other pressed me closer at the nape of my neck.

There were no words to describe how delicious his lips felt, I wanted to feel more to taste more and the longer he held me to him the more the urge became uncontrollable. I parted my lips slightly and sucked softly on his lower lip. His hands gripped at my skin, he needed me as much as I needed him. He opened his mouth; I felt his tongue teasing my lips open further. I couldn’t resist, I opened taking him in, I tangled my tongue with his, licking, sucking devouring his mouth. I’d never felt this desire before, I felt it everywhere. My body hummed with sensation, in that moment I needed him more than I needed to breathe.

I clung to him scared if I let go he would disappear into my imagination. He pressed me against the railing and the cold metal cooled my burning flesh. He devoured me, and I loved every moment of it. My lips felt swollen and delicious with his taste as he slowly pulled away. He looked down at me, his eyes frantically looking at me as if he was seeing me for the first time.

“What was that about
?” He whispered.

I swallowed against the longing to take his mouth again.

“I...” I looked up at the moonlight fearing it was the Champagne controlling him, but then as I looked into his eyes I knew, the truth was that he would never have done it if it wasn’t in his heart; I had a desperate need to kiss him again. “I wanted to. I...needed you” I whispered.

“I think we need to talk, because you can’t kiss a man like that and expect him to stay away
.” He kissed behind my ear, sending a delectable shiver through my body “I never thought you would kiss me like that again” his voice quivered.

“Me either, but I‘m so glad I did.” I said looking up at him. His eyes were ablaze with desire. That
look alone made my body react in a tempestuous way.

“I –“

“Eve!” a loud irritated voice called from inside the ballroom. “Shit” Dominic stepped back and looked down at himself.

?” He slurred “Where the fuck are you?” He asked as he stumbled out into the night air. I sucked in a loud breath as panic started to rise within.

“Here” I croaked out. Dominic stepped back against the wall, dissolving into the shadow of the

“Ah, my gorgeous girl” Elliot slurred coming at me. He pressed his lips hard against mine and the taste of whisky made me want to gag. “Missed you”

“Yeah?” I asked pulling my face away so I could take in clean air.

“Let’s go home. I have a boner from hell and you’re going to suck it dry
.” He nuzzled my neck and when I looked over his shoulder, Dominic’s shoulders fell and he shook his head disgusted. He looked up and lifted his shoulders in a defeated shrug. I wanted to scream that it was him I wanted, him I loved. Tears prickled my eyes as Dominic turned and quietly left us alone silently admitting defeat. Our perfect illicit moment ruined by my perpetual tormentor.

“Angel, don’t
…ttthink I can wait. Commme on.” He slurred and grabbed my hand, he pulled me down some stone steps to a quiet alcove, where he proceeded to
me pleasure him.

Present day


Friday dad took Lou and I to see a house his friend was renting out, with a view to selling in the near future. Apparently the previous tenants had vacated that same week and before putting it back on the market the guy said we could take a look at it. Both Louise and I fell completely in love with it. To be honest it was something we could never have afforded by ourselves. I had it fixed in my mind that no matter what, we would be happy living together. I would help support her through her pregnancy and raising our little bean. The house was beautiful from the outside, it was a traditional style semi-detached house with a bay window, brick arched porch for the front door, and an immaculately maintained ornamental front garden. Dad had told us that the back was all grassed with a small patio area. As we walked in the entrance hall was light with beautiful cornicing and high ceilings. As you entered the stairs were against the wall to your left and the lounge door to your right. I immediately pictured a Christmas tree in front of the window and smiled. The kitchen cupboards were oak, I personally preferred white and a little less modern but it was nice and stylish. Lou loved it and planned all the accessories before we even saw the rest of the house.

As the previous tenants had moved out on the Friday Lou had
dad and Darren move our stuff in on the Sunday. I was a little shocked to see Darren helping but if my sister wanted to work things through with him that was entirely her choice, I’m not exactly an advocate for healthy relationships. Elliott also arrived Saturday to assist with packing my belongings into boxes, although he spent most of the time sitting on my bed texting on his phone and when he did help he moaned that I had a lot of crap.

We still had plenty to unpack but most of it had been sorted. Lou got the slightly larger bedroom as she will need the space for the cot and things until the little one can go in their own room. Currently the spare room is housing all our unsorted boxes and a single bed.

mum has been a little tearful about us moving out, saying her babies were flying the nest, but she has been here practically every day helping us out so she settled down a little.

Elliott has been extremely happy and sickeningly helpful with the move. He preferred the idea
that we rent so that when he was ready to settle down and buy a house, we could get one together.

