Facing Me (3 page)

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Authors: Cat Mason

BOOK: Facing Me
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Silent sobs rack
my body. “I can’t Luke.” I murmur dropping my gaze to his boots. “I just

“You can, baby,
that kiss just said so.” Is all he gets out before slamming his mouth to mine
 My arms instantly wrap around his neck when
Luke deepens the kiss.  Diving into my mouth, he pours everything he has
to say into the moment.  Making me feel the words he doesn’t have to say
over and over again.  

Kicking the door
to the office closed, Luke lies me onto the couch, his mouth never leaving
mine.  My heart hasn’t recovered from Aiden and I’m scared of where this
is going.  Can I just let go and have this with Luke?    If
I can’t give him what he needs then I’ll only hurt him, just as I hurt myself
and Aiden.  What a fucking mess I am making for everybody.

My hands dive into
Luke's blonde hair, tugging at the ends.  Part of me is desperate to
escape with him, not wanting to face the pain of what I’ve lost.  To
forget what I had with Aiden and see what could be with Luke.  He kisses a
frenzied line down my jaw, running his tongue along my throat.
 Instinctively, my body arches as his hand cups my breast through my
shirt.  Wrapping my legs around his waist, Luke rolls his hips against me,
making me moan.  His eyes darken as he watches me beneath him. “God Cammie,
I’ve wanted this for so long.  You have no idea how much you mean to me.”
His words washing over me as he unbuttons my shirt.

Luke’s fingers
skim up my stomach to just between my breasts.  Leaning down, his tongue
traces along the path his fingers just made. “Luke!” The scream makes me jump.
 My chin bumps into his forehead as Chase bangs on the door. “You wanted
to eat asshole, get out here before the shit gets cold!”

Sitting back on
the couch, Luke adjusts himself while I stand up and button my shirt.  I’m
thankful for Chase interrupting when she did.  I don’t want to hurt Luke
by rejecting him but I’m not ready for this yet.   I know that I’m not
ready for sex with anyone, especially not someone that is a very good friend.
 I have grown to count on this friendship with Luke and Chase, I don’t
want to mess it up.  

“When you ran
out, I sent Chase to get Thai for all of us.  I needed an excuse to get
rid of her so I could lay this out for you.” He stands and pulls me against him,
kissing me sweetly. “This place right here, don’t forget it.  We pick up
right about here when we talk about this later.  I’m not having sex with
you on a damn desk, or a sofa, in this shit office.  If we’re gonna do
this, we’re taking our time.  You gotta be sure, because I don’t want just
sex with someone Cammie.” He whispers against my lips, then leaves me standing
in my office with my wits scattered all over the walls.


How’s That Workin’


“Wake the fuck
up!” I shout, shoving my brother’s naked body off the side of the couch.
 Not sleeping for shit last night isn’t making me very cheery today, but I
really don’t care.  I toss and turn every night, dreaming about Cam, if I
don’t pass out drunk. Since I didn’t quite hit the goal last night, images of
her flooded my dreams until I finally gave up, deciding to work on some rhythms
for a song I’m writing.     

Crumbling onto
the floor, Hunter grunts. “Shit man, I just let the bitch out like an hour ago.
 Took forever to find a wallet so I could give her some damn cab fare.
 Let a man have a minute to recover, that was some heavy fuckin’.
 You gotta show me how you do that shit.  Take me to your dungeon,
you kinky bastard.”

“It’s nearly
dinner time now, dumbass.  She left hours ago, which is when you
should've.” Sitting in the chair, I grab the blue and black paracords off the
table.  I’ve laced and unlaced them so many times, by now I’m a damn pro.
“I don’t have a room or a membership at a club.  It's not like that.
 Our lifestyle doesn’t permit me to have a home base Hunter.  It’s
about so much more than that for me; it’s about controlling the situation.
 No matter what it may be.” I start, looking at him so that I know he gets
it. “Last night, I grabbed the reigns.  When I have them, my world seems
right again.  Call it manipulation of a sort, I guess it is.  When
she was focused on your dick in her mouth, I distracted her with my mouth on
her clit.  It’s all about where I can take a woman.  The fact that I
can give her what she craves...or not, because it’s my choice.  Most
importantly, it’s about her trusting me enough to put herself in my hands
completely, knowing that I will see to her pleasure. It’s control in the
simplest of forms.  Power exchange, Hunter; it’s not just shit I can show
you how to do.  It’s a finely tuned craft that is fuckin’ beautiful when
done correctly.”

