Entangled (Evolve Series Novella 2.5) (6 page)

BOOK: Entangled (Evolve Series Novella 2.5)
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“If you really want a hot tub back there, go for
it. But,” I tap the end of his nose with my finger, “you are going to garage
sales with me all day Saturday. And you will smile the whole time, not one
frown or grumble.”

He smiles, his handsome face lighting up and
sending shivers through me, much like every time. “I can do that.”

“Good. Now let’s go to your house. I’m about to
fall asleep on my feet.”

Chapter 7



fter a night of “making up” in the hot tub
and falling into bed completely drained, I wake in his big bed, alone. I’m not
surprised, it doesn’t take much to wake up before me, so I throw on a robe in
case Helen is here and make my way downstairs to the kitchen.

No Helen in sight, but a beautiful surprise.

Dane has struck again.

On the counter sits a large vase filled with roses
in every shade of pink. I can’t wait to see what the card says.


The opinions
vary, and there seems to be no consensus on what color rose really means
forgiveness. All that’s certain is that 15 of them, any color, mean forgive me.
So I went with 15 in pinks. One for the color of your sweet lips, another shade
to match your cheeks when I make you blush for me, and last, the perfect pink
that always reminds me of you and I together. I’ll let you figure out what I

I’m sorry for
being so headstrong about the hot tub, and I’m sorry I had to run to the office
this morning. I should be back by lunch. 

I love you and I love
doing things for you, so be a good girl, forgive me and open the box.

Always for you


Punch drunk, I rip off the bow and paper, then
throw off the lid. Nestled in the tissue paper is a light pink string bikini.
And a note.

Seeing you in this…worth the battle. Love, Your Caveman

His thoughtfulness, the creative and fun ways he
gets his way…only a fool wouldn’t cave.  Besides, he could be always begging me
to forgive bad acts. Is it really such a big deal to let good acts slide?

Didn’t think so.

YOB. When a guy says this, one knows they
mean bring your own beer. When a ladies only party invitation says it, and
you’re gonna want to remember this, it means bring your own batteries. Why
would you need batteries, you ask? Oh, that’s simple…because Kiki, your
showstress for the evening, wants to make sure everyone can test the intensity
of the vibrators, dildos and other devices she’s passing around the circle on
their hands.

I mean, who doesn’t know that?

To say this party is interesting would be the
understatement of the year. Bennett is trying to go with the flow, laughing
nervously but complying when handed the warming gel and instructed to go try a
sample in the bathroom. But me? Well I’m sitting here spinning—what the—oh
Jesus, I’m spinning the Ben Wah balls nervously in my hand, contemplating
suicide. I drop them on the ground and look around, hoping no one noticed.

Did I mention I won the door prize? Sure enough, I
am now the proud owner of the Backdoor Buddy, a huge, purple anal dildo. I may
cry. Seriously.

“Laney?” Showstress Kiki reads my nametag. “Would
you mind helping with this demonstration?”

“W-what?” I choke on my tongue. “No, I mean, yes, I
would mind. I’m good right here, just, ya know, sitting.”

“Are you sure? You haven’t participated yet, and
I’d like to show everyone how to wear this particular strap-on. Don’t worry,
we’ll slide it right on over your clothes.”

Bennett comes out of the bathroom, her cheeks flushed
slightly, and lays the tube on the table.  I’m saved.

“Bennett will do it,” I point at her with a
trembling finger.

I get more and more comfortable with my sexual side
every day, but with Dane.  
. This isn’t alone, this is a room full
of brazen as hell women that I don’t even know. Maybe I’m a prude, because all
the other girls are giggling, sharing way too much information about their
personal lives, and happily testing every sample handed to them. I’m still sort
of hoping the floor will swallow me.

“Do what?” Bennett asks, slightly squirming, like
she has to pee.

“Are you okay, dear?” Kiki asks her.

“Um…” Bennett leans in her head and whispers
something, and Kiki takes her by the hand, leading her back to the bathroom.


I get up and walk to the bathroom, checking what’s
going on with my friend, thanking God we’ve adverted the strap-on demo. “What’s
wrong with her?” I ask Kiki, who’s standing outside the closed door.

“She just used a little too much of the hot tingle
gel. I told her to wash it off. She’ll be fine. Now,” she places a hand on my
shoulder, “let’s see if I can’t figure out the perfect item for you.”

“No, no, that’s okay.” I shake my head, backing
away from her with my hands out in front of me. “I don’t need anything. I have
a Front Door Buddy and he does just fine, thank you.”

Did I really just say that?

“As soon as Bennett’s done in there, we have to go.
I’m late for—for church.”

She laughs loudly, tossing her head back, then
looking at me once again. “No need to be embarrassed, sweetie. You’re young and
that’s wonderful. One day, you’ll need this stuff. Look me up when you do.” She
pats my cheek and walks away.

“B!” I hiss through the door, knocking lightly. “B,
open the door!”

The door opens and Bennett tugs me in, slamming it
quickly. “Oh my God, Laney! Cha Cha’s on fire! I think I may have done
permanent damage.”

I pull a hand slowly down my face, hardly believing
this is really happening to me. “I can only assume Cha Cha is your vagina?” I

“Yes, Taterbe—”

“Don’t say it!” I cup my hand over her mouth,
teetering one toe over the edge of my limit. “I know what you call him, and
now, like a Christmas miracle, I know what he calls your vag. Awesome. How much
of that tingle stuff did you put on?” Judging by the fact that this whole damn
bathroom smells like a Vick’s factory, I’m gonna go out on a limb and say

“I don’t know,” she whines as she dances from foot
to foot, “but I washed it off like four times and it still burns like hell.
What am I gonna do?”