The downside thought, to living in my own place without my parents present was, Elliott had taken it upon himself to practically live here when he is ‘home’. He no longer stays at his
mum’s house. And it is horrible and even Louise has commented she doesn’t like the atmosphere when he is around. I tried hinting that maybe it would be better if he continue to stay with his mum when he isn’t working, but that earned me a verbal attack. So my excitement of having my own home was short lived because I obtained an unwanted house guest who believes he has a right to come and go as he pleases. The last fortnight has been a complete blurry nightmare, where I have struggled to breathe. I wanted a little time and space to acclimatise and process of all these changes, but I feel more claustrophobic than ever.

Elliot also took it upon himself to host the annual bonfire night party at our house and invited everyone round. He had insisted that Dominic attend, even though Dominic had used every excuse known to man to get out of it. Elliot was so pleased with himself that he'd badgered his brother into submission, I couldn’t understand his reluctance to come to the party, it really hurt that he wanted so little to do with me lately. Elliott did say that we could still invite Johan when I explained that I had invited him believing it would be at
mum’s house. To this day I don’t think Elliott remembers Johan being at the club that night.

The day of bonfire night I arrived home from work, and ran into the kitchen turned on the oven  to pre-heat it ready for the jacket potatoes, I had cooked the curry yesterday in a large saucepan so that was all prepared in the fridge all I needed to do was heat it up. I needed to prepare a chilli and cook the pies (which I also cheated and prepared last night before bed). Elliott said everything had to be prepared fresh but I simply wouldn’t have had time after work to do it all. I raced upstairs and got changed from my work clothes into jeans and hooded sweatshirt. I pulled the hair tie out of my hair and brush it through, and then it took three attempts to re-tie it in a low ponytail, trying to tie my hair with a cast on had proven a colossal task. I still cannot manage to tie all of my hair back and front strands still escaped.

I ran back downstairs to check that the house was tidy; I vacuumed this morning before I went to work. I went into kitchen and tied my apron around my waist, ready for the night’s preparations.

Just as I’ve mostly everything under control, I heard a car pull into the driveway. I swiped the back of my hand across my forehead and take a deep breath to
steadying myself, so I don’t look quite like I've just ran around the house in a wild panic.

A few minutes later the bane of my existence walks in the door.

“Hey good looking what ya got cooking?” laughing as he walked in, putting his briefcase on the floor and sauntering over to me.

“I’ve just finished the chilli.”

“Smells divine. What time is everyone getting here?”

I look over his shoulder at the clock. “You told everyone about five-ish so we have about an hour before they get here –“

I was going to say he could shower but he interrupted.

“Fancy a quickie before they get here
.” He pressed his hips hard into me making his arousal evident. I swallowed my nerves. His lips landed firmly on mine in a possessive wet kiss. His hands slid further around my waist and down squeezing my bottom, pulling me closer to him.

“ ffffood” I stammered, turning my head away from him to break the kiss which
only encouraged him to trail sloppy kisses down my neck. I closed my eyes tightly. I wanted to push at his shoulders to get him away from me, but I tried that once and painfully learnt never to attempt it again.

“I'm horny as fuck; we haven’t been together for ages.”

I closed my eyes and felt the disgust for myself rise. I had placated him recently with oral sex. “I –“

“You need to do something
.” He hissed in my ear taking a painful nip at the lobe. He gripped my wrist in his hand and pressed it against his erection. “Angel you can’t leave me like this, come on. We can be quick I promise.” He pulled away and held my hand in his. Turning he pulled me in the direction of the stairs. I swallowed at the impending tears and tried to zone myself out and think of anything other than what was about to happen. I started reciting the periodic table.


Louise came charging into the kitchen startling me out of my quiet stirring of the chilli, which had stuck to the pan with leaving it on the heat while Elliott relieved himself.

“Remind me why I am such a stupid bloody idiot when it comes to men
.” She growled to herself as she pulled her scarf from around her neck. I could feel the cold air she brought in with her and smell the cool night on her clothes. Her cheeks were a bright pink making her already pregnant glow more prominent.

“I'm not following”

“The bastard has a stupid family.” She flung her bag and coat at the hooks on the wall amazing me that they actually stayed.

“Oh back to being the bastard huh?”

“Who’s a bastard?” Elliott said from the doorway. He sauntered over to me and kissed me on the cheek and patted my bottom.

.” Lou grumbled something under her breath and quickly exited the kitchen.

“What’s her problem?” Elliott asked leaning his chin on my shoulder and wrapping his arms around my waist from behind.

“Hormonal I think, she never explained, just a lot of grumbling” I attempted a nonchalant laugh to guise my nervousness.