Hunter’s face
contorts in pain.  I click the bracelet onto my wrist and begin to shove
my shit back into my bag. “I’m sorry man...I know we don’t get all mushy and
shit, but I just want you happy again bro.” He says, shuffling around behind
me.  I turn to find him in his jeans digging for his shirt in the couch
cushions. “You were happy with Cam.  I guess

“Listen, I don’t
want to rehash it.  If I don’t think about her then it isn’t gonna fuck
with my head.  We have a show tomorrow night and I can’t afford to go into
some drunken spiral over a chick that couldn’t see I would’ve given it all up
for her.” I lie because she’s always on my mind.  Cam is all I think
about. “I wanted everything with Camaron and she just didn’t fuckin’ see it.” I
wave my hands vaguely around the room, “This whole thing won’t last forever,
and, yeah, I love being behind my kit man; but I was looking forward to settling
down.  I wanted Cam, a little house in the ‘burbs, maybe even a few kids.
 I want what Gray and Daisy are building, but my chance is shot to shit.”

“Then why…”
Hunter starts but I just shake my head.

“She didn’t want
it enough to fight for it that’s why I told her to go.  And…what do you
know, she didn’t even look back.  Fuck man.” Sighing, I scrub a hand over
my face. “You’ve never been in love so you don’t get it.  I fell in love,
the fall fuckin’ broke me.  Happens to people every day.” I shrug.

“Sorry, bad
subject.  I shouldn’t have brought it up.  Anyway, I’ve got an
appointment to get shit touched up today.” Hunter says pointing to the
unfinished ink on his arm. “Henry found this place called Jarhead Ink.  I
think we’re all headin’ over then hittin' a diner.”

whatever.  That works." I mutter, shoving my feet into my boots and
follow Hunter over to his room to get Henry.

"Well, if
it isn't the sexy little spooner.  Come to Daddy!" Hunter coos to
Daisy, sitting at the table sipping tea.

Raising her
middle finger at him, she shakes her head, "Cunter, you know I love you
but I'm trying to focus on not puking." Daisy takes a deep breath and
meets his eyes, "Do me a favor, just insult yourself and I'll owe you

"The Doctor
said to sip the tea, you'll be fine Wildflower." Gray says, stroking
circles between her shoulder blades. "This part of the pregnancy will pass
soon, then its smooth sailing."

“He also said
sickness.” Looking out at the sun, clearly high in the afternoon sky, she rolls
her eyes. “Does it look like fucking
to you?”   

"If you’re
smart, you’ll just smile and nod fucker.  One thing you
do not
is give her advice on how to carry a baby." Henry says with a chuckle.
"That's just me though, because I'm fond of my dick and all."

"Can we go
get my ink, then eat?  The bacon will be good for my baby momma."
Hunter says proudly.  Walking over, he kisses Daisy on top of the head
making her growl.

"Did Gray's
wife tell you to fuck off today?" She snaps, making me chuckle.  Her
eyes meet mine, warming instantly. "Better today Aiden?"

“I’m fine,
Daisy.” I blurt out.  Now is not the time to have a heart to heart about
everything that I wish I could say to Cam.

Her smile widens
and she nods. “One day, maybe I’ll believe you.”

"You should
see the bitch we fucked.  My guess is she'll be walkin’ funny for a few
days." Hunter whoops, making me wince.

Daisy's eyes
stay on mine but her smile quickly fades.  The disappointment in her eyes
hitting me right in the gut.  She looks away and stands to her feet.
 The baby bump just barely visible through her tank top makes me grin.
 I’m excited my best friend found his other half, now if I just had mine.
You did asshole.  You’re the one who told her to pack up and head
back to Vegas.

gotta get to the tattoo parlor first, then we eat.  I've gotta meet with
vendors for tomorrow's show before lunch, so you three will have to entertain
yourselves." She says, glaring at Henry, Hunter and me.

Her response to
my actions makes me want bail on tonight and head for a bar, alone.  Daisy
was there for me in my weakest moment in Vegas.  She was more than happy
to pull me back, but didn't sugar coat it.  Daisy isn't afraid, one bit,
to tell us we’re fucking up.  Now she says nothing?   Here I was
planning to duck and cover when she started throwing shit.  Her change
from the sideline wallflower, to the take charge wildflower happened fast.
 With Tad and Landon gone, Daisy took over as much of that end of it as
she could, with my help of course.  

With the band
growing in popularity, it wasn't possible for Gray and
to do it all once again.  Henry is looking for someone permanent to take
it on; but we’re being careful since Tad and Landon burned us so badly.
 Though it was kept mostly quiet, and the money was all paid back, it
still got leaked to a tabloid.  We assume Tad tipped them off as a last
ditch effort to ruin us for finding him out and firing him.

After word of
them stealing money and overcharging venues got out, we were getting worried
phone calls and threats to cancel bookings; it looked pretty bad for a minute.
 Daisy, being the amazing woman she is, smoothed it all over, luckily, but
we can't chance shit like that happening again.  

ready. Let's go get my sexy ass inked!" Hunter whoops shoving us out the


An hour later,
the bell chimes as we walk into Jarhead Ink.  It’s not your usual rundown
tat parlor that's for sure.  It is way more upscale than I expected.
 Dark gray walls offset by white, large leather couches in a waiting area
with a huge wood counter off to one side.  Hinder’s ‘
2 Sides of Me

is pumping through the speakers, making me feel completely at home.
 Frames full of amazing art on the walls, steal my focus and I walk over
to admire a huge Marine flag.

