Fantasy Attraction (Hidden Secrets) (6 page)

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“Wow! I don’t even have to see you to know the man was a fool for cheating on you.  Glad you got your revenge.” I laugh.

“Yeah best part was he was screaming and she screamed, she hoped he broke his fucking dick.”  She laughed harder.

“Oh shit!” I laugh with her. “Remind me not to get on your bad side.”

We laugh and chat for hours.  She was just that easy to talk to.  It was really the best way to end a night.  Talking to her, listening to her really was a calming effect I needed.  I had no idea where things were going to end up or if I was ever going to be able to put a face to her voice, but for now…I’m happy.

“Wow, it is after one in the morning.” She yawns.

“I know.  I told you I like talking to you.  It is so easy.”


** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** **


Weeks have past and I talk to
almost every night.  The effect she has on me has not changed.  We talk about anything and everything.  I think we both must have the same effect on each other.

Tonight is no different.  Although as time has gone by, I have found myself really wanting to meet the actual person behind the voice.  Soon I hope I will because this woman has taken over my every thought and I want that physical presence to see if the chemistry is just as strong.

She moans and I go rock hard.  I can’t help but wonder what things would be like if we had actually met and I had her right in front of me.

“You can’t make sounds like that and not expect me to take you to bed.” I growl.

She laughs and it still has the same effect on me as it did when I first heard it to now several weeks later.  

, I need to meet this woman!

“I would love it.  It’s been a while since you have.  Maybe we need to.”

“Don’t tease me woman.  I’ve been playing the good boy.”

She laughs again.
  Then after a brief pause, she moans again.  Part of me wonders if she knows the effect she has on me. 

“What would you do if you were here with me right now?” She huskily whispers.

“Where are you at?”

“In my bed…naked.”

I realized in a second the gift she was giving me.  She was allowing me to make a fantasy for her.  It may seem like a ‘no biggie’ kind of gesture to others, but having got to know her over the past few weeks I know this is a biggie for her.  In my head, I knew that I wanted more than this banter over the phone.  I wanted the physical and I wanted a chance to see where we could go.

“I would lay you back gent
ly on your bed and move on top of you.  Then I would hold your face in my hands running my thumbs on each of your cheeks and stare into your beautiful eyes before leaning down and taking your mouth in a slow, teasing, passionate kiss.”

“Yes…” she whispered before moaning softly.

“After making sure I covered every inch of your mouth, I would slowly trail my kisses down your neck before biting softy in the curve of your neck.”  I paused, letting out a breath as she took one.

“Making my way to your breasts, teasing and taunting each into a hard peak before taking each into my mouth.  Lightly biting your nipples as I let your breast fall from my mouth.”

“I need you now, baby.  Please.”

As much as I wanted to prolong this moment, I needed her too.  Slowly running my hand up and down my hard as steel length, wishing it was really her…my

Angel, I need you too.  Pushing into you slowly, taking you and cherishing you. With each thrust I kiss you just as passionately.”

“God, baby…I’m so close.” She whispers.

“Me too.” I breathed while pumping my hand faster on my cock.

Her moans picking up and the most amazing sounds coming from the other end of the phone.  I couldn’t take anymore.

“Come with me, Angel.”

“Baby…” She moans and I listen to her orgasm take over her.

It was the most sensational thing I have ever heard and kicks me right over the edge with her calling out ‘Angel’ as I came.  It was the oddest thing, but the best orgasms I have ever had, have been on the phone with her and using my own hand.

Angel.” I plead.

“Please what?”  She whispers groggily.

“Meet me.”






I was just coming down from the best orgasm I’ve ever had when he drops the ‘wanting to meet’ bomb on me.  I want to meet him.  God, do I ever want to meet him, but that was the problem.  I wanted to.  Too much has proven to me that meeting him will only be a mistake.  Right now he’s my only good thing and I don’t want to lose that.


“Now, wait before you say no.  Hear me out please.”  He pleaded.

“Okay…” I a
nswer hesitantly.

“Now, I know you don’t feel like I can be trusted and I’m glad you feel that, but I have
four sisters and would never dream of hurting another woman.  We have been talking for weeks now and not just this amazing phone sex either.  There’s something here.  I can feel it.  Please meet up with me.  We can make it as public or private as you want.  Whatever would make you more comfortable.  I just really want to meet you.  I will give you this too.  My name is Carson.  Please Angel.”

No man has ever pleaded the way he is.  It’s not begging, but it is desperate.  He truly seems to want to meet me.  Shit
, what is one meeting with the man.  Then I can put this whole thing to rest and get back to my normal life.

I can do this.

“Okay, fine.  There’s this bar, Russtix.  Can you meet me there at say seven tomorrow night?  I have to be back by ten, but that will give us a few hours to talk.  No expectations.”  I state.

“Yes, I can do that.”