He slid his hands round my waist and spread his hands across my stomach “wait until it’s our turn”

My body stiffened that was definitely the most terrifying thing he had ever said to me. I couldn’t imagine bringing an innocent child into his demented version of a relationship.

“I –“

The doorbell rang saving me from answering and I shot out of his arms and practically sprinted to the front door.

When I opened it a smile spread across my face and the tension immediately disappeared from
my body.

“Found this old letch loitering on the driveway
.” Dad said laughing when my granddad smacked at his bicep.

“Cheeky beggar. Now come ‘ere and giz thee granddad a kiss” I flung my arms around his frail body and hugged him tightly. It felt like forever since I last saw him. “Tha’s all skin n bone lass, thy aint eating enough” I laughed and took over
dad’s hold on his elbow and helped him into the house.

“Hey baby-girl does your old
dad not get a hug?”Dad said with a mock sulk. “Tha dun’t for whinging lad” laughed granddad.

I helped granddad into the living room and offered him a drink, as usual he wanted a pint of
bitter. I smiled fondly at him before going into the kitchen. I heard Lou’s hurried steps down the stairs and cringed hoping she didn’t trip and fall.

I heard laughter in the lounge and walked back through with two pints, knowing full well
dad would want one. “Thanks littl’un”

“Evie-beevie –“ I turned as my little sister ran into the room in a pretty red dress. “Guess what?

Me got...all my spellings right today.”

“Did you? That’s fantastic, well done. I’m so proud of you little one”

“Smart lass, gets it from me” granddad said and when Ellie heard him she shrieked and dived at him.

I smiled at my family all together, another knock sounded at the door. Still with a dreamy smile on my face I turned and headed to the door.

When I opened the door my smile grew making my face ache.

“Well if that isn’t the most gorgeous sight I’ve ever seen
.” Johan beamed.

I schooled my expression trying to look stern

“You’re late”

“I beg your pardon Madam but a certain pain in my ass was running late. He needed to powder his nose or some shit
.” He shrugged his shoulders and pointed with his thumb over his shoulder into the dark, that’s when I noticed Dominic stood there with a scowl on his face.

“Shit head
.” He grumbled at Johan and walked past me into the house.

There was no more pretending not to smile, my mood took a serious nosedive at his abruptness.

Johan stepped closer and dipped his head to meet my gaze

“We were pulled into the office late this afternoon, apparently Monday they are sending him back out to Paris again. Serious shit is hitting the fan and he needs to go sort it and I don’t think –“

“You don’t need to explain it’s fine” I interrupted.

His voice lowered as he leaned in even closer “he’s a grouchy fucker because he hasn’t seen you in weeks, and now they are sending him away again”

I vehemently shook my head and looked over my shoulder “Don’t –“

“I won’t I promise, I'll be on my best behaviour in front of them. But I promise you this he misses you gorgeous, he must have checked his watch a million times in the meeting and practically ran to his car when it ended, I went home for a shower and it was me that picked him up late. I didn’t know where your new house was and my freaking GPS isn’t working so I asked if I picked him up would he direct me
.” He laughed “when I turned up at his place he was stood on the sidewalk pacing like a fool. He chewed me out for being late and when we stopped in front of your house –“

“Ah this must be Johan” Elliott shouted from the kitchen doorway, I turned just as he started walking towards us smiling. Johan discreetly stepped back and plastered his Johan smile.

“Hey buddy, I’ve heard so much about you. Your girl here talks endlessly about you.”

Elliott laughed a genuine laugh and held out his hand, although I felt incredibly embarrassed that Elliott hadn’t remembered previously meeting Johan - twice. Graciously Johan didn’t pull him up on it.

“You are a lucky man”

“That I am” Elliott said sliding his arm around my shoulders and pulling me to him


We stood outside in the pitch black struggling to see one another, Elliott had insisted that all the lights in the house were turned off and the security floodlight switched off for a better effect, he was at the top of the garden struggling to light the fireworks whilst holding a torch in his mouth. I wanted to laugh at his stubborn stupidity but I knew better. Johan seemed to be settling into our family perfectly, Ellie had left granddad as soon as Johan entered the room and sat with him. When we
decided to come out into the garden she insisted he stand with her, but currently he had her in his arms covering her ears with one hand, pressing her gently against his chest to defend her ears from the loud bangs. It hadn’t escaped my notice how Lou watched the two of them with a reverent smile. With it being such a cold and windy night tonight, it was a little unnerving when a sky rocket flew into the air not knowing whether it would blow back towards us.

BOOK: Elemental Fear
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