Fantasy Attraction (Hidden Secrets) (21 page)

BOOK: Fantasy Attraction (Hidden Secrets)
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Gasping for air, I held my hand to my throat. “You will never break me.  Just let me go.  You have your money.” My voice raspy, but I pull myself off the floor and stand defiantly in front of him.

Oh, I’ll be taking the money and I’ll be taking you as well.  You will make me a lot of money. Geno take her to her room.  I’ll be in later.”

Lenny had no more than left than my stomach heaved and I threw up all over the floor.  I was surprised I had anything left to throw up.

“Damn! Are you sick? Shit!” Geno said tip toeing around the puke to take a hold of me. 

As he led me to the room, my mind raced with a way out of this.  I couldn’t think of anything that would help me.  Fear was talking over me and I was unable to think clearly. How am I going to get out of this?

The room he led me in was small and it was bare.  There was a bed and that was it.  Along one wall there was a door that Geno tells me houses a bathroom.  There is nothing in the room no windows, no life.  It was a prison.  My prison.  Reality hits me and I sink onto the bed.

going to get you out of here.  I just have to keep you safe until I can do that.”

“Right.  Like you care.” I said sadly.

“Damn it, Colleen. Do you know how hard it was for me to stay away from you? I hounded him for details on you.  Asked him what you were like? You were all I focused on. My reason to wake up every day was that I hoped one day we could finally meet.”

“You asked questions about me?  That is supposed to make up for not saving me from her?  Why would you go through all that?  Because I’m your niece?  Seems a little extreme if you ask me.”

“No, not because you’re my niece, but because…” He whispered.

“Just get out Geno.  Do your master
’s bidding and leave me to fend for myself.  Everyone always has.”

Soon, I heard the door shut and I was left alone in the cement prison.  Switching on the lamp next to the bed really offered nothing, but creating a more depressing atmosphere. I clung to the shirt I took from Carson and hoped the scent of him would feel me with the strength that I am going to need to get through this. 
If I survived it…

I wasn’t sure how much time passed when the lock on the door clicked and in walked Lenny.  He had a half smile on his face.  Shutting the door he locked it and placed the key in his pocket.  He looked around the room and held out his hands.

“Do you like your new space?”

“You know I don’t get it.  You have all this money, contacts and
power, and
yet you like something a cat threw up.  Why is that?” I sneered.

“First break in…your dirty mouth.”

He reached me in three steps, backhanded me so hard I fell to the bed hitting the wall.  Before I had time to recover from the hit, he was straddling my chest, pinning my arms to my side with his legs.  I watched in horror as he unbuttoned his pants and lowered the zipper.  I couldn’t breathe and it wasn’t just the pressure he was putting on my chest. It was the realization of what he meant by breaking in my mouth.

I stupidly thought it was beating me until I caved.  Quickly I turned my head when he reached his hand inside his pants.  His hand twisted in my hair pulling until I came face to face with his dick.

“If you bite, I will kill you.  Take it in your mouth.”

“No,” I stated
firmly, then clamped my mouth shut and closed my eyes.

I almost screamed when I heard the cocking of a gun and felt the cold metal to my temple.  My eyes flew open and I stared up at him.

“Open your fucking mouth.  Remember, if you bite, I will kill you.”

I closed my eyes and opened my mouth. The heaviness on my chest lifted some, but tightened on my arms.  Soon I felt him enter my mouth and shove deep down my throat.  I could feel the tears building and I tried my hardest to keep them at bay
. I didn’t do anything, just held my mouth open while he jammed his dick in my mouth.

“Oh, yeah
…that feels so good.  Mmmm, you’re going to make me a lot of money.” He moaned.

Each push down my throat and I had the urge to throw up.  I fought it back.  There was no way I was giving him that satisfaction…yet.  An evil laughed sounded in my head. He kept rocking into my mouth and I broke a little inside.  Never in my life have things ever been this bad.  I have managed to get away just by the skin of my teeth.  Now here I lay being forced at
gunpoint no less to give a blowjob.

Geno says he was going to save me before I got hurt. 
Well, I would say he is a little late for that now isn’t he?  His thrusts started picking up and the urge to vomit overwhelming.  Honestly, I wanted to puke all over him, but I feared I would choke if I did.  Instead, I kept forcing it down and prayed this would be over soon. 

“Ahhhh, shit!” He groaned as he pulled out and came all over my face.

He sat back down on my chest and I felt like I was suffocating.  Between the weight on my chest and the mess on my face, I couldn’t breathe.  There was no way I was opening my mouth or eyes at this point.  I heard him sigh contently.

Oh, you may just be my little pet.  Better than your mother.”

I couldn’t keep my mouth shut.  Before he had a chance to get off my chest, I sneered, “That’s just a matter of
opinion, maybe we should ask Benny how good Harriet was.  You know, to get a base for the findings.”

He stumbled off me and that gave me a little more courage that I have shocked him. Wiping my face off on the blanket, I opened my eyes and looked at him.

“Oh, you didn’t know that while Harriet was screwing you, she was screwing your brother too.  Did you know she ended up pregnant too?  Wonder who the father was.”  I said, delighting in the horror on his face.

He backhanded me and called me a bitch before he left the room again. Immediately I ran to the bathroom and threw up.

Sitting on the floor next to the toilet, I leaned against the sink cabinet.  My world was so great even with Wendi’s attack only moments ago.  Was this Karma’s way of letting me know that people like me don’t have the happily ever afters?  Was it letting me know that I only get to taste the fruit enough to want it, so I starve and ache for it but never get more than the taste?

Pulling myself up, I glanced in the mirror. I was bleeding from my lips and a cut on my cheek.  Grabbing some toilet paper, I wet it and tried to clean myself up some.  It stung the minute I touched the cut on my cheek and I audibly sucked in a breath.
I tried again, but it was the same effect. Opening the cabinets, I checked to see if there was a first aid kit or something close to it to try and treat these cuts. Just as I stood back up from checking below the sink there was a knock at the door.  I knew it wasn’t Lenny, he wouldn’t knock. Ignoring the door, I continued to search around for something besides toilet paper.

“Are you okay?”

Whirling around and jumping back, knocking into the counter, I groaned in pain.

“Shit! I didn’t mean to scare you.  I wanted to check on you.  Look at your face.
Come out here, I have a kit out here.”

I stared at him.  “What are you doing here?”

“I told you I would get you out of this.  I mean it.  Let me look at those cuts.”

With no other options, I walk out with Geno and let him look at my
cuts.  Even though he was helping me, I just couldn’t get the thought out of my head that he was my uncle and he left me with my mother.

“I was your damn niece and you left me to be hit and starved and molested! What kind of uncle would do that?” I hissed.

“Do you know what would have happened if I would have taken you with me?” He said softly.

I shook my head slightly before he asked me not to move.  Gently he began to clean up the cuts.

“Lenny and Benny would have turned you into either a prostitute if you were lucky.  If you were unlucky, they’d turn you into their sex slave.  They would get you addicted to drugs so you were constantly in debt with no way of leaving.  Do you really think that you would want to be a part of that world?  If I would have gone and gotten you, you would have been.  That is why your father and I kept me a secret.  I promised him I’d protect you and I plan on keeping that promise.”

I yanked my head back and glared at him.  “You’d protect me?  You don’t think you have broken that promise already? 
Hell, even bringing me in here to him wasn’t enough, what about just a bit ago when he was raping my fucking mouth!  I think that constitutes at failing in protecting me!” I screamed.

“He did what?” He hissed.

“Just leave,” I said softly as I moved away from him.

After a few moments of
silence, he finally spoke.  “I’ll have supper in for you soon.”

“I don’t want anything…” I trailed off.

“I’ll bring it anyway.  Please only eat the food I bring in for you, same as the drink.  Lenny will spike your stuff to make you more pliant.  Please.”

I just nodded my head. He got up and surprised me by kissing the top of my head before leaving.  I laid there afraid to sleep and thought of Carson.  I smiled at the memories that trailed through my mind.

God, I
missed him!

Days passed, I don’t know how
many, but I didn’t see him again.  Part of me wondered if I pissed him off enough that he gave up.  The not knowing was killing me.  My days were spent thinking about Carson, our time together.  I also paced the room, throwing up, and practicing some of the things I remember seeing Carson doing the couple of times I spied on him.

It had been a long time since I had eaten
anything substantial, I started to feel dizzy and I was no longer throwing up anything.  It was all dry heaves.  I just wanted to curl up in Carson’s arms. Stress has never set well with me.  Especially being stressed like this, it was tearing me up.

Just when I thought I wasn’t going to see Lenny anymore he came back in several times.  I fought him off
from raping me, but I couldn’t fight him off when he sat on me and shoved his nasty fucking dick in my mouth. I have bruises all over me and really needed a change of clothes. I had given up hope.  My outlook was like this room, dark and small.  I was ready to die.  It was obvious I wasn’t getting back to my Carson.  I just wanted to die. As each day passed, I grew weaker.  Suddenly it hit me that was what he was waiting for.  He was waiting for me to be to be too weak to fight him off.
Oh God!

At this point,
I was thinking of ways to kill myself when the lock on the door turned again.  The first thing I did was start crying.  Truth be told I was broken, I was a shell. The door opened further and I dropped my head.  I had no fight left.  I’m not sure I could fight off another assault and that made me cry harder. Sinking to the floor, I prayed to die.

“Come on Colleen, I’m getting you out of here.”

My head shot up.  “Geno? Why?”

“No daughter of mine is going to be abused like this. Come on let me help you.”  He reached down to help me up.

“Daughter?” I breathed.

“Yes, daughter.  I’ll explain it all once we are out of here.  We don’t have much time.  Come on, hurry.”

Without waiting for me to respond, he picks me up off the floor and carries me out of the room. I was so dizzy and weak that everything seemed to go by in a blur.  It was a struggle to hold my head up. Suddenly I was set down in a car and the door shut.  Then he was back in the car next to me.

“Tell me now,
” I whispered.

“Tanner and I were close all growing up until I made some bad decisions and was dragged into this world because of it.  We grew apart.  Well, I went to a bar to let off steam and ran into this woman who seemed to need to let off steam of her own.  We got drunk and one thing led to another.” He glanced at me embarrassed, but continued.

“Anyway, Tanner and I run into each other a few weeks later and he tells me he’s getting married that he knocked up his girl so the wedding is sooner than he had planned on.  I told him I was happy for him and we kind of cleared the air that night.  We started getting close again.  Until they went to the doctors and found out the due date and all that, then after a huge fight I told him that I had slept with her.  In my defense, I never met her before… Hell, I didn’t even know he was dating.  Anyway, we put two and two together and figured out that I was the father.  He was so mad at me for a long time, but eventually he came around.  He asked if I wanted to be there and all that.  We quickly decided that you being in my world was not an option.  So he said he would raise you like his own and when you were old enough, he’d tell you the truth.”

“So why didn’t he tell me when we ran away?”

“Because he was afraid that if your mom found out she would take you from him.  Yeah, he wasn’t your real father, but he was all you knew and the only barrier to keep you safe.  Colleen, I have loved and watched over you from the minute I knew about you.  I’m sorry I wasn’t there for you, like I should have been, but I promise if you let me… I will be now.”

Staring out the window I didn’t say anything.  I wasn’t sure what to say.  My head was confused and my heart was aching.  My
whole being wanted to be with Carson.

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