“I think we need to get you in a bathtub where you
can soak it off. Go to the truck. I’ll grab our stuff and meet you there.”

“Okay.” She nods, tears welling in her eyes.

“And Bennett,” I turn back, one hand on the door knob,
“if you ever even
about bringing me to a party like this again, I
will hold you down and choke you with my Backdoor Buddy.”

adies,” Tate slurs slightly from the
couch, one beer too many in his hand, “did you have fun?”

I roll my eyes. “I’m not sure
exact word I’d use. Um, a little help here?” I bark. How can they not see how obviously
pained Bennett is?  She has one arm draped around my neck and is yelping with
every step we take.

Both the boys jump up now and rush over to help me
with her. “What’s wrong, honey?” Tate asks worriedly.

“She broke her See You Next Tuesday and can’t walk,”
I answer for her.

Dane whips his head to face me, the edge of his
mouth twitching amongst a look of shock.  “She what?”

“Tingly gel is
no bueno
.  Now help Tate get
her to the bathroom. I’ll grab a change of clothes for her. Tate, lukewarm
water in the tub, no bubbles or oils or anything.”

Why is everyone just staring at me?

“MOVE, people! STAT!!!”

That’s more like it. Geez.

They help Bennett hobble towards the bathroom while
I go to their room and dig through her drawers, finding some loose PJ pants and
a t-shirt. No panties today, I think.  I open the bathroom door and set them on
the counter, taking in what may be the funniest sight my eyes have ever beheld.

Dane has his eyes closed and face turned away, all
while trying to hold Bennett up. Tate is on his knees helping her get undressed
while Bennett is screaming, “blow on it, blow on it!”  

“Clothes are on the counter, B.” I can’t help but
snicker. “You gonna be okay?”

“Surely it’ll go away in a minute, right?” She
looks at me helplessly, eyes doubtful and worried. “I mean, they wouldn’t see
it if it really was flesh-eating poison, right?”

“Right.” I nod. “Get in the water, you’ll be fine.”

“Like in how long,” Tate questions, “would you say,
if you were guessing?”

“It’s a snuggle and talk about your feelings night,
bro,” Dane surmises. “Just get it out of your head right now.”

“Oh my God, Tate, is that what you’re worried
about?” Bennett, completely naked now, glares down at him, scowling as he turns
the knob beside him completely to cold.

“No, honey, I—no. Shut up, Dane!”

“All right, she looks ready to get in. Dane and I
are gonna leave. Love you, B!”

“Love you,” she whimpers over the sound of the
running bath water. “Thank you.”

Dane’s still smirking when we get back to the
living room, picking up for them before we leave. “So, tell me more about this

“You don’t want to know.”

“Oh, but I do,” he assures me, taking me in his
arms. “Did you try anything out?”

“God no,” I push at him, “I did win a door prize,

He groans, letting his head fall forward. “Please
tell me it’s not one of those supersonic clit flicker things.”

“What one of those what? And how the hell do you
know anything about female sex toys?” I back away, looking into his guilty

“I don’t!” He shakes his head frantically. “I’ve
just heard.”

“Heard what? From who?”

“Stuff,” he rubs the back of his neck, “and, um,

“If you want me to believe you, lose the um next
time. It’s okay, I don’t need to know.” I grab his hand and open the door. “Let’s
just go home. It’s been a long night.”

“You didn’t, though, right?” He lifts our linked
hands and kisses mine, then opens my car door for me. “Try any whizzing,
flicking things?”

I look up at him from the seat and give him the stink
eye, so he hurriedly shuts the door and climbs in his side. “No,” I speak up as
we pull out of the driveway, “I didn’t sample masturbatory items in a
stranger’s bathroom. And I’m wondering if you hit your head while I was gone,
since you even had to ask.”

“Thank God,” he mumbles, finding my hand once again
and squeezing. “Those toys aren’t fair to guys.”

“How so?” I ask, curious as to exactly where he’s
going with this.

set us up for failure.
My tongue and fingers will never be able to move as fast as a couple AA
batteries. If you get used to that, I’ll pale in comparison.”

I can’t help laughing; my eyes actually watering.
“Good to know. I’ll keep that in mind.”

“Seriously, baby, it’d be like me sticking a vacuum
hose on my dick, right?”

“I’m starting to think you really did have this
conversation with Sawyer. That’s something he’d say.”

“It was, and for once, I agreed with him. So we’re
agreed, no flickers for you and no vacuums for me.”

I wipe the tears out of my eyes and agree, but just
can’t resist the idea that hits me as we drive. Waiting until we pull in his
garage, I decide to have some fun. “Yeah, no flickers for me tonight.” I feign
a casual yawn, getting out and walking to the door. “I did try on some chastity
belt thing, though, and we couldn’t find the key. I’m locked up; no telling how
long it will take Kiki to find it.”

“Laney?” he asks worriedly, trying to catch up
since I’d just walked in the house nonchalantly. “Baby? Baby, you’re kidding
right? Those things don’t really exist, do they, Laney?”

“Don’t worry, babe, I brought you home a buddy for
you!” I call behind me on my way to the bedroom.

Sawyer told him my ass…that’ll teach him to bring
up his past to me.

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