I can hear the smile in his voice and it almost makes me change my mind and back out of this whole thing right now.  Then an idea hits me.

“I will give you my cell phone number.  We will start by talking on the cell phone and if I feel comfortable I will tell you where I’m sitting.  Sound like a plan?”

“Yes, perfect.”

I give him my number and he gives me his.  I’m just praying I’m not going to regret this for even a moment.  So much has brought me down in my life.  Let this Carson be something that lifts me up.

Please don’t let this be a mistake.

“Okay, I’m going to bed now.  Have a good night Carson.”

“Wait.  I don’t know your name.”

“I like you calling me
Angel.”  I answer before hanging up.

Now sitting in the quiet of my apartment, I’m beginning to second guess my decision to give in so easily.  There was just something about him that I couldn’t say no to.  I needed to figure out if it was just the unknown or if I knew what was deep in my heart was real and I’m just avoiding facing it.

I threw my head back against my pillows just as my phone chimed.

  I can’t wait to meet you tomorrow, my Angel.  I have a feeling this is going to be a long long wait.

  Are you sure about this?  I mean what if it’s the unknown factor that has us so wrapped up in each other.

  Not at all.  There’s something here.  I know there is.  Tomorrow we will find out for sure.  Please get some sleep Angel.  Tomorrow is just like meeting a man that has rocked your socks off without even seeing his face.

  You’re so sure of yourself.

  Oh come on!  You can’t fake those sounds.  Can you?  I mean, did you?

  Calm down.  No, I didn’t fake it.  I couldn’t if I wanted to.  You are the first person I have ever done that with in all the years of doing this.

  Oh thank you for that.  LOL I needed my ego stroked a little.

  You want more stroked than that, don’t you?

What the hell am I doing?  I do not sleep with guys right away.  Hell
, it’s been a while since I have slept with anyone at all.  Here I am winding him up like he’ll get some tomorrow.

  LOL I can actually picture you freaking out right now.  Don’t worry Angel, just a little fun to calm the nerves and maybe an ‘old habits die hard’ kind of moment.  Get some sleep.  I can’t wait to see you tomorrow.

I sigh
, lying back down.  There were butterflies flying around my stomach so hard and fast I think I could actually see the blankets move.  I fell asleep repeating the same words over and over again in my head.

Please don’t let this be a mistake.

It was a very long night.  I’m not even sure how much sleep I ended up getting. The day seemed to drag.  Some days I longed to have a friend I could turn to for help.  Then I remembered the one person I could call and prayed they’d help me.  Grabbing my phone, I dialed the number and waited for them to answer.



“Hey Colleen.”

“I, uh, never mind, I don’t know why I called.”  I shake my head.

“What’s wrong,

“I’m supposed to meet up with a guy…”

I didn’t have time to finish my sentence before Kayla squealed (Yes, she squealed) cutting me off.

“Tell me where to go and I will be right over.”

I gave her my address and thanked her.  She was at my house forty-five minutes later. After a very strong hug from Kayla, I let her into my apartment.  It was nothing special and suddenly I felt self-conscience having her in there.  I have heard the retreat she lives at with her soon-to-be-husband.

“So tell me about this guy.  Where’d you meet him?  What’s he like?”

“Ummm…”  Here was the hard part.  I was going to have to explain to her what I do for a living.  “He called into my services and we talked over the last few weeks.  He wants to meet and has asked several times and I keep putting him off.  I gave in last night and told him I’d meet him at Russtix. But, um, I’ve never…”

“Hey, this is what friends are for.  Well
, I think that is. HA!  You and I are two peas in a pod aren’t we?  I will help you get ready for this date.”

“No no no no no… It’s not a date.  We are just meeting up.”

Kayla stared at me for a moment.  Then I saw it in her eyes.  The compassion and sympathy.  Only this time it wasn’t as unnerving as when others give it to me.  Maybe it was because she has been through this pain, isolation, loneliness…the fear.

“You really like him, don’t you?”

I flop down on my couch and lay my head against the back of the couch.  This is what kept me up all night.  My mind was racing and it was speeding off in a direction that I wasn’t prepared to go down.  Maybe talking it out will help.

“All my life I have had to stay alert not letting anyone near me.  It was all I could do to protect myself.  Things were far from easy for me at home.”  I paused
, looking at Kayla, who had an understanding look on her face.  “I was beat by my mom on a daily basis. From the minute my father left for work, she would bring men over until it was about time for him to come home.  She never let me eat around certain times.  You know how kids look forward to summers?  I didn’t.  It was during summer breaks that things were the hardest. I didn’t know when I was going to eat.  My mom had more hours to beat me.  I clung to my father when he was home.  He was the best and while he was home, I was safe…” I trailed off.

Thoughts of my father came flooding back to me like I was there all over again.

“Daddy!  You’re home!” I scream running into his arms.

, Flower,” he says, wrapping his arms around me. “What are you doing up so late?”