“Can I help
you?” The booming voice echoes from a doorway.  I watch a bald guy, in a
ripped up black shirt with Jarhead Ink emblazoned across the front in red, walk
toward us.  He eyes all of us with an amused grin. “If you’re charging
admission to watch you get your ink, I want my cut of the dough.”

“You Evan?”
 Henry says, walking over and shaking his hand.

“As long as you
aren’t sayin’ I have a court date, a baby momma, or the dick drip then, yeah,
that’s me.” He says with a nod. “I take it one of you is Hunter Chesterfield?”

“That’s me.”
Hunter chimes in, bumping Evan’s fist, “You the mind behind all the madness
around here?”

Evan nods, “Yep,
this is my shop.  Let’s get you set up so I can get to it.  According
to the sketch that you had sent over, you’re talkin’ a couple hours of work.”

Daisy and
Grayson are lost in the frames of artwork in the corner, so I follow Evan and
Hunter over to the station while Henry stays by the front of the shop.
 Probably to assume his badass pose against a wall somewhere.  Hunter
wastes no time explaining the placement for rest of the design to the arm
sleeve he wants finished up.  Evan opens a FED-EX box, giving his opinion
on the details and colors, while assembling a tattoo gun on the counter.

“So, I get to
pop the cherry on that bad bitch?” Hunter says, pointing to the gun once it’s
assembled and hooked up. “I know you didn’t order a whole new gun just because
I’m special.”

Evan smirks, “My
last gun was a casualty of a great night with a fuckin’ beautiful chick that
came in for a tattoo a few nights ago, but that’s a story for another time and
a few beers.”

“Holy shit!”
Hunter exclaims, bouncing in the seat. “Did you fuck a chick with a gun?
 I thought I had done everything!”

Evan just shakes
his head. “Nah, I just used it for...stimulation.  It was without the
needle of course.  Still a hell of a ride.”

I look at the
gun in disbelief, then back at Evan.  Who would come up with an idea like
that?  “That’s a few hundred easy for a good gun...  Was it worth the

Evan laughs as
he places the outline along Hunter’s arm. “Bro, it’s always worth it, as long
as it’s done right.”  

After shooting
the shit with Evan, while he works, I find out he’s ex-Marines and hilarious.
 He tells us stories of some crazy ass ink he has put on some really
stupid people who didn’t think it through.  Which amuses the hell out of
me because I control everything, down to my tatts.  Having sketched every
piece of ink on my body, personally.  

“I tell them all
to think before they ink.” He says with a shrug. “They put the money in my
hand; I’m not the one who has to wear that shit for life.” He laughs, wiping
some ink off Hunter’s arm.

“Yo, holy shit!
 You’re Hunter motherfuckin’ Chesterfield!” A shout makes me jerk in my

“That’s what it
says on my birth certificate man.  What’s up?” Hunter says with a grin.
 Evan glares at the guy who is wearing a shirt like his, without all the
tears and a pair of cargo shorts.

“Shaft is one of
my favorite bands, other than Thirty Ought Six.  My name’s Sean.” He says,
flopping into an empty chair.  A flash of a rooster on the side of his
calf makes Hunter laugh.

“Do you have a rooster
on your leg?” I can't help asking, making Evan roll his eyes.

Sean smiles,
“Yep.  How many people can say they have a cock below their knee?”

“See,” Evan
tosses out, “Some people don’t think before they ink.”

“I’d need it
tatted on my fuckin’ ankle!” Hunter laughs. “That’s right bitches, my cock sits
right against the inside of my ankle.  No need for boxers, I just tuck it
in my boot!"

 Hmm, I’ve heard of you guys.” Evan says, running a hand over his head.
“Think my brother Jameson mentioned you before.  He plays guitar for
Thirty Ought Six.”

Daisy squeals,
peeking around the half wall meeting Evan's eyes with a huge grin. “Your
brother is Jameson Williams?  Oh, he’s so hot!  I love watching him
play, and his voice!”

“What the fuck?”
Gray shouts from his spot on the couch.

Daisy giggles,
the blush spreading across her face. “Well he is!” She shouts back.

Evan winks
playfully at Daisy, “Who do you think taught him how to rock a room and get the
girl?  Baby, he got it all from me.  If you think he’s hot, I’ll burn
your house down.”

Daisy is nearly
fucking drooling now. “You sing too?” She asks in surprise.

Evan’s lip curls
into a smirk, “I taught that bitch everything he knows.  Want a lesson?
 I can squeeze ya in on Wednesday.” He teases.

“She’s happily
married and knocked the fuck up.” Gray says, but lacks any real anger.

“I am.” Daisy
says, smiling towards Gray, who winks at her. “I really am.”

“So is Jameson…”
Evan chuckles. “Well, not the knocked up part.  Abby takes care of that.
 So, you playin’ a show while you’re in town then?” Evan asks, looking up
at me.

I nod, “Yep.
 Tomorrow night.”

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