Fantasy Attraction (Hidden Secrets)

BOOK: Fantasy Attraction (Hidden Secrets)
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Fantasy Attraction

Book 2
in the Hidden Secrets series




Copyright © 2013 P. J. Belden

First published 2013

Fantasy Attraction

P. J. Belden

Copyright © 2013




All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, distributed, or transmitted in any form or by any means, including photocopying, recording, or other electronic or mechanical methods, without the prior written permission of the author, except in the case of brief quotations embodied in critical reviews and certain other non-commercial uses permitted by copyright law. For permission requests, write to the author, addressed “Request: Copyright Approval” at [email protected].




To my amazing husband who has stood by me through so much…I love you with all my heart. To my three beautiful children, I love you so much. You are the reason mommy is doing this!

This book was written with one person in mind as I wrote it.  It was to show thanks to someone dear to me.  Colleen O., I hope through this story you understand how grateful I am to have you on this journey with me.  I will be forever in your debt.  This is a mere token of my gratitude. You are more than just a beta reader, you are a friend. <3 Hugs Lady! <3  P.S. I need make note that none of the events in this book happened to the real life Colleen,
it is complete fictional.



The T





It was exceptionally hot outside, but the temperature inside this room was extremely cold.  Honestly, I was surprised you couldn’t see your breath.  The temperature was odd considering the room was packed full of people.  It made me sick really.  It was like they were all there to get some kind of entertainment at the expense of my sister.  I wi
sh this had been a closed courtroom, but when the judge came back and denied the request my heart sank.  Not for myself, but for Kayla.

, sure I had to stand up here and tell them that a world champion kick boxer was hospitalized by Alex and his rat pack, but that was nothing compared to what Kayla was going to have to speak about and relive…as if she had stopped.  I could hear her nightmares.  Hell, she was safe now and I could still see her fear of being in a crowd or too far away from people.  Jason was great for her and to her.  I was grateful that my sister found him and that he stood there by her side through it all.

“Mr. Williams, are you trying to tell the court that you had no malicious intents when you went to see my client.”

“No. What I’m trying to tell you is that when I went there I didn’t expect to have weapons brought to a fist fight and that his punk ass couldn’t fight his own battles.  But I guess considering his actions that have him here, maybe I should have.” I hissed.

“Oh yeah…really?  Let’s go, Carson!  I’ll kill your fucking ass this time!”


“Order in the court.  I will have order in my court.  Mr. Locer, I suggest you get your client under control.” Judge Bingham ordered.

“Yes, your honor. I have no further questions.”

“Redirect, your honor?”

“Proceed with caution, Mr. Williams.” The judge then turns and looks at me, “You answer the questions as they are asked or I will hold you in contempt.”

“Mr. Williams, are you telling the court that you went to see Mr. Greene to beat him up?”

“No, Sir.  I wanted to kill him, but then I knew I’d disappoint my sister so before I even got there I decided that I would make him feel half the pain he has put on my sister.”

“No further questions.”

“You may step down, Mr. Williams.  The court will take a lunch break and reconvene in an hour.”  He banged his gavel and everyone stood and started talking.

I watched my sister being consoled by Jason.  Kayla had to be the strongest person I knew.  Even though I knew she was broken, she didn’t give up and she still found what she thought she’d never have…love.  I have never been the love type, but watching my sister…maybe someday I will find the girl I can’t live without.  Maybe that is what I’m waiting for, someone that I can look at and want to spend time with more than just sex.  Don’t get me wrong, I dated
, but honestly, it has been just a physical attraction because outside that I found I had nothing in common with any of them.

Like this last chick I dated, Lana, she made the blonde joke blondes look good.  The one thing she had going for her was she was hot, very nice to look at.  Unfortunately, the times in between were like pulling teeth with no numbing.  Sh
e couldn’t carry on a conversation to save her life and my biggest pet peeve of hers…she said ‘like’ constantly!  It raked on my nerves so bad.  I was surprised I lasted as long as I did.  I shudder at the thought.  She was the reason I quit dating.  I was tired of finding all the wrongs.  I wanted to find the right one, like Kayla had.  It was a girlie statement, I know, but true.

My family was a big family and I always thought I’d have the same.  The love my parents have and the kids.  Never a dream I voiced, but it was still there.  There were many times that I thought that I would never find it, but then I
look at my sister and realize; I won’t find it.  It will find me when I least expect it.  Or well at least that is what I hoped.

After having a quick lunch we all met back in the court room.  Kayla was going to the stand next.  We were all there aside from Mary.  She couldn’t get the time off from the tour that she had already postponed to stay with Kayla during the investigation. 
The only day that Mary was able to make was her day to testify. Mary only had time out to testify and then had to leave, but boy did she live up to the family trait.  As she was walking out of the courtroom, she walked over to Alex’s side, leaned over the rail and whispered something in his ear.  When he turned around with a big smile on his face, he mouthed something back and she decked him.  I think she might even have broken his nose.  The judge demanded to know what happened.

“I told
him that I hope Bubba is nicer to him than he was with my sister.  He turned around and said that he would show my fine ass how nice he could be.  So I punched him.”  She shrugged.

Even my dad laughed
, which was a sight to see.  Usually when he is in work mode, he was as stiff as a board.  Honestly, I think he was proud of Mary.  I know Kayla is when she high-fived Mary as she left.  Had Kayla been around more growing up, I would have taught her to fight as I did my other three sisters.  Maybe she might not have endured what she did for so long if she could fight.

“Are we ready to begin?”  Judge Bingham’s voice broke through my thoughts.

“Yes, your honor,” both sides said in unison.

Evidence upon evidence was showcased before the jury and judge.  I couldn’t look at
any of it, especially when they got to the pictures that he had been mailing to the police department.  Nate and Jason were called to the stand.  Nate’s affair with Mary was brought up by the defense.

“Were you not having sexual contact with Ms. Mary Williams while on an undercover job?”

“I was yes, but she was not the victim or the target and it was never during the hours that were supposed to be focused on the job.  I’m allowed to have a life Mr. Locer.  Just so happens this one was related to the victim.  My personal life is not what brought us here today.  Kayla’s torture, abuse and rapes are what we are here to discuss.  Let’s get back on topic shall we.”  Nate said politely, but you could hear the ice in his voice.

I actually really liked Nate.  If I were to pick someone for my sister it would be him, but I was very pointedly told that it was casual nothing serious.  It kind of sucked because Nate definitely fit into the family.  Jason had told me that Nate didn’t have
a family.  So whether he dated or married one of my sisters didn’t matter, this man helped save my sister and for that…he was family.  I told him that.  Yes, even guys can be sentimental.  I owed Nate everything.  He put his life on the line to find out more information to save my sister and for that…I am forever in his debt.

“No further questions.”

“Redirect.”  The judge nodded.

“When you were approached with more information involving more than just Mr. Greene, what did you do?”

“I worked well after my shift to get to the bottom of it.  A lot of it was done on my own time, but judging by the information I received it was essential that I worked with both discretion and quickly.”

“What was the information you received?”

“That there was a cover up job happening and the police department was in the center of it.”

“Anyone specifically?”

“Yes, Captain Dale Day.  I did some searching and found numerous contacts between Mr. Day and Mr. Greene, but also another source.  That one turned out to be difficult to track, but after numerous dead ends and days of pushing through, I did finally track down who else was involved.”

“When were you able to finally accomplish that?”

“Last night actually.”

“Your Honor, with your permission I would like to reveal these findings now.  I don’t even know them myself.”


“But your honor…” Mr. Locer tried to interject.

“Silence, Mr. Locer.”  Judge Bingham turned to Nate. “Go on Detective.”

“It took some digging, but after what seemed like an endless journey I found a slip up that allowed me to track
down who was behind this mysterious name of Hershey.  They had done an incredible job of covering their tracks, but one night they made a mistake and it allowed their cover to be revealed.”

“What night?”

“The night of her attack at the hospital…”

“But the man responsible for that had nothing to do with Mr. Greene or Mr. Day.”

“Right, Sir.  When Kayla came in and reported being raped, the nurses had to stitch several areas and treat some other wounds as well as perform the kit and so on. Panic set into this individual and they called Mr. Day with their personal cell phone.  Mr. Day then called Alex.”

“Who are we talking about?”

“Nurse Michelle Lancer-Saint and Dr. Gerry Saint.”

“What?” My dad whispered and stepped back a little.

Eli got up and made our father sit down.  He talked to him for a minute.  I couldn’t hear anything they were saying before turning around and addressing Nate.

“They’re both involved?” Eli questioned.

“Yes, Sir.  I searched their background records and found…”

“That they were close friends to our family a
nd about eighteen years ago, they were no longer in contact with us because Gerry and Michelle were in bad straits and wanted Jane and me to do something illegal to help them get back out of debt.  We told them that was not the kind of people we were and told them that we couldn’t be friends with them if that was the type of people they were.  We had a family to think about.”  Larry supplied.

“Yes, I did find their financial standings and suddenly seventeen years ago they came into a ton of money, but I’m guessing that the anger toward their former friends hadn’t subsided.  Sixteen years ago, they contacted Alex’s father.  It was around the time that Carson wouldn’t throw his fight.  The scheme started then with calls constantly between the defendant
and the Saint’s.  However, nothing indicates that Alex’s father was ever involved in the actual plan.  When interviewed he said that he had no involvement.  When shown, the call records, he told us he was at work during those times and actually showed us proof that he was there.  We thought they were forged at first, but with some investigation, we found he was telling the truth.  If I may state my professional opinion?”

“Go on Detective.” The judge stated.

“I think it was a case of calling at the right time.  They had phoned other parents hoping that someone’s child hated the Williams’ kids.  They found an already troubled youth and latched on.  Alex was angry with Carson and revenge on him was sweet.  Why he continued?  I would have to say it was the money.  They paid him well and soon paid Mr. Day as well.”

The case continued on, but when Kayla got on the stand it was the hardest of all.  She went over every attack.  I wanted to puke with how much she went through and we could have stopped.  The fury I had running through me was not just focused on all those involved, but myself.  I was supposed to protect her.  That was what big brothers did and I didn’t even come close to it.

Kayla was shaking by the time she was released from the stand.  How dare they ask about her sex life?  What the hell did that have to do with what they had done to her?  Nothing!  That’s what!  I wanted to strangle the defense attorney when he tried making it sound like she asked for it.  Right, she asked for the nightmare she lived in because people ask for that shit!

The jury wasn’t out long before they found all of them guilty.  Their sentencing would be next week.  So this whole thing after two months of court dates and interviews…Kayla should be able to officially put this all past her next week.  She can officially move forward.  She has a wedding to plan.  The first one in the family.  Honestly
, I thought for sure either Eli or Mylee would have been the first to get married.  Kayla had never made it in there because she was so distant from life around her, of course we now know why that was.  I am happy for her, it brings to mind that I’m not young and if I want a family as big as mine or close at least…

, if I’m honest with myself, it isn’t about the size of my family that has me wanting my bachelor streak to end.  It is about just needing to have a reason to come home at the end of the day or after a fight.

Shaking my head
, I look up at everyone, as they talk about plans for supper.  I don’t need that stress, do I?  Do I want the hassle of having to plan and clear things through someone else?  Oh hell I don’t know!  Maybe I just need to get laid. I haven’t been laid since I was injured and that was almost a good nine months ago.

You want quality not quantity my man,
screamed a voice in the back of my head.

Maybe the voice was right, but right now I just wanted to make sure my sister was okay.  It was almost over and soon she could begin a life without fear and only love and happiness.

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