Pulling back
, he runs his hand gently across my swollen and cut cheek and through my blood tangled hair.

“Oh my little flower, what happened?”

I told him exactly what happened.  How Harriet hit me with a brush, knocked me into the counter, and kicked me repeatedly in the ribs.

“Oh flower,” he whispered
, pulling me in for a hug. “I will save you one day.  Let’s go get you cleaned up.”

After he cleaned me up, he looked at me through sad eyes as he tucked me into bed.

“You are the best thing that ever happened to me.  I have never regretted a day since you were born.  You deserve so much better than this and one day you will.  Please don’t let your mother change you.  I love you my little flower.  I will see you in the morning.”  He kissed me good night and started to get up out of the bed until I grabbed his hand and cried for him to stay.

lay in bed with me until I fell asleep.  When I woke up the next morning, I looked for the sign on my table to know he was awake.  There on my table, sat a flower, I ran downstairs and into the kitchen.  He was sitting at the table and I ran right into his arms.  He laughed as he caught me and picked me up and put me in his lap.

“Oh flower look at your face.”

“You really need to stop calling her that.  She is not a flower nor does she look like one.  You see what she did yesterday scrapping with the neighbor boy?”

We knew the drill.  We pretended it was true and went about our day.  She usually left until he was getting ready to leave. It was always better to go along with her than to question her.  Things got worse for the both of us.  Daddy wouldn’t leave because she threatened him with me.  I heard her one night.

“Flower, how would you like to come to work with me tonight?  I need a dishwasher.”

“YAY!!” I cheered.

“Take the little bitch to work with you.  Get her out of my sight for a day!” She yelled.

It was that night we left and didn’t turn around.

“You’re going back aren’t you?”  Kayla said, breaking through my thoughts.

“Yeah.  My dad did the very best he could for me, but it just wasn’t enough.  Then there is this guy and he seems great, but…”

“You worry because the most important man in your life let you down, that every other one will too?”

“Yes.  You don’t know half of my story Kayla.  It gets so much worse, but I swore to myself that I would never let anyone close enough to hurt me again.  This guy…This guy…he…”

“He wormed his way in and you are conflicted between running away and running to him.  I know how you feel.  Jason did that same thing to me.  Lee, I know that we are two different people, but if you are confused, then he just might be the one worth taking a chance on.”

I just nodded my head.  There wasn’t much else I could say.  I stood up and wiped the tears that had fallen without my realizing it.

“Okay.  So you are going to help me get ready then?”

“Yup!  Let’s do this.  Where are your clothes?”

A couple hours of just chatting and finding the perfect outfit and doing my hair later, I sit on my couch waiting to walk down to the bar.  I made sure it was close to home so that way if I needed to run I could without having to worry about a car. However, it wasn’t too close that he would know where I live.

Kayla picked out one of my only pair of short shorts; not daisy duke short, but shorter than what would be allowed in school.  She paired that with one of my low cut tank tops that showed my ample cleavage. I am wearing high heeled sandals that strapped up my calf.

“You’re dressed to kill and will knock him dead.  Go get your man, Lee.”  Kayla said as she hugged me goodbye.

Time to take a chance.  Please don’t let this be a mistake.

The walk to the bar gave me time to clear my head.  I was a bundle of nerves, but I was excited too.  I really did want to meet him.  Carson was such a sexy name.  I would tell him mine tonight.  The thought of him saying my name had my core tingling and clenching in anticipation.  I reached the door of the bar and walked in.  I sat at a corner table so I could see everything, but kind of hidden at the same time.

A few minutes later, in walked an amazing looking man.  The pull to him was intense.  He walked over to the bar and had a seat.  I watched him intently.  This had to be the guy.  My suspicions were confirmed when he pulled out his phone and dialed a number and my phone rang.

A coincidence?  I think not!

I answered on the third ring and watch a smile spread across his face.  My breath catches in my throat.  He was absolutely gorgeous.  It again brought back the question of why he needed to call my service.

“So I can tell by the background noise that you showed up.”  He laughed.

“I did.  After a few panic attacks, I decided it was worth the risk.”

I watched his face light up with his laughter.  He was a breathtaking sight.  What would this guy see in me?  He was built.  Not in a ‘I lift weights for a living’ kind of way, but in a
n ‘I care about life and want to enjoy it for a while’ kind of way. 

“Wow…” I breathed not realizing I said that out

“Wow what?” He asked.

“You…”  Okay, so it’s official my brain to mouth filter has completely broken.

“Now that’s not fair that you can see
me and I can’t see you.  How do you know it’s me anyway?”

“Because I saw you come in and was immediately drawn to you.  Then I watched you pull your phone from your shorts pocket and dial.  My phone rang at the same time.  Plus
, you talk every time the guy I’m completely mesmerized with talks.  God, you’re sexy.